Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1548233-Something-Missing
Rated: E · Short Story · Children's · #1548233
Johnny feels as if something is missing from his life. Can he figure it out?
Johnny Fetcher was a nice boy. He was always polite, had excellent manners, and was the first one to hold open doors for people at a restaurant, or take the coats of guests when they came over for a dinner party. Johnny also sang in the church choir, did tons of community service, and participated in every school fundraiser his school had. On top of that, his parents were rich! You'd think he had it made, but, for some reason, he was never really that happy. He liked his life, even though his parents were constantly worried about his depressing attitude, it was just that he felt a big hole in his heart, something that he just couldn't fill. He had all the toys a boy could want, had doubles of every single trading card there was, and even had 26 different pets, but there was nothing to console him from the empty gap in his chest. When his depression became too great, he would find solace in his books, or peace in his art notebook, but it never cheered him up that much. Johnny happened to live in New York, and he loved to walk briskly in Central Park, even though he lived 2 miles away from it. So one day, after taking a short jog around the park, Johnny saw an old woman, just sitting there on the curb, dressed in rags, staring at the sky. An old mug sat next to her, empty, except for a few coins, a button, and a rusty old paper clip. When she saw him, she turned away, and put her head down. As he walked past her, she lifted her head as she heard somethung papery drop into the mug beside her. As she looked inside, she saw a few bills in there, that all added up to 15,000 dollars. she looked down the lane, and there he was, not 10 feet from her, smiling. She looked at him, deep blue eyes sparkling, and rushed toward him, seizing him with her arms, and gave him a bear hug that would have made a professional wrestler proud. "Bless you, bless you," she repeated over and over again. And that night, as Johnny went to bed, he slept with a big broad smile on his face, an image of the old woman forming in his dreams. He had found that special something. And that something........was Love.
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