Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1544518-best-of-both-worlds
Rated: E · Novel · Emotional · #1544518
story of life
Like Hannah Montanna,many people seek the best of both worlds.what i mean by that is,some people are allways hanging out with the "it" crowd just to fit in and not get picked on, but what they are really doing is slacking farther off from the meaning of real friends. I dnt blame them,heck we are human! Highschool,is just like this....you have your King and Queen bees,you have your "followers",you have the jocks,nerds,and finally,the ones who dont fit in.....me. My name is Cassidy Flowers(a.k.a cassie),and my family just moved to Beverly hills about a week before school started and missed the freshman orentation so everyone else in the upcomming freshman class knows exactly the who is who and what is what about the school. We moved here from a small town called Arigham,Montanna,where it was all snow all year round,except on occausions when the weather became warm enough that you could actually see the mucky ground on which you walk everyday.I had 2best friends in Arigham,Lilly Parr,a red-headed fun-filled girl who allways liked adventures and Mimi Santos, a shy mexican girl who was caring and loyal.We had all grown up together and it was just heart-wrentching when my mother told me we were moving.Mom and dad have been divorced for 5 years now,so me and my siblings would have to visit them everyother weekend.Mother finally had enough,mad a deal with my dad and the judges and got cusdty over us and decided to move to california,where her fiance and his daughter lived. I had 2 little brothers,Sebastian and Michael.I was going to miss visiting my dad every week but i would get over it...

chapter 1...late night butterflies
I lay awake all night with anxious butterflies in my stomach,waiting to hear the bell that would lead me to my doom,the first day of school. My mother had told me there is nothing to worry about,yes some of the students have known eachtoher from grade school,and yes they know how the school works but that i should feel right at home and i would make lots of friends.BULL CRAP!! my mental mind shouted at me.There is no possible way that i will "fit right in". I mean look at me,I have dark auburn hair that waves down to my waist in tangly ringletts.Im 5'8,and skinny as a string.ive been called "the tree"my whole life because i tower over most people(girls alot) and they say i could snap like a twig. Most girls at Cylindar,the new school i will be attending are going to be average height,killer beach bod,blonde and beautiful,or atleast that is what i have heard about california girls. I just couldnt sleep so i got up and rummeged through my closet looking for a outfit to wear tomorrow. 20 minutes later i pulled out a pair of shorts,(wow havent worn theses in sooo long...) and a t-shirt that said you can do it,and paired them off with sneakers.when i was content i snuck down stairs to the kitchen,by the way which was as big as our old house,and grabbed some cherios and sat at the table.this wasent really the table we eat at,that is located in the dinning hall! no this is just the little table...anyways i could care less. As i was eating i started to examine the room.very large...and who is that painting of.i hoped down from the stool to get a closer look when bam i smacked into the one and only sasha gizeteri(can you believe thats our new last name) my step-sister.ooopssss srrryyy she slurred as she stumbled towards the fridge to get some milk.didddnnttt seee yaaaa,wwhhhatttsss uuppp? jeeze did this girl drink i thought.sasha was a senior at Cylindar and a very crazy popular one at that. umm i was just um hungry i mumbled.oh well help your self,but dont eat my slim quickies(she was now itnto all this dieting crap for cheerleading) ok nite i said heading up to my room.by the time i finally got to bed it was 4 in the morning and i had to get up in 2 hours.What felt like 5 minutes later mom woke me up.I rushed to the bathroom and took a shower and then i ate breakfast.funny that you cant even taste a bagel when you shove it down your throat.when i was allready to go mom gave each of us a kiss and sent us off running down the strret to wait for the bus.My brothers were in he 6th grade and took a diffrent bus so we went our seperate ways.i stood there waiting nervously when someone tapped me on the sholder.i dropped all my books on the ground in surprize.i turned around to see a smirking boy staring down at me. hey im luke...you must be new? yes i said and grabbed all my stuff and turned back around.ummm the boy said,where is that bus.I smiled since i knew he was making an effort to be nice...untill i saw her walking up the street.her hair as blonde as can be,perfect height and body,pink and beautiful.katie mckay.

chapter 2......can you say outcast
luke!!! babyyy i didnt see you all summer! luke turned around and hugged this girl,a little to friendly of a hug for me to watch.the girl caught me sneaking a peek and gave me a snear,as if i was jealous of her! ha! oh luke said remembering me...umm katie this is.....this is....? cassie i helped him out.cassie he finished.how come i have never seen you around cass katie said shorting my name.its cassie,and i just moved here from Arigham.oh...thats...nice....katie said

to be continued.....
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