Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1540542-Fame
Rated: E · Short Story · Emotional · #1540542
Sinners and Saints
    Richard Burns sat staring out of his high-rise office.
    He was troubled. "Ling!" Richard cried out.
    Ling walked gracefully into the office. She was and is beautiful.
    "What can I do for you?" she asked smiling.
    Tears ran down Mr. Burns' eyes, "My life is meaningless."
    "Would you like a massage?" Ling asked with a toothy smile.
    "No! I want to do something meaningfull! God damb it!" he was shouting.
    A great storm broke outside his office window.
    Ling looked up at the ceiling it was spinning like a cloud. "Sir." she pointed up.
    "Yeah! Now, that's something!" he laughed and stood up.
    An Angel flew out of the ceiling and knocked Ling flat on her butt.
    "Hark on to the Cock-a-doodle-doo!
      Can you hear the cricket at the first frost!
      Can you hear the cries of the dambed?
      Melting soothing melododious rivers of blood
      lusted amber!"

      Ling crawled toward the door. "Ling!" Richard Burns commanded,
      "Bring our guest some tea." Ling complied the tea cups rattled on the tray
      as she approached the Angel. "How would you like to be on network television?"
      Mr. Burns asked smiling. The Angel placed one radiant hand on Richard's

      "Kidneys serve their purpose well.
      A hollow vault of mounds.
      Life is their manna.
      A spout of that spurts madness!"

      Ling's eyes were wider then they had ever been. She trembled and stood holding
      tightly on to the tea tray. "Can I quote you? This is great! Please have some tea."
      Mr. Burns was excited as the Angel continued to hold onto him.

      "What's in it for me?" the Angel smiled.

      Richard Burns, supreme producer, laughed and sipped some tea with an Angel.

© Copyright 2009 bob county (muzzy43 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1540542-Fame