Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1549670-Demons
Rated: 18+ · Other · Death · #1549670
a short story
“Hello there, you’re lost aint ya? It’s quite obvious cause no one comes to this town anymore. You’re wonderin’ why, eh? I guess I have enough time to tell ya the town’s story. Hell I have more than enough time! Here, come inside and rest your weary feet first. You must be exhausted, finding yourself in the middle of nowhere and all. Don’t you worry your pretty lil’ head, hun, it’s no problem at all. There, all comfy now? Good. All right let’s see, where should I start? Ah! I know. Now how old are ya darlin’? Eighteen ya say, that makes me only four years older. I see the confusion in your eyes, don’t worry it ties into the story. You see I was a year younger than you when it happened. It was the start of summer and I was runnin’ with my friends, Gabe and Max. We were laughin’ at everythin’, not havin’ a care in the world. We soon had to stop, to get some water and eat, when everythin’ began to change.

A woman came up to me and asked if I was the daughter of Laura Robertson. I told her I was and she smiled at me. It was a beautiful smile, except the light didn’t reach her eyes; leavin’ them to look like two pieces of charcoal. She said something in another language, but even though I couldn’t understand what she was sayin’, I felt the change. Then she brushed her lips against my forehead, before walking away. Something seemed off then, because everything looked slightly dimmer and when I looked at my friends; their eyes looked like red rimmed, black holes. Their frightening change was enough to send me sprinting for home. I noticed as I ran that everything seemed to be moving towards me, sinisterly.

When I got home, everything was worse. A black substance was runnin’ down the walls in thick globs. And when I closed the door, the screamin’ started. They started out low and soft, then grew into a level that I couldn’t even hear myself. Then to my horror, I saw things pulling themselves out of the black liquid. They had bloodshot eyes, and fang-filled mouths that screamed hatefully at me. All of a sudden somethin’ grabbed my shoulder, making me jump and turn around. At first I thought it was my mama, but then I saw her black hollow eyes and the creature shifted in her skin.

Adrenaline ran through my veins as her face began to change. It used her voice to ask me if I was alright and that I should sit down. I jerked away from her, shakin’ from shock. Frantically I looked around for an escape route, but everywhere I looked, creatures kept appearin’. The mother- impersonator took a step towards me, intendin’ to subdue me. I quickly jumped back and pulled out my pocket knife. It faltered for a second, tryin’ to look innocent; but I could see through its disguise.

You’ve gotten pale, are you alright darlin’? You don’t need to worry ‘bout lil’ o’ me. I made it out alive, obviously. But it’s only because it made the fatal mistake of comin’ towards me still, so I lunged at it and slit its throat. The hoarse gurglin’ it made was quite convincin’, though I knew better. It was the instant it died that my mama was freed. Also, the creatures comin’ from the walls disappeared. She laid peacefully in a puddle of blood. She looked like a fallen angel wearin’ a red ribbon around her neck. When I realized that she had changed back, I decided to call the ones who stole my friends’ bodies over one by one and free their victims. I found out that each time one of them would come; the creatures would start to ooze out of the walls.

The things that hid behind my friends’ frightened faces called forth their comrades to kill me. Each cleansin’ became bloodier and bloodier as I grew more tired. By the time the thing that wore my papa’s skin came home, I was bathed in tainted blood and surrounded by all the ones I cared for and saved. It just stared at me, horrified. You see they had thought that I was weak and so didn’t need to be watched. But I proved them wrong! I proved my strength by cuttin’ down the thing and freein’ my papa from its hellish grip.

When the others got wind of what happened, they tried to stop me from purifyin’ the whole town. Because of this, I began to hide in the little compartment in my closet wall durin’ the day. While at night, I went out and freed more people. It took five long days to cleanse the whole town. Since then they haven’t for me and their comrades haven’t crawled out of the walls.

WAIT! I see somethin’. Your eyes darling”! They’re turnin’ hollow and the walls are screamin’ and oozin! Oh, you thought you could fool me, eh? So stupid, I would have found out eventually. Takin’ over this poor creature of God. STOP USIN’ HER VOICE, YOU BEAST! No matter how loud you scream, your comrades won’t be able to save you! There you go, hun, go to where there’s no more pain. Poor dear to succumb so quickly to one of them. At least I got to finish my story this time.”

“Um…Doctor, you know she’s tearing up that teddy bear right?” The doctor looks up at the detective and sighs. “Yes, she’s probably reliving one of her murders.” “Murders?” She scratched her cheek and replied, “Yes. The woman you’re looking at is none other than Pisha Quent. The one who murdered her entire town in five days, by slitting their throats.” The man cringed silently and stared at Pisha, slowly putting the torn up teddy bear with so many other tortured stuffed animals. “She also killed a couple of travelers that came into town. She’d tell them her story and then kill them.”

The detective felt a shiver of fear run down his spine as Pisha got up and looked at him with a smile. She knocks on the glass and says, “Hello there, ya lost? Wanna know why this town is empty? Hey you know ya have some of them creatures followin’ ya?”
© Copyright 2009 elizabeth (ry-ry25 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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