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Trek to self understanding |
The searing hot wind blows sand in my face as I look to the north across the stifleing desert to the blessed mountains On cracked clay I trudge, thirsting for a respite in my journey But there is no respite... All men must follow the trail to enlightenment “Why is it so hard”? I asked the Lizard lounging in the sun “How else could it be?” He replied, rolling over to warm his mottled back Finding no condolence I continued toward the snow capped peaks A deep arroyo confronted me... Too wide to go around, too deep to traverse “Damn it all!" I cried. What to do Perhaps the vulture will fly me over. I asked very politely as vultures are well known for their sour dispositions “Only the dead fly with me” he snarled “I soon will be no thanks to you!” I retorted angrily Then I saw the bridge...... Long and narrow and very old, would it hold me? No choice but to try….I struggled to the lip of the precipice and took a tentative toe hold The height was dizzying, I swayed and caught my breath “I can’t do it”, “Yet I must” There is no returning home, my home is gone, eaten by a ravenous beast Closing my eyes I clutched the rotting, threadbare side lines The wind was fierce and tried to fling me off into the abyss One step at a time I inched across, my fear to continue was great, my fear to stop greater “Why must I do this?” I asked myself again. Have I not suffered enough to appease the Karma of my past The answer was clear... I must prove my worthiness to myself At last I reached the ledge… finally breathing, I sighed with relief The mountains were still very far and I was weary. The sun was waning. Soon it would be dark. I must find shelter A cave glowered at me on a distant hill Who else has seen and needs it….It looks dark and lonely A chill came upon the air... The serpents crawled into their holes To the foreboding cave I must go The scorpion called me to him. “To the cave you go?” he inquired “I must or I shall perish in the cold” said I “Watch for He…Watch for He”... And the scorpion was gone I shivered, but not from the cold. Why has my courage deserted me? Must I face fear with fear? I clambered up the hill to the mouth of the cave. It stank of old fires, and dead bones. I stood at the threshold with dread. If I stay I die….If I enter ….. The gloom was palatable. Stains of smoke were riveted to the cave walls I found a corner to weep in, and lament my sorry plight Through my tear streaked eyes I saw a flicker of light….A fire! Warmth! Light! A low tunnel led to a secondary chamber. I slithered toward the glowing flames, my fear forgotten As I entered the inner quarters I saw a figure tending to a boiling pot It was a man in simple dress, stirring a wonderful aromatic concoction of herbs and flesh He seemed so content and relaxed that my courage returned and I stood to address him He was not surprised to see me. “Sit down my friend and eat” he commanded I gratefully took the offered bowl and asked…”Whom are thee?” “How do you know me?” “The desert knows many things”…”You are but another traveler in need” “And travel I must…To the mountains I go tomorrow” “For what reason?” he asked. “Why…to climb to the top and prove my manhood, and then to build my new home!” “Your home is not on the mountain…it is in your heart my foolish friend” “Cleans your heart…and you will be home” “Cleans my heart!...What gibberish you espouse….Who are you to tell me this!” “Simple” says He, “I am you!” |