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Rated: 18+ · Novel · Sci-fi · #1544628
Kadin gets tried.
          It seemed they had walked a long time beyond the small town where all that the eye could see where fields that had once been farm land and where now grown up with weeds and grass. After a wile they finally went through a gate that said ‘Sheppard’s Fold’ in iron words on top of the gate. It appeared to have once been a camp. There were little log cabins with cute animal names dotting the land. Kadin went through one of the large of the log cabins which contained a cafeteria and kitchen. The people ditched him in the cafeteria. They sat him down in a plastic lawn chair and took his bags then disappeared into the kitchen.
          Kadin had begin to think the had forgotten about him when the adolescent girl showed up with a can of food. She looked at him apprehensively as she was afraid he would attack him at any second, as if he were no better then the crazies. Kadin looked at the can quizzically.
          “If I unbind you are you gong to behave?” She asked in a voice best reserved for wild animals and unruly kids.
          It made Kadin sick, what in the world did he do to theses people to get such treatment, he thought bitterly. He nodded at the girl. She offered only the slightest of smiles as she undid his wrist and handed him the can of food. Her eyes kept glancing at the door nervously.
“           You’re not supposed to be here” He stated.
          The girl nodded. “You haven’t been tried yet”, she said softly.
          “Tried?” He asked.
          He turned his attention to the can which held some kind of meat substance. She had not given him a fork or anything, so he scooped some out with his hand. The current times had made him less then civil in some ways. He licked the meat off of his hand.
          The girl turned her gaze away from him again. “Yes…you have to be amended before you can be accepted into our community.” She stated.
          She was acting pretty nervous and Kadin was wondering whom he was afraid of. The leader of this messed up group, or afraid that other adolescent boy would catch her with another guy.
          He glared at her dropping the canto the floor. The girl was lucky that it wasn’t chunked at her. “I never asked to be a part of them.” He growled. He was getting sick of the throwing him around like this without even an explanation. They acted like the world still had some sort of order. Like they were blind to what was happen to everything that had happened. He stood up and the girl took a step back. Kadin took another step forward until he had her backed against the wall.
          “ Listen little girl…it’s just fine for you to be in this little group of crazies and pretend that the worlds just fine and the order of things is as always….but I have lived out there. I buried my family, the only thing out there is chaos, there is no crime anymore…I shouldn’t be punished for just eating food when I was hungry and the food would have ruined anyway.” Kadin lectured.
          His speech finished he started to turn toward the door, but the girl grabbed his shoulder in a half attempted to stop him. “You’re not the only one who buried family…” She said through clenched teeth. “I’ve seen the ugliness out there. It’s much better to be here with other people. I didn’t see it a first either, but you will in time.” The look in her eyes was this familiar crazed look.
          Kadin pulled his hand to hit her, but an angered voice behind him shouted.
“Leave Krista alone”.
          He turned to see that it was an adolescent boy. Standing a few feet away from them. His eyes stared at him in a mixture of jealousy and hate. The boy was a few inches smaller then him, but thinner as well. His green eyes sheered at him. His hair was dark brown and hung into is left eye. He was wearing a black tee and dull grey jeans with boots. He took a few steps toward him and pulled out a switch blade,
          Kadin took a step back from the girl. “Look I don’t know who you are, but I have no interest in your girl.” He glanced at Krista who seemed some what hurt by this statement.
          Krista crossed her arms against he chest.
“I’m not your girl.” She exclaimed. The statement however was left on death ears as the two stared each other down.
          After a few minuets the boy motioned to the door.
“It’s time for him to be tried…let’s go boy.”
          Krista stormed out first, and after a sigh. Kadin went after her. He followed her to another cabin where an array of silver chairs where sitting on the floor with people in every seat. The crazy man in the cop suit was standing in the front screaming out scriptures from the bible. It was then that it hit him where he had seen this before and he started laughing.
          “I’ve been kidnapped by a bunch of Christians.” He said in between laughs. He was getting a lot of angry glares from those in the seats trying to hear there leader preach, but at this point he really didn’t care.
          He remembered there kind. His mother had been an avid Christian. She was one of the kind old ladies that spent every Sunday in church and every other day in some sort of bible or prayer club. There house had been filled with angry Jesuses hanging on there crosses. It was her life, her favorite game, and in it he had played the role of the sinner. He was never good enough for her. It seemed it was still his role, it was funny that in a changed world that this would stay the same. The thought made him laugh more.
          The sheriff walked over to him with a very angry stern expression. “You find something funny boy?” He asked.
          Kadin shook his head afraid if he tried to speak that he would only start laughing more. The man grabbed the boy harshly by the shoulder and shoved him toward the front of the room.
          “Good,” He said, “It’s time to lay judgment on the sinner.” The sheriff called out pushing him in front of the sitting crowd.
          Kadin stumbled into the pulpit. He turned his gaze on the rows of people all staring back at him with stern angry expressions. They had looks to kill, or perhaps crucify. The thought made him bite his lip to keep from laughing out loud. He saw Krista in the crowd the only one that did not seem angered by his amusement. She mouthed ‘It’s going to be ok’ and Kadin decided to take her word for it.
          “The accused has been caught red handed stealing food from a local business, and is also accused of making a mockery of our establishment. We can not allow this to go on, our establishment is the only way to spread order in or new world and separate us from the crazies. You do not want to become one of them do you?” The Preacher preached to his community of followers.
          The followers shook there head shouting “NO” or other comments about this, and the intruder that threatened to cause chaos and disorder through there land. There expressions seemed to turn even sterner. The amusement from this situation was starting to fade for Kadin. He took a few steps back colliding with the stern hand of the preacher.
          “The accused wants our world to fall into chaos. He tries to make a mockery of God, and he is in league with the very crazies that threaten our life and ways.” The preacher accused. He reached down and grabbed Kadins pants leg pulling it up to revel the bite scar from an old crazie attack. The crowd all gasped in unison and mummers of disdain filled the air. Even Krista’s eyes were wide with surprise. He wondered how many of there lies she actually believed.
          “What? It’s an old bite from where they attacked….” Kadin started trying to defend himself. The priest put his hand over his mouth to muffle the protest.
          “Silence, we don’t want to hear your lies.” The priest growled.
          The crowd roared in agreement. He looked at the crowed and them up at the an that was holding him. The reasonable part of his mind seemed to snap leaving something more animalistic. He bit into the hand of the preacher, causing him to let go and take a step back in surprise as he cursed in righteous furry. The crowd roared right along with him.
          Kadin spat the blood of the priest that got in his mouth when he bit down. He looked at the crazed crowd and took off running past them. The people of the crowd reached out and grabbed him.
          Kadin whipped around trying to pull away from there grasp. He shivered as his vision blurred and the crowd seemed to run together. His body felt cold sick. All of the sudden a group of crazies seemed to appear in the room for no where. At first he thought he was hallucinating, but the rest of the crowd seen them to. He was forgotten as they turned to the new threat.
          The crowd erupted in chaos already riled up by there priest. The room was an echo of screams as people ran to either get out of the way, or attack the new threat. The priest stood at his pulpit his hand clasped to his bleeding one shouting to get some short of order from his followers.
          One of the men grabbed a gun, and shot at one of the crazies the bullet went through the creature like air and hit one of his other brethren. The crowd froe as they realized that the crazies were not really there. They turned and stared back at Kadin who fell to the ground unconscious. “Devil…” was the last thing he heard.
© Copyright 2009 Akiranth (akiranth at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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