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Rated: GC · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1540990
A young woman is taken by a mass killer and impregnated by chance.
Blue Eyes
         Blue eyes stared up into the darkness that pressed so tightly against the walls of her prison; death had come, it's fingers pressed against her eyes glossing them over. Her skin was pale and cold as ice, just like the other girls that laid all around her broken body. Blood had trickled once down her parted lips, but now it was just dry and a memory of life. His hands had bruised her neck leaving behind his large hand prints forever in her skin. Her chest was left open to the darkness and for his greedy eyes. He loved her woman parts, all of them. He never scarred her woman parts, never treated them with hurt and pain, but he scarred her legs, her arms, her abdomen, and her back. He had done the same to the other girls.
         She had screamed for mercy before screaming for death, for the nothingness that would save her from the pain. She had been touched, stabbed, sliced, and punched for weeks and weeks. For too long. Time had seem to stop for a long while when she first arrived; back when she was whole and full of spirit.
         Now time was stopped forever, she would never have to feel all the pain and emptiness that had over time, stole her soul long ago.
         He had left her alive longer than he had the green eyed girl with short blond hair. She had fought for a long time, full of fire and hate for him, but time—and his methods—wore down her spirits. Green eyes had almost escaped once, but he was smarter than she was. She had been scared and wanted just to see light again from the sun. She had died two beatings later. Poor green eyes, she was so young and pretty. Now she was with the others.
         No one else came for a long time after green eyes.
         She had been left alone for a long while after green eyes. Left to the darkness and the smell of the other girls. The ones she felt the happiest for because they were able to escape the pain and the emptiness. They were the lucky ones.
         She knew that even as she was alone with the other girls, he would feed her, he would clean her dirty body after awhile of rolling from this spot to that spot. He took care of her. He had taken care of the other girls too.
         When he finally came back he brought the dragon girl. She had blue eyes too, but she had a dragon tattoo on the side of her neck. Dragon girl fought like green eyes and all the other girls before her. She too, was full of fire and spirit and fight. That is until she saw the others, the bodies that laid about the room in a sick pattern only he understood. Dragon girl didn't live up to her tattoo, she gave up and cried and begged. But he loved her voice, she screamed louder than anyone before her. Dragon girl became his favorite toy for the time she was alive. Blue eyes never screamed as loud as dragon girl.
         He liked dragon girl's voice.
         More time passed and dragon girl died. She didn't eat or sleep, she didn't let him have his pleasures, and she didn't want his help after the beatings. He said she had to die, and she did. Blue eyes never questioned him, the less she refused the more time she got to live and live is what she wanted more than freedom.
         More time passed.
         No more girls for that time.
         More time passed.

         Blue eyes waited for him each day. Her hunger had increased over the time she spent alone. She wondered if she was dying. She didn't know. When he does come he asks questions about her. Not the questions like normal but odd questions. He asks how she felt, was she sick to her stomach, was she hungrier than usual? He was caring but he was cruel. Blue eyes had came to soften towards him when she had all but died inside.
         He brought the doctor next; it was a pleasant change. He had brought her upstairs into the light and comfort. She never spoke, never went against his orders every time the doctor came by. She didn't speak unless asked too. She knew now why he didn't touch her anymore. Her cuts had healed and seemed older than they were. The doctor never knew the truth.
         Blue eyes was a good girl, she obeyed and stayed still. She smiled when smiled at and stayed silent. Blue eyes saw sun and moon. She saw stars and clouds. Birds and trees, she saw life again but it didn't give the same hope as it may have once upon a time. She didn't have the hope to escape, just wait and bid her time.
         She was given clothes, summer dresses. She remembered summer time. He talks about baby names to her, which sex he wants first. Blue eyes waits for her turn and suggests her name to him. Summer. Soft, gentle, and warm.
         He thought it over taking the name to heart, giving a sense of normalcy in the world that no longer made sense. Summer Raine Mason; his name not hers, that she remembered. Blue eyes had stayed good and gave birth many sunsets later. Days meant nothing since she did not count the days but the times she saw the pretty sunsets. The pain was horrible and she cried but she gave birth to Summer Raine Mason.
         The baby bore blue eyes, black hair, and fair skinned. A small beauty.
         Blue eyes was taken back down into the darkness. She was taken to when she first arrived in the darkness.
         Blue eyes died to the sound of her daughter crying from hunger and fright. She knew the baby could sense the pain and the cruelness of her father. She knew that little Summer could feel the death of her mother, that she was morning the death of the woman that waited calmly for her arrive. Blue eyes stared off in the direction she knew her child was in, her eyes wide when the last breath left her and she was no more but one of the other girls that laid around her. He had beaten her like in the days of old.
         The front door swung open at the command of the battering ram held by three large officers. They had surrounded the house and waited until they could see him and the baby. “Police! Freeze Robert Mason!” a multitude of police officers shouted making room for Police Chief Shardon.
         “Where is she? Where is Melissa Shardon?” Police Chief Shardon asked his gun pressed against Robert's temple. Robert never looked from Summer, his body swaying left to right, cooing to the child. “Larson! Take the child. Give the baby to Detective Larson.” Chief Shardon demanded as Larson came up and held her arms out with caution. Robert handed Summer over with a tender kiss to the forehead. The police swarmed the house, when they found Melissa some teared up at the sight, they all loved the bright and cheerful woman who brought doughnuts and coffee to her father's hard workers.
         “Chief, you don't want to go down there.” A young detective warned his superior. He had seen and prayed for peace. Bodies were everywhere and Melissa was in the middle, her body posed as the sacrificial queen of the dead. “We found her, we'll treat her right chief. We'll treat her right.” the young detective told his boss, looking to his coworkers who had stopped just before them.
         “Chief. Melissa left this for you.” An older detective said handing over a make shift notebook. The chief took the notebook and opened the cover gingerly.
         In the book, in Melissa's neat handwriting was a message for her father. 'Daddy, you'll probably find me too late to save me or any other girl Mason had taken. But I know you did all you could to find me. Please take my baby girl and treat her right. Her name is Summer Raine Shardon. The doctor never named her Mason because of my “past”. I gave him my name and how to reach you. I knew you would come soon so I tried to stay alive. But others died in my place. I'm sorry. But above my own life save Summer, she's my world. Please treat her right. I love you daddy.

         Melissa Shardon.”
         The Chief closed the book and gave it back. He knew what he had to do. Walking to Larson he took the baby from the paramedics. He told them he was the grandfather and no one wanted to question him that night. He had lost his daughter but gained his granddaughter. They allowed him to leave, holding baby Summer, Chief Shardon was driven home to his waiting wife and young son. He couldn't do anymore for Melissa, but he would do right by Summer.
         Staring with a bath and new clothes. Chief Shardon decided. He never wanted this period in time to ever touch Summer's life. He swore to his dearly departed daughter. He would do right by Summer.
© Copyright 2009 Twilight Raine (briony_dahlia at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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