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Rated: E · Chapter · Sci-fi · #1546727
Chapter 1.
Gabe’s brown eyes glowed red as he kept them on his target.  His tongue flicked across his lower lip and the taste of copper made him smile.  His opponent, Sage, was bigger than him- had always been.  Gabe had always been called the little one.  But today everyone would see he wasn’t so little anymore.  The baby, the king’s prized son is what they all said.  Today, Gabe was determined to be seen as just Gabe.  He was stronger than Sage.  Quicker and lighter on his feet.

         Gabe stood tall as if to say I’m not bowing down yet.  Sage smiled at his little cousin.  “Persistent Gabriel.”

         Gabe took a step forward careful not to rest on his back foot.  Hell hounds were incredibly stubborn.  No other being was as stubborn except for humans.  Humans. Gabe despised them.  Even though human blood ran through his veins, he hated them.  They were weak and careless, all of which Gabe refused to be. 

         Demons first started breeding their “pets” centuries ago and it wasn’t long before they crossbred hounds with humans.  These breeds of hounds were considered to be the weakest of the crossbred discoveries and were cast aside and eventually forgotten about.  Hounds had been living among the humans and continuing to breed with them ever since.  Most hounds still mated with other hounds which is why they were still so powerful.  Too much human breeding would breed the hound right out of them. 

         Gabe took his fighting stance and Sage eyes moved off him for half a second.  That was all the time he needed to make his move.  One thing Gabe had learned from all his years of picking and losing fights with bigger, stronger hounds was never lose focus because one moment of weakness could be your last moment. 

         Sage’s eyes landed back on Gabe just in time to see Gabe’s knuckles.  Landing a nasty right hook, Gabe threw his body into Sage knocking him to the ground.  Gabe did not take a step back but stayed as close to his cousin as he could.  Never back up, Gabe reminded himself. 

         Sage looked up in surprise.  He immediately rolled to his side and leapt to his feet.  The two growled at each other before the commotion in the watching crowd hushed.  Gabe never looked and Sage had just learned his lesson and kept his eyes fixed on Gabe.  A figure stepped in between the two men demanding their attention.  Both looked up to find Gabe’s father, King Leon, glowering at them.

         After a moment, shame crept up and both men bowed their heads.  Finally, the king spoke.  “Sage, excuse yourself.”

         “Yes, Uncle.”  With one last look at Gabe, Sage turned and stalked off careful not to show any signs of pain until he was out of Gabe’s sight.  He would not let Gabe know that he could have defeated him today.

         Leon stared at his son before walking off.  Reading his father’s mind, Gabe followed him keeping his head held high and the frown that never left his face remained the same.

         When privacy was upon them, the king turned upon Gabe.  “You disappoint me, Gabriel.  Have you nothing better to do with your time than fight with your cousin?”

         “Father, why am I always at fault?  You never question Sage’s behavior.”

         This angered Leon.  “Sage is not my son!”

         “Dad, I…”

         Leon silenced him.  “You will lead this pack one day.  You must show you are strong and capable.  If you cannot do that then any male here will see it necessary to challenge you.  Even your dear cousin.  Is that your excuse my son?”

         Gabe said nothing.  He lowered his head and took a seat next to his father.  Leon held Gabe’s hand commanding his eyes.

         “You frown so much.  Are you not happy?”

         “I’m perfectly at bliss with my life here,” Gabe answered.  “I wish not to let you down.”

         “How could you ever do such a thing?  You don’t have to be a leader if it is not your destiny.  I wish nothing more for you than your mother did.  And that was for you to be a great man, which you are.  That is all I wish, Gabe.”

         Gabe’s eyes never wavered from those cool blue ones of his father’s.  “Gabe, you have been fighting to prove something since you were a boy.  Since that day you snuck off on your own.  Why?”

         Gabe’s memory flooded his vision.  The memory he’d long forgotten.  The memory of the girl with the purple eyes.  He had not thought of her since he was ten.  Now at twenty seven, she haunted him once more.

         Gabe returned to the present to his father’s questioning stare.  Gabe sighed and smiled.  “That day has long passed, dad.  I was on a quest to find something meaningful that day and I did.”

         “What did you find?” King Leon asked.

         “A girl.” 

         The simple answer was all he needed to give.  It was a little bright eyed girl who makes him frown so much.  He had not realized it until now but she still haunted him.  All these years and he’d thought he’d forgotten about her but he still saw her eyes when he dreamed.  He walked away leaving his father to wonder about this girl that bothered his son’s thoughts so much. 

         King Leon waited until he knew his son would be nowhere in sight or hearing range before heading to his most trusted advisor’s room.  It was late and he did not want to disturb him but he finally had to know.  Leon knocked on Richard’s door until a sleepy man with a small beard opened the door.

         “Leon, it’s after midnight.  What on earth has you disturbing my sleep?”  Richard spoke.

         “I know it is late old friend,” Leon started, “but as my time nears my son has began to worry me.”

         “Leon, you know that boy has always been that way.  Adventurous, sulky, violent, unpredictable.  He will be fine.  Go get some sleep.  You make your announcement tomorrow.”

         “Richard,” Leon stumbled on his name.  “That day Gabe ran off into Brackenridge Forest, where did you find him?”

         “Why ask such a question on something that happened seventeen years ago?”

         “Who did he meet?  How far into the forest did he go?”

         Richard could see the worry in his king and closest friend’s eyes.  He started to lie but knew it would not be a good idea.  He had kept the secret for way too long now.

         “He spoke of a girl with incredible eyes and people who’s magic exceeded ours.  He was in Kali lands but I found him well into ours.” 

         And with that the king disappeared.

© Copyright 2009 Erica Jennings (ericajennings at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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