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Rated: E · Sample · Drama · #1540314
Forbidden Love...
"So what if I have a white boyfriend!" Ashley thought to herself restocking the facial creams at her cosmetics booth.

She slammed the products violently on the shelf not seeing what she was doing.

"Who are they to judge who I can and can't be with!" she thought as the shelf began to rattle.

"What's the matter with you?" said a familiar voice behind Ashley.

"They found out." replied Ashley in terse manner.

"Who? Who found out what?" said the young female voice.

"David and Jeramiah found out about Nathan and they're pissed at me. I know they're gonna try something if they see him." Ashley said, turning around to look at her younger sister.

They looked like identical twins even though they were 4 years apart.

They both had the sexiest black legs in all of North Carolina.

Ashley was about 3' inches taller and had her hair silky shined, curly going straight down her back.

Her sister's hair was dreaded well past her shoulders and they both wore white gold jewelry including the necklace, bracelet, ring and earrings.

They were the oldest of 5, with brothers to complete the siblings.

The next in line was Jeramiah, the 20 year old math major who had uneasy feelings about his sister dating some white guy on the cheerleading squad.

Although he's slim and highly intelligent, he's known for intimidating even the senior football players in school due to his popularity and Tae Kwon Do skills. One night at club a guy tried to start with Jeramiah and ended up getting a roundhouse kick to the face.

Markita noticed her sister's hair covering her eyes. She took the initiative and pulled them behind her left ear than folded her arms.

"I told you seeing this guy would be a bad idea. He's cute and all, but people round' here don't like that and you know it."

Ashley looked at her sister and sucked her teeth.

She knew she was right. But it felt so wrong.

"I think you should just go with David" Markita said grabbing ashley's phone of the Kiosk and playing her favorite ringtone.

"By the way, tell Sasha those jeans she wants are now 50% off, but she need to hurry her ass up cause when we close tonight that's it."

"Yea, i'll tell her" replied Ashley, restocking the cream products.

"I really like David, but, I don't know, Nathan makes me laugh a lot. And he looks so cute in his little cheerleading outfit."

Ashley said sounding like a middle school girl suffering from her first crush.

She really did like David who was about to graduate with his B.A. in Physics.

He was really nice to her and she enjoyed his presence, but there was something about Nathan.

"He can look cute all he want to, but just remember he might get his ass beat. Well I gotta get back to work."Said Markita, putting the phone back.

"Alright sis." replied Ashley, turning to hug her sister goodbye.

"Sorry Sasha, but i'm strapped for cash" Said Ashley over her cell phone, 5 minutes later.

Suddenly she felt a gentle kiss embrace her cheek from behind as her knight in shining armor appeared.

The little white guy with red hair and freckles who loved to cheerlead brought joy to Ashleys soul.

"Hey weirdo!" said the young man pinching Ashley's cheeks.

Her body shook with approval.

"What kind of guy pinches his girlfriends cheeks." She thought to herself.

That really turned her on.

"Weirdo!? Who you callin a weirdo, shorty?" She said returning his kiss on the cheek. They both laughed as he grabbed a cream product from the shelf.

"I think I may try this." He said, reading the description on the product.

"That's for old women who's skin look like the human brain."

Ashley said snatching it away from him laughing.

"You mean old white women who's skin look like the human brain. You women look smooth till ya drop!" He said, observing her hands and dropping them.

"Well I can't stay long, I gotta check on the new guy at the ice cream palor. Man, that guy hates me." Said Nathan.

"Well it's probably because your such a jerk to him"

"Well he should have never called me a Flying Fairy!" Nathan said with a sour look on his face.

"That's because you are a flying fairy" Said a deep voice from the other side of the Kiosk.

Ashley was startled to see Jeramiah appear with David following not to far away.

Jeramiah walked pass his sister and stepped in Nathan face.

Nathan's green eyes veered over at Ashley and than switched back to meet Jeramiah's.

David arrived and stood behind Ashley.

"I didn't think you were working today." David said speaking to Ashley yet looking at Nathan.

"Well hello to you to." Replied Ashley staring at her brother.

Nathan stared down at the ground and began walking around Jeramiah "I should get going. I'll talk to you later ok Ash." He said nervously.

"I don't think so." Said Jeramiah turning to look at Nathan again.

"I really don't think you have a say in that." Nathan said avoiding eye contact with her brother.

"Hold up little man, don't try me..."

"I'm not trying you" Interrupted Nathan now staring Jeramiah in the eyes.

"I was just saying I think she's old enough to talk to whomever she pleases."

Ashley stood up from her stool.

"Leave him alone J, he needs to get to work."

At that moment the mall security walked past and noticed the uneasiness in that area.

"Is everything ok here Ms. Christopher?" Asked the Gaurd.

"Yes, Thank you Roland" She responded as he looked at the three young men.

"I gotta get to work Ash. See ya later" Said Nathan as he walked over and kissed her on the cheek ignoring the presence of the Gaurd and the two men.

"We'll talk later" Said Jeramiah walking away with David following and waving bye to her.

"You sure everything is fine?" Asked the gaurd once more feeling the tension in the area. "Yes. Thank You. I'll be fine" She replied back. He tipped his hat off towards her and went along his business.

Ashley sat back down on her stool and folded her arms.

She looked down at the ground and took a deep breath.

Her left foot began to violently tap the edge of the stool faster and faster as she thought about what just happened.

She was so pissed at her brother she could just scream.

She didn't know what to do.

She really liked Nathan, but she hated drama and if her brother was going to act this way, she wanted nothing to do with it.

"Maybe Markita was right." she thought to herself. "Just stick with David and all this will be over before anything major starts."

But she knew there was a problem to that solution.

She liked David. But she liked Nathan more.

"I don't care what they think" she thought to herself. "I like Nathan and i'm sticking to him. I just hope, he doesn't get hurt..."

© Copyright 2009 DebaucheryDivine (debauchery1776 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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