Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1550406-Thoughts
by Wulf
Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #1550406
A few of my Thoughts....
During this journey which is called life. One must encounter, and envelop such a plethora of not only information, but the constant decisions that constantly change, or convolute the paths which we are upon. Every little aspect of a decision can change our direction. There are times we find ourselves in a situation which seems to have no end. No meaning. No common sense of being right. Till we look hard enough to see that we have allowed our self to run into the ditch, and are trudging through a multiplicity of continuous seemingly never ending vicious circles. There are times we allow these circles to continue. Seamlessly. Then we wonder why things continue to be the same, and seem to have no end in sight. Though there are times, and forces working trying to help us out of the ruts we have driven our self into. If only we will allow our selves to be helped. Yet there are those extreme times one is flung the the far ends to regain the path they were set out upon. It can be a devastation to ones ego. To ones own sense of self worth. Yet one has to always remember that we can a do control our own destinies. For allowing someone else to gain power over them is the loss of our very soul.

There is a difference in in control, and controlling. There is a difference in Dominance, and domineering. There is a fine line between the two. Yet it takes a strong, and willing person to be able to know the difference between the two. One must be one with ones self to have control. One must be at one with their emotions to have Dominance. For without them one can not begin to understand what is involved. There are many weak not only minded, but emotionally weak individuals who try to. Yet only exert their own weaknesses upon others. There in lies the difference between them, and difference of that which is safe, sane, and consensual. To unchecked, enraged, directed, issues of emotions that have not been faced. The trust involved is not to be expected. It is to be earned. Respect is not to be expected. That to is a quality one must earn. Though once both trust, and respect have been earned then what follows is one of the greatest gifts ever given to one from another.

To Teach.....
One must be an open vessel to teach. Willing to listen as well as instruct. For if one attempts to do the one with out the other nothing will be gained, nor learned by either. Both student, and teacher must be willing to believe in the other. Yet also build trust in one another. Open lines of communication must always remain in place to allow for each to be able to accept what they are there to achieve. For the teacher to teach, and instruct to the best of their ability, and for the student to learn, and absorb all they are learning with a lust, desire, with more fervency than they have had before. There are many who are willing. Yet few have the stamina to maintain that fervency through out what they need, or have asked to be taught. Thus the many who walk around seeming to be knowledgeable. Yet without true knowledge.

Though these are only some of my thoughts......
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