Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1550003-Only-for-you
by alison
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1550003
a tragic past unknown to her. a violent step father. and a savior of an abnormal form.
Once more I felt the thrash of his fist come into contact with my stomach. His malicious smile bearing down on me. My body had become numb with pain, waiting for the next blow, I tensed. Today it did not come; he headed to the door, before picking up the small vase on the worktop and throwing it above my head. Splitters shattered and covered my cowering body like rain. Then he was gone.

That man was my stepfather – since I can remember he has beaten me for anything that went wrong.  I was an illegitimate child born of my mothers lover who had cared for her when my step dad had let her feel his strength. Lucky for my mother she died giving birth to me. Yet he never forgave her or me, he would never accept me, just left me in my room, in the dark, imprisoned in my nightmare.

Shadows, since I was four would seem to crowd in on me as I feel to sleep, filling my mind with faces of the unknown – haunting me.

But when I was 15 I noticed a new shadow, a figure at the end of my bed. The other shadows fell back into the darkness and my dreams became filled with muse, vampire and mage.

I became obsessed, I read books, went to graveyard, and haunted houses – it kept me going even after the beating from my step father.

Now I am nineteen. I am able to leave the house, but always to return. That or have ‘him’ find me and scorn me more than normal.

About a year ago I started hanging out in clubs, never having a boyfriend or any sort of romance but the loud music drained away the throbbing from my bruised bones. I was able to loose myself in the music, drown my sorrows so to speak.

I had long given up on the childish thought of the supernatural; I became discourage with my lack of findings. Yet tonight I was to learn different.

I left before the club kicked out and began the walk home.

‘See you krissie’ I heard the doorman shout.

‘Yeah see you’ I called back.

I was wrecked and I still had my step dad to deal with when I got back, his beatings had become more of a greeting for me.

I turned down the ally way behind my house, and I had the eerie feeling of being followed. I stopped and turn slowly. A tall man, in dark clothing stood before me, his dark hair swept back into a neat ponytail, his face handsome with sharp features, being spoiled by the blood plastered to it. I let my gaze slide down his body; his shirt was dripping in red.

I couldn’t see his eyes, but he began to advance and being that I'd rather not be raped and beaten in the same night I started to back down the ally.

Unfortunately I was so fascinated with him I walked straight into a wall. Typical the one time I needed a quick escape I back myself into the perfect trap.

So I gulped and looked straight into his handsome face and tried to suppress my fears.

Then I saw, extending from his mouth pearl white fangs. He was no human – and from what I’d read all those years ago he was a vampire – a hungry, gorgeous one. On impulse my body decided to stop shaking and slowly I stopped fearing.

‘I know what you are, vampire and I know what you want or need’ I hesitated. ‘Just promise not to wipe my memory ‘kay?’ I asked nervously as his body edged closer to mine. He laughed softly at me.

‘Krissie you are too kind’ he answered in husk voice.

The fact that he knew my name bothered me for all of a split second as he reached for me sinking his teeth into my neck and flooding my mind with waves of pleasure that then began to flow through my body. Pure bliss without pain. He sucked the blood with such tenderness, cupping my face lightly in his hands. My body began to feel week and my legs begin to give way.

The vamp with drew from my neck and kissed me lightly on the mouth. Soft hands snaked round my waist, I felt dizzy, my eyes heavy – I saw his blurry face before I passed out.

I woke the next day feeling a little dazed, I was aware I was back in my room, in my bed but I couldn’t remember quite how I got back. ‘Shit’ I breathed into the empty room. Memories of last nights vampire attack came flooding back, though it wasn’t so much an attack. But had it been real? I reached up to my neck and traced a figure down in to my collarbone. I felt the two tiny puncture marks. So it had happened. I look down at my body – my dress had been removed. By the vampire? – No one else would of – I wasn’t too sure whether to feel violated or thankful, I didn’t have time to decide as I realized that if my step dad had seen him I would surely be dead. But there was no new bruise on my body and I couldn’t remember being hit last night. I reached for a battered t-shirt and a pair of jeans and tugged them on.

Maybe he had been waiting till I was conscious to give me my punishment, if so where was he now. I checked all the rooms but the house was empty – his bed Un-slept in. Maybe he hadn’t returned last night – at least that would explain why I was still walking.

I decided I’d take a shower, before heading out again. I let the water cover me, deep in thought – steam filled the room. I slid down the shower wall and wept.

Tears of sorrow mingled with the memory of last night’s moments of bliss relief.

‘Mom’ I whispered, ‘how lucky you are, I just wish you were here so I’d not be alone’ my words fell in the empty room.

By the time I got out of the shower and dried my hair, it was already 6.00pm. He still wasn’t home and seeing as it was a Saturday a club sounded like a good idea to revive the soul.

I wore my black tights, boots, black shirt and a black skirt, which had a slit up the thigh. My appearance wasn’t exactly sexy, more edgy but I wasn’t exactly on the pull. I left for a new club that had just opened on the edge of town

It was more gothic than I expected but given the name ‘source’ I wasn’t too shocked.

Once in I entered a long hallway – which reminded me of a very badly done haunted house, with its fakes cracks and portrait of the ‘dead’.

Once down the spiral stairs, the music blasted out from the DJ booth. I could already feel the music pumping through my veins. I made my way to the back on the room, passing men, women and those in between caressing their sex against each other. The room reeked with the stench of sweat, lust and sex. I found a spot at the back, closed my eyes and let the rhythm take me to a place of indulgence. I forgot about what might be awaiting me when I got home and tried to revive my sprits.

‘Hey little missy’ I voice called through the music.

My eyes snapped open. A stumpy guy, rugged of face stood before me. I looked up and down his body and saw a condom in his hand.

‘No thanks’ I said and tried to duck from under him, but he shot both hands up either side of my head imprisoning me.

‘Now now, don’t be like that – what’s just a little kiss?’ he drawled.

’Stop it! Please just leave me alone’ I gasped as he pressed himself against me. I really didn’t want this; I was scared but even if I screamed no one would hear me over the music. Help I prayed, help me.

Someone from behind the guy grabbed him and yanked him off me.

‘I believe she said no – so leave her alone’ the voice was deep and strong.

I looked up to see whom my saviour was, and there he was, stood before me in all his glory – the vampire from last night.

He got hold of my hand and began to pull me through the crowd – I was too mixed up with shock and excitement to care where we were going.

Once outside the cold shook me out of my daze and I wished it hadn’t as questions flooded my mind.

‘Your safe now, go home krissie and please be safe’ his voice drifted on the wind and he turned to leave. I reached out my hand and grasped the back of his coat.

‘Wait! Wait, who are you, please – how do you know who I am? Why are you here?’ I shouted at his back.

He turned to face me, and my eyes fell on that beautiful face. He smiled sadly at me and sighed.

‘My name is Kai, I am a friend of your fathers, watching over you – beautiful krissie’

I blushed form his words, and I warm feeling ran through me. This man, this vampire made my heart race and my legs weak. Did I unknowingly like this vampire? – I felt connected, drawn to him.

‘Go home and lock your door tonight krissie, I don’t want you to hurt anymore’ his words seemed so full of kindness as his hand stroked my face. Before my sense returned he had gone. Tears pricked the back of my eyes – I longed for him to come back and just hold me – yet I knew he wouldn’t, we lived in different worlds.

I returned home depressed, I opened the door to a hand that grasped my hair and pulled me through slamming the door shut and throwing me against the wall. I went down with such force the wall shook and the plant pot on the shelf above fell and smashed against my head.

Blood ran down the side of my face. It was the first time id bled from his hands.

‘Room NOW, you filthy little bitch!’ he screeched and spat in my face.

‘Scum’ I heard him mutter before I pulled myself off the ground and staggered to my room.

Once there I locked the door, grabbed a towel and pressed it against my head. I slid down onto the floor, the room was spinning and I felt sick – sleep sounded so welcoming so I closed my eyes.

I didn’t recover for a week after that event – most of which I spent in my room and avoiding my step dad. I currently had a nice scar forming on the top of my head – it was still tender but healing. It looked better than my skin, which had turned, a deep purple from the bruises.

I had never been so afraid, never in my life had I been so lonely that I was at the point of giving up. I really wanted to run, to hide or even better to just disappear completely. I was finally at my limit; I really couldn’t take another beating like that from him. I shuddered, I might end up dead next time.

I looked into the mirror

‘You're a mess, you’re alone and no one cares’ I told myself. No one was going to come to rescue me from my nightmare.

I pulled on my cardigan and boots and went down stairs. I grabbed the backpack from behind the washer; I had packed it years ago and headed out the back door. My step dad finished work at 6.30pm and it was 6.25pm now. I hurried down the garden and slung my self and the backpack over the wall and began to walk – fast.

I must have been walking for hours, as my feet were sore and stomach rumbling. I checked my bag for food or money. There wasn’t any and if I didn’t eat soon I was going to faint. Up ahead there was a corner store, maybe I could nick a packet of crisp or biscuits – even if it’s just to tie me over.  I walked boldly into the shop – hoping not to raise suspicion and took a box of biscuit off the shelf n stuffed into my coat. I looked either side no one had seen so I hurried back out the shop.

I'd just began to walk back down the street when I saw Kai across the road propped up against the lamppost. My heart began to pound.

‘Kai’ I shouted across the street but before he could reply a hand clenched my shoulder. I turned to see a police officer behind me.

After a lot of explaining about hunger, money and flashing a bit of thigh the police officer decided he would let me off with a warning. However he insisted on personally escorting me home. Geez! You would of thought I was 9 not 19, yet unknown to the officer he had just given me the worse punishment – and sealed my fate.

The officer banged on my front door. My step dad answered – acting all caring and concerned, but I knew what was coming. I saw it in his eyes – fire – angry and ablaze.

As soon as the police officer left, hands squeezed round my wrist and dragged me into the kitchen. I saw red flash behind those eyes, which burned into me.


Kai stood in the manor staring at the panting before him. His best friend and lover smiling. Tara was plump and heavily pregnant in the picture, Henry’s hand led on her swollen stomach. How could two so right for each other, with so much love for each other loose it all in a matter of months. Kai had known about the relationship from the start, how Henry had stumbled across Tara one night in a vampire nightclub in town. She was battered and bruised from head to toe. He pulled her out of the night club and offered to take her home, knowing that for a human – even a human of full health – the club was no place for them. When Tara had burst in to tears, she had begged him to take her anywhere but home. He would later learn why. So instead he took he home to his, were he nursed her back to health and slowly began to fall for the beautiful women before him. Soon the couple were madly in love and Tara fell with child. Kai couldn’t of been happier for them. Then on the night of their Childs birth, Vampires from an old enemy of Henry’s had attack the house killing everyone in sight. Kai winced at the memory. Blood had been everywhere. Kai fought by the side of his best friend till the end. Henry fought till his last breath to protect his lover and child, begging him, Kai, to keep them safe. Kai had agreed. As he had fled to Tara to get them to safety. He heard the cry of his friend as the enemy Vampire plunged the stake into his heart, rendering him paralyzed before decapitating him and burning the remains. Kai had reached the bedchamber to screams. Tara was covering her newborn child in her arms as a vampire lunged forward staking her in the heart. Tara had not been a vampire, and the wound quickly began to take effect. Kai had disposed of the vampire before rushing to Tara’s aid. ‘Kai, take her please’ she had begged as he tried to pick Tara up in his arms. ‘Leave me, I know he’s gone I – wont – make it – please’ she had gasped to him. Kai had seen such pain and sorrow in the women’s eyes; he took the child from her and held her close to him. An electric current sparked through his system on contact with the child. ‘Take care of Krissie for me – I love her’. Those where the last words Kai had heard Tara utter, before he fled, leaving the child with her step father, the departed mothers husband. If only he’s known what he was doing.

Years later he had felt a pull in his heart and he had followed it all the way to a young girls bedroom. He had looked upon the sleeping girls face. Krissie, his best friend and lovers daughter. He had avoided her for years, knowing that, her knowing of his existence could cause more harm, vampires were not a subject taken lightly. Yet in her presence he felt an over whelming pull for the girl and had dragged himself away from her. He had kept a light eye on her, though almost every night he had felt a sharp pain in his chest. It wasn't until he returned a few years later to check up on her properly that he finally realized what the pain had been. Krissie had spent her life beaten, just like her mother before her. He cursed himself for abandoning her, and yet, could no longer tear himself from her. He had to protect her. One late night he had been out scouting the area when he had come across another like him, however this one was a hunter. Kai had recognised him from the battle that had killed the only people he held dear. A vampire never forgets a face. The vampire was looking for Krissie. Krissie was part vampire but it seemed that her vampire instincts stayed unconscious. Kai’s instincts had taken over and he had killed the vampire before he fled the scene to check on Krissie. He had stumbled on her in an alley; he was weak from the fight and in need of blood. To his surprise Krissie had offered herself without thought and he had pierced her skin with his fangs and drank. She had tasted like ecstasy – no blood had tasted so delicious to him. That's when he had realized it. Krissie was no ordinary women, She was not just the daughter of his best friend but his soul mate. One made for him as Tara had been for Henry. Kai instead of being thrilled, fled.

He returned only when he heard her scream in his head for help. He had pulled her from the hold of another. Jealousy taking over his body he had pulled her from the club into the night’s air. God she was so beautiful, as he had looked upon her face. He loved her, not just because she was meant for him but cause he had watched her grow from 15 into the stunning 19 year old before him. If he had known what was to come he would of taken her then and kept her close, instead he convinced himself she was better off with out him, he would only get her killed like her mother before. He had left her standing in the cold air.

He tried to stay away but their connection wouldn’t allow him to be more than a couple of miles away from her with out causing him severe pain so he stayed close but out of sight.

Turning from the picture he walked into the bedroom. He reached for the whisky cabinet when he felt and searing pain crash through his body as he lurched forward to steady himself. Krissie was in trouble and pain; He could feel her soul slipping from the world. NO! His mind screamed. He would not loose her! Turning he fled from the manor...


I led sprawled on the floor as fists came flying at me, hitting me in the stomach, legs, arms and head, anywhere his hands could reach and wreak havoc. I caught the words ‘slut’ ‘scum’ and ‘low life bitch’ coming form his mouth. My tears fell silently, as I led there numb. I saw a glint of silver before I felt the surge of pain as he plunged a knife into my stomach. I called out, screaming, bleeding.

‘Krissie’ I heard someone cry. Then there was the clatter of chairs, load voices and someone exiting the house at speed. Everything was hazy- I couldn’t really see but I was going to die and all I wanted was to see HIS face, the one who had consumed my dreams and left me feeling half full and needy of him.

The voice spoke again.

'Krissie, I'm sorry, I’m so sorry – I was supposed to protect you but I didn’t want to get directly involved. I couldn't - and now your hurt, I almost wasn’t here in time to protect you when you needed me. I… I love you, my beautiful Krissie - just want to take you away from all this' he paused. ' I didn’t know whether you could love a… a vampire like me, I didn’t want you to die because of me and now…'

Relief swept across my body - the voice was Kai, the arms holding me, so tightly in a warm embrace was Kai's.

'You too, I love you too' I manage to chock out, as the world swirled around me, next thing I knew I was being picked up and was, what felt like soaring through the cold nights air.


When he finally reached the manor he went straight to the bedroom holding the lifeless body of Krissie in his arms. He just prayed he was not too late. Placing her gently on the bed he began to prise away the blood soaked clothing from her skin. Once she was free of clothing he looked at the wound and began to clean it, before he placed a bandage over the hole to try and stop the bleeding. He then checked he body for any more injuries, hearing the fait thump of her heart has he placed his hand on her chest. He was loosing her. NO! God dam it he would not loose her! but if he didn’t act fast he was going to. He looked frantically round the room for an answer before coming back to stare at Krissie’s still lifeless face. Dam it – he knew what he had to do, he just hoped she would not hate him for it. Lifting his wrist to his mouth he bit down piercing the skin letting his blood flow. Leaning forward he prised her mouth open and placed his bleeding wrist to her mouth propping he head up on his other arm so she would not choke. ‘Come on, Krissie, drink for me’ he willed and his blood gushed into her mouth. He heard her swallow, his senses heightened because of his non-human state. ‘Good girl’ he cooed. Once he was sure she had digested enough he went bout setting up an IV unit with a bag of blood attach. He knew she would be hungry, and as she had already lost so much blood he felt it best she receive blood this way. He moved back to the bed and lead by her side holding her in his arms. He just hoped it worked and she didn’t reject the change.


I think I must have blacked out because when I woke up I was led in a double bed, in red satin sheets. My stomach had been bandaged and my bloody clothes removed and replaced with a nightgown. The bedroom was large and decorated expensively. I tried to sit up 'ouch' I whispered - my stomach was still very painful, my body lurched at the hunger that filled me. I looked around the room; looking next to me I saw the sheets were ruffled where someone had previously been lying. I heard the door creak and snapped my head in that direction.

'Your awake, I’m so glad - dear krissie, you frightened me, I thought id lost you' he spoke softly.

'You'll never loose me Kai, I promise you' I answered.

Kai stepped forward, then hesitated. Before he opened his mouth to speak ‘I’m not sure, not after I tell you what I… I had to do to save you’ he paused looking at her.

‘Krissie, you have to understand, you were dyeing and there was nothing I could do, the only thing I could do was…’ he hesitated.

‘What did you do Kai’ I whispered, fearful of his reply.

‘I made you like me, I had to other wise you would of died, I couldn’t live with you dieing’

I remained silent for a few minutes thinking, before I looked back up into Kai face. It was covered in fear and dread.

‘I… I understand Kai and Th… Thank you’ I whispered trying to hold back the tear threatening to escape.

His face relaxed, but moment later changed into a frown and he looked at her.

‘What?’ I asked with concern.

‘You…you can leave when your ready, your father, step father is gone he ran into an on coming car I…’ I stopped him holding up my hand for to cease talking. How could he think I was going to leave?

‘I’m not going anywhere Kai I want to be with you, I love you!’ I urged.

'You will stay with me? Live with me, let me protect you always. Krissie I...' he started but I stopped him, placing my figure over his lips.

'Shh Kai' I uttered as I pulled him onto the bed next to me and wrapped myself around him as he stroked my hair.

‘You should know the truth about your family Krissie, let me tell you’ He mumbled into my hair. I nodded and listened as he told about my mother and father sacrifice. I let the tears fall then and he held be tight and soothed away my pain running his hand through my hair. I shifted myself so I was lead on his chest.

'Forever I will be with you because I love you' I whispered into his chest. He cupped my face and pressed his lips gently against mine.

'You are my angel in my nightmare' I breathed. I looked into his face - he look tired and weak, he couldn't have eaten recently.

'Kai, drink from me, only me please' the please was more plea, to once more feel that sweet bliss of happiness.

'I will make you forget you nightmare and fill your mind with beauty and my love for you Krissie' he smiled and bent his head to my neck and whispered:

'Only for you' and he sunk his teeth into my skin. The nightmare I had been living ended and my dreams were just beginning to take off.

Eternity was a very long time but neither of them cared as their bodies entwined together into the night. Love was a powerful thing. Love only for you…

By alison stones

© Copyright 2009 alison (karexdarkxkiss at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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