Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1543535-For-the-love-of-Emily
by Lola
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1543535
Emily I never knew you could be so small and yet so fierce. Mommy always wins.
For the love of Emily

Chapter one: Mommy wins

“Hehe Josh! Oh come on play nice.”

The sound of petite giggles danced in a tiny little one bedroom apartment. The sunrays bounced off the walls and caught the skin of a girl and boy both in about their twenties or so.

“I’m going to get you Lauren whether you like it or not.”

“Oh really, then try and catch me!”

He lunged forward grabbing at her shirt but only grazing it. She was small and quick.

“Come on give it back Lori!”


He smiled deviously spying a pillow the bed near them. Her gaze followed his and she immediately dived for the pillow. Landing on top of each other they wrestled for the pillow, laughing.

“The key to the pantry will never reach you’re grasp!”

“Don’t mess with the cookies Lauren, diet anything and sugar are not meant to be.”

“Well they will be soon.”

“You’re going to poison my cookies!”

“Sure am, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.”

“And what if I was to say...pin you.”

He grabbed hold of both her arms, making her immobile. The key was tucked securely into her shirt, between her chest.

“Well that would complicate things a bit.”

Her smile crept up onto her face again.

“Too bad I have an ace up my sleeve”

“Oh? And what’s that?”

She smiled looking up into his face from under him. She didn’t say a word but simply slipped her legs between his, gently rubbing her bare skin against his. She saw his face flush and she laughed.

“That’s playing dirty and you know it.”

“Precisely my dear...”

Lifting her head up from his newly loosened grip, she gently laid her lips on his.

She slipped out from beneath him in one swift movement the bright light dancing in her eyes. Her shirt was coming loose, the key peeking out from beneath it.

“Are you trying to kill me?”


He sighed hopping up off the bed tensing up for yet another chase.

“When I catch you, you better hope I don’t have two aces up my sleeves.”

“As if you could have the power to hold more than one card in your hand.”

“Are you prepared to call my bluff?”

“Prepared? I was born ready.”

She circled from one side of the small dining room table, to the other, the smirk never leaving her face.

“Catch me if you can...”

She whipped around and over the table in a second, before he even had the chance to blink.

“How in God’s name can she still move that fast...”

He stared after her in awe.

“Oh come on now puddy cat, afraid of a little girl like me?”

“More for the little guy in there you keep shaking all around.”

“And how do you know it’s a boy? We haven’t even seen the x-rays yet.”

“Well you think it’s a girl?”

“Yes is do. Call it female intuition*”

She said taking the key from her neck and swinging it around to taunt him.

“Its too bad huh Emily? Daddy isn’t as clever as your mommy. Don’t worry sweetie, mommy will get you those healthy cookies, oh yes don’t you worry.”

He smiled watching her rub her belly as if the baby was right there in her arms already. She’d be a great mom. He sprinted forward while her guard was down taking her in his arms again.


“I love you Lauren, did I tell you?”

He kissed the lobe just behind her ear, her sweet spot. She melted in his arms a soft little oh escaping her lips. The key pressed against his chest along with her breasts cool against his warm skin.

“You and baby Emily, more than the world itself.”

“So maybe...ah...”

He kissed down her neck trailing his fingers down her back. Her shirt slowly pulled down with his fingers. The tiny touch of his fingertips on her back sent shivers up her spine.

“You do have a second ace...up your sleeve...”

Her hands wrapped around him clutching at his shirt.

“But you still aren’t winning...ugh...I won’t let you.”

"Oh really? Ok well.......how about this."

He pushed the hair out of her face softly and kissed her on the lips.

Her lips parted, another moan escaping her lips as his hand made its way to her lower belly. He took his chance smiling, and slipped his tongue between her parted lips.

Her legs gave out on her from lack of air.

“It’s alright love, I’ve got you two.”

He lifted her bridal style, kissing her forehead, and laid her as gently as she would have a porcelain doll onto the bed.

Her face was flushed and her hair was askew, she smiled up at him her brown eyes twinkling with glee.

“If I get you right now, if I admit defeat, can I love you?”

He rubbed her swollen belly and kissed between her breasts.

He was asking but he already knew what her answer would be, he could see it in her delighted smile. His fingers were already working at the clasp behind her back.


He felt a little bump on his hand and he jumped up a bit, then looked back at his wife’s face.

“Emily is happy, because mama won.”

“Yes that’s how it always is isn’t it? Mommy wins.”

He kissed her smiling lips.

“Of course.”

Her arms wrapped around his neck as he slipped off her plaid red skirt.

Her lighthearted giggle slipped into his ears as he held one of her breasts in his hand while the other tickled her sides.

“Hehe Jooosh!”

His lips slipped down passed her neck and took a rosebud in his mouth toying with her.
Her legs wrapped around his while he was careful not to put too much pressure on Emily.
His hands slipped down to his pants unhooking the button and the zipper.

“Here kitty kitty...”

She used her feet to pull down his jeans leaving them both in nothing but what God gave them. His fingers trailed down from her sides right over the heat that he knew was aching.

“You might have won the battle Lauren...”

He pressed two fingers inside of her. The effect was immediate; her head rolled back in pleasure, her nails grabbing at his skin.

“But I’m winning the war.”

He probed at her tender skin on the inside of her thighs with his free hand and she shuddered. Warm and soft, he cupped her and squeezed sending electric shocks coursing through her body.

He was playing his best cards.

His mouth kissed her collarbone as she lolled her head back exposing the placid skin.

“Oh! Ah, J...Josh! Huh...huh...”

Slipping his fingers out, he replaced them with the base of his core.

“I love you Lauren. Forever and forever.”

“Love...you too...Josh.”

He thrust himself inside of her....

and the moment he did, he knew something was wrong.


Her nails dug far deeper into his skin than before, enough so that he bled.

“Lauren? Lauren what’s wrong?”

His voice became panicked, hysterical.

He released himself from her and seeing the pool of white and red mix, his eyes dilated.


Touching a finger to his wife he saw the immense pain she was in, the way her breathing was suddenly harsh and constricted. Sweat gleamed on her face and she grasped her stomach like it was on fire, like she was burning.

“Emily’s...a little...enthusiastic.”

“But, the doctors said she’s not due for a week!”

“Yeah well I’m pretty sure SHE gets to decide!”

She got up wobbling and tried grabbing a dress from the closet, but her legs weren’t strong enough. Her shaking form didn’t have the power to stand. Ok this was no time to panic. The baby just decided hell, let’s interrupt and give daddy a heart attack instead of some alone time with mommy.

“Careful! You might squish the little bugger.”

Setting her down he grabbed her green maternity dress from the closet and helped her slip it on along with her undergarments. It was definitely times like these when he needed his sense of humor. On the outside he was calm, but he was freaking out on the inside.

“I don’t think I’m about to crush our child the day she’s finally poking her head out to see us.”

“Crazy menstrual woman have done far worse my dear.”

She smiled her breathing still irregular.
He leaned down giving her forehead a quick peck before pacing around the room grabbing things at random and shoving them into an oversized bag.

“Ok just um, do that breathing thing they showed us at the classes. And relax.”

“Do you hear me breathing?”


“Lovely advice dear. Though relaxation and childbirth aren’t exactly best pals.”

“Good point. God why can’t there be childbirth for dummies...”

She watched him flit around the room shoving on shoes and clothes. She chuckled silently seeing his attempt at hiding panic.

“...Josh dear.”

“Hm? Yes?”

“I could be wrong but, I don’t think you want to go to the hospital wearing that.”

He looked down at himself. He had slipped on his pants first and his boxers second, his shoes were also on the wrong feet.

“Oh. Right.”

He quickly flipped it around and ran back over to her.

"Are you ready to go?"

"Dear the question is are you?"

"...Close enough I guess."

He helped her walk to the car. Wobble more like really. Carrying her was not the best option right now; his arms weren’t fully functional yet.

"Still breathing?"

"Yes Josh."

She rolled her eyes as he gently tucked her into the car strapping her in like a child.

"Ok good."

He shut her door after she got in and shut the garage door. He went back to his side and got in and went to start the car. The air between his fingers lifted over the ignition. He tried covering up his newest mistake as he turned his fingers comically making revving noises.

“Stupid car must be the engine.”

"I think it would help if you had the keys."

"Yea I’m thinking the same thing too."

He ran back into the house and got them and came back to the car. He jangled them in front of her face and smiled as the car buzzed into life.

"Have you called anyone yet?"

"Uh no, I’ve been a little busy."

He nodded toward her bulging belly.

"Aren’t you going to call your mom?"

He turned and looked at his rear view mirrors to avoid looking back at her.

"Well I was going-"

"Josh call her."

"But Lori-"

"Now Josh!"


He pulled out his cell phone pouting and called his mother. All Lauren could hear was a voice talking to Josh so loudly he had to hold the phone away from his ear.

"What did she say?"

" ‘Oh my gosh I thought it wasn’t till another week, why didn’t you tell me, you know you never tell me stuff any more! What hospital?!?’ "

He said imitating his mothers voice high pitched and nasally. She chuckled as he made faces.

"See that wasn’t so ba-AAAAAADDDD!"

Josh swerved a little on the road hearing her sudden vocal extension.

"What’s wrong?"

"Oh nothing, I am just having a BABY."

She spat sarcastically.

"Oh, right. How could I forget?”

He chuckled as she wacked him upside the head.

“By the way is your mother coming...or should I say ‘family?’ "

"Yes Josh, do you really think we can keep it a secret?"

"Well when we go over there for Christmas, we could put a pillow under your shirt and leave her home with a babysitter."

He said grabbing one of her hands and flashing her one of his signature smiles.



He shrugged letting go of the wheel with both hands and waving them around in his defense. The car swerved again but he righted it immediately hearing a passing truck driver holler at him about his drunken rear driving on the road.

“Hey I’m having a baby here!”

The driver just stared at him like he was nuts.

“I mean, my- my wife is, the baby- oh never mind.”

“Try not to kill us before we get there could you.”

“Right, would you like to drive?”

She glared at him and he smiled.

"You know you’re going to have to get over it eventually, you are related to them. You’ll like them really you will"

The smile died.

"I will...I just don’t think they will feel the same."

“They’ll love you hun. I promise. I know I do.”

Her fingers squeezed his and somehow, he believed her.

“Come on. We have a baby to deliver.”

And he stepped on the gas ignoring the wailing sirens behind him.
© Copyright 2009 Lola (stargrl at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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