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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Dark · #1547292
A Vampire Story Chapter 6. Parties, Cemeteries, Vampire, Night Clubs and a Twist.
Authors Note: If you've read the first 5 chapters you will note I changed the spelling of the Gremlin's name from Amy to Ami. Hope no one minds too much. ^_^
This is the first draft of this chapter, I've not gotten a chance to revamp yet. So please let me know if there are things that are "off" I'd appreciate it.


Chapter 6
Death and The Dead

         The rest of the party, I heard was a hit. I stayed in the kitchen for most of the night, amusing myself by maliciously rearranging all of Conrad’s cupboards and hiding all his cookware. Not that I was vengeful or anything. Before we left, Conrad told me he had arranged to have Victoria and the others followed home to ensure their safety. I thanked him, and the others, oblivious of those arrangements, thanked him for the party. Then we left, and the whole ride home I got to listen to how fabulous the party was. This time I had Adrianne and Heliyx in my car, Adrianne talked about the discussion about books she and Krystian had. And Heliyx talked about the ridiculous stories Adrik had told and how funny it was to see grown men tearing up from laughing so hard. Both of them commented on how many vampire costumes there had been. And I remarked that Conrad’s friends were an odd group.
         When we finally got back to my house, everyone said good night and went their separate ways, Victoria asked if she could wait for her dad at my house. It had apparently been decided by Mr. Hellsing that she should not get a ride home from anyone else. She phoned him when we got inside and then sat down on the sofa.
         “Thanks for inviting me Lil.” She smiled, pulling off her trench coat, making me cringe at the sight of all the pretty silver stakes. “It was nice to get to hang out with everyone outside of school, and somewhere other than the park or the mall.” She laughed.
         “Your welcome. Conner was surprised that I showed up at all… let alone with guests. So I guess that means I need to get out more too, huh?” I plopped down on my black suede arm chair.
         Victoria giggled softly, “I guess so.  Speaking of getting out, what was up with those people getting thrown out? It seemed really weird.”
         I shrugged, “Conner said he didn’t invite them, He’s not big on uninvited guests, or party crashers.”
         “That makes since I suppose.” Victoria fiddled with her fingers for a second, I had a bad feeling about what was coming next… my fears, it turned out, were justified… “Conner seems really nice.”
         “Oh, he’s nice alright,” I rolled my eyes, “Just like a hurricane or a root canal.”
         She blinked at me a little miffed, “That’s not very nice to say about your friend.”
         “He’s more like…a …friendly…acquaintance… whom I know through family.”
         “Whatever. I still think he’s really nice.” She blushed softly, “And he’s pretty cute too. He asked for my number…”
         I sighed, “You gave it to him?”
         “Well, yeah. I mean he’s cute and I like him…so.” She looked at her lap and looked up at me. “Can you tell me about him Lil? What he likes and things like that.”
         I looked her in the eye, “You want to know about Conner?” she nodded enthusiastically, I shrugged, “I know what I say won’t really matter in the long run, but, the most important piece of information I can give you about Conner is. Don’t get involved with him.”
         It took a moment for her to register what I had said, she just sort of stared at me for a moment, looking serious, then asked quietly. “Why?”
         I was really trying to figure out some way to explain this with out saying something stupid like. ‘Him Vampire, You Vampire Hunter. Things No work out.’ Then banging on my chest and swinging away on a vine.          When thanks be to the Powers, there was a knock on my door. I tried my best not to jump up and sprint to the door, and I really tried not to give Mr. Hellsing a big hug for saving me from an awkward conversation. It was at least one good mark in his favor.
         “Hello Lillith. Is Victoria ready?” He said looking a bit anxious. I nodded and yelled down the hallway that her father was here. Victoria came walking out looking slightly miserable, I felt a little bad, but what could I say right now. Nothing.
         “Thanks again for inviting me Lil.” She said with a soft smile, “I had a good time.”
         “I’m glad you did. See you at school on Monday.”  I waved to both of them as they walked away, and watched them get into their car and drive away. When they were out of sight, I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I had been holding and shifted my weight to my foot closest to the shadows on the edge of my house.
         “Graven.” I spoke low, keeping my eyes on the road where the car had disappeared, as Graven stepped out of the shadows. He still looked like a bad 80’s mobster, his silver hair was slicked back, and he had his hands shoved into the pockets of the deep brown leather trench coat, though now he wore a mask. It was made from solid metal, and covered the lower half of his face, from under his nose to just past his chin. There were no markings, no ornament features, it wasn’t even particularly shiny, just smooth, polished steel. I turned to face him,          “Please follow them and make sure they get home safely. After get a small party together and find those six. I’d like to speak to them when only Vampires are present. You can bring them here.” I felt a small smirk cross my lips, “If you understand, just don’t day anything.”
         I could see the smirk glittering in Graven’s eyes as he nodded to me. No one is really sure if Graven can’t or just plane won’t speak, whichever the case all anyone really knows is that he never does and, as far as most remember, never has. He walked past me and disappeared into the darkness as Vampires have a knack for doing.


         An hour later I found myself walking the dark path amid the headstones at Greenwood Memorial Terrace Cemetery. I’d driven, though I didn’t quite realize where I was going until I got there, I’d been thinking and just driving. I have very mixed feelings about cemeteries; I find them relaxing because they are neutral zones. Cemeteries have been used for hundreds of years as meeting places to negotiate peace, or settle conflicts; this is because the spirits of the dead will allow for no violence. If anyone breaks the Laws of the Dead, the spirits will demand a punishment that is tenfold equal to the act. For example, if you spill blood on this soil the spirits will demand your death…usually even if you just cut your opponents arm. They maintain this by saying that their burial place is supposed to be their place of eternal peace.
         Yet at the same time… I find cemeteries unsettling. I mentioned before that I was a Mage in my human life. I…or more so, I though my mother’s teaching, practiced black arts for most of my life. I am still unsure to what degree my Vampire blood has increased my magik, but once when I was a very young Vampry I was told (Though I cannot recall the event) that while in a rage I called up the dead of an entire village to turn on their own.  I had tried to deny it for so long, but the day came when I had to accept myself for what I was. Good and Bad… though mostly bad. Necromancy is one of the forbidden arts, black Magik of the Dead. It is hated by Humans, Preters, and Spirits. Because of how powerful and unpredictable it is. When I walk though cemeteries I can feel the pull of the dead. Even when I am not using my Magik, I can feel it brushing up against them and feel them stir in their resting.
         The Spirits who gathered to watch me were the Guardians of the Cemetery. Every cemetery has them, those spirits who are deeper rooted than the others. They remain there and protect it from danger or those who would seek to use the dead for their own purposes… Like necromancers. They whispered warnings to me as I walked, I knew better than to disrupt the peace of Hallowed Ground, but they could feel my Magik, and it made all of us uncomfortable.
         I was trying to ignore the unsettling feelings by attempting to place the six Vampry whom had just appeared out of thin air, when I rounded the corner and nearly plowed right into two kneeling Gremlins.
         I’m sure it was a sight, all three of us trying to move at once, Ami and Kiila standing abruptly and nearly tripping over each other, me falling back a step and nearly falling flat on my ass, and then all of us realizing who everyone was and trying to looked relaxed. The Grem pulled on their glamour and stood looking at me as their high school selves. I couldn’t explain what they looked like with out it, the Fey are odd that way, you can’t really see them if they don’t want you to. It was more like I saw where they were, but couldn’t identify the form, only the presence.
         After the three of us managed to not fall over and fall back into our nonchalant positions Kiila waved at me from behind her hair as if seeing me for the first time, but it was actually Ami who spoke first.
         “Well. Hello Vampire.” She smiled, in the dark it looked disconcerting, even though her glamour showed her as a human, her teeth seemed too sharp, and something about her features in the moonlight seemed off. “Looking for a coffin to scurry back into before sunrise?” Her smile broadened.
         I scoffed, “I prefer my bed, thanks. If you must know I’m out stretching my legs, thinking of things that need to be thought about, and ignoring those things which do not.” I answered with a typically Fey like response and saw Kiila giggle.
         They both nodded before Ami continued, “One would inquire onto the nature of your thoughts… after all things that need figuring are often solved better between brains than within one.”
         I smirked, “I’ll respectfully decline madam Grems… I make a habit of not being indebted to the Fey. Though one does wonder what brings you here this eve?”
         Both of them shrugged simultaneously, it was an endearing trait they had, as most of their reactions happened together, of course only Ami answered, “The places of spirits are most interesting for the Fey, also what the spirits say is a good way to find out what happens in this city… they know more than anyone.”
         “That is true… but these spirits will not be of use to me tonight. Those I seek are beyond the reach of spirits who reside in the places of the dead.” I spoke softly, looking to my right at a stone carved headstone. The name and dates upon the face were badly worn and fading fast, the only word still visible lingered at the bottom ‘Peace’.
         Ami’s gaze followed my own, “Then what spirits would be of use to your search?”
         I turned back towards the Grem, “The one’s who reside everywhere else.” My voice came out as something between a hiss and a quiet laugh, and I felt the smile sneak across my lips, it was a dangerous smile, one I knew made my face look how a Vampire’s face was supposed to look… dark, deadly and sinister.  Kiila took a small step back and Ami took up a stance that could easily warrant trouble, I had no intention of hurting them…though I’m sure that was not how I appeared. “Relax Grem,” I purred out, “You are in no danger from me.”
         Ami didn’t relax, “That’s not how it looks Vampire. You have death in your eyes… it is etched into your skin and written on your face. And Death is written with blood upon that which you seek. Even the Fey are forbidden from consulting the Unrested Spirits”
         I felt the smile on my face broaden, sure that my fangs were visible by now, “That is because I’ve dealt in death for many centuries, it is hard to erase such things. It is also because the part of me which has never been human still silently lusts for it. And those who find no rest are the only ones who may lead me to what I seek”
She nodded, “Then I will leave you to yourself, for tonight I wish to make no ill towards myself or towards you.  Good Eve Vampire.” They both bowed and vanished right before my eyes.
         It wasn’t until they left that I realized how close to the surface my Vampry self truly was. I closed my eyes and covered it back up slowly, cursing myself. The burden I was forced to carry, unlike my family, was that I was two, not one. The Vampire is a creature who has human consciousness and predatory consciousness, when someone becomes a Vampire they accept their Vampry as part of them, the part that becomes dominant when they are angry or when they fight or hunt.  However, when I was a young chyld my Vampry self split with me… I lost control of her, for a very long time she controlled me. I still remember those years vividly… though I wish I could forget. But even though I regained control over myself, my Vampry and I never could accept each other fully, instead it became almost like two souls sharing the same space, neither willing to let the other have total control. That is what made me so dangerous… because neither could have control, there was no control to be found.

         The cell phone in my pocket interrupted my self loathing. It hummed out “Ride of the Valkyries” and the number on the screen was Krystian’s… I really needed to stop letting Elizabeth near my things.
         “What is it Kry?” I spoke softly looking around.
         “Meet me at the Rose. We need to talk.” The line disconnected abruptly. I stuffed the phone back in my pocket and made my way to the car. Kry wasn’t the kind to be cryptic or sketchy. She was straight forward and logical. I didn’t like where the night was heading… But at least the Rose… or Black Rose as it is technically named… would be a good place to find dinner.
         After all it was Hell’s Eve… Why drink Syntho when you can have the real deal? I smiled as I shifted the car into gear.


         The Black Rose was hard to find if you didn’t know how to get there. Sort of a ‘by invitation only’ kind of place. You had to know where it was or know someone who did. That’s how Vampire night clubs worked.  I parked my car downtown on Second, parking is free after six, so I locked up and headed towards down town. I was still wearing my costume, though I had some glamour up to fool the humans I passed on my way. Most were drunk so they didn’t care anyway. But you never know who might be watching this time of night. Half way between Second and First was a little hole in the wall place, a local concert venue called the ‘The Wolf’. It wasn’t much on the out side, old brick, peeling paint. The sign had a silhouette of a howling wolf, and a pair of eyes floating above it looking sinister. I shook my head and walked into the building.
         Inside was a comfy atmosphere, at least on the top floor. There was a counter some chairs, a fire place. It looked like a nice cafĂ©, they served coffee, tea, and alcohol. I walked towards the back door before the Were manning the counter saw me. He coughed into his hand and I stopped and looked at him.
         “Heading somewhere?” He asked with a disapproving look.
         I smiled flashing my fangs, “Just to buy some Flowers…”
         He laughed, hit a button that unlocked the door and went back to whatever he was doing and I proceeded through the door and down the stairs. It was a small corridor, only wide enough for two people shoulder to shoulder, and it was dark and steep. About half way down the first notes of the music began to find my ears. And by the time I reached the bottom door, I could hear Alkaline Trio blasting though the speakers. 
         I grabbed the door handle and let the entire glamour drop, bringing to the front the scars that adorned my skin. They curled up my neck in a frighteningly graceful pattern, coming to a stop just under my jaw. There was a small pentagram in the center of my chest, but my pendant covered it up, though not the lines that connected it to the rest of the designs. Only the parts of my body that were exposed showed the design, it was intricate like a tattoo, but it would last far longer, it was cut into my very skin. Though the design being put into my skin had not been my choice, the decision to let it remain had. It gave me status. And it showed when I walked into the room and for a brief moment every Vampire turned, looked and then tried not to look me in the eye.  All but one that is.
         “Lillith!” The Vampire behind the bar shouted and waved. His eyes were sapphire blue, his hair was light blonde with slight red hues when the light hit it just right, and looking at him and me…you would have never guessed we were siblings.
         I walked up to the counter top, it was smooth polished oak, and leaned one arm against it. “Hello Tony. I thought you and Elizabeth were in London…Which reminds me, please tell your wife to quit playing with my phone.”
         He grinned at me, flashing bright white teeth, “She wouldn’t listen to me even if I did. And we ARE in London. But you know as well as me that the Underground’s magicks are designed to specifically allow travel from one place to another, like that-” He finished snapping his fingers.
         I shook my head, I hated the debate about the magicks in the Underground. They were ancient and no one really knew how they worked … they just knew that they worked.
         “I was meeting someone here.” I glanced around.
         Tony nodded, “Kry is in the back room. She was making my customer’s nervous.”
         “As well she should.” I smiled and walked though the archway next to the counter, there was heavy drapes hanging to cover the door; I pushed them aside and saw Kry sitting at an empty table. She saw me and nodded a greeting, the lower half of her face was covered in a mask much like Graven’s, the only difference was that hers had a carved design in the front. It was a horizontal crescent moon, with three tear drops beneath it. It matched the tattoo she had under her left eye.
         I took a seat opposite her, “What is so important you couldn’t tell me over the phone?”
         Her voice was clear, but muffled slightly by the mask, “We tailed the six out to the Valley…They knew of one of the Underground entrances and went through.”
         “We followed them… they had an ambush waiting… and we lost them.”
         “You lost them!” I hissed at her, “How could you let them get away!”
         She looked me square in the eye and I felt a small shiver as her silver green eyes locked with mine. “They took out three of our scouts Lillith. Some of MY best. I had to tend to the wounded before we could carry on. And we still couldn’t save two.” She looked down for a moment with a curse.
         I felt my jaw tighten and my teeth grid together as I waited for the rest.
         “They left this behind…” She tossed a piece of cloth onto the table. It had half of an insignia on it. Half of a stylized letter that looked remarkably like a Vampire fang. I felt the hiss come out of my throat.
         “Leaches.” It was not my voice, it was my Vampry’s, dark, cold, full of hate and loathing.
         Kry nodded, her eyes darkening with hatred mirroring my own, it was more a growl than a word that escaped her throat, “Leaches.”

© Copyright 2009 Rayne E. Dazes (reddazes at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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