Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1540621-Live-each-moment-its-precious
by Rashi
Rated: E · Novel · Philosophy · #1540621
It basically deals with thinking and vision of an individual
A person not only looks at the world through his/her eyes but also through heart,mind,body and soul. Each vision that an individual views can have different perspectives depending from person to person. For some it might be a complete optimistic vision while for others it may be a complete pessimistic vision. Each vision that a person has, is in some or the other way connected to his/her "LIFE".
Life is the only thing which every person is concerned about. For saying its just a four letter word, but if we think of it in a wider sense and look deep into it, all things which are around and surround us are a part of it. Not only things but also living beings[For e.g., our oldest friend, we never say "Our Life is Part of that Friend", rather we always say, "That Friend is Part of Our Life"] are a part of it.
Education plays a vital role in our life. Some think holding a bachelor's or a master's degree means well-educated. According to me a person who holds a degree in following steps is the most well-educated and distinguished person. Following are the steps:-
. Respecting elders as well as youngsters;
. Speaking politely;
. To be patient and calm;
. To treat everybody equally; and
. To grow as an individual in your each relation.
If a person follows all above characteristics he/she will be recognized as a person of devotion, a person of dedication, in total  a person of distinction. Now lets look at all these qualities closely and deeply.
If elders expect respect from youngsters, in return even youngsters want care and love. Both things compliment each other.
The manner in which a person speaks reflects his/her nature. Anybody who is loud and not polite will not be liked and appreciated by others. While,on the other hand,a person who speaks politely and gently is appreciated and recognized by people.
Patience is key to success. Being patient and calm not only helps a person in keeping himself/herself mentally fit but also helps others in completing their viewpoint. For e.g.,if a person is patient and calm he/she can solve even the most difficult problem very easily. On the other hand a person who looses his/her temper very quickly cannot achieve success easily.
To treat everybody equally is another important aspect. People intend to treat others on basis of their name,fame and so on. A person should be known by his/her nature or character and not by name and fame. "What's kept in a name and fame?" The answer to this is both of them are versatile in nature. The thing that lasts till death with a person as his/her individual identity is a person's nature or character. Everything might come and go but nature of a person never changes. Though it might change for a certain period of time yet it will come back to its original form in the long run. This is just due to one reason,that no person can live somebody else's life for very long.
Now comes the most crucial aspect which is"How to grow as an individual in your each relation?"To build and grow any kind of relationship is in an individual's hand. If the person wants he/she can build up a healthy and beautiful bond and vice-versa. To grow in each relation,its really important to understand the other person. "MORE UNDERSTANDING LEADS TO BETTER AND HEALTHIER RELATIONSHIP". Relations are not built on basis of "ONE WAY TRACK", efforts and inputs are required from both sides. They are not "BUILT IN A DAY",it is the " 'UNDERSTANDING','LOVE','CARE','LOYALTY','RESPECT','POSSESSIVENESS','CLARITY IN THOUGHTS','EMOTIONS','FEELINGS','PRACTICALITY' and most importantly 'MATURITY' " which makes it grow healthier and better over a period of time.
All of above can be achieved just by one single thing and that is "PASSION". If a person pursues his/her passion in work,nobody can stop him/her from achieving success.
The way in which people live and lead their life is really essential. A complete painful life or vice-versa is very dull and boring. Actual life is life where there is "SORROW","TRAGEDY","MISERY","HAPPINESS","FUN" and "ENJOYMENT". In short, a life mixed with elements of both "PLEASURE" as well as "PAIN". For instance, a person having everything in life may be happy to an extent but not satisfied.
"SATISFIED" or "SATISFACTION" is the most vital element which depicts a person's lifestyle. Actual success is determined by level of satisfaction attained. It's said "HARDWORK IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS". According to me,"SATISFACTION IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS".
"EXPECTATION" is next to satisfaction with a difference in its relation to happiness. Expectation unlike satisfaction is inversely proportional to happiness. It will be vital to say," MORE EXPECTATION LEADS TO MORE PAIN AND LESS EXPECTATION LEADS TO MORE HAPPINESS". When a person starts expecting and does not get in return, its for granted that person will either be in pain or will be badly hurt. So, why to hurt yourself or cause so much pain by keeping expectations? Whether it be anybody, its better to lead life as it moves on, unexpected things give more happiness and satisfaction as compared to expected things.
Expectation kills not only your desire for that particular thing but also lowers your morale if the thing is not achieved. "EXPRESSION" helps you to describe yourself in a much better and in an appropriate manner. It also depicts and reflects a person's mood or what is going on in a person's mind.
Its good to be judgemental but with pace of time because quick judgement often does not lead to positive results. Its such a sensitive issue which can either make or destroy a person's life.
If you want to lead a happy, healthy, wealthy and successful life, always look at things which you have and don't keep on thinking about things which you don't have; as "EVERYTHING WHICH GLITTERS IS NOT GOLD" and "GRASS IS ALWAYS GREEN ON THE OTHER SIDE". In short, if you look at things which you have and others don't, you will be a happy and satisfied person.
Living a life is also dependent on a person's experience. More experienced a person is, more better is his/her life. Experience may be of various kinds-emotional, friendly, family, professional and even personal. Usually elders say, " WE ARE MORE EXPERIENCED THAN YOU". They might be, but not in all cases.
                                                                                          to be continued..............
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