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Cinderella from Prince's point of view! |
The Prince I’ve told them a thousand times, but my parents never listen. I have absolutely no intention of even looking for a wife, never mind getting married any time soon. The ball? Totally their idea. They hired three different tailors to make my suit – which is ludicrous, as I already had 100 perfectly good ones in my wardrobe. I rebelled, and was determined not to help in any way at all. The thought of sharing my home, my life, my heart with someone just because they said so was madness. I could rule the kingdom perfectly well when my father handed the reign over to me without a pretentious arm ornament at my side. Probably better. I had no objection to settling down one day, but on my own terms and when I was ready and that was definitely not now. But I soon realised my stubbornness was hereditary as they were just as determined to find a suitable spouse for me as I was against it. They sent messengers to the four corners of the kingdom with golden invitations to the ball for every eligible lady over the age of 18. The night of the event was looming and all invitations had been promptly answered and returned. Every single milk maiden in the country was going to attend. How my parents expected me to choose a wife from these scrawny, plain, unintelligent and backward creatures, I couldn’t guess. I simply refused to take part in this farce and told my parents as much. They insisted that if I continued to refuse, they would give my cousin, Prince Darkmouth, who had married last year, the throne. He was not the kind of King I would ever swear allegiance to, never mind inflict upon the innocent townsfolk who trusted their ruler with unquestioning loyalty. No, they deserved better than this selfish oaf who would raise taxes simply to acquire more lands. My parents knew I would never stand for this and so they manipulated me successfully and I reluctantly surrendered to their will. I would go to the ball, but I would not enjoy it. They couldn’t force me to do that. You can bring a horse to water and all that… The night of the ball arrived all too soon and I dressed slowly, prolonging my last solitary moments as much as I could. Eventually I made my way down the winding staircase where my entrance was announced to a room full of females – from rich families, poor families, some looked as though they had no families. Poor orphaned girls wearing hand-me-down dresses, hoping to catch the man of their dreams to save them from their dreary lives. I had rescued damsels in distress before, but having to marry one was surely beyond the call of duty. I cast a reluctant glance over the gathering, trying not to make eye-contact and give false hope to any optimistic creature… and then she appeared. A delicate, beautiful girl, wearing a gown that gently caressed her willowy figure and revealed her eyes to be the most striking blue I had ever seen. The dress was icy white in colour, draped tightly around her frame and flowing freely from her elegant waist to sweep gracefully across the floor. It was covered in minute diamonds which sparkled under the ballroom lights and gave her a heavenly aura. But more than the dress, I noticed her angelic face. She was stunning, without question, but there was a slight sadness and uncertainty in her striking eyes which had me mesmerised. The other guests in the room gasped at her as she entered and I left to make my way to her, drawn like a moth to a flame. The room suddenly emptied in my mind and she was all I could see. Cued by my entrance onto the dance floor the music began and I held out my hand to her, holding my breath and internally pleading with her to take it. She looked at me and with a heart warming half smile gracefully placed her delicate hand in mine. My heart soared and I gently but firmly pulled her towards me to start the dance. What the music played I cannot tell, I was lost in her eyes and as I held her close I vowed never to let go of her again. As our fingers intertwined it felt as though a piece of me, I didn’t know was missing, had fallen into place. I looked at her carefully then, trying to ascertain any clue to her feelings. Our eyes locked and in that instant I knew she felt the same. There was an air of electricity between us that was almost visible. As we danced the scent from her long golden hair wafted towards me. It was intoxicating, a mixture of summer flowers and a cool sea breeze and I knew I had to speak with her before I fell any further. I led her out to the balcony where other ladies looked jealously at us as they left. One particularly ugly female brushed against my angel who shot an indignant look at her before she turned her face to look up at me. Not only was she angelic but she had passion within her! I liked that. My angel had some fire! My angel. I liked the sound of that too. We spoke then, for the first time. Her voice was melodic and I was enchanted as I watched her rose stained lips part to speak with me. Time passed so quickly that night as we discussed our families and the various pressures and obligations they placed upon us. I discovered we had much more in common than I could have hoped. She truly was as kind and beautiful on the inside as she appeared on the outside. I wondered what had happened to my steely resolve and utter determination not to find a spouse tonight. I pondered the karmic influences that steer us in the direction we are meant to follow, despite our own intentions. I laughed inwardly at the irony of a strong-willed, stubborn prince succumbing so easily to this enchanting lady and knew I would have to listen to my parents gloating forever at this unexpected turn of events. It would be hell, but it would be worth it, for her. I couldn’t have been happier and between the moonlight and the music drifting in from the ballroom there was a magic in the air that couldn’t be denied. I lifted her chin gently, looked deeply into her eyes and slowly caressed her lips with mine just as the clock struck midnight. Then something unexpected happened. A look of surprise and horror invaded her beautiful face and she ran from me. I was momentarily frozen in place with shock but followed as soon as I found my senses. What on earth could have happened to make her run like that?! I reached the palace steps in time to see her being taken away from me by a golden carriage. Her palm was pressed against the window with a look of agony in her eyes that almost broke my heart in two. Why did she leave? Where was she going? What could I do now? And a thousand other questions flooded my mind. As I sat there, my heart racing with uncertainty, I realised I had never asked for her name. It seemed completely unimportant earlier as I felt as though I had known this angel all my life; it simply slipped my mind to ask her. Just then I saw something glistening on the steps in front of me. I hurried towards it, hoping for a clue, any clue, as to what had happened. It was a glass slipper. I recognised it instantly and held on to it tightly lest it also be taken from me. It was hers. And I would return it to her, somehow. My being, which only tonight had found its missing piece, was now torn in half and I would do whatever was necessary to return her to her rightful place, in my arms. I couldn’t breathe and my heart couldn’t beat without her. It was as though her existence alone justified the creation of the world and to live without her now was impossible. Of some things I was completely certain: I would return the glass slipper to her, I would marry her and we would live happily ever after. I just had to find her first… |