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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1548415
“A lawyer would make a big deal about what I want to do,”
Erene’s 500th Journal, Entry # 35

They had not brought Dace into the interrogation room yet, so I had some time to think about what happened two days ago. The reason why I did not order an evacuation of the Gnatsrednu is because the Gnatsrednu is not a war ship. It does have machine and laser guns, but only for protection. We do not have evacuation ships, and even if the Gnatsrednu had those ships, in a an ambush as big as the one Defex pulled, we wouldn’t have used them. Defex would have shot them all down.
After Darton collapsed and everyone calmed down--- a bit--- I had to make sure everyone was alright. Gil had hit his head pretty bad and many, if not all, demons had been shaken mentally and others had broken bones due the ship having been hit so many times. Since I am an Imini, I can heal people’s wounds. Healing and controlling others emotions are one of the few powers that all the Imini share, so I calmed the people down, particularly the young demons, and healed the broken bones once the doctors sent them. I was exhausted afterwards. I didn’t even have the strength to--- and I still don’t--- heal my sprained ankle.
Was in room 3 when Dace came. That means I was in the central room. In the central room, there are three doors, on different sides of the room. One door leads to the main hallway going to the Stadium, and the other two lead into interrogation rooms 1 and 2. Gil was currently waiting for one of the demons we captured in the hangar who worked for Defex in room 2 when Dace came in. Detective Esor and his intern were in room three with me, as they were required to do. If either Dace or Gil’s demon were to drop a name, then it’s Esor’s job to get that demon, warrant not needed to arrest said demon if they don’t come voluntarily.
I looked through the one way mirror at the two guards who brought Dace into room 1. They were very rough with him. They treated him as though he was a common thieve. Shoving him down in his seat, then twisting his arms as they un-cuffed him. I didn’t like it one bit. Finally they left, and Dace rubbed his wrists, and looked at the mirror. My stomach twisted in a knot. “Are you going to come in, or am I going to sit here for a few hours?” I didn’t move. “I don’t want a lawyer, you can question me. I know your out there.” I know he couldn’t have known I, in particular, was out here, but that comment made my stomach flip anyway. After he said he didn’t want a lawyer, then I moved. DWADT can’t question a demon without the demon’s lawyer or unless they state they do not want or need a lawyer. Slowly, I limbed into the interrogation room.
Dace immediately stood up and bowed his head to me. “Princess Erene.”
“Haven’t I ordered you to not call me Princess?” I growled. Sitting down to his left.
“Yes.” He said, his eyes dropping to my ankle. “What happened?”
“Nothing. My ankle is fine.”
“Nirelloz,” He said, kneeling down and gently taking my ankle in his hands.
“What are you doing?” I asked. Trying to get out of his grip.
“Stop moving. I’ll heal it.” He said, calmly. I stopped and Dace rolled up my leggings and placed his hand on my swollen ankle. His eyes clouded over and he breathed in. The swelling went down quickly, and I felt the Calcaneofibular ligament repair itself. Dace breathed out.
“I could have done that myself,” I whispered, quietly. Dace snorted.
“I doubt that if you let your ankle get as bad as it was.” I let that comment slide. It was true.
Dace sat back down in his seat, and looked at me expectantly. “You are sure you don’t want a lawyer?”
“I don’t need one.”
“You don’t you think you need one?”
“A lawyer would make a big deal about what I want to do,” He said, then he smiled. “And they cost more denso then I have.”
“Very well then. You understand once you declare you don’t want a lawyer, you can not have one for the rest of the interrogation?”
“Yes.” Dace said. Suddenly I heard a knock on the mirror.
“I’ll be right back. I said and went out of the room. Esor was standing, looking through the two way mirror at the Gil arguing with a demon’s lawyer in the interrogation room.
“Should Z and Darton be here?” He said looking up. I nodded my head.
“Have Gil’s sisters get them,” I said, then I went back to Dace. “Sorry about that.” I said, sitting adjacent to him. “So,”
“So?” Dace repeated.
“So, you’re being charged with attempted kidnapping. Unless you can give any contradictory evidence, you are also being charged with kidnapping Theodore Darton II, and many other infractions.”
“I did----” He started.
“I’m not done.” I said, cutting him off. “We know, as in DWADT knows, that you are working for the Swardian Council. Because of this fact we are willing to make several deals.”
“Which are?”
“You, truthfully, tell us everything you know about the Swardian Council and Defex and we will throw out all those accounts of burglaries, hijackings… oh, and that fire you started. It won’t even be on your record. Now, the second deal depends on your answer to this next question: Did you kidnap Theodore James Darton II?”
“No, I did not.”
“Can you give any proof that you didn’t?”
“I was in the sixth dimension all week.”
“Where?” I asked.
“On Htrae.” I looked at him surprised.
“The inverse planet of Earth?”
“Yes. I was with a friend.”
“Can this friend verify that you were with him?”
“Probably not. I was with Vittorio Clemencaeu.”
“Ah.” I said. Each dimension had a parallel dimension and within those dimensions, each universe is inverted along with everything in them, including demons. Vitto Clemenceau is Darton’s inverse and he’s… let’s just say, he’s quiet a character. “I’ll make sure he tells me his side of your story.” A moment of silence pass between us as I glanced to the mirror where Esor was. He would get Vitto.
“You said that there was more than one deal?”
“yes, I did. Since you say you did not kidnap Theodore, and I’m inclined to believe that, then those charges will be dropped, and in reconciliation, you won’t be transferred to the Terrangota for attempting to kidnap Theodore’s son. “ Dace stared at me.
“The Terrangota is the worst prison in the dimensions.”
“Yes, and?”
“That’s where I should be going.” He said more forcefully.
“And?” I said again.
“What did you to keep me on the Gnatsrednu.?” I half smiled, half grimaced. You have know idea. I thought.
Before I requested to speak to Dace, I had to convince ECON for about five hours that Dace would be useful in taking down the Swardian Council and Defex. We had to keep him on the Gnatsrednu. Then it took another two hours for ECON to agree on the terms of the deals I would be presenting to Defex. Then, ECON argued for about three hours on who would do the actual interrogation, when I had thought I made myself perfectly clear when I said, “I will do the interrogation.” Before any of this even started. In short, I was in the Bargon Chamber with three inefficient ECON members debating for ten hours n things that, if the old ECON council had existed, it wouldn’t have taken them more then ten minutes to agree on all the terms.
I smiled again at Dace, then said, “Now, the charges of attempted kidnapping still stand, but DWADT is willing to reduce the terms if punishment id you held us determine the validity of interrogations, confessions, or statements made by anyone who works for or are on the Swardian Council or work for Defex, if DWADT happens to capture them. You will do this for a minimum of twenty years.
“What reduced terms?” Dace smiled back.
“You will spend the rest of the week in prison, then you will be press ganged into DWADT’s service. You will join a team and work as one of us, and of course, you will have a supervisor for the course of one hundred years.
“One hundred years? That’s a long time.” Dace said sarcastically. I gave him a look.
“Dace, how old are we?”
“I think, 1,217 years old?”
“And how long will we live?”
“We’ll live to be about 12, 500.” I leaned in closer to him. “I think a hundred years will go by really fast.” The he leaned in closer to me.
“That all depends,” He said, looking at me with those knowing eyes. “On who my supervisor is.” I stared at him for a moment, then I sat back in my chair.
“If you except these terms and conditions, I will be your team leader, and until the time comes where Theodore is returned to the Gnatsrednu and resumes his duties, I will be your supervisor.”
For about five seconds we just stared at each other, then Dace relaxed, sat back in his chair, crossed his arms. “I except.”
“You except----”
“Everything. All terms and conditions of all details.
“You don’t want to give this any thought?” I asked him, confused. “I can give you a day to think it over of you want.”
“Princess,” He said, leaning forward, I followed suit. He brought his hand to the base of my ear, just barely touching my neck, and brought my head closer to him as he whispered, “I have been searching for a way out of the Swardian Council for 500 years.” I glanced to him, realizing my inkling as to why he joined the Swardian council was correct. “I will except anything you offer me.” Hw lowered his hand and I slowly leaned off the table, staring at him all the while.
“Very well. You’ll start immediately, come.” I said, beckoning for him to follow me out of the room. I suddenly felt him right behind me.
“Do you also want to know the answer to your second question?” He whispered to me. I groaned, remembering Antarctica.
“It can wait.” I said, and walked out of the interrogation room.

Thankyou for reading!!!!! Please, Please, PLEASE comment on this!!!! I'm not done writing, so please continue to check Dimension Wars: Part 4, or look for Part 5!!!! Thankyou!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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