Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1543151-The-Retrievers-Guardian-Ch-12
by Yuuki
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1543151
The retriever's guardian is back and the war begins.
**Lost and Found**

The wind outside rustled the parchments scattered all over the table. The slowly beating of wings signaled the arrival of a darger. A darger is a creature with hard scales, but as flexible as a ribbon in air. It had sharp teeth and claws of steel. Overall, it is similar to the human dragons. Dargers only belonged to the middle-classed people as a pet and a transportation system. They vary in color so much that there is only one of every color alive in Averon. In this world of Averon, there is no such word as peace. Our towns all fight whether it was for the slightest reason or the biggest rivalry. Well we do have some control... the retrievers. Similar to the police, as humans would say, retrievers retrieve those who broke the important rules. The breaker of the rule would be subjected to harsh punishment.

I myself am a retriever, and the only female one to be exact. All the retrievers were males for the need of power to trap down the criminal. I am quite honored to join this league for my quick wits, but it’s actually quite slow if you ask me.

I walked down the flight of stairs into the entrance hall to find myself face to face with a horrible looking citizen. He was wearing a torn cloak over his head and his pants were halved ripped off, showing the red scars of injury. Plus the smell that emitted from him told me that he hasn’t taken a shower for a while.

“I’ll be looking for Retriever 7253 Starin please,” said the man in a deep voice.

“I am she. What would you like to speak to me about?”

“This would be a private matter that I would like to discuss alone.” He stared me in the eye.

The same glitter in his red eyes made me remember a certain someone with the same look. Out of curiosity of who this person is, I allowed him to come up to my office to speak. When we went into my office, he locked the door.

“Hey! What in Averon...”

“Shhh… Starin please don’t be loud,” the citizen said as he placed a finger over his mouth. Then he removed the cloak from his head.

Flaming red eyes, scar over his left cheek, tanned skin, and a messy hairstyle, all so familiar. Then all of that and his poor dressed clothing changed into neater attire without any rips or wounds.

I couldn’t believe my eyes. He was a Guardian, and Tyron to be precise. I walked over and hugged my old friend and servant. A Guardian’s job is to serve their master and protect them from any harm. They have the ability to change their appearance at will. Guardian’s are long lived, allowing them to be able to be passed down from generations on.

However, all Guardians were sent to be destroyed. Robberies were happening in households that owned Guardians. People didn’t trust the Guardians anymore and accused them of stealing the items. No one defended the Guardians and they were all executed.

“I thought you were dead. How did you escape?” I looked at Tyron.

“Luck, more or less. However there is important news you must know. Meet me in the old place after sunset.” Then he looked at me. “I’m quite surprised mistress, to find you here as me enemy as well as a friend.”

“You know I wouldn’t hand you in no matter what the law says. And how come you are allowed to change the subject and ask questions but not me?”

“Well then if you want to know, I’m doing well, but finding shelter is hard. Averon is…," he paused. "Not supposed to say that yet. Please mistress, just wait until sunset and you will know.”

Tyron shifted back to the horrid form and left.

What is so important and so secret that he is not to say now? Plus, what’s with the shelter problem?

~~ ** ~~ ** ~~

The rest of the day went by so slowly. The only thought I had in mind was about what Tyron said. How could that possibly be? I just don't get a damn thing about it. Sunset arrived. I waited in the old place as Tyron said, trying to hold the anxiety building up in me.When was he going to come? I began to tap my feet as the door swung wide open.

Standing there was not Tyron as I hoped would be. None of the characteristics resembled her servant. This person was big chested with a suit and tie.

"Who are you?" I asked.

No answer came. Silence drowned the room. Then I was stuffed in a bag I tell you. Head first to be precise. I tried to scramble out, but he held me tightly and knotted the opening of the sack. There were absolutely no air holes and I fainted a few minutes later.

~~ ** ~~ ** ~~

I have no clue exactly how long I have been unconscious, but it was already dawn when I awoke. My hands were tied to the back of me and my mouth was stuffed with a towel. The man who took me snored loudly as he sat on a wooden chair. Flies fluttered over his mouth and around the whole room.

Well, it was more of a cell than a room. The floor was covered with litter. The smell of rotten eggs emitted from a corner. Little light came through from the high window. The stone walls were cracked and insects were crawling everywhere.

I tried to get free, but it seemed impossible. The ropes were made of metal, and happened to be the newest made product. They must have stolen it.

I drifted back to sleep in a while. The smell of smoke awoke me. The clouds billowed around the cell contaminating it. A handkerchief covered my mouth and nose and I was lifted onto a garnetle. Its flaming wings arose into the air.

A garnetle is an element changing phoenix. Its main element is fire, but when needed, it can be transferred to other natural elements like water and earth. Only a few people have this magnificent creature.

I turned to see Tyron climb up behind me. Struggling to rise up from the narrow corridor, the garnetle flapped its wings.

"Gravelon! What are you doing here?" I patted my companion. In return, it purred smoother than a cat.

I turned around and asked Tyron, "And here I thought you rented it."

"Well... Let's get down to the important matters. Averon is under the Key Pallivion."

"YOU SAY WHAT!!!" I couldn't believe what he was saying. Key Pallivion is one of the strongest fortresses that can float. Averon is a land fortress and is surrounded by fortresses more than it was under. Yet, after a million of years, it happens to be once again under its worst nightmare. It would be impossible to escape the troubled times ahead.

"No matter how hard it will be, we would still have to face it some day or later."

"But I never believed that I would be in it. It is just unbelievable." I shook my head in concern. "A lost country is yet found again..."

---to be continued in chapter 2---

**You Can Hide, but You Can't Run**

Things need to be done, and right now. Lectures to be made, breakfast, lunch, and dinner too.

I knocked on the door. "Master, your food is ready." Then I went back down that marble staircase and back into the book I go.

"... Averon is a country of war. Peace they do not know. Peace they do not seek. Power they have, but they cannot keep. In that old wooden floor beholds..."

I really wonder if it is that easy to sneak into that chamber they have. However, it's been a while since the Master have visited them... I shook my head. Who cares. Whatever Master wants, I'll get it for him.

I placed down the book and changed. Off goes my leggings and up the leather pants. Off the tank-top and on a blouse. Over it goes a jacket. A pair of sunglasses shield my eyes and a cap is placed on my head.

"Have a safe trip..." said a whisper in my ear.

"Thank you Master. I will."


I scrambled on a trissle and up it flew into the air. A trissle is a beautiful peacock like creature with a variety of colors. It is around the size of a full grown dragon, but smaller. This creature is able to fly at amazing speed, and can camouflage itself and anything that it is touching at will. These hard to tame creatures could only be found in Key Pallivion.

As I reach Averon, I landed myself in a forest close to town. I climbed down, looking like a stranger to this place. I walked swiftly down the road and into town.

It is not the usual streets you would see. Mobs were attacking citizens. Things were being stolen right in front of their eyes. Since the day my master has visited this place, this was how it was in Averon.

As I passed by shops, people began to stare. I made my way safely all the way to the retriever's office. I knocked on the door and waited. A lady opened the door and I almost fell from shock. She caught me just in time.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"I'm fine thanks. I just thought that all the retrievers in Averon were supposed to be guys." I straightened myself in front of this lady as beautiful as they come. She had long luscious brown curls with her hazel eyes. She was wearing a stripped blue and white blouse with skin-tight black jeans. Her black leather boots clicked on the floor as she walked and her hands were holding a folder on the latest case in town probably.

Compared to me, I have a short black straight cut with bangs and my eyes are dark brown. My skin isn't as neat because I do chores for my master. Then my clothing are normal because my master gave it to me, and I would be content on wearing whatever he gives.

"Yeah it is strange isn't it, to find a girl doing a man's work. You must be new here because you should have heard about the change in accepting women for the job. Please come in." She pushed the door wider and I stepped in, wiping my shoes on the welcome mat.

Men were busy working, and most were walking back and forth with papers in hand or talking on the phone about a new mystery. It was around lunch time, but no one seemed to stop for a second.

This town has really changed from the books I have read about the earlier history of Averon. "Um... excuse me, but have you heard of the Book of the Revived?"

As those words were spoken, everyone paused. Some papers fell from the shock that paralyzed them all.

"Is there something wrong?" I looked around puzzled.

The lady grabbed me by the arm and dragged me up the flight of stairs into her office. The she slammed the door shut.

"How have you heard of such a thing when you are just a stranger in our town?"

"Um... I have heard it in rumors that spread around." I hoped that that lie was good enough, or else she wouldn't help me.

"You can call me Starin. Rumors in these areas only stay in the towns they originate from. The people aren't allowed to leave without the permission from us, and no one left for the past..." she paused. "Around a thousand years ago. Plus, at the look of your face, you are only a normal citizen at the age around twenty."

I shuttered. What now? My master would kill me if I tell her the reason I came.

"No I will not."

A glass orb floated into the air. Wisps of smoke swirled around.

"Who are you?" asked Starin.

"You will know that soon enough..." A body came out of the orb. Yet no features could be shown of my master because of the cloak he was wearing.

"You seem so familiar, but I don't seem to remember you. Anyways, what do you want with the Book of the Revived." Starin took a step back.

"I want it to save the world that I have destroyed." He looked at her. "As you should know, I have visited before..."

"How in Averon do you think I would believe you?" Starin looked shocked and was red with anger. "You have destroyed our hope and peace, how do you expect to restore it? My home is no more than chaos. It's not like you would know anyways. You have no feelings. I shall not tell you where it is."

"Well actually I already know where it is." He giggled, but it didn't seem real.

"Oh really? Then tell me." Starin smirked.

"It is hidden underground at the back of house 64951. There is a tunnel that leads to a chamber and the book is sealed with energy."

"How... how did you know where it is? Not even the other retrievers have known where it was? To further it, it is MY house!" She was in flames. "Are you a spy? Or did someone else did the dirty tricks?"

"You know, I'm not as stupid as that to tell you. Plus, isn't there a saying called you can run but you can't hide? Let's reverse it to you can hide, but you can't run."

--to be continued in chapter 3--

I hope you liked it so far. Please continue reading to find out more of what is happening next in "The Retriever's Guardian". Please rate and review.

Thanks for all the support I have received in the production of this story.
© Copyright 2009 Yuuki (myuuki at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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