Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1545453-MIND-THIEF---Contest-Entry
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Supernatural · #1545453
A Hoodlum pays the price for stealing someone's mind.


Jake’s unusual powers began when he was a senior in high school. One day after school his old jalopy broke down on a dirt road half a mile from home and he was fit to be tied. After hurting his fist on the hood of the decrepit vehicle he absentmindedly noticed two mongrel dogs in the yard of an old rundown house, old Ms. Purdy’s place he thought, and they were going to town, mating and stuck together like someone poured glue on their butts.

As a young teen and subject to raging hormones, Jake quickly became sexually aroused. He turned and concentrated on the two dogs and casually thinking about how to separate them. They had no right to be enjoying something that he (still a virgin) had longed for and dreamed of for years

Suddenly, his mind was in the body of the male dog. All the sensations it was experiencing flooded into his cerebrum and he was shocked at the clarity and incredible physical stimulus. Feeling somewhat guilty, Jake quickly backed out and returned to his own body. He was emotionally shocked, but his curiosity had been aroused, along with the rest of him. He suddenly realized he had a power that he had never dreamed of. He could switch bodies with animals. “Awesome!” he thought.

He noticed that the dogs had completed their copulation and were wandering off to do whatever it is that dogs do and they didn’t appear to be affected by his mental intrusion. On the long walk home he tried out his newly discovered powers on half a dozen animals and birds he spotted.

Jake was both thrilled and frightened at the same time. Flying through the air in a bird’s body was breathtaking but when he entered the body of a field mouse he felt exposed and vulnerable. He decided he’d best be careful where he cast his mind, to be eaten by another animal while in the body of a mouse would be traumatic.

He arrived home in a good mood feeling like he could conquer the world. Jake had one serious flaw in his character, he cared nothing for others, and he was cold and very self-centered. His mom had told him more than once that he had a real mean streak in him. "You’re possessed by the devil," she’d remarked after catching him squirting lighter fluid on a kitten so he could burn it alive.

His young sister was at the kitchen table with her coloring book. She threw him a get lost look and quickly turned back to her frantic coloring. He figured this was a good opportunity to see if his new powers worked on humans as well as animals.

The shift took a second longer than it had with the animals, but he was suddenly in her young body. "Ugh! " he thought as a frail and freaky feeling overcame him. She was far too young for his needs. He could see his own body standing in the doorway, frozen in place as if some magical spell had been cast over it, the eyes vacant and staring at the fooor.

"Might as well enjoy this," he thought, picking up the coloring book and tearing it into pieces. Next he lifted a plate of cookies from the tabletop and threw it though the kitchen window. Shards of broken glass and framing flew all over the place. He picked up a large vase from the counter and was in the process of throwing it through the other window when he heard a scream from his mother.

Jake quickly returned to his own body. He saw his little sister standing with the vase in her hand, her expression one of shock and puzzlement. Obviously no one knew or could remember his being inside their body and taking control of it. "Cool," he thought. He enjoyed his mother screaming at his sister, it added icing to the cake he’d just eaten. Naturally the little girl could not explain her actions because it was not her who had done the deed. She was completely shocked, screaming with tears and shaking her head.

Later that night Jake had an opportunity to try something he had never experienced before, sex! When he heard his mother and her latest boyfriend going at it in their adjacent bedroom, he jumped into the boyfriend’s body. At first he felt shame, it was his own mom after all, but the physical sensations were overwhelming. Sex was fantastic!

Upon returning to his own body after the incredible experience, he noticed his body had not reacted at all. There was no rock hard erection; no signs of sexual activity, nothing to indicate he had just fulfilled a dream come true. "That was good," he surmised. "My own body won’t give me away while I’m visiting other bodies." He figured that was an excellent sign. People would have a difficult time catching him in the act so long as he had no physical reaction to it.

The next day in school he exercised his power on several of his teachers, giving himself good grades and laudatory comments. He naturally had them write the grades down so they’d be official. It was during gym class that he pulled one of his best pranks.

The basketball team and cheerleaders were both practicing for an upcoming game. Several of the jocks had rousted him on occasion and there was one player in particular he couldn’t stand. That was Joe Baker, a tall, handsome and very athletic player who was a star on all the sports teams and a favorite of most of the girls in and out of school.

Everyone in the gym watched as Joe Baker stopped in center court, pulled his gym shorts down and started playing with himself. This lasted for several minutes until Joe became thoroughly aroused. At the height of his arousal, Jake jumped back into his own body.

Everyone was standing and staring in frozen shock. He could see his enemy, Joe, standing in the center of the crowd with his thing in his hand and a puzzled expression on his face. His expression quickly turned to shock and embarrassment as he sought to cover his nakedness. The girls were pointing and blushing and the coach was having a hysterical fit. Jake loved ever minute of it.

His thoughts then turned to sex again. He’d always had his eye on one of the cheerleaders, Shirley, a petite blond with nice boobs and a sultry smile. Of course she had never given him the time of day and acted as if he didn’t even exist. "Payback time," he thought.

Jake had always admired Mr. Duncan, his science teacher. Actually not so much as admired but envied. Mr. Duncan was tall, handsome according to the girls, a great teacher and Jake had seen many of the young teachers and older teens looking at him with unveiled lust. Shirley was also in his class, the last period of the day.

Jake thoroughly enjoyed keeping Shirley after class, and after he locked the classroom door he had a wonderful time having sex with her. In fact, he had sex with her several times before he was satiated. Of course by that time it was no longer sex but rape. But, what did Jake care? He wasn’t raping her, Mr. Duncan was. Needless to say, Mr. Duncan did not appear for classes the next day and no one knew why except Jake and the absent little Shirley.

Over the next several months Jake continued his ugly atrocities. Some were pranks but many were just living out his sexual fantasies at the expense of others. Like anything else though, he finally tired of it and decided to move on to more interesting pursuits. He had already had sex with all the girls and teachers he wanted and gotten even with every boy or girl in school he didn’t like.

He was smart enough to know that if he came into a lot of money he would have no way to explain why. Teenage boys simply did not have a lot of money, especially with a single mom who made minimum wage at the diner. He figured that later on as he advanced in knowledge and age he could figure out schemes that would make him rich and famous.

In the interim he got along simply by walking into a store and having the cashiers hand him money. Grocery stores were the best because he could get away with several hundred dollars at a pop out of the register and throw it into a grocery sack. By the time the cashier became aware of the missing money, it was too late to figure out their mistake. He simply walked out the door with his box of doughnuts and cash.

He did come up with several schemes to blackmail important political figures, bankers and rich men. After using their bodies and arranging to have photographs made, he sent copies of the photos to them and signed a false name to the blackmail notes. Money started pouring in from lost relatives and alleged prize winnings, enough to get them out of the dump they had been living in. Jake never got overly greedy and his mother never could understand the reasons for their financial windfall.

Jake also learned that he could use his powers politically and socially by getting rid of political figures he or his mom didn’t like. A senator masturbating on the senate floor was quickly taken to the loony bin. A General was shot for having his own allies bombed. Several tax investigators suddenly found incriminating photos in their mailboxes. His mom’s old boyfriend was in federal prison for child rape, and scores of other people Jake didn’t particularly care for were no longer problems.

He used his power to set his mom up with dates that he personally approved of. A wealthy attorney, a handsome doctor, a college professor, and others were among his favorite choices. One of them actually took. A college dean, much older than his mom, became so infatuated with her and she with him that wedding bells were in the offing.

Jake soon graduated from high school with great grades, his mom was engaged to a wealthy college dean, his little sister was terrified of him and stayed out of his way, and he was on his way to an Ivy League college to test the waters. Jake was a happy young man!

Because of Mr. Duncan¹s teaching style, Jake had enjoyed science. It was just about the only subject he cared for but science was intriguing to him. Perhaps his peculiar powers had something to do with it. In college he immersed himself in computer technology, robotics, astrophysics, and astronomy. He was even invited to Cape Canaveral when NASA launched a deep space probe with artificial intelligence on board. They managed to accelerate the craft to a speed never heard of before and projected that within ten years it would arrive at the closest solar system to our on.

Jake had never attempted to see if his power could meld with artificial intelligence, but when he tried it, it worked. The sensation was astonishing. There were no biological sensations but the electronic and mechanical aspects were incredible. He had dreams of creating an artificial robot that would help him to dominate the world. Jake also tried the switch off and on while the deep space probe was hurtling through our solar system and looked in wonder at the things the naked eye had never before seen.

"Why can’t you figure out what¹s wrong with him?" asked Doctor Maples, Dean and President elect of the local university. He and his wife had now been in the hospital off and on for several months.

"There’s nothing wrong with him physically," the doctor replied. "He simply does not show any mental activity of any kind. His body is here but his mind is gone. And, his body cannot not last much longer."

Jake’s mom bent over and kissed her son on the cheek. She nodded to the doctor and walked tearfully from the room. There was no longer any possibility of reviving Jake, he was mentally dead, but she could not pull the plug on him for he had turned into such a wonderful son.

Jake’s mother did not see the unusual smile on the doctor’s face as he bent over after she left the room and turned the life support system off ensuring that Jake’s body would be dead in minutes. Nor did she see the zombie-like looks on her young daughter’s face… soon to be replaced with a happy smile.

Far beyond the Earth’s solar system Jake was screaming in mental anguish. He was still on board the deep probe heading for Andromeda. No matter how hard he tried, he simply could not return to his body. His powers did have a limit and distance was the one he could not overcome. Of course, he would never know that he had no body to return to, his little sister had seen to that.

Words ­ 2,222

© Copyright 2009 Oldwarrior (oldwarrior at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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