Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1549305-The-Underground
by Amy
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Young Adult · #1549305
Maybe you should listen to legends, not try to disprove them.
    "It's way too dark down here! I can't see a thing!" Julie whimpered.
    "Don't worry baby doll, I'm here and your holding my hand so I can't exactly leave you here can I?" Danny replied, trying to hide his fear.
    Scratching can be heard from all directions. Rats? Or is it something from the legend?
    "Danny can't you turn on your torch so we can see where we are?" Julie begged.
    "Okay, hang on."
    Danny pulled out his torch and suddenly his flamboyant red hair illuminates in the bright light of the torch. Some dirt fell from above Danny and Julie on to the ground. Danny turned to face Julie, his hazel eyes glistening but the effect was lost because of the mud covered t-shirt and jeans he was wearing.
Julie on the other hand had her luscious, mahogany coloured hair tied back in a ponytail with her golden, optical glasses sparkling with confidence, something Julie's grassy green eyes were lacking.
    If you saw Julie walking down the street, you'd be forgiven for thinking that she was a middle - aged librarian, but in actual fact she is a fun loving, danger seeking 16 year old who adores anything that puts her life on the brink of extinction. Right now though she was terrified, wondering if her heart was going to stop.
    Danny was the average, stereotypical, 16 year old male into cars, sex, rock and heavy metal music and hates the system.
    That hatred of the system is what actually got Danny and Julie into this situation. There is an abandoned mine about two miles away from Danny's home which has a large sign on it clearly stating:

                                                                      KEEP OUT!"

    So naturally miss life risker and mister system hater decided to waltz in there and find out if the legend of the place was true.
    "I thought you didn't believe the old legend hun?" Danny tried to joke.
    "I don't believe that if we survive this... I mean," She corrected herself at Danny's grin. "I don't believe that when we get out of here we're going to be missing our tongue, eyes, nose, ears and fingers. It's a load of rubbish that there are beings down here that develop the human senses by devouring our eyes and things."
    "Why are you so scared then?"
    "Why are you?"
"What was that?" Julie screeched.
"I don't know, we're underground so maybe it's something from on top of the ground?" Danny replied, blatantly scared.
    Further down the isolated shaft, moaning can be heard. It was getting closer and closer. Louder and louder.
    "He... he... hello? Who...Who's there?" Danny stuttered. All they could hear was moaning coming so close it was almost upon them. "Julie, let go of my hand a minute."
"Why do you keep saying I'm holding your hand? I haven't held your hand since we were above ground." Julie replied.
    Danny stood perfectly still, chilled to the bone. The moaning stopped.
    "If you're not holding my hand... Who is?" Danny turned to face Julie, they both looked each other in the face. Both were as white as stone. They slowly looked down in synchronization and saw what had been making the moaning sound. He heard Julie scream. That was the last sound Danny would ever hear.
© Copyright 2009 Amy (amy5891 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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