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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Tragedy · #1547606
a boy who the world has been too cruel to him ,and he was given a chance to change it.

Dicepair Inheritance 4life
By Saleh Alfedaghi

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Thx for reading and I hope you enjoy it

I don’t understand… what exactly did happen? Why did I strangle her? Why did I run? I always fought every thing that opposes me, although fear might be in the middle of it. I always throw my reaper … creating for my enemy the start of their crisis. But this time and I hope never again, I ran because of fear. It started raining just after when I started running. Dose this indicate that someone is watching me, that he saw what I did. I know someone who is already doing so while laughing, but is there another one who controls every thing around us? Who could see the future? If there is, why didn’t he stop me from breaking my heart? I stopped running right after I saw that what I feared the most had already reached me and was even standing in front of me. We stood under the rain while lighting was shocking the weather. I couldn't even look him in the eyes. My fear took away my ambition, my courage, and my common sense .I slowly started to look at him to see what I am facing now. When I look at him …I saw myself, when I was full of anger for what my father done to me. It’s the same thing for him now. I thought that I would have given him a better life than main. Yet; it turns around to find him in the end. There was a time when he was a child, I give him every thing that I didn’t have, but now he is turning in to a criminal… just like me. I didn’t want to face him. I had enough of carrying every burden on my shoulders, so I give it for my demon.

Every thing is becoming dark, disappearing, and I started forgetting every thing. Despite all of this, it is quite relaxing …to rest… and… to sleep. My vision was tiring me. To see, to hear, to smell, and to live … is just so hard. Remembering my past for what I was and what I became … is just too much to handle. I became blind and I started floating… in nothingness. I couldn’t even remember who I am, what I look like. I just want …to relax, to sleep …forever. Future, past, or present, it doesn't really matter. Noting really does after her death.

It felt good to relax, but for every paradise there are problems. I kept seeing some random visions. As if, a fight… between two. What are they fighting for? What are their desirers? The more as I get interested the more the visions are starting to become a scene. I was watching throw someone's eyes …I don’t know what, but he looked dark and fearsome man. As I was looking throw this man's eyes I see another man standing in front of him. He seems… familiar…his swords…his angry face… I think I know him. They are standing under the rain… counting every drop that brings with it …memoirs of the past…our past. I think that…he meant something to me. Then…it started. They ran to each other, and their swords were chained to them. When they reached each other their swords coiled with a terrifying strength that stopped the rain from falling, stopping with it the flow of memories. They stroke each other over and over again turning the rain into fire sparks. They were full of anger especially the warrior that am looking throw his eyes. But, he wasn’t a normal human. He is… a monster with his monstrous, unbreakable, and huge arm and his light blue skin. He didn’t have fear in his heart. Fear…I remember that I faced fear before, but I couldn’t handle it. What was it? The other warrior is using some moves. Moves…that I tough him… the Flying Tornado, the Defense of United, the Double Twisted, and of course the Opposite Continuity. The battle was continuing…until the monster punched a powerful fist that made the other warrior lost his balance where he found the chance to grab his head. With a power force, he bashed his head on the ground almost breaking the skull of warrior holding him on the ground. The monster than lowered his head close enough to make his victim see his apocalypse eyes. Throw the cupola eye of the fallen warrior I saw the refection of the monster. It was …me. This fearsome dead light-blue skin monster …is me. This crazy smile on his face with a fire in his eyes …is me. I remember…I remember what happened. I escaped from my deadly problem and made my demon handle it. I was too scared. Then in a sodden, he stabbed the warrior… in the heart. My dagger…my own dagger who I fought the world with …stabbed my only heritage… deep in his body. I came to my senses. I looked at his wound and I saw that he's started bleeding. It was a remarkable moment for me in the beginning although it wasn’t what I felt, but it turned into a surprise when I looked at his face expecting to love the pain expression, but I didn’t expect to see his disappointed eyes that couldn't forgive my sins. Why did I smile? Did I want this to happen? He was bleeding heavily non stop on his grave. I took out my dagger from his heart. I… betrayed him. I took away his life after he trusted me with it. Then I came to realize that if he dies…then I wouldn't have any more reason to live. I fall on my knees starting to lose control of my body again. "DEVIL, LET ME GO. You are the one who blinded me in the first place". "HEAHEAHEAHEA, don’t you remember? You are the one who asked me this…FAVERRRR!!!" I started to hear laughter in my mind. I didn’t want to lose to my inner self again… to him. I have seen this coming, but… I didn’t do anything to stop it. While I was looking into my dagger…it came to me. Then … I stabbed myself just for his sack. I raise my head to the sky …in pain, not from the seeable wound while my eyes burn. Wondering, why am I ending my life that I worked so hard for… just for him? …is it worth it? Then I remembered, when all of this happened .when my life changed unexpectedly .when I thought that I lost every thing. It was at that time when I was cursing everything in this world specially my self. When I give up all of my believes when I saw that it was a mistake listening to them. Manipulating my belief as they please and making me think it was the right remedy, and without even thinking …why did I had to think like them. It was then when I was still a stupid child who's just living his life.

The offer))
Chapter one

Sarakiz Dicepair lived in the desert where human race showed its presents there. He was the only son of Myotise Dicepair…who is destined to have…a fatal destiny. Sarakiz started his life as a no one. He was kept alive so the world could remember the living crimes of his father's work. He betrayed humanity in unbelievable way, and a slayer who didn't have a heart …or that what they kept saying. It was at the beginning of the human race .it was 100 years after the death of Adam who is the father of the human race. At a village lay at the desert called [Metal]. Metal was a part of city called [Metallica] that was a great city with huge buildings and was a heavenly compared with the desert around it. But the god didn’t like how the people lived their life without even thanking him, so...he made a great hole suited for this unthankful city. The hole was so big that separated the village into two separated parts. And everyone who lived between them…died. The two parts wasn't equal, so the people named them two different names. The large part was called because the people would like to have the full city back, but that was in the past … At least People could still live in [Like] .and the second part was called because the people were rich with iron that could be found in the deep large hole .even though that its rich with all kind metal It wasn't a place suitable to live in with only metal to eat, So is trying to supply metal with food and water every 7 days in exchange of metal. The hole was also been called. It was called {Metallica cutter} because people thought that it was cute by the god who held a large sword.

Darkness …is the only place that I would feel peace in. that's suppose do be the lights purpose in life, but… it couldn’t fulfill it. The promises that they told us about is just too unreal. They promised a perfect life for everyone .but instead, half of us are happy while the other half are suffering and they blamed us for that…not their religion. They said light will bring us happiness. Then why am I miserable? Darkness was blocking the light from my eyes. I am not sure if it was the lightless room that blinds my eyes or my dark thoughts. I opened my eyes and I wake up from my bed. I sat on the left side of the bed taking enough breath to start my day. I wore my traditional cheap sandals near my bed. Then I found my long traditional dark brown unhanded cloak on the floor. I then went to the end of the room to use the packet of used water to refresh my self and be fully awake. When I reached it my hand dived in the water caring some of it in my hand and I saw my reflection in it. And I thought to myself, that my reflection seems to be stronger than I am, so …why don’t we exchange places? Then I fell on the floor with my head… in the packet of water. Am not sure why I did that, neither why do I want to kill myself? My head was in the water long enough that I was going to die…, but I didn't. I lifted my head fast enough… to survive. I Coiffed every drop of water in my throat then I took a breath again. I always forget why I always do that. But, I always remember right after I done it… to appreciate life. The moment you regain appreciation in life will keep me living … for now. I moved my wetted hair at the back of my head with my hands. Then I stood up slowly then went downstairs to have some thing to full my needs. When I reached downstairs, I saw the ugliest and smelliest thing ever seen in this world. It was my stepfather. Wearing his over needed cloth that you can't even see his body shape .also, he always keeps hiding his face with a huge scarf." Do you really think that you became one of us by warning that? You are only lying to your self "I said. He smiled a hidden smile deep under his scarf and then jumped at me with a surprising fitness. And in link of the eye…he HUGED me. "Oh Sarakiz my son, I love you SO Much. How was your day? Did you make some new friends? or maybe you found a cute little girl that you like?" he asked too many stupid question while suffocating Me with his hands and his strangled voice." you idiot, I didn't even start my day and just because you’re my step father doesn’t mean you have to act like one " I said with a suffocating voice while try to push him away. Then he released me from his horrible fangs. Then he run to some where in the house, I didn’t even want to know where. Then I saw the house door and I saw my opportunity to freedom. I ran to the door as fast as I could, but it was too late. My stepfather stood in front on my way and cut my only way to freedom." Why don’t you try my famous soup Sarakiz? It's delicious. It makes the birds sing wield "my stepfather said. And there it was something that's more disgusting then he is. "Know wander all the birds died then" I said to myself .I never thought that I would ever find something more despicable than he is. I had to think fast to avoid his killer weapon."Oh, I got to go .don't want to be late to the priest "I said."Oh right, I almost forgot about that. You better hurry, you know what he dose to his late students, don’t you? "My stepfather said .when he moved his body less than a second I rushed hurry to the door as if the door is going some where, running from my nightmare.

Success, I am free …for now. I start walking to visit someone close to me. My only family left for me. And no, she isn’t living in a nice house, or even living in a house. She was living in a prison, living miserably because of my father doing. She was my mother. I had to go throw the center of the city throw the end rood to find the prison. I wish there was another road, but there isn’t. I had to see the people in front of me before I reach the prison. As I was walking to visit my mother, I noticed like ever day that everyone in the village was looking at me with hatred eyes and whispering to each other." was my father that bad to hate my existent" I whispered to my self. And suddenly a falling rock missed me. I wished that was a friendly joke, but never the less it was those haters. I turned around and I saw these small kids with their large rocks aiming at me. They throw a lot of rocks at me, but most of them didn’t reach me. But there are some who fall on me to fulfill it part in life. As it seems these rocks is the new way of writing hateful letters. I tried to resist by lifting a rock and aiming my throw at their small little heads. Then I noticed that the grownups stood up and they were ready to stop me from hurting their children. Then I released my rock knowing that there is no point of resisting. When tried to leave this place, the perfect letter fell exactly on my head and it was THE perfect hit. It perfectly did its job of splitting the blood of the animal. I fell to the ground and I brought the children and grownups laugher and happiest to their pitiful life by being … in pain. I stood up again getting used of the pain and I looked at them. I saw these inhuman laughs with their despicable faces …and they dare call my father the demon. They never saw their own faces to judge them self's…just the others. Demons always come out when you less expect them. Before I continued my way knowing that I made their day, I looked at the other thing that remained the people of my father besides me, my father's claymore inside the stone in the middle of the city. Am looking at you father…blaming you. Then I went on my way. For every step I make, a drop of my own blood reached the ground. I reached the prison and my head was bleeding. And before I knocked on the door I asked my self "is it worth it living like this?" I said with a criticize laugh, and then I knocked. And the jail manager opened the door." you again. And of course, you want to see her again, right?" The jail manager said. I stood their in silence with angry eyes. He wasn’t even surprised seeing my head bleeding…why should he? "Go ahead. You know where she is" he said .I went inside and I walked throw the entire deadly prisoners with there killing faces and heading to the last ceil, and I was Thinking that I going to see the most dangers and vicious one of them all. When I reached her cell I sate in front of her .she was sitting in the dark corner, so I called her name." Mary "I said. She turned around with her black encircled eyes. Then she smiled while standing up, and then immediately she came to me. She then called my name and tried to huge me. The huge was supposed to feel nice…but it didn’t, and instead I felt pain because of the iron bars that was between us. As if our huge can never feel nice .its seems as it's distend for me to feel pain from my mothers huge. Then she noticed that my head was bleeding so she ripped some of her cloths so she could cover up the wound from the out side, but she couldn't heal the wound what lies inside of me. While she was covering the wound I notice that her legs and some inappropriate parts are showing as if she was being ripped!! "Mother, did anyone touch you?" I asked with a killing instant. She immediately refuses and kept on covering my wound with a small piece of cloth. She started to ask me about my day, although she couldn’t pronounce the words frequently and had a sick voice. "How was you day Sarakiz? Did you fine any new friends to play with?" she asked. I look at her as if she didn’t know the answer to that question. Then I lowered my head laughing. When we went in silence, I asked her a question that I always ask her that she and only she could answer."Mother, why did you fell in love with him and let me be born in this world" I asked."She lowered her head and said" your too young to understand. Please …have faith in him "." you know mother, its better if I wasn’t even born in this hollow world" I said. Then I stood up and turn my back on her making her think that I won't be back again." Ill see you tomorrow, mother" I said. Then I walked to the door and went outside.

Have faith she said, I was thinking about it while I was going to the priest's house. I lost my faith a long time ago. Have faith …what does she means? When I thought this day won't get any worse, I saw Chak with his friends in the middle of the road. Chak is a fat big kid who is also the son of the chief of this village, and he didn't have to go to the priest's house because his destine to be the next chief of the village, even thought that he was the most idiotic boy I ever seen. He will have a very delightful future…my future. He always is trying to streak my weak points even if his words don't make any sense. Also, he always invades my rights …like I have any. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Chak said." What do you want from me?" I asked. They started walking in my direction in a random formation forming around me a circle. "You know how is this going to be, beg for safety and we won't harm you…much." said Chak. "…Do your worst" I said. They made a circle around me like a pack of hyenas, Two behind me and three in front of me that makes a circle. Chak said "Haven't you had enough, orphaned? Do you love being in pain? You know it's your entire fault that you were born". It's the same things over and over again, will this ever ends? Small thing to sacrifice will bring me peace. It looks fair deal to them… that I would bow to them exchange of letting me go. It’s a good deal…if I was desperate enough. They want to feel big even when they are small by bullying me. They want me to be afraid. "… You know we are doing this for your own good" Chak said. I twisted my hands while biting my own lips in anger. What makes me made is that they think that they are doing the right thing. I can feel it; my anger is moving from my heart throw my veins to my mind. I was going to lose it, but … after I remembered my mother's innocent smile, I regained control. I lowered my head and I said "… Alright, what do you want me to do"? They all smiled… an evil smile, but they weren’t happy for Me." a slave till the end "said Chak. I fell on my knees while Chak is waking towered me. With every step he makes I could my mind telling me to bow to him to finish this fast and they will go away, but…I know that’s a lie. Every time you give them the chance to hurt you they will come again because they liked the feeling. He stopped, standing in front of me and said "well?". What is the best thing to trick your enemy? Simple, let him think he got what he wanted. Suddenly, without them even realizing it, I punched his stomach with all I got. Chak eyes turned red with tears in his eyes while he held to his stomach and lowered his back from the pain of the punch. He fell on the ground and was sounding some strange voices never heard before .also, I think he cried a little too. I was so amazed of what happed to Chak that I forgot about his friends. When I looked at them, they where so surprised that they stood there just like a stone. I can see it, the fear in their eyes. In these conditions I should have ran and fast, but…I just walked away leaving behind me four statues and a baby monster. I reached the priest's house and it’s a good thing that am not late even though what happened to me today. The priest's house is like an education place for younger people, but at that time they only teach calculating, reading, and wisdom. I wanted to set down like the rest of the children waiting for the priest to come so he could teach us about life, but I found …a small girl setting in my place. I walked towered here and I just kept looking at her. I looked at here until our eyes mate then we both were looking at each other. She had a confused look on here face while I had an angry one. She Talked to me "…Hi..." she said with a silly smile. She tried to ask me, but I interrupted here "that's my place". She looked at the place and said, but… I was here first". I wasn’t thinking right at that time and after all what happened…why shouldn’t I? I started going in rage thinking that she is one of them. My face is all starch out, breathing fast, and couldn’t handle it. But, after what she did …I was wrong about her. She stood up and said "am sorry, I didn’t realize that this was your place. Am just going to set next to you" she said it all with a smile. I was so surprised. I didn’t expect that from her. I became cam mostly because of her smile. It remains me of someone. We sate next to each other and… we talked normally. Her name is Sera and she was a beautiful girl with a green hair, purple eyes, and pure white skin. She asked me after a quite interesting conversation into another strange but also interesting "So, did you see the sky today? It's so beautiful, isn't it "she said with a smiling face." the sky?" I said."WHAT, you didn’t see her?" she said." Her?" I said. "Didn't you see the horse shaped cloud today?" She asked while she was surprised. I looked at her with confused look on my face. Like I know what's she's talking about. She looked at me with a sad face then she turned around .I thought that she didn’t like me so I lowered my face." when you see the sky…you just forget all your worries and …and you just enjoy how beautiful the sky is "Sera's said. I raised my head, I didn’t expect that she would still want to talk to me." it always remind me of the things we love ,that’s why I think god created the sky to remind us what we like in this world .what do you love the most Sarakiz?" she asked with an over whelming eyes. I didn’t want to tell here so I look at her and I said" … my shoes ". Sera's look at me with surprised eyes and then… she laughed, so I laughed with her even thought I have no idea why am I laughing, but it felt funny at that time. Suddenly, our priest just rushed in and we immediately went in silence. The priest began teaching, and he always starts with a story like every day. Then the priest begins…

"The story was about the beginning of the human race. It was 100 years ago .when the god has created the human race when he created the first human being. He was called Adam. The god told him his prepuce in this world to expand his race and to use this world to live and serve his creator. But Adam didn’t know that god had created another race with some kind of liquid that can change into an armor to protect him. He was named Kaffer, and he was the only one of his kind. He hated Adam and all the human being because god has favored them over him. He promise to him self and to the god that he wont rest until all the humans die, so He made his minions from the stones with some black magic. They were huge monsters with a big claw .he also used the undead to serve him. He then gathered all of his minions to wipe the entire human race of the planet, to show god that he's better and much stronger than any other living create he created. They waited until one day when Adam was sleeping when they got this opportunity and murdered Adam. In just a few hours from his death, they appeared from no way threaten the sons and daughters of Adam. But our hero Athlen, stood before him with his brave men to fight his evilness and save this world. They fought him with all they got without fear in their hearts .Kaffer and Athlen were the only ones left. They fought strong and hard and it's been said that it was too stronger that the hole world heard there streaking swords. And then… Kaffer has fallen .Kaffer turned in to a dark soul and unexpectedly wounded Athlen… a deadly wound. He laughed and he said that he will return again to destroy all humanity by convincing one human to give in to him and destroy every thing that we love. Then he ran away. And, the wounded Athlen wished that we must not let Kayser come to life no matter what, then… he pasted peacefully away. For his brave sacrifice he was remembered as the worrier and they made Arthur his brother the king of all the land."Until now, he's our brave king fulfilling his duty as our king .never hear what Kaffer had to say because it's all a lie. No matter what, it says they are only interested in stealing your soul. Now moving on to the lesson "said the priest.

It was afternoon, when I finished with the priest's lesson and I saw Sear outside coming towered running and yelling" HEYYY". She stopped talking a breath in front of me and then asked" maybe we huh...huh we should Hung out huh..huh, okay". I looked at her and said "okay" then I turned and continued my way. I know this isn’t the way to handle things, but …it felt nice. I tried to head home like am suppose to, But the priest stopped me and said to me "Sarakiz, come with me". I was wondering what did the he wanted from me, so I followed him. But, when I saw the chief with his son Chak I know what it is all about. "You hurt my son didn’t you "said the chief shouting while Chak crying. I didn’t say any thing because I know that he wont listen to what I say, why would he listen to me and not his son." if you apologias to him ill forgive you. You heard me boy" said the chief. I stood their in looking at him; I want to say what's filling my throat, Things that is overflowing and if I release it will cause my death. Then the chief cut a hard wood from a near old tree and said" I shouldn't had made you and your mother live in the village in the first place". Then he started hitting me with the wooden steak. And there I was, lying on the ground being hit for what I done. And I started to ask myself…is it worth it? One hit after another .until he felt tired, as if I don't have the right to feel." If you mess with my boy again you won't see the bright light again, you hear" said the chief then he left. And Chak didn’t stop laughing that it could have killed him. That would do me a great favor. I stood up even with the pain ordering me to stay down, and I walked to Chak .and guess what…I kicked him between the legs. And I felt so happy. Chak face became blue, and it seems, that Chak began to feel afraid that he may lose all his further children. And then… he has fallen. I walked away and I saw Sera from a remote distance. She saw me and waved at me as to say . I did the same as well. But, her mother caught her hand and lowered it immediately and said:" what's the matter with you, have you lost your mind. You know the people would say if they saw you with him, don't you?" I saw that and at that time, I just felt like I had enough of all of this…and I felt like…killing. I lowered my head and I start running home. Sera wanted to follow me but she couldn’t because her mother large fists .I started running .never looking back .I was Escaping from my misery that wanted to end my pitiful life. When I arrived, I was welcomed by my so called stepfather with a soup and a smile .I ignored him and went to my room. I tried to go to sleep…crying, But I couldn’t Even though it was a quiet night. I was trying to sleep while my step father was licensing to the angry chief harsh voice telling him that this is his last warning.

In the middle of the night, I felt some strange feeling, and it was a feeling that I never felt before. It suddenly felt cold, but that’s impossible because am living at a village in the middle of the desert. Then I started to hear some voices .at first the voices didn’t mean any thing, but then I heard my name "SARAKIZ" .I awake immediately. Then I saw some kind of a purple transparent body that has red destructive eyes, laughing at me. Not any kind of eyes, the eyes that is full of hatred. How do I know, you ask? ...trust me …I know. I was so afraid and surprise that I didn’t even think of running. Then he started bubbling "Well, well, well, what do we have here? You know how is this going to be, beg for safety and we won't harm you…much. Haven't you had enough, orphaned? Do you love being in pain? You know it's your entire fault that you were born". What the hell is he saying although I know what he meant? How exactly did he know what they said? He continued "Small thing to sacrifice will bring me peace. It looks fair deal to them… that I would bow to them exchange of letting me go. It’s a good deal…if I AM desperate enough. They want me to be afraid…, AND THEY SUCEECED ".anger in my heart, but… its bigger this time. I don’t think I could control it this time. Then it finally did it" You know we are doing this for your own good" when I heard it almost made something. I couldn’t breath, my soul is turning black, and I could feel it all. It was my first time feeling like a monster and I couldn’t lie… it’s a good feeling. Then it started to ask me "What's wrong little body? A…Are you crying for a better life? Begging your god to kill them?" Said the lost soul. I was afraid and didn’t know what to say to him .then the soul asked me "D…Do you like being hated by everyone? Do you like being hurt by them? T…Treating you like an animal .Do you like seeing your mother like this, b…being raped from everyone. Is it worth it, living this life?" I was surprise that he known many things about me, and I couldn’t believe that he asked me my own question… that if it is worth it." Let me give you something that you could change you and your mother's lives forever ". While he was talking I was slowly swallowed by his destructive, burning, red eyes." ill give you power to destroy and make them see your remedy throw your own eyes. Let them know the monster they made by their own hands. Let them know who you really are…let them… O…or die like a slave, what’s going to be? I…I…its your choose.” I never thought that I would ever see neither a living creator nor a dead one like him, and offering me this offer. Will I accept him and give in to my anger to this world, even though that he may take over my body a kill my soul. Is this my destiny, to destroy this world for what it did to me and my mother? Is this the right thing to do?
, I ask…
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