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Rated: E · Other · Other · #1540697
Krystal finds a key and who knows what else...
"Mom, why did we have to come here?" Krystal asked as they stepped out of their black truck that was now splattered with dirt. Her mom ignored her like she did most of the time. The tall slender framed girl and her mom carried their luggage to their new home. It was a small tan house with yellow flowers aligned against it. They had lived in Florida all their life and now she has to start all over in Vermont. As they walked into the house it was already furnished, mom bought it that way. She said we needed to start over new.

"We'll go out to eat tonight." ,her mom told her as she walked up the stairs.

Krystal found her new room. It had freshly white painted walls, a queen sized bed with yellow bedding, a decent sized closet with a mirror on the door, showing her reflection: long dark brown hair, full lips, and brown oval eyes, a nightstand, a desk, and a window that overlooked nothing but a dirt road, grass, and trees. Krystal put her clothes up and posted pictures on the walls of her friends from home. She dug out her laptop and put it on the unfamiliar desk in the corner. Then out the door she went.

Krystal began walking down the one dirt road kicking rocks along the way. "There has to be something to do around here." The scenery was lovely here that was one thing she could not deny. There were tall oak trees and animals everywhere. She had always been an animal person. As Krystal walked she spotted what looked like a small lake in the distance. She broke into a run to get to it. Krystal had no idea why she was running, she just felt the urge to do so. The lake sparkled as the sun beamed on it. Krystal sat on the tree stump off to the side of the lake. "It's a beautiful day..." ,she thought.

"Hi there." Krystal looked up and had to do a double take. He was so good looking, she was carried away by his features. He had jet black hair, dark brown eyes, a built body, and a nice smile. He wore blue denim shorts a white wife beater. His hair was slicked back from his swim in the lake. This was a picture that would stay in Krystal's mind. She wished that she was dressed better. Krystal had on a pair of white shorts and a brown tank.

"Hi." Krystal managed to stammer out as she stared at him. He sat next to her in the grass.
"You're new around here, I know It. My name is Jaydon."
"I'm Krystal...and yeah I'm new." She felt butterflies in her stomach and it surprised her because she had never felt like this before.
"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'll see you around." Jaydon walked away as soon as he appeared.

Krystal sighed as she envisioned him. "What am I thinking. It'll never happen." She kicked a near by rock and stood up to leave. The love stricken teenager walked her way home, taking in the fresh air and smell of the trees that surrounded her. Krystal stopped in front of her new home and took what had happened in the last few weeks in. She had to accept that her father did not want her and her mother was at her braking point. Stephanie, her best friend was in Florida, but at least there is the internet. Although, it's not the same as seeing her in person. Krystal left so much behind. She had to stop pretending that tomorrow she would see them, because she would not. Not to mention she would have to start over at a new school, where she knew absolutely no one. A tear made its way down her cheek. Krystal was not the kind of girl who cried. Lately, she did just that. The depressed teenager walked into her new home.

"Krystal?" Her mother called.
"Yeah?" Krystal asked as she followed her mom's voice to the new office.
"Where did you run off to?" Her mother was placing books on shelves.
"I just went to take a look around."
"Let me know where you go from now on."

The brown eyed beauty went up to her room and sat at the strange desk. Krystal turned her laptop on. As she waited she opened the drawers to the desk. There was nothing in the top or middle drawer, but when she opened the bottom drawer, there was a key. An unusual key, it was dark purple. The inquisitive girl could feel something, like it was running through her veins. Nothing was in her room that was extraordinary, except perhaps this new key. What does this key unlock? Krystal stared at it as if it were going to change in some way or do something.

"Krystal?" Her mother called.
"Coming." The annoyed teenager responded as she rolled her eyes. Krystal placed the key on the top of the desk, then got into the truck with her mom.

As they made their way to town Krystal admired the scenery, ignoring her mom the entire ride. Although the distressed teenager did see something amazing as she looked out her rolled down window. A waterfall surrounded by purple flowers and stones that sparkled in the sun.Krystal made a note to go there later in her head. As they reached town they spotted a place to eat. Slick's pizza place.

Her mother pulled into a parking spot and they got out the truck. The pizza shop was next to a dry cleaners and a Cell phone store. There were tall oaks around the graveled parking lot. As they walked into the pizza place, everyone looked, all six people. Krystal noticed the three girls in a corner booth. The three girls looked her up and down then returned to their conversation. There were two older men and one table who looked friendly enough and then the one waitress who looked frazzled. The waitresses name tag read Gloria, she wore a blue shirt and a black apron with her frizzy brown hair in a bun. Krystal's mother lead them to a booth by the three haughty girls. No doubt this was a move her mother made to try and get the girls to talk to Krystal or she was hoping Krystal would attempt to speak to one of them.
© Copyright 2009 masseye75 (masseye75 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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