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Rated: · Short Story · Young Adult · #1547597
What will a king do to save his child's life?
Once upon a time in a village far, far away, there lived a little Princess named Marie.

Marie had everything a little girl could ask for, except for one thing,

A Smile.

You see when Marie was born; she came in to this world no bigger than a peanut. She was so tiny that her parents (the King and Queen of Poplar), decided they needed the help of the Famous Wizard, Marches. The problem was, that the smart and all knowing wizard lived miles and miles away in the city of Minneapolis, and he was just to busy to come and see one little girl, even if she was a Princess.

The King and Queen, did not know what to do, how would they get there little girl to the Wizard, quickly. They decided to appeal to the townspeople for help.

The King and Queen were beside themselves with worry, so they asked there friend Baldwin to ask the towns people for there help. A Cry was set out to the city for all the townspeople to be at the Castle wall within the hour.

The King and Queen of Poplar had always been good to there people, so they knew they would help them to find a way to get there tiny little Princess to the city of Minneapolis.

Hundreds of Poplar’s Townspeople stood outside the castle waiting for Baldwin to speak. The King and Queen looked out there window in amazement at all the people that had showed up to help there little Princess.

There was hush over the crowd as Baldwin began to speak.

“People of Poplar, First I want to thank-you for coming out here today.

I am here on Behalf of our King and Queen, who asked me to speak for them as they are at a loss at what to do at this time.

At 8 am this morning Princess Marie was born”

A roar went through the crowd, cheers and rejoicing rang through also,

Baldwin held up his hands to silence the people.

“Please quiet, there is more, yes there is great joy because of the birth of Princess Marie, but there is also great worry, you see the Princess came into the world no bigger than a peanut, and without the help of the Great wizard Marches, she will die. The problem is, is that we need to find a way to get Princess Marie to the wizard quickly, as he cannot come to her, so that is why I am asking all of you for your help.

Please there is so little time for Princess Marie, is there anyone within our city that can help to get her to the city of Minneapolis within the hour? All the towns’ people talked amongst themselves, and then suddenly there was a hush.

The crowd of people parted, as a well dressed man came to the front.

“My name is Goldie, I have a carriage with 6 Golden horses that can take Princess Marie to the City of Minneapolis in 15 minutes, but I have one condition for the King and Queen. I want in exchange Princess Marie’s smile for my daughter Maple. Maple was born without a smile, and it is slowly taking away her will to live. That is my condition. I know it is a lot to ask, but I to am worried about my little Maple”

“I will go tell the King and Queen about your condition Sir Goldie, please wait there until I return.”

Baldwin went back inside the castle to tell the King and Queen the good and bad news, he knocked on the door of the King and Queens suite within the castle. There servant Cristina answered the door. Baldwin could see the toll Princess Marie’s condition was taking on everyone, even the intimidating Cristina. The King stood up and walked over to Baldwin, waiting to here the worst.

“Your Highness”, Baldwin began

“I have found someone who can take the Princess to the wizard, but he has a condition.”

“Well get on with it Baldwin” Said the King

“What is the condition is it bags full of Gold, Or all the Jewels within the Castle? Surely you realize that we would be willing to give this person anything he wants to save our child, so tell me just what it is he wants!”

Baldwin looked at the King as he stood there in his misery and the Queen sat on a chair beside him her face washed in tears. How could he tell them that the condition Sir Goldie wanted was there Daughter’s smile, something that was more precious than any Gold or Jewel?

“Well, your Highness” said Baldwin

“Sir Goldie is the Man’s name, and he says he has a carriage with 6 Golden horses, that can have the Princess to Minneapolis within 15 minutes, but his condition is that he wants Princess Marie’s smile.”

“Her what?” said the King

“Her smile, your Highness, you see his daughter Maple, was born without a smile, and she too is near death’s door, only the smile from another given freely will save her life, she too has very little time. He is waiting outside for your answer.”

“Give us a minute alone Baldwin, the Queen and I must discuss this condition as this is a very important thing.” Said the King

“Very well sire, I will wait outside for your answer, just remember your time is running out for Princess Marie.”

With a quick bow Baldwin left the room

“What are we going to do?” Said Queen Jessica

“How can we take away something as precious as our child’s smile?”

“It is either her life, or her smile, we have little choices, and little time.

I want our daughter to live, don’t you?”

Said the King with a dejected look

“You are right, James, we must take Sir Goldie’s offer, and it is the only way to save our Daughter’s life!”

Said Queen Jessica

“Baldwin, please come back in.”

Said the Queen

Baldwin walked back into the room, he could see how hard of a decision it was for the King and Queen as there once perfect faces were now etched with deep worry lines. He knew the Love of a Parent for there child was stronger than any potion, any metal, than anything. Baldwin felt there pain within himself, for he too at one time had to make a decision of this magnitude for his child. But alas, he had not made the right choice, and because of that his little girl Ariel had died.

“So what is your answer?”

Said Baldwin to the King and Queen

“Ask Sir Goldie to come inside, we have made our decision.”

Said the King

Baldwin went back outside the castle to find Sir Goldie. Sir Goldie still stood there in front of the townspeople waiting. For the King and Queen’s decision was just as important to his child as it was to there’s.

“Sir Goldie.”

Said Baldwin

“The King and Queen have made there decision, will you follow me into the castle?”

“I would be honored.”

Said Sir Goldie

Silently they both walked through the hollows of the castle toward the King and Queen’s chamber. They did not speak, for they both felt the grave importance of what was to be.

A smile for a life, and a life for a smile.

Sir Goldie knew his condition was hard for the King and Queen but he was past caring about the fate of some one else’s child when the fate of his own was hanging in the balance. In his quiet reverie, he realized they were standing outside the King and Queen’s chamber door.


Said Sir Goldie, How can I ask a Parent to give up something as precious as there Child’s smile?”

“Why are you asking for this condition?”

Said Baldwin

“My Daughter Maple was born without a smile, and she is slowly dieing because of it. She has very little time left, and I had run out of options. Then I heard you asking for the townspeople’s help, and I figured maybe this would be my last chance to save my little Maple’s life.”

Said Sir Goldie

“I can understand how you are feeling; I lost my daughter because I did not make the right choice, if you feel this is the right choice for Maple, you must follow your heart. My question for you is, how will you take Princess Marie’s smile?”

Said Baldwin

“Well one night when I was very desperate to find a solution to Maple’s problem, I went to the Witch of Lake Nebagamon, she lives way in the depths of the murky waters of the furthest edge of Lake Nebagamon, which lies just North of Maple. She told me my daughter was dieing because she did not have a smile, and to save her I needed to bring Maple the smile from a Princess, freely given. So you see, how can I get the Princess’s smile, and have it freely given?”

Said Sir Goldie

“Well” Said Baldwin

“Sometimes you just have to believe in the faith of others, so let’s go talk to the King and Queen.”

Baldwin opened the door to the King and Queen’s Chamber. Inside the King and Queen were standing over Princess Marie’s bed watching her labored breathing. Princess Marie laid there so still that for a minute Sir Goldie thought she was already dead, but then he saw her tiny chest rise slightly as she breathed. How could he do this to the king and Queen, and at the same time how could he not. Sir Goldie figured the best way to go forward with this was to tell them the why of his condition. He pushed Baldwin aside and went over to where the King and Queen stood.

“Your Highnesses, I am Lord Goldie and I am here to offer my golden carriage with my 6 Golden horses to take your Daughter to the wizard.

As Baldwin told you I do have a condition. I want your Daughter’s smile. Before we go any further let me explain why.

Five years ago my wife Bennett gave birth to my daughter Maple, during the birth something went wrong and Bennett died. The midwife was able to save Maple’s life, but along with the death of my wife, my daughter’s smile was lost forever. I pledged on that day to do what ever it took to give my Daughter her smile back. Day by day I looked everywhere, questioned everyone on where to find a smile to replace the one my daughter had lost, but no one could tell me, and time was running out for Maple. She was dieing inside, without her smile. I was getting desperate because Maple was pining away to nothing, she wouldn’t eat, and she wouldn’t sleep. One day in my desperation, I went to the Witch of Lake Nebagamon, and she told me the only way to save my daughter was to find her a smile from a Princess, that is freely given. I waited and listened, for days, then I heard your man Baldwin talking to the towns people, and I knew that this is where I could get the smile my Daughter so desperately needed. So here I am bowing before you, pleading with you for your Daughter’s smile”

The Queen stood up regally, tears running madly down her cheeks.

“Your story has touched my heart Sir Goldie, how can I as a parent say no to your condition. I give you my Daughter’s Smile freely, but how will you take it from her?”

Said the Queen

“The witch of Lake Nebagamon gave me a special potion that would bottle your daughter’s smile, until I can give it to Maple. May I proceed?”

Said Sir Goldie


Said the King,

“Please let us look upon our Daughter’s smile one more time before you take it away forever.”

Together hand in hand the King and Queen went to Princess Marie’s bedside, they reached down together and softly touched her cheek. Princess Marie looked up at them and smiled a sweet, sweet smile that only a baby can have. A smile,

That could fill a room with such love. Quickly they looked away before they took away there promise, and walked away from Marie’s bedside.


Said the King

Lord Goldie took out a small bag from his pocket. Inside the velvet pouch was a small empty vile. He walked over to Princess Marie’s bed. He looked down at the tiny Princess, and for a minute he thought about changing his mind, but then his little Maple’s face came into his mind, and he knew this was the only way to save her, so he began to take away the Princess’s smile.

First he had to utter these words, out loud for all to here.

“A smile for a life, a life for a smile, this is what I take from thee. This twinkle dust will remove it thus from you little face. Then capture here in this small vile, just to hold it for a little while. Then when the time is right, I will put it on another’s face.”

Then Lord Goldie sprinkled some sparkly dust upon Princess Marie, and her smile vanished, within the small vile.

The deed was done, now it was his turn to save the Princess’s life

“Is it done?”

Said the Queen sadly

“It is done.”

Said Lord Goldie

“Now we must save the Princess, get her ready for the trip to Minneapolis. My carriage and horses will be waiting outside. I can never fully repay you for what you have done today, but I will certainly try. Now Hurry, the Princess is running out of time.”

As the King and Queen watched him, Lord Goldie quickly ran out the door of there chamber and down to the stable where his horses were kept. Then they turned to there tiny little daughter, and began to prepare her for her ride to the city. Will the Great Wizard of Minneapolis be able to save her, they wondered.

They bundled the tiny Princess up in warm clothing, and the Queen herself carried Marie down to the waiting carriage. The King followed royally behind her. Outside of the castle an awesome sight beheld them. Sir Goldie’s carriage waited there with 6 Large Golden horses pawing the ground waiting for there passengers. The carriage itself was the largest, most ornate carriage they had ever seen. The horses were gold from tip to toe, not just covered in Gold they were literally gold. The side door opened and Lord Goldie stepped out onto the grass.

“Your Carriage awaits, please step inside and we will get the Princess to the Wizard as quickly as we can, and judging from her color, that may not be soon enough, lets go, quickly!”

The Queen looked down at her precious little bundle, and froze. Marie’s face was turning a chilling blue, and when the Queen touched her face, it was ice cold and no breath seem to come from her mouth. Was it already to late? Quickly they all jumped into the deep interior of the large carriage as the horses flew here way to the Wizard.

All 3 of them sat there in silent despair as the carriage flew across the miles to the city of hope. But, was it too late? Silently they all prayed for the little Princess. What seemed like an eternity, was in actuality only 15 minutes, and the Golden carriage was pulling in front of the Wizard’s castle up in the clouds of Minneapolis. Quickly they all poured out of the depths of the golden carriage and ran to the gates of the city, only to be stopped by the Wizard’s guards.

“We need to see the Wizard NOW! They all screamed. This child is dieing and we need his help”

The Wizard’s guards just stood there pointing there swords evilly in front of them. Not listening to the pleas of the King and Queen. Suddenly Lord Goldie yelled out.

“Get back in the Carriage, we will crash through it with this, get in and lay low on the floor”

They got back into the carriage except for Lord Goldie, he grabbed the reins of the horses himself, and crashed the carriage through the gates, with the Guards chasing wildly behind him. Once inside the Wizard’s castle the Guards surrounded the small group. Suddenly from out of nowhere a bright light flashed in front of them. They all looked up to see what had transpired and floating weightlessly above them was The Wizard of Marches. Everyone including the Guards stood there awestruck. Silently the Wizard floated slowly to the ground before them.

“Who dares enter my castle, without my permission?”

Said the wizard

The King and Queen were speechless with fright, so Lord Goldie stepped forward.

“Oh Great wizard of Marches, my name is Lord Goldie, and this is the King and Queen of Poplar, with there Daughter Princess Marie. We all stand in front of you beseeching you for your power. Princess Marie is gravely ill as you can see, and we brought her to you to see if you can help her, but we are afraid it is all ready to late.”

The Queen held out Marie’s lifeless body towards the Wizard beseechingly.

The Wizard looked at the Queen holding out her Daughter to him. Then he looked towards the King who was standing next to her. Then he spoke.

“What makes you think I can help this child?”

Said the Wizard

“We have heard from many people how you help children, when no one else can. Please save our daughter, Please…”

Said the Queen

“Give me the Child!”

Said the Wizard

“And I will see what I can do, follow my Guards and they will take you to the main chamber of my castle. Wait there, no matter how long it takes be patient, and wait, or I will not help this child, understand?”

“We understand, and thank-you so much!”

Said the queen

“I didn’t say I could help your child yet, but I will see what I can do. Now go!”

The Queen Hugged her little Princess, than handed her off very gently to the Wizard, and with a blink of an eye they were both gone. Would she ever see her little peanut again, alive she wondered silently as they followed the Wizard’s guards through the castle to his main chamber.

Minutes turned in to hours, hours turned into a day. Just when none of them could stand the waiting any longer, from out of nowhere the Wizard appeared before them.

“Princess Marie is asleep up in the Nursery in a special enclosed bed that will help her grow and get better. You may go up and see her for a few minutes, and then you will have to leave her with me for a few weeks. Time will tell, right now it is touch and go, I will use my best magic to save her, but you have to understand it may not be enough. Sometimes even my best magic cannot save a child from what is to be, but she has a strong heart and parents who love her. Now before you go up to see her, tell me of yourselves.”

The Queen stood up and started to tell the wizard there story.

“I am the Queen of Poplar, and this is my Husband King James.”

“And who is this fellow and why is he here?”

Said the Wizard

My name is Lord Goldie, I brought the King and Queen and the Princess Marie in my Golden Carriage because they fulfilled a condition I had asked of them.

“And what was that condition?”

Asked the wizard

“My condition was that they give me there daughter’s smile in return for bringing them here in my magic carriage.’

“Why would you ask such a task of them? A child’s smile is more precious than any Gold or jewel.” And, why would you as a parent be willing to give away something so important?”

“Well your immenseness you see I too have a daughter that is dieing, and to save her I needed to have a Princesses smile given freely. So it was a matter of a smile for a life, and a life for a smile.”

“Can I ask you how your daughter lost her smile Lord Goldie?”

Said the wizard

“Well when she came into this world, her Mother died while giving birth to her, and in the process my daughter Maple lost her smile. I went to the old Witch of Lake Nebagamon, and she told me that I would need the smile of a Princess to save her life, so that was my condition on bringing the King and Queen here.”

“Show me what the witch gave you, and tell me what you had to do to take the Princesses smile.”

Said the wizard

So Lord Goldie, showed the wizard the small vile, in the velvet bag, and told him the incantation he had to do over Princess Marie.

“Give me the vile, Lord Goldie, please!”

“Ok, here you are sir, but please be careful, I still have to take it back to my daughter, so I can save her.”

Carefully Lord Goldie pulled the small vile out of the velvet bag and handed it over to The Wizard.

The wizard turned it over and over in his hands, and then he pulled the top off.

“Why did you do that, now the smile is gone from within the vile, I have nothing now with which to save my daughter, why? Why did you do that?”

The Wizard just laughed.

“The Witch has deceived you, my friend. No one can take a smile from any living thing, for a smile is always freely given. This was nothing but empty promises provided by an evil woman.”

“So how can I save my daughter, Oh Great wizard?”

“It is really quite simple Lord Goldie. Quit looking for things you cannot have, see what is in front of you. Your daughter needs you, and in time her smile will appear, because she will see just how much you love her. She is pining away because when she lost her Mother, she also lost you, because you became so convinced you needed to find her a smile from a Princess. In reality she is all ready a Princess, your Princess.

Now I will take you to see your daughter.”

Silently the King and Queen followed the wizard up to the Nursery, where there only child slept.

“Here she is, she is doing better, and her color has improved. But, she is still gravely ill. She is much too tiny for this big world, so she needs to stay here with me for awhile. I will protect her, and with my magic help her grow into a normal little girl. I will give you a few minutes alone to say Good bye, then you must let her rest.”

The King and Queen looked down at there little Princess. She looked so small bundled inside the bubble covered bed, but her color did look better, and her breathing was not so shallow. They would miss her very much for those 2 weeks, but they had to have faith in the wizard’s power as this was Marie’s only chance at life. They both so wanted to touch her before they went, but they knew they could not break the magic seal that was protecting and nurturing there only child.

They blew a kiss at her, and then silently walked down together to the main chamber of the castle, where the Wizard and Lord Goldie were waiting for them.

“It is time for you to go now.”

Said the Wizard

Quietly they all walked out to the waiting carriage. Hey stepped inside and they were off.

“Well Lord Goldie, looks like you have found the real cure for your Daughter’s misery. Just make sure to follow the Wizard’s orders and I am sure she will be fine.

Thank-you for bringing us here.

We will never forget what you have done.

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