Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1544166-Beginning
Rated: E · Short Story · Folklore · #1544166
A short fable of how the world was made into what it is. Non-religious, just for fun.
In the beginning, there were only two worlds, the Void and the Nether. Between them, was Chaos, raw and wild! For many millennia, the two worlds sat there. Empty. But one day a faintest spark struck within the

Void, fierce orange in color! And mirrored in the Nether, a single blue

drop of water popped into existence.

The spark grew and grew until it was a strong and handsome man, with blazing blonde hair streaked with

red that moved with a will of it’s own! And the droplet too grew, until

it became a lovely maiden, with ivory skin and hair the color of the

water, clear, but unfathomable. They were the first gods. The man named himself Phlameyx, and the women named herself Akwana.

The gods soon became bored with the two empty worlds, and their children complained to them constantly. “Dear Akwana, let us see to it that there is something worth living for! I shall raise a land from the Chaos!” Phlameyx declared. “And where shall you place this new world?” Inquired Akwana. “Simple! The Void and the Nether are merely open space! If we combine them, there shall be space enough to spare!”

Phlameyx called his eldest and strongest son, Domko, to aid him in combining the worlds. Each pushed a world mightily! Even with the Chaos whipping and stinging them, the finally got the two worlds together with a mighty CRACK! Akwana called out “Help! Some Chaos is trapped inside! Help!” Phlameyx rushed to her aid! He and Domko gathered the Chaos together and bound it in a garment of diamonds and black silk. “Now to raise a land!” Declared Phlameyx. He grabbed half the Chaos from the garment and shaped it into a ball. He made that ball grow until there was only a mile left of open space in any given direction. This is how the earth was created.

But the earth was flat, dry and dead. Akwana cried: “Oh, it is so barren and harsh! Dear husband, may I please help?” Phlameyx consented to her wish. Akwana walked over to a space that looked particularly miserable, and stooped down. She pressed one small finger into the soil, and cried a tear into the hole that it made. As Akwana stepped back, the small tear filled hole grew out and down. It grew into an ocean. At places it was so deep the water was black, and it was so wide that you couldn’t see to the other side! Next she pulled out some of her hairs, and dropped them on the ground. These became the first rivers. “There, that’s better.” Akwana said as she admired her work. “Hmm… It is dark beyond my glowing hair.” Said Phlameyx. With that he cut off a chunk of his hair, wrapped it around a rock and threw it as hard as he could. He then asked Akwana for some of her hair, tied that to a smaller rock and threw it as hard as he could. Thus the sun and moon came to be, still circling the Earth from Phlameyx’s mighty throw.

The Earth was a fine place, but still rather dead. Phlameyx raised mountains and lowered valleys to make it more interesting, but he soon grew bored of them. One day, his children Zalthaia and Tyrow, twin brother and sister, approached their father with an idea. “Father, my brother and I would like to create things to roam the land. It will make it more interesting.” Zalthaia said. “Very well. Create your things.” Phlameyx said.

Zalthaia began by creating trees, plants and mosses, and small insects to scurry about. Then Tyrow created small lizards, fish and amphibians. The twins were always perfecting their creations. For a long time Tyrow created fierce reptilian creatures! Then he became intrigued with the concept of fur. So he began making small, furry animals, but the reptiles massacred the newcomers, then Tyrow threw a great stone at them, killing every last one. after her brother killed the reptiles, Zalthaia decided that she wanted the earth to be soft and colorful. So she created grass, flowers and coral. The fur-clad animals became Tyrow’s favorite. Eventually he created man, in the shape of the gods. They were crude, stupid and ugly at first, but Tyrow perfected them until they were as handsome and smart as the gods themselves. They built great cities and temples worshiping the gods, especially Tyrow.

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