Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1540968-An-Unwilling-Ambassador
by Silen
Rated: 13+ · Other · Fanfiction · #1540968
Merry Gentry seeks an alliance w/ Hogwarts and ends up w/ more. A HP/Merry xover. AU
This is fanfiction, therefor I do not own the characters, just the circumstance. The lovely characters are owned by J.K. Rowling and Laurell K. Hamilton.

Chapter 1

The room was filled with strange objects, a desk, and two chairs. Sitting behind the desk sat none other than Santa Claus in his full glory of purple robes. Or that’s what I thought when we first entered. He was staring down at a piece of paper with a feather clutched in one hand.

“Excuse me Professor, the guests have arrived.” Our guide sneered, glancing back at us with contempt. His stern exterior and hooked nose made him slightly intimidating.

The man behind the desk looked up with a weary look, which, upon spying us morphed into a look of pure happiness. I hadn’t seen better masks in court and that said a lot.

“Welcome my children. Welcome.” He stood placing the feather on his paper and motioned to one of the chairs. “Please, have a seat and we will begin as soon as Mr. Potter arrives. Severus, would you mind fetching him for me?”

I shuffled over to one of the chairs with Doyle and Frost at my back. The clutter made it nearly an obstacle course to maneuver. I looked around the room again trying to find anything to look at other than the odd twinkle in the Professor’s eye. “Thank you for meeting with us, Professor Dumbledore.” I smiled at him, while leaning forward to comment on the décor of the room only to be interrupted by the door opening again and a young man entering.

“You wished to see me Professor?” he asked glancing at me and my guards with a calculating expression, still paused beside the door.

“Yes, yes my boy. Come in. Please have a seat. This is Princess Meredith of the Unseelie court in America and her guards… Im sorry, I don’t know their names.” I stood as I was introduced and held out my hand. He glanced at it suspiciously, smiled politely, and nodded his head while remaining out of reaching distance of me or my guards.

“Pleasure” he intoned glancing back at my guards once more. “Professor, I have many things to do including attending classes so if you don’t mind.”

“Very well, Harry. As soon as you take your seat, the Princess can explain why she’s here.”

“I am the co-heir to the unseelie throne with my cousin Cel. In order to get the throne I must produce an heir before him.” I paused, a little uncomfortable telling my story to complete strangers even though all of America knew about it.

He silently walked to his seat and turned it so it was facing both us and the professor while I spoke. “I’m sorry Princess, but I don’t see how this involves us.”

“Call me Meredith, please.” I asked smiling politely once more.

“Patience Harry, Let the Princess talk.” The Professor beamed at the young man before turning back to me with an expectant smile.

“As I was saying, this has created many enemies along the way. I am asking for an alliance should we need it. The fey used to have an alliance with the wizarding community long ago when we were here, and I think it would be valuable to have again.”

The room was filled with silence as the old man looked at Harry for a reaction. “Well, that was absolutely fascinating. However, I fail to see why you’re coming to us with this.”

“Harry, the ministry is corrupt; they would rather kill the princess where she stood then help her. You know their policy regarding anything not wizard.”

“Maybe there is a reason behind that. I’ve read the history, heard thousands of lectures about the goblin wars, I know what went on. We were almost exposed last time. If you want to fight the ministry on this, then do it yourself. I am tired of fighting your battles.” The young man stood abruptly and made for the door.

“Harry, wait!” Professor Dumbledore called out standing as well. “Please reconsider. Many lives rely on the Princess becoming Queen.”

He turned around, mere steps from the door, with a look worthy of an old soldier. “…and I ask you again Professor, what does this have to do with me?”

“You know your family history, who you mother’s family was. I need you to be our ambassador.”

“Are you crazy? I just got my life back and now you want me to throw it away again. I fought your last war for you. I killed the maniac. Don’t I deserve a life? Can’t you just leave me alone? I just want to be Harry, normal Harry, who goes to school with his friends. Graduates.”

“Your friends would have wanted you to do it Harry. Do it in memory of them.”

Harry balled his fists and growled slightly under his breath. “HOW DARE YOU?” things rumbled and shook on the shelves, slowly growing with power. Frost and Doyle moved to shield me. “This is the last time Dumbledore. I’ll do your damn job. But when it’s over you won’t hear or see me again. This I swear.” He turned then and stormed off down the passage leaving the odd instruments to fall to the floor. 
© Copyright 2009 Silen (silendevecci at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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