Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1540970-Breaking-News-needs-repair
Rated: · Other · Comedy · #1540970
The need for non breaking news. Breaking news; breaking wind, coincidence?
I am tired of “Breaking News”. I don’t really need to know anything as it happens. If they’re dead, it’ll wait, they’re not going anywhere. How many times have you heard a news piece where they don’t know the victims names or who was involved? That is not news that’s just idle chatter. We here at WBCD figure if you don’t know, we sure are not going to tell you.
Do we really have to know every time a politician gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar or for that matter, his intern?
News would stay fresh longer if it was aged like a fine wine. We should serve no news before it is time. Think of news as a hyperglycemia, it is much better to be fed 5 or 6 small well balanced meals of new information rather than have that sugar high at one sitting and an empty feeling and subsequent headache shortly thereafter.
Do you remember news of the Condinistas? How about the Sandinistas? That news happened years ago , they reported it as it happened and as far as I can remember it might have been a baseball playoff final game. Do you know who or what they were and do you really care?You probably didn't have enough information, ironic in this age of information. We are so busy getting that quick information that we really do not understand that which is important to report. It is usually incomplete.
News reports and reporters are like the type of people that keep talking just to hear the sound of their own voices. They’re lonely. When they say that someone got shot or stabbed but they don’t know their name or why they’re involved or who the perp is, well, that is just sad.That is not news, it is just misinformation. They’re trying to say that they don’t know anymore than you do at this time but if you’ll be their friend they’ll let you know something as soon as they know. I guess that is another reason why they call it news, it seems to be news to them too.
If it was called “olds” they(reporters) would probably have all the information.
If they took the time to do more investigative reporting maybe we’d all know more about what the hell they're talking about too. Woodward and Bernstein didn’t give information until they had something to report. That is called investigative journalism. It is telling a story. I’m thinking news wouldn’t break so easily if they made it better.
Take the time to gather all the information on a particular story of interest and it might even prove interesting. Research the story and get all the facts and names. We have a little faith in you news people and we know you’re not really as stupid as you look or sound. Do this work right and when you finally say it is time for the news you’ll have something to serve. And your news slogan could then be "We serve no news before it is time"
This has been Eli Mellach reporting. Good night and be sure to duck.
© Copyright 2009 Eli Mellach (myleskapson at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1540970-Breaking-News-needs-repair