Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1544840-Its-A-New-Dawn
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Supernatural · #1544840
What happens at the time of death? Megan finds out when she thinks she's found Mr. Right.
Meghan was beautiful, asleep in her bed. Head nestled on a purple pillow surrounded by a tangle of chestnut locks. Her sleeping lids concealed the treasure of her azure eyes, while her full lips balanced the seamless line of her nose.

She woke with a start; chest heaving, perspiration beginning to bead. She rubbed her face, trying to rub away the disorientation left behind by the dream.

“Oh man, where did that come from?” She wondered aloud, as she reached for the ceiling, stretching her tired muscles. Meghan scooted off the bed and strolled to the bathroom to shower.

The door opened twenty minutes later. Steam rose from her towel wrapped body as she entered the cool air of her one room apartment. She crossed the room to her closet and slipped her periwinkle eyelet sundress on. She pulled her hair into a ponytail that brushed the nape of her neck.

“Mr. Right, here I come!” She quipped to her reflection as she passed the mirror that hung by the front door. She grabbed her purse, stepped into her black flip flops and walked out the door to the elevators across the hall. Megan could already smell the city as the elevator doors opened. She crossed the ancient Persian rug that covered the grey flagstone floor of the lobby. Last year, Mr. Jenkins’ Great Dane, Roxy, peed all over it; urinary tract infection. There was a strict no pets policy ever since.

She stopped at the crosswalk just outside the front entrance. The “don’t” walk sign blinked. Her Saturday morning destination waited across the street: Kinkaid’s. The brick, three story building that housed apartments, offices and studios stood in a proud stance over the café and its open, street-side dining patio. She crossed the street to the outside tables, where she found her usual table.

“Good morning, Meghan!”

She turned to see a handsome man in a burgundy dress shirt, black slacks and a black apron.

“Virgil!” Megan greeted the café owner with a tender squeeze across his shoulders as he served her breakfast.

“What, I don’t get to order like everyone else?” She asked in feigned disbelief.

“Making a change after two years of orange juice, hash browns and fresh fruit?” He returned the disbelief with raised brows. “I’ll be back to check on you.” He said as he continued on to the rest of his hungry flock.

Megan was half way through her meal when she felt something on her crossed leg. “AHH!” She screamed, but nobody noticed. “Oh my god, aren’t you just the cutest little thing?” She was talking to a small black dog propped against her leg. He jumped onto her lap before Meghan could pick him up. He sat in with his nose in the air searching for a scent. “What’s your name, little guy?” She asked as she reached for the tags on his collar. “Rufus!” She exclaimed, causing the dog to turn and look at her. “You really are cute, Rufus.” Meghan flipped the gold bone shaped tag. “Ahha, a phone number.” She grabbed her phone from her purse and quickly dialed the numbers.

“Hello, my name is Meghan…I think I might have your dog.” She scratched the dog’s back. “Oh, okay. Well I’m not very far from there. Are you familiar with Kinkaid’s? Oh great, then we’ll see you in a few.” She closed her phone.

“Oh my gosh! Who is this handsome fellow? Meghan, you’re holding out on me!” Virgil said as he placed the check on the table.

“Oh I know! Isn’t he so cute? I just called his owner. He should be here soon.” Meghan took cash from her purse and placed it on the check.

“Well, maybe his master is as cute as he is!” Virgil said as he picked up the check and cash. He winked as he scurried off to another patron in need of assistance.

Meghan turned to Rufus and played with his ears while the mid morning sun warmed them from a cloudless sky and a cool breeze whirled through the café. Rufus stood and sniffed out the new scents it left behind. His tail wagged as he sniffed harder. Meghan took the strap off her purse and hooked it to Rufus’ collar. “Just in case.” She assured him as she patted his head. Rufus jumped from her lap, the purse strap leash almost slipping from her hand. In his excitement, Rufus managed to tangle himself in the legs of the chair; trapping Meghan’s left ankle in the process.

“Rufus, what are you doing?” She asked. She was bent over the front of the chair looking at the dog through her legs. That’s when she saw him for the first time. He was impossibly attractive in a pink dress shirt and black slacks. His creamy complexion blushed at her beauty as their eyes met.

“Rufus, what are you doing all the way over here, boy? You really scared me when you ran out into the street.” Meghan could feel the concern in his voice. His voice was smooth, sweet honey. He kneeled in front of Rufus, behind Meghan and unlatched the strap and scooped up his furry companion. Free from the tangled leash, Meghan stood and turned to face him.

“Oh, hi! You must be…”

“Ray...Ray Duma.” He said with a smile that revealed every single one of his perfect teeth.

“Thank you so much for calling. I was walking him when he just suddenly took off into the street.” He never took his eyes off Meghan. Ray clipped the black nylon leash he brought with him to Rufus’ plain black collar. All she could do was sigh as she reached to pet Rufus’ head, unable to take her eyes off Ray. They couldn’t deny their attraction to one another. He placed Rufus on the sidewalk between them.

“Would you like to have diner with me this evening, Meghan?” He took her hand in his.

“I would love to have diner with you this evening, Ray.” She gushed and took a step closer to him. They stood there, hand in hand, lost in the illusion of their new found love until Rufus barked, yanking them back to reality.

“Can we meet here at six then, unless…”

“No, that’s perfect. I actually live across the street in that building.” She pointed to her building. Ray turned to see a grey stucco building of three levels.

“Hmmm…” He shrugged, not quite sure what to make of the building. It looked like an old office building that had been recently remodeled to look like a new office building, not apartments.

“You should’ve seen them before they remodeled.” Meghan laughed; the melody of it drew his attention back to her.

“Tonight then.” He breathed. He took her hand and pulled her closer to him. Her desire to kiss him tugged at her lips. He pulled her even closer. His warm lips pressed gently against hers. The sweetness of it left her wanting more when he stepped away. “Tonight,” He said with a smile then turned and walked away, Rufus shuffling alongside. They turned the corner and were gone. Meghan took a deep breath. “Ray.” She exhaled.

“Who was that beautiful man, Meghan?” Virgil asked. She turned to see him wiping down the table.

“That’s the man I’m going to marry!” Her face was aglow with complete contentment. Virgil rolled his eyes and snapped his cleaning towel on her rump. “Wake up Meghan!”

She blinked. When she opened her eyes she was lying awake in her bed. The familiar strain of stretching muscles welcomed her back to reality. It was just a dream. The realization hit her like a boulder of disappointment. She got up, showered and dressed feeling as though someone close to her had died. She didn’t even notice that she stepped into the same blue eyelet dress from her dream.

Meghan made her way to the elevator, to the street then across to Kinkaid’s. She found her usual street-side table facing her building

“Good morning, Meghan!”

She turned to see Virgil in his burgundy dress shirt and black slacks and apron.

“Hey, Virgil.” Sadness echoed in her voice.

“Oh girl! What’s the matter with you? Did someone break your heart?” He asked as he took the seat opposite her. She chuckled at his concern.

“No, it’s nothing. I just had this dream. It felt so real.” She said.

“Tell me about. I can watch my tables from here.” He encouraged. Meghan proceeded to confide every detail of the dream to her friend. “Sounds like a good dream. Sorry I had to wake you up!” He teased.

“The weird part is that, it’s happening. Like, I put on this dress without even thinking about it. You’re here, and you almost never work Saturdays anymore since you hired Valentino. And, you greeted me in the exact same way wearing the exact same thing.” Her voice was a whisper of excitement.

“Oh girl, maybe you gonna find you a man today!” He beamed.

Just then Meghan felt something nudge her foot. “Oh my god!” She screeched while looking down at her feet.

“What, what is it? Please tell me it’s not a rat.” Virgil squealed. Meghan knew he was afraid of rats but was unable to contain the laughter that was now bubbling out of her.

“Calm down, Virgil. It’s just a dog. Wow, looks a lot like the one in my dream.” She said. It looked exactly like the dog from her dream, same shiny black shag coat, and same petite frame. Meghan picked the little black dog up and placed it on her lap.

“What’s you name? Rufus perhaps?” She asked, as butterflies fluttered in her tummy. Virgil raised his shoulders and rubbed his hands together; a smile of anticipation stretched from ear to ear. Meghan looked at the tags on the dog’s collar, “Doris?” She starred at the tags, puzzled.

“Well hey, it could still happen. Is there a phone number?” Virgil asked.

“You’re so smart, Virgil!” she said after she found the number on the flipside of the tags.

Virgil surveyed the patio while Meghan made arrangements with Doris’ owner to meet at the café.

“Well.” She chimed as she tossed her phone into her purse. “He"ll be here in less than ten minutes!”

Virgil’s eyes widened. “I told you girl.” The gentleman two tables down nodded in Virgil’s direction. “Oh, I’m being flagged. Let me know what happens.” He said over his shoulder as he proceeded to the gentleman’s table.

It wasn’t long until Doris' owner arrived. Meghan saw the pink dress shirt first, tucked neatly into his black slacks. She noted the confidence that carried him to her.

“I’m Ray.” He extended his hand, a broad smile across his face.

“Hi, I’m Meghan.” She accepted his hand while Doris balanced on her hip. He had a warm inviting face with big brown eyes that never stopped looking surprised. He was taller than Meghan and had a small collection of pudge around the middle. He looked nothing like Ray…Duma.

“And there’s my Doris!” Ray said as he clipped the leash he brought to her collar and placed her on the ground. Ray slipped his arm around Meghan’s shoulders, forcing her into him. He assaulted her mouth with his tongue then released her from his bear hug embrace before she could protest. The patio was hushed by the sound of Meghan’s palm slapping Ray’s fleshy cheek. “So does that mean I should go?” he asked, truly confused by her reaction.

“Before I call the police.” She seethed. He turned and left with Doris shuffling alongside.

She stood there holding onto the table disgusted and angered by the turn of events. Once she calmed down, she shouldered her purse and headed for the crosswalk.

The DON’T WALK sign flashed, while a woman waited with a little boy in tow. He pulled himself up to look over his mom’s shoulder, revealing a wet toothless grin. Meghan couldn’t help but forget her anger in the face of such ignorant bliss. She made a silly face, causing the little tot to convulse in a fit of laughter, showering her with slobber. The WALK sign flashed. She wiped the drool from her face with both hands as she reflected on the strangeness of her day. “Man, what a jerk that guy was!” She said, not caring who heard, “I mean, did he seriously think….” Meghan stepped off the curb and onto the crosswalk. She didn’t hear the car. She didn’t feel the crushing impact, and she certainly didn’t hear the screams that hung in the air longer than she did.

“Don’t move, Meghan. This can be very disorienting.” A man’s voice came from beside her. “Just sit here on the curb and put your head between your knees. Yep, just like that.”

“What’s wrong with my eyes? What happened…I can’t see!” She began to lift her head in a panic.

“No, NO, No! Keep your head between you legs. Trust me this will make things go much smoother.” He said, gently placing his hand on the back of her head. “Tell me when you can see clearly.” He was so close now, she could feel his breath in her ear as he spoke. Meghan felt a deep, penetrating warmth spread from his hand. It oozed down her back, her arms and around her belly. It spilled over into her legs and out her toes, relaxing every inch of her along the way.

Her sight returned suddenly like a fist to the face. “I can see!” She gasped. Everything looked different. Colors were much brighter than she remembered them being. Meghan was so captivated by the colors, that she didn’t notice her Good Samaritan move to stand in front of her.

“That was rather quick. You really took quite a hit over there, and kind of unexpectedly. It usually takes longer.” He scratched his head, puzzled. “Oh well.” He shrugged as he offered both hands.

“Wait a minute. I’m really confused! Who are you? And what do you mean I took quite a hit? Did I faint or something?” The questions came quicker than he could answer them.

How did I end up by Big John’s Jewels, three buildings down from Kinkaid’s, Meghan thought as she looked down at herself. Nothing looked out of place. No blood, no guts, no pain. She leaned back on one hand while the other tried to block the sun from her still sensitive eyes. No use. The sun was directly behind him, silhouetting his face. She reached for his still extended hands with a sigh. With minimal effort, he pulled her to her feet. She was now face to face with the source of the voice. That was when she saw him for the second time. Meghan blinked in astonishment. She took a step back and rubbed her eyes, expecting the image before her to change or vanish completely.

“What are you doing here, Ray…Duma? Wow, I must have hit my head pretty hard when I fainted!” She shook her head in disbelief and began to walk back to Kinkaid’s, panicked confusion deepening with each step.

“Hey, Meghan wait.” He stepped of the curb and ambled in her direction, hands in his pockets.

“I really don’t think you want to go over there just yet.” He called to her.

She turned. Who is this…this beautiful man? The thought pranced through her head. Duma was so close now she could smell him. Gardenia mixed with…charred wood? He placed his hands on her shoulders. “Meghan, what’s the last thing you remember?” The compassion in his voice wrapped around her thoughts, releasing them to the surface.

Meghan took a deep breath, eyes closed, and exhaled. “I was talking to Virgil…ummm…the dog, and Ray, two Rays.” She looked at Duma, puzzled.

“Sweet Meghan, this is no dream.” He draped an arm across her shoulders and turned so they could see the crosswalk.

“What’s that all about?” Meghan asked, indicating the crowd that had formed around the crosswalk. Duma’s arm fell from its perch as she stepped towards the throng of people in the middle of the street. He didn’t answer. She began to recognize faces in the crowd, faces from the café. Then she noticed their expressions: shock, sorrow. Their open mouths covered by trembling hands. Red eyes? Where people crying? The realization snapped suddenly into focus.

“Did something happen to Virgil?” She asked Duma, stopping them two steps short of the rubberneckers. He took her hand and pulled her through the crowd. They came to a stop at the core of the scene. A man in a burgundy dress shirt was kneeling beside someone just outside the crosswalk. She stepped closer. Confusion kept her thoughts in a drunken state.

“Well, that’s definitely Virgil, but he doesn’t look hurt.” She looked down at the girl lying in front of Virgil. From that angle all she could she were the girl’s shoes.

“I have a pair of shoes just like…” The periwinkle blue eyelet dress shouldn’t have caught her by surprise, but it did. She turned to call Duma, but the words wouldn’t come. She turned back to the blue dress. It was Meghan’s dress, she recognized the ketchup she dropped on the skirt at breakfast.

“This is some kind of joke, right? I mean, this isn’t real, right? Tell me this isn’t real! Tell me, Duma!” She held onto his shoulders with both hands, almost shaking him. “Please tell me.” She felt the warmth of her tears as they slid down her face.

“I’m sorry Meghan, but you’ve… well…well, you’ve crossed over.” He struggled to find the right phrase, the one that wouldn’t send her over the edge, running and screaming into denial. That was never good for anyone.

“Now listen to me, Meghan,” his hands cradled her face, “you must see…”

“My dead body?” She finished, each syllable wrapped in disbelief.

“It’s the only way you’ll accept the truth.” Meghan closed her eyes. She could feel his breath on her face and inhaled the sweet nectar. She sat there for a while, Duma’s hands still wrapped tenderly around her face, before she was finally able to open her eyes to the truth, “Okay.” She was taking slow deep breaths in an effort to stay calm. “Like a band-aid, right?” She exhaled. Duma moved behind her. When she opened her eyes the lifeless body lay in front of her, legs extended into feet after turning in awkward directions. She hadn’t noticed that before. She gasped.

“The car struck you there.” Duma said. Meghan flinched. The blue dress was torn, splotched and streaked with blood and the grime of the street.

“Broken neck.” She noted. The body reminded her of a Barbie whose head has been pushed on to far, leaving her with no neck.

“That’s what killed you.” He whispered from behind her.

“So…I really am dead.” Meghan finally accepted her situation. She squeezed her arms tighter around her chest trying to hold herself together.

“Duma, who are you, really?” She was facing him now.

“Oh. I’m sorry for not properly introducing myself.” He apologized. “I am Duma, as you know, and I will be your guide…to the other side.” He bowed.

“And the dream…” She encouraged.

“I like to meet my…deportees before they take their last breath. Dreams seem to work best for that.” He shrugged. “The whole process goes much smoother when they see a familiar face.” He stood beside her.

“Familiar? Do you always get that familiar?” She blushed. He responded with a cosmic smile. She couldn’t help but smile back.

“I just have one question,” she said, “where’s Rufus?”

Duma continued to smile. He took Meghan’s hand and brought it to his lips. “We should go.” He said as he pushed open a door in the middle of the crowd that wasn’t there before. Comfortable in Duma’s company, Meghan took his outstretched hand and proceeded through the threshold without looking back.

© Copyright 2009 taraniginiganga (taranginiganga at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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