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Fox and Cham finish off the Evil Force for the final time in a Epic Battle.
[??] °ChaE?L??š° throws you a cookie [WRO]Blackhearted Fox throws a PHX3 donut at Cham :P [??] °ChaE?L??š° looks and yells, "OH SHI-" [??] °ChaE?L??š° but is then hit buy the PHX3 Prop on the head!! [??] °ChaE?L??š°: FUuuuuuu [WRO]Blackhearted Fox gets hit by the cookie. -9999 HP. [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : OH NOES I LOST OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!1 [??] °ChaE?L??š°: LIMIT BREAKKERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR [??] °ChaE?L??š°: C-C-C-C-C-C COMBO BREAKER [WRO]Blackhearted Fox uses Rough Divide limit breaker. [WRO]Blackhearted Fox uses it against Cham (lolwut?) [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : Defend yourself! D: [??] °ChaE?L??š°: AH FUC- [??] °ChaE?L??š° pulls out a Farcaster! [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : OHSHI- [??] °ChaE?L??š° throws it on the ground! [??] °ChaE?L??š°: FUuuuuuuuuu [??] °ChaE?L??š° teleports [WRO]Blackhearted Fox stops doing the Limit Break. [WRO]Blackhearted Fox wonders: Where did Cham go? D: [WRO]Blackhearted Fox sees Cham two blocks away. [??] °ChaE?L??š° then teleport behind fox, FOR MAXIMIM DAMAGE JUST LIKE THAT GIANT ENEMY CRAB [WRO]Blackhearted Fox turns into Red XIII and uses Cosmo Memory. [??] °ChaE?L??š° pulls out a sword, IN REAL TIME. [??] °ChaE?L??š° then fires off the PS3 for 599 US DAMAGE! [WRO]Blackhearted Fox evades! D: [WRO]Blackhearted Fox does not want to buy a PS3, so Cham's attack fails. [WRO]Blackhearted Fox uses a Tent to restore all energy and MP. [??] °ChaE?L??š° pulls out the Anti-Piracy Law and throws it to Fox! [WRO]Blackhearted Fox closes all torrenting, p2p programs and downloaders. [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : Uhh, what? [??] °ChaE?L??š° attaches a Tracker to the Anti-Piracy Law and throws another [??] °ChaE?L??š°: :O [WRO]Blackhearted Fox manages to hide all torrenting, p2p, downloaders and stuff. [??] °ChaE?L??š° sends the FBI to call a false claim on your computer. [WRO]Blackhearted Fox inserts a fake empty harddrive into the computer. [??] °ChaE?L??š° counters with multiple questions as to why you did that [WRO]Blackhearted Fox lets the FBI check the fake Hard Drive. [??] °ChaE?L??š° counters with multiple questions as to why you did that too [??] °ChaE?L??š°: OH SNAP [??] °ChaE?L??š°: i has counter +2 [??] °ChaE?L??š°: lul [WRO]Blackhearted Fox counters with Omnislash limit breaker. [??] °ChaE?L??š°: SHI- [??] °ChaE?L??š° counters with multiple questions as to why you did that and rolls away [WRO]Blackhearted Fox saves the Limit Breaker for later. [WRO]Blackhearted Fox uses a healing potion. [??] °ChaE?L??š° rolls a Jelly bean your way [WRO]Blackhearted Fox kicks the Jelly Bean at Cham. [??] °ChaE?L??š°: "IT'S A TRAP!" [??] °ChaE?L??š°: D: [??] °ChaE?L??š°: SHI [??] °ChaE?L??š° counters with FYAH BAWLZ and KOOPA FOOTBALL PLAYERZ [WRO]Blackhearted Fox counters with Wolf O' Donell. [??] °ChaE?L??š° says, "I Can't let you do that, Wolf." Wolf has fainted! [WRO]Blackhearted Fox counters with... oh crap... IMA FIRIN MAH LAZ0R [WRO]Blackhearted Fox fires a uber laz0r [??] °ChaE?L??š° counters with OVER 9000 FYAH BAWLZ [WRO]Blackhearted Fox counters with a Scouter. [??] °ChaE?L??š°: THERE'S NO WAY THAT CAN BE RIGHT [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : Vegeta, what does the scouter say about how much damage it has absorbed? [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [??] °ChaE?L??š° Crushes *Scouter* [??] °ChaE?L??š°: HA [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : oh shit [??] °ChaE?L??š°: ...oh shi [??] °ChaE?L??š°: fuuuuuuu [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : uh oh [??] °ChaE?L??š° implodes [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : ITS GONNA GO BOOM [WRO]Blackhearted Fox runs as fast as lightning. [??] °ChaE?L??š° sees Chuck Norris run into the battle and summon Mega Omni Flare before cham faints [??] °ChaE?L??š°: guhh.... [??] °ChaE?L??š°: x_x [WRO]Blackhearted Fox uses a Phoenix Down on Cham and keeps on running. [??] °ChaE?L??š° is revived [??] °ChaE?L??š°: oh wait.. [??] °ChaE?L??š°: wasn't ... [??] °ChaE?L??š° sees Chuck [??] °ChaE?L??š°: AH FUC- FOX! DAMN YOU [WRO]Blackhearted Fox summons James McCloud to fight against Chuck Norris. [??] °ChaE?L??š° uses Seph's One Hit Drain to 1 HP on Fox [??] °ChaE?L??š°: D: DON'T BRING ME BACK ALIVE D: [??] °ChaE?L??š°: I WAS GOING TO NOT SUFFER [??] °ChaE?L??š°: Nuuuuuuuuuu [WRO]Blackhearted Fox has a limit breaker move..... again... [??] °ChaE?L??š°: NOW WE BOTH WILl [??] °ChaE?L??š°: WIlli [WRO]Blackhearted Fox uses Omnislash on Cham. [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : There you go, happy now? [WRO]Blackhearted Fox tells James to use an F1-Hook Echo. [??] °ChaE?L??š°: SP0Rk FliXh TO ThE SpaC3 TiM3 LevL Sp()o 64 [??] °ChaE?L??š° has evolved into, Zombie Cham [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : oh shi [WRO]Blackhearted Fox uses a Healing spell on Cham >:P [??] °ChaE?L??š°: Dun dun dUn, Da na na na na da dun [??] °ChaE?L??š°: wait... hang on for a sec- GRAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW OH GUUUADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD WRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : Wait, i know how to turn cham back! [WRO]Blackhearted Fox starts playing Dragostea Din Tei. [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : lololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol [WRO]Blackhearted Fox sees James accelerating top-speed and going into a collision route with Chuck. [??] °ChaE?L??š°: ZA WARDO, OAHHHHHHH ZUAH BAH DAH ZUAH BAH DAH ZUAH BAH DAH *stops time* 'throws 500 Knifes' BLAHHAHAHAHA* WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY [??] °ChaE?L??š° checks to see if fox gets the reference :o ? [WRO]Blackhearted Fox (drunk) thinks: Is it over 9000? [WRO]Blackhearted Fox rests for a while. [WRO]Blackhearted Fox is not feeling ok. [WRO]Blackhearted Fox 's head hurts a lot. [??] °ChaE?L??š° throws a Full Heal [WRO]Blackhearted Fox gets -500 hp. [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : Damn you! >_> [WRO]Blackhearted Fox now has 0.1 HP left. [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : lolololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol [??] °ChaE?L??š° summons "The King of Dragons" and get's pwnt by own summon. [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : lolwut [WRO]Blackhearted Fox sees BAHAMUT [??] °ChaE?L??š°: x_X [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : Oh shit, why did you... [WRO]Blackhearted Fox cannot run D: [??] °ChaE?L??š°: ...Fox........Die... [??] °ChaE?L??š°: GUHhhhhh [??] °ChaE?L??š°: ......... [WRO]Blackhearted Fox gets helped by Bahamut. [WRO]Blackhearted Fox is like: o_O? [WRO]Blackhearted Fox uses a Phoenix Down on Cham :P [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : Mwahahahahahahahahaha [??] °ChaE?L??š° failed to revive [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : OHWTF [WRO]Blackhearted Fox uses a Phoenix Wing on Cham (the same thing as the Phoenix Down) [??] °ChaE?L??š° failed to revive [WRO]Blackhearted Fox throws OVER 9000! Phoenix Downs at cham and forces him to revive. [??] °ChaE?L??š° gets revived then dies [WRO]Blackhearted Fox contacts the System Administrator: God. [WRO]Blackhearted Fox is like: k [WRO]Blackhearted Fox uses another Phoenix Down on Cham. Thinking on what God said: "Just use another Phoenix Down. He cannot die now i made him immortal" [??] °ChaE?L??š° gets revived then dies [WRO]Blackhearted Fox sees Cham get revived again by God itself. [??] °ChaE?L??š° then dies [WRO]Blackhearted Fox sees Cham trying to die but fails at it because he is immortal. [??] °ChaE?L??š° is stuck in a paradox of living and dying [WRO]Blackhearted Fox gets Cham out of the Paradox. [WRO]Blackhearted Fox whispers: lolwut? [??] °ChaE?L??š° and is instantly set into another time paradox [WRO]Blackhearted Fox asks god to make the Paradoxes "non-existant" [WRO]Blackhearted Fox sees Cham sleepin 'round the corner [??] °ChaE?L??š° wakes up and get transformed....into Undead Chuck Norris *insert Battle Music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FncYFCrkF5c&fmt=18* [??] °ChaE?L??š°: WWWWWWWWWWRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY [WRO]Blackhearted Fox attacks Cham with an Omnistrike and tells Bahamut to attack with a Mega Flare. [??] °ChaE?L??š° is not effected! [WRO]Blackhearted Fox says: Wait, what is the point? We are all immortal anyway... [??] °ChaE?L??š° casts Death. [??] °ChaE?L??š°:Sets a 7 round- time limit [WRO]Blackhearted Fox uses Holy Water. [??] °ChaE?L??š° implodes and reforms into Neo Undead Zombie Omni Chuck Norris [??] °ChaE?L??š°: *music* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQvJtPM1Ozo&fmt=18 [??] °ChaE?L??š°: GGGGGOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH [??] °ChaE?L??š° suddenly appears! [??] °ChaE?L??š°: FUCK that [??] °ChaE?L??š°: i'm taking over [WRO]Blackhearted Fox sees that Cham turned into a Boss D: [??] °ChaE?L??š° fire off 20 Omega Flares to Enemy [??] °ChaE?L??š° hits NUZO Chuck for -19536 HP! [??] °ChaE?L??š° Casts Quick on Party [??] °ChaE?L??š° Casts Quick on Party [WRO]Blackhearted Fox uses an omnistrike. -9000HP. [??] °ChaE?L??š°: :D [WRO]Blackhearted Fox yells: SHIT ITS OVER 9000!!!!! [??] °ChaE?L??š° Casts Quick on Party [??] °ChaE?L??š°: hehe [??] °ChaE?L??š° looks at stats: x4 Quick [??] °ChaE?L??š°: ^_^ [??] °ChaE?L??š°: :D [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : ^_^ [??] °ChaE?L??š°: FYAH AWAY [WRO]Blackhearted Fox summons an Arwing Squadron (Not Starfox) [??] °ChaE?L??š° fires off 20 Omega Flares [??] °ChaE?L??š° hits NUZO Chuck for -35951 HP! (Critical!) [??] °ChaE?L??š° Throws a Party Hero Drink! [WRO]Blackhearted Fox casts Safe spell on Party [Raise defense for the duration of the Battle.] [??] °ChaE?L??š° Throws a Party Hero Drink! [WRO]Blackhearted Fox keeps on casting Safe spells. [??] °ChaE?L??š° Casts Life2 (is it? lol..) [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : ooc: yes it is life2 [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : ooc: cures dead status and heals all HP. [??] °ChaE?L??š° Casts Float (right? lol..) [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : ooc: yus [WRO]Blackhearted Fox sees we all start floating. [??] °ChaE?L??š° Fires off 20 Omega Flares [WRO]Blackhearted Fox casts Mute on NUZO Chuck. [??] °ChaE?L??š° hits NUZO Chuck for -20516 HP! [WRO]Blackhearted Fox mutes NUZO Chuck. [??] °ChaE?L??š°: "I don't like this...." [??] °ChaE?L??š°: "It's not attacked yet." [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : "Wait, what the hell..." [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : "He hasn't even moved!" [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : "I've got a bad feeling about this..." [??] °ChaE?L??š° looks over and sees NUZO Chuck Preparing to fire off 400 Lvl 100 Tempest. [??] °ChaE?L??š°: .....ah fuck [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : ....oh shit.... [??] °ChaE?L??š°: HEAL UP [??] °ChaE?L??š° Casts Quick [WRO]Blackhearted Fox casts Life2. [??] °ChaE?L??š° Casts Barrier [??] °ChaE?L??š° Throws a Party Hero Drink [WRO]Blackhearted Fox casts WWind at Chuck Norris [Air-Elemental attack which leaves targets with Single-Digit HP] [WRO]Blackhearted Fox's attack gets redirected... [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : OH SHI- [??] °ChaE?L??š°: OH SHI- [WRO]Blackhearted Fox gets hit by WWind. [??] °ChaE?L??š° is hit by WWind. [WRO]Blackhearted Fox sees at the top: -560000 HP. [??] °ChaE?L??š°: DAMMNT [??] °ChaE?L??š°: WTF [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : Shi- [??] °ChaE?L??š° >_>: HP 1/480000 [??] °ChaE?L??š°: damnit.. [WRO]Blackhearted Fox casts Life2 on the whole Party. [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : Shi- >_> [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : Sorry, didn't know that would happen >_> [??] °ChaE?L??š°: awesome [WRO]Blackhearted Fox casts Holy at chuck norris [Strong Holy-Elemental attack] [??] °ChaE?L??š° Throws a Party Hero Drink [??] °ChaE?L??š° sees the "Unaffected!" pop up [WRO]Blackhearted Fox hits NUZO Chuck with Holy. -5000000 HP. [??] °ChaE?L??š°: oh hell, Lag in a PSX GAME?! [??] °ChaE?L??š°: WTF [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : Yeah wtf [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : lol [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : OH CRAP ITS GOING TO CRASH! [WRO]Blackhearted Fox runs away! [??] °ChaE?L??š° Casts 20 Omega Flare! [??] °ChaE?L??š°: "FOR FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM [WRO]Blackhearted Fox returns to the Battle. [WRO]Blackhearted Fox casts Meteo at NUZO Chuck Norris. [??] °ChaE?L??š° attack get's countered with 400 Tempests. [??] °ChaE?L??š°: ........ :( [??] °ChaE?L??š°: ah fuc- [WRO]Blackhearted Fox uses Defend on Cham. [??] °ChaE?L??š° is ko'd [WRO]Blackhearted Fox yells: Not that fast! [??] °ChaE?L??š°: ooc: HOW THE FUCK [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : ooc: I don't remember which Final Fantasy, but you could defend other party member... [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : Ok enough of this. [WRO]Blackhearted Fox charges up............ [??] °ChaE?L??š°: occ: i got this... [??] °ChaE?L??š°: ooc: keep it chargnin [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : Graaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!! FALCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON PUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNCHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [??] °ChaE?L??š°: occ: Pulls out ??? and inserts it in to PSX [??] °ChaE?L??š° gets Revived and stops time [WRO]Blackhearted Fox falcon punches NUZO Chuck with extreme force -999000000000000000012084721837120857132108 HP and Chuck is still alive. [??] °ChaE?L??š°: "hold up..." [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : "Lolwut?" [??] °ChaE?L??š°: "well... [??] °ChaE?L??š°: "that ??? is actually my hidden weapon, see?" [??] °ChaE?L??š°: It's called... [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : "A hax?" [??] °ChaE?L??š°: "The GameShark" [??] °ChaE?L??š°: DAH DAH DAH! [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : "Oh shit... Not the GameShark..." [??] °ChaE?L??š°: yuz.. [??] °ChaE?L??š°: and now.. [??] °ChaE?L??š°: for the final.. [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : "It's going to.... Oh forget it, too late >_>" [??] °ChaE?L??š° enables the "Save Anywhere Code" [??] °ChaE?L??š° saves game. [??] °ChaE?L??š°: :D [WRO]Blackhearted Fox resumes time to continue falcon punching NUZO Chuck. [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : >:( [WRO]Blackhearted Fox sees a Gameshark menu in front... [??] °ChaE?L??š° resets all players HP/MP/ATK/DEF/MAG to FF255 (inf.) [??] °ChaE?L??š°: heh [??] °ChaE?L??š°: -_^ [??] °ChaE?L??š°: Ready? [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : "Ok, what the heck... Infinite life... Infinite Limit Break... Infinite Falcon Punch... Reset HP/MP/ATK/DEF/MAG to FF255... 1 Hit KO..." [??] °ChaE?L??š°: Co-Op Attack! [??] °ChaE?L??š°: FALCON.......... [WRO]Blackhearted Fox enables Infinite Falcon Punch and 1 Hit KO. [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : PUUUUUUUUUUUNCHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH [??] °ChaE?L??š°: PAWNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [WRO]Blackhearted Fox falcon punches NUZO Chuck along with Cham at the same time. [WRO]Blackhearted Fox sees a Windows Bluescreen nearby. Wait what the... What is a Windows bluescreen doing in a PSX? [WRO]Blackhearted Fox sees the Bluescreen getting closer... [??] °ChaE?L??š° sees "The King of Dragons" (better sounding.. lul) yelling, "CAPT. FALCON!!!!!!" [??] °ChaE?L??š° is yelling alongside with Fox, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUNCHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : *Music* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFtw7qW7Vcw [??] °ChaE?L??š° slowly sees the world implodes. [??] °ChaE?L??š°: AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *is still paunchin* [WRO]Blackhearted Fox is still punching too. [WRO]Blackhearted Fox and Cham get vaporized by the infinite power of the Falcon Punch. [??] °ChaE?L??š° in an announer voice: And our Heros set of a chain reaction that finally managed to rid the world of evil, but in doing so.... cost their lives." [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : "Well, that was WAY overpowered >_>" [??] °ChaE?L??š° is revived along with fox at: 1/FF255 HP [??] °ChaE?L??š°: ...oh hah.... our left over Life2.... [??] °ChaE?L??š°: that did help... [??] °ChaE?L??š°: heh......... [WRO]Blackhearted Fox Yep. [??] °ChaE?L??š°: *coughs* [??] °ChaE?L??š°: well... [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : I still have a Life2 left but it would crash the whole universe (paradox). [??] °ChaE?L??š°: I guess it's finally all ov- *credits roll* [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : Well, we are over the credits. Isn't that nice? [WRO]Blackhearted Fox kicks the credits out of the screen to return to the Game while saying "Blasted things". [??] °ChaE?L??š° then sees the small "Secret" box flying by [??] °ChaE?L??š° selects it before it goes off screen [WRO]Blackhearted Fox: Oh hey [WRO]Blackhearted Fox: Wonder what happens now.... [??] °ChaE?L??š° and Fox is shown a never before seen CGI Video. [WRO]Blackhearted Fox: o_o [??] °ChaE?L??š°: OH WHAT [??] °ChaE?L??š° sits on the desk and eats popcorn [WRO]Blackhearted Fox is wearing a random Party Hat and Cham too. [WRO]Blackhearted Fox: What the... [??] °ChaE?L??š°: yay, secret ending ftw [WRO]Blackhearted Fox and cham are wearing a black tunic. [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : o_o [??] °ChaE?L??š°: good thing i followed that Lady's Advice at the start of the game [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : Lol. [??] °ChaE?L??š°: "The Real Treasure lies at the end." [??] °ChaE?L??š°: heh.. [WRO]Blackhearted Fox sees a random Treasure Chest and opens it. [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : OH LOOKIE, OVER 9000 GIL! [??] °ChaE?L??š° takes 6000 of it. [WRO]Blackhearted Fox takes 5000 of it. [??] °ChaE?L??š° sees the "Would you live to save your Game? (Yes) (No) [Note: A Star will be next to the Save File for a completed game.]" [??] °ChaE?L??š°: :Oooooooo [??] °ChaE?L??š°: you do the honors [??] °ChaE?L??š°: :) [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : Ok [WRO]Blackhearted Fox happily selects Yes. [??] °ChaE?L??š° PSX Freezes and crashes loosing all data. [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : Wait [??] °ChaE?L??š°: WHAT THE FUC- [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : You used the "Save Anywhere Code" [??] °ChaE?L??š° explodes [WRO]Blackhearted Fox loads the last saved game. [WRO]Blackhearted Fox : fu- [??] °ChaE?L??š° starts at the Final Battle [??] °ChaE?L??š°: oh hell.. [WRO]Blackhearted Fox: ...again >_> [??] °ChaE?L??š°: -=~ THE END ~=- [??] °ChaE?L??š°: AWESOME MOVIE [??] °ChaE?L??š°: HELL YEAH [WRO]Blackhearted Fox kicks "The End" signs out of the screen. [??] °ChaE?L??š°: GOING BACK TO SEE IT AGAIN Announcer: And as so, our heroes stand. Living with no regret, as they have freed the world of evil. Credits: [WRO]Blackhearted Fox (Me) [FH]Chameleos (My Friend :P) |