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by Kate
Rated: · Other · Other · #1543724
A Vampire family trying to be normal...
January 14,1939, it was a cold day in Ann Arbor, Michigan. As I was walking down the street in the dead of night it happened. I was on my home from working a long shift at the plant when I saw him. See I was only 19 at the time and I was about to marry the woman of my dreams Mary... Ah Mary she was both sweet and beautiful. Every time I thought of her my heart would pound out of my chest. We would be married in 3 weeks and I couldn't wait. Just thinking of her beautiful blond hair and those lushes blue eyes made my heart melt. But for some reason today I knew It would be my last time seeing her, touching her and even kissing her. I knew something strange and yet weird was going to happen, I just didn't know when. I was half way home by now and it started to snow. I was passing 2ND street when I heard a strange noise coming for the alley ahead of me behind Joe's store. As I walked closer I heard a young woman scream so I went racing over into the alley. It was pitch dark I could hardly see anything... Then I seen him..
He was pale white with dark eyes his hair was black and long. He had blood dripping from his mouth his hands where also covered in blood. He's white shirt was also covered in blood He looked at me with a hungrier in his eyes I knew he was going to come after me, that he would kill me. But glanced over at the woman...She was laying there next to a dumpster blood was every where and I knew she was dead. "Your too late. I killed her" he laughed "who are you?" I asked staring at this creature before me. He just stared at me smiling. Then as he walked towards me he said" I am Fredrick" he grabbed me by my neck and lifted me off the ground with one hand. He threw me against the brick wall of Joe's shop. I hit my head on a small pipe that was sticking out of the wall. As I fell to the ground he picked me up again and he started to choke me he brought my face towards him. His hands where cold and his nails on my neck where like sharp knives digging into my skin.. I tried to hit him, I tried to pry his cold hands from my throat. Nothing was working. He closed his hands tighter around my throat.I was grasping for air. And then I knew I was going to die. He was laughing like he was having the time of his life. Then he through me to the ground next to the young dead girl "and Don't you EVER Forget that!" I heard him say as he walked away with a huge grin on his face. As a laid their I thought of Mary once again.I closed my eyes and I could fell my life drifting away..... Then she came. "are you alright?" She asked her voice was like an angels. I tried to open my eyes to the angel.
She was beautiful. She had long blond hair, dark black eyes and pale white skin. I thought I was in heaven and then I felt the pain it was like ten thousand knives being plunged into your skin and like being burned alive. "It's okay. You've been bitten I must get you out of here." She said as she picked up my body and before we left the dark alley she said under her breathe "poor girl". The next moment I realized I was in a big white room tided down to a small bed. The Angel walked into the room gracefully. "Hello, how are you feeling?" truth was I felt better the pain was gone but I had a new pain a burning thirst."Here drink these" she said as she handed me a tall clear glass. I teased it and then I was horrified.. "It's.....It's Blood??" I asked "Yes." she said as she sat down at the end of the bed. "drink up. It will help" she said smiling. I drank it some more and it did help with the burning thirst. "Better?" she asked as I finished the last drop."Yes, thank you." The door opened and a man walked through it. He too had dark black eyes, short black hair and he was pale. "Ana, there you are. Hello, there I'm Charles and I see you met Anastasiya" he said as he walked towards me. "Please call me Ana." She said smiling at me. "Its nice to met you both I'm Thomas. And I'm also a little confused here." I said starting at there dark eyes."Thomas you were bitten bu Fredrick.. A Vampire...."Ana said as she looked down "A what? There's no way they don't exist.. Right??" I asked questionably
"Thomas, we do exist. You are now one of us.." Charles said as he walked closer to the bed. "Charles, won't you tell your story?" Ana said eagerly. " Thomas, I'm 300 years old. I was born in Spain to two very poor parents William and Ruth-Anne. I also had a younger sister Cecelia. I was 22 and worked for an old inventor or so I thought he was an inventor named James. See my family was massacred by the Spanish army and James took me in. I had nothing, No one. And a year after he took me in I got sick with polio so as I was dying he told me that he was a Vampire and I had to live .So he bite me. He still comes around from time to time. He's 515 years old. Ana here I found in London in the 1800's dying of Polio.She was 18 at the time and she too had no one. There are others out there like us." Charles said as he looked at Ana. It was a lot to sink in and honestly I couldn't believe it. Me a Vampire? And what about Mary? My family? Every things gone.. I never asked for this life but what could I do? "Thomas, we will have to leave.. Before they notice your gone or see you now.." Charles said as he looked at me. "Where would be go? What about Mary?" I asked them both. " Well, we have friends in Megen, Germany we can visit and about Mary... Unfortunately you won't be able to see her again.." Charles said as he turned away to leave the room. "We have 3 hours" he said and shut the door behind him. "What 3 hours?" I said as I turned to Ana "Yep. 3 hours that doesn't give much time. You can leave Mary a letter. But you have to understand the risk it would be if you tried to see her. You do understand Thomas don't you?" Ana asked me questionably. "Yeah I understand.. So how many of us are out there?" I asked her " There's a lot. We are everywhere." Ana said as she got off the bed. "Charles study is right across the hall if you want to write a letter to Mary." she said as she left the room. "Thanks Ana" I replied to her before she shut the door. I got up from the bed and grabbed the close on the chair next to the bed. It was quite a small room one bed, a chair and a night stand. I Left the room I was in and went across the hall. I noticed a name plate on the door before I opened it It read Dr Charles Benette. In the room was a big mahogany desk with a leather chair behind it. The walls where covered in books like a library. I went over to the desk and grabbed a pen and paper and I begun to write.
'Dear Mary, I am sorry I have to do this. I know you'll never forgive me but I have to leave. Please don't look for me just let me go. I don't know if I'll ever be back. But I want you to be happy. So please do me one favor find someone who will love you unconditionally and will always be there for you. Someone who you can grow old with. I must tell you that it's killing me to leave like this. I will Always love you. Please forgive me. Tell my family goodbye for me.
Always Yours,Thomas'
I place the letter into an envelope I found in the top draw of the desk as I was doing this I heard a knock on the door."Come in" I said it was Ana."Hey, I hope your ready because we have to go..Like now." she said as she came in."Ana, I'm ready" I said as I got up from the chair. We walked down the hall to a pair of stairs. We went down the stairs until we came to the bottom level. We entered a big beautiful room. It was all white with a black couch near a big window and a grand piano near the other wall. Charles was already at the front door holding it opened for us to leave. I noticed a weird smell as we walked out of the unfamiliar house..."What is that smell?" I asked as I got into the backseat of the car. "Its gas. What else?" Charles said as he drove off. Ana was in the front seat with him. Just as I was beginning to speak I heard a loud noise. The house behind us exploded."What the hell was that?" I asked "Well, see Thomas we have to make sure everything about us in the town is destroyed. We can't risk anyone finding out about us. So we make sure there's no evidence left that we were there. Its really for the best." Ana said as she turned and looked at me. This is crazy I thought to myself. It was still dark out as we turn unto Newton Street. "Hey Charles do you mind if we stop somewhere. I wrote a letter to Mary and I just want to drop it off?" I asked him. "Ana, you take the letter to her, please? We can't risk anyone seeing you right now Thomas." Charles said as he looked at Ana. "Why can't I do it?" I asked "Um, Charlie I don't think Tom here has looked at himself in a mirror.What do you think?" Ana said laughing.
What could she have meant did my appearance change that much?? I still felt like me but different somewhat. "Give him the Mirror Ana" Charles said to here. Ana handed me a mirror I looked it and was horrified. My eyes were dark like black coal, my skin was as pale as the snow. I didn't recognize myself in the mirror. I had blue eyes and I was tan. My Hair was still the same blond color as before. As I was examining myself in the little mirror Ana gave me we pulled up to Marys house. It was a two story brick house with a white fence around the yard. I Handed Ana the letter "Which room is hers?" Ana asked me "The top one on the right." I said smiling. As I smiled I noticed two white fangs in my mouth Charles must have noticed because he turned to me and said"Don't worry. Our fangs only show when we're thirsty. This is why we can't risk you being seen." I understood now everything well almost. Ana was like a cat she jumped out of the car and climb into the house with making any noise. She was in and out so quickly I wasn't even sure she left."Okay lets go." Ana said as she got back into the car.By 8am we were on our way to Germany. I'm sure by now Mary had read my letter and would be heartbroken. But I did want to be happy... We landed in Mengen, Germany in about 26 hours. A car was already waiting for us. "I let the Astor family know that we were arriving."
Charles said as we headed out. We have no need for any bags really. We all gathered in the black car and drove about 5 miles south until we turned onto a dirt road and drove until we were in front of a large gate. "Here we are." Charles said as the gate opened. The house behind the gate was huge it was like a castle. It was breath truly breath taking. We pulled up to the front door and the driver opened the car door for us to get out. "Charles, Ana. Welcome" A tall white haired man said as he opened the front door and walked out. "Stefan, its nice to see you again. Its been way to long" Charles said " Stefan, this is our newest member Thomas." Ana said as I got out of the car."Please won't you come in. The others will be thrilled you're here." Stefan said. We walked into the huge house we entered a huge room with paintings on the wall and a grand stair case in front of us leading upstairs. The was a door on the left wall that lead to the kitchen. In the big room there was a fire place and in front of the fire place was a black couch and to the left of the fire place in the corner was a grand piano like in the house back in Ann Arbor. "This is very nice" I said to Ana "Please let us go to my study so we may talk" Stefin said as he lead us up the grand stair case. We approached a big mahogany door and entered the room. It looked just like Charles. A big desk and a leather chair behind it. The walls covered in books. Their was a couch near the desk and a chair on the right of the couch. "Please have a seat and I'll get us some drinks." Stefin said as he went to his desk and picked up the phone."Janet, please bring me 4 drinks and inform my brothers that Charles is here." Stefin said and then hung up the phone. Ana and I sat on the couch leaving the chair for Charles. Stefin sat behind his desk.
"So do we know who turned the boy?" Stefin said as he pointed to me. "Some guy named Freddrick." I answered him. They starred at for a moment. "Fredrick? Are you sure?" Charles asked me. "Yes it was him. I was fallowing him and then I lost him. Charles I'm sorry. I messed up." Ana said as she looked down to the floor. "Ana, its alright." Charles said to her. "Thomas, you have a lot to learn here. We have rules you must obey. Do you have any questions?" Stefin said his eyes were just as black as mine. " I do actually." I said to him. "Okay, shoot." Stefin said as Janet walked in with 4 tall glasses of blood. She had long black hair that was pinned up in a bun and was wearing a maids outfit. She handed us the glasses and spoke quietly "Master, your brothers will be here shortly." "Off with you then" Stefin said back to her. "Thomas, what are your questions?" Charles asked me."Do we turn into bats?" I asked and they laughed "Oh no Thomas we don't turn into bats." Ana said to me softly. "How about I tell you the rules?" Stefin said "Sure" I answered back. "You must Never Break these rules for this is the way we live. Rule one You must never tell anyone what you are no matter what. Rule two You must not hunt during the day time. You don't know how many Vampires try this. Rule three Never meddle in human affairs. Those are the basic rules. Not too many so you can't forget. Now I'll tell you about what it is to be like us.As you can tell we are all pale and have dark eyes. Are fangs only come out when we are hunting our prey. We Do not turn into bats. We do not sleep in Coffins. We can go out in the day, just not for a long period of time. We can live off animal blood as well as human. We are strong as well as fast. Some of us have special abilities which you will learn. See Thomas. Charles brought you here for a reason. When someone is turned into one of us we bring them here to learn and to find out what ability or abilities you may have, Think of this as a school of some sort." Stefin told me. "Okay"I said as the door opened. A man with short black and red spiky hair walked in. He was wearing jeans and a t-shirt. "Hello,Brother" Stefin said to the man."Axel, you remember Charles,Ana and this is Thomas our newest 'member'" Stefin said "Hello Charles,Ana, and Thomas" he said. Behind him was another shorter man with short black hair.
He was also wearing jeans and a t-shirt. "Ah Matthew.How are you?" Charles asked the man."Charles, its been far too long." Matthew answered him. "Matthew, why don't you show Ana and Charles to there rooms. So Thomas and I can chat for awhile." Stefin said. Charles and Ana got up from their seats and fallowed Matthew out of the room. "Axel, bring me the book please." Stefin said to him. Axel went over to one of the walls covered in books and grabbed a big black book that looked like it was over 100 years old and handed it to his brother. "Thank you brother. Leave now." Stefin said. Axel left the room and it was only Stefin and myself. "Thomas, this book will tell you everything you need to know." he said as he handed the book to me."Thanks" I told him and he left the room so I could read and learn more about my new life. I opened the book and the first page was Vampire History. It pretty much stated that Vampires have been around since the being of time as well as man. That their are other things out there besides us. It said that a man named Deodatus was the oldest of our kind. That if we had a king that it would be him. Many respected him yet there were some that hated him and wanted his place. Deodatus lives in a small remote place outside France. It says he is over 10,000 years old, his mate is Athena and she is over 800 years old. The next chapter was about our 'powers'. We were immortal which I already knew that. It stated the older you are the stronger you are. We had superhuman strength like we could lift a semi truck with no problem. We posed acute hearing, we could hear up to a 10 mile radius. We had night vision and should see up to 10 miles in front of us. We can not be harmed unless we are burned.Also anything silver could kill us. Those were the only two ways to kill us. I continued to read and then I came across apart that said 'when one of us is created another one is created also this one is our mate. Some vampires have never found there mate and others it has taken them years to find them or sooner. And when one mate dies the other one may take revenge on the being or beings who kill them. Or sometimes the vampire just dies.' the next chapter was about killing our prey. 'When you are attacking your prey is when your fangs are exposed, your eyes will turn from black coal to white like crystal. You will feel a burning feeling in your throat and while your hunting your sense to kill and smell will be the strongest ones.' I finished that chapter and turned to the next. There was a familiar face starring back at me.. Fredrick... I said to myself. I read aloud the chapter on him "Fredrick is one of the dark clans. Fredrick as well as his followers; Demetri, Gabriell, Jonas, Lola,
learned different ways to hunt, how to control my thirst, that I can go out in the sunlight and not spontaneous combustion. Which I was very happy about.
A few years have passed and I learned everything I could here about what I am now. But we have no clue what my ability or abilities might be.While we were here we heard the news about Hitler killing Jewish people so we decided it was time to leave. I learned enough and things were getting out of hand. As we were leaving still not knowing exactly where we were going we saw a young beautiful girl about 3 years old entering one of the concentration camp. It was a terrible time. All those innocent people dying for what? For nothing..... I couldn't believe someone could be so evil. I decided that day as well as Charles and Ana that we would only hunt Animals not humans..Later that night we passed another concentration camp but this time the guards were beating a young girl to death. It really pissed us off. Charles stopped the car and jumped over the fence grabbed the one guard by his throat and squeezed.The other guard in horror ran off to get help. Charles broke the guards neck in one quick move. The girl was close to being dead. Charles bent down and bit the young girl. Then he picked her up and carried her over the fence back to us."Ana," who was in the front seat "Drive" Charles said as he slid in the backseat with the girl between him and myself. The girl starred to screaming in pain. "Help me" she screamed over and over again. "Its okay." Charles said as he held her close to himself."The pain will be over soon" Charles reminded her. And it was true soon enough the pain would be gone and we would be far away from here. A few hours past and we were in Italy now. We stopped at a hotel so we could let the girl relax in a bed. Ana and I went into the hotel first and booked a room for a few days. Charles carried the young girl up to our room. The room was small with two queen sized beds and a small bathroom on the right. Charles placed the girl down and Ana grabbed a towel in the bathroom got it wet and then placed it on the girls head. "Thomas, please go get the bags" Charles said. I raced down to the car and grabbed our bags and by the time I was back to our room the girl was awake."Here Charles" I said as I handed one of the bags to him. He grabbed a bottle of blood that Stefin gave us on our way to a new place and poured into a glass for the girl."Drink up" Charles told her. She drank the blood."What is your name? I'm Ana and that's Charles and Thomas." Ana said as she sat down on the other bed. "I'm Olivia." the girl said. She was beautiful even though her hair was shaved off. "How old are you?" I asked her. "I just turned 19." she said Charles told her everything. Stefin's brother Axel came this time to collect Olivia and take her back to the house in Mengen so she could learn everything I did,
Again a few years pasted and Olivia came back to join us. This time we were in South Carolina. Olivia had changes a lot. Her shaved hair was now long and light brown. She still was beautiful. Charles was very happy to have her back and she was glad to be back. More years past and Charles and Olivia fell in love with each other. We even had a wedding for them. We all became very close to each other. Once again we add a new member to our growing family. This time is was a boy named Landon. He was 18 the same age as Ana. He found us when we were leaving South Carolina. He had short blond hair like myself. We were happy. Traveling the world and learning as much as we could. Everything seemed right. When people asked if we were related we simply just said Charles, Landon and myself were brothers and Ana and Olivia sisters. And it felt that way.
About 30 years after we left Ann Arbor I decide I would go back to see whatever happened to my family and of course Mary. I then learned my parents died a week after I left and Mary remarried my befriend 3 years later. They now lived in California and had five kids. I didn't stay long in Ann Arbor I missed my family so I flew back to them. Another 40 years pasted and we now lived in a small Maine town called Castle Hill. We bought a house deep in the woods it was just as big as the house in Germany.We each had our own rooms and had our own cars. Ana had a great idea that her, Landon and myself should go back to school and be "Normal Teens" .And that maybe I'll find someone and stop being some crabby and live a little. Truth is they did try to fix me up on some dates with other Vampire girls. But I wasn't interested in any of them. Not that they weren't pretty.. I just wanted someone like Mary. I wanted to feel the way I did with Mary.
Ana had Charles enroll us in High school claiming he was our father. Even Olivia said she would go back to high school. We were trying to make a life here in Castle Hill. Charles even got a job in the morgue. Which helped us get access to blood. Ana and Olivia went to Paris and bought us a new wardrobe. We hadn't met many people from town. People mostly starred at us where ever we would go. It was a small town nearly 500 people here. "To days the day we start high school. Aren't you excited?" Olivia came into the living room where Ana and I were. We had everything ready. "Yeah, I think so." Ana said back to her. The first day of school I decided to wear just plain khaki pants and a shirt. Olivia and Ana both wore dresses and Landon wore jeans and a shirt. Charles wished us good luck before we left. I drove the 5 miles to school and we parked close to the football field. I hated the thought of going back to high school. But Ana wanted to and its the least I could do for her. We pulled up to a small brick building that read South West High school. As we entered the building people where starring at us. It was nice we each had separate classes besides lunch.
I said goodbye to the others and went on my way to my first class English. I noticed there were only about 15 people in my class. I introduced myself to my English teacher Mr. Mason and he gave me a list of books to read... Which I've ready them all already. English seemed to fly by and next was History which they were learning things I actually lived through so that was pretty easy. It made me think about the past and things I missed. They day seemed to go fast before I knew it, I was in the lunch room with my sisters and brother. There were probably 50 kids in the lunch room."So Tommy how was your day so far?" Olivia asked me. For some reason she loved calling me Tommy, maybe because she knew I hated it. I did notice a lot of people were starring and whispering about us. "Great Liv. Its always great to already know what your about to learn." I told her and rolled my eyes. She just laugh at me. "These poor humans look so yummy. I wish I could just taste one." Landon said as he looked around the room. "Landon, be good" Ana told him as she smiled. We all knew what would happen if we would slip just once. If we let the thirst to over take us. We also knew we could kill everyone in this room within seconds..,
© Copyright 2009 Kate (kate_84 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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