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Rated: E · Short Story · Supernatural · #1540071
One man's temptation and greed will give him his final judgement
The Shining City

The deep burning sensation in his right shoulder had not died down since the actual collision of the bullet and while he laid propped up by the massive oak tree that had not only been his support but also provided great cover from the passing French army, he noticed how badly the wound needed attention. He thought frantically in his head, debating his next and what could potentially be his last move. Suddenly there came a rustling from the other side of the tree. As his heart raced, he could only imagine what could be on the other side, whether it be the raw unmerciful tip of a French sword or even more frightening the ruthless and savage blade of an enemy Indian tribe. Finally the footsteps stopped just opposite the tall oak. Jonathan pushed himself up as far as he could with the aid of his musket but still his battle wound made it difficult to be completely silent. There came two voices from the tree, both belonging to Indians but neither one recognizable. He caught a slight pitch of fear in their voices. However, just as the footsteps had entered, they quickly ran in the opposite direction. His loud sigh of relief was released and his breath continued, his heart still beating like a drum in his chest.

It had been nearly an hour since his last encounter with any actual human life but Jonathan had made much progress in journey. He had managed to treat part of the wound using his belt and parts of his uniform but still his methods were not the medical aid he needed. Jonathan was not much for navigation but from what he knew he had managed to travel directly east, searching continuously for a town or encampment that showed signs of a friendly manner.

As the long day began to grow to an end, Jonathan worried about the overnight trip he was about to face and all of the dangers that could occur. Soon, with the bright sunlight fading behind the treetops, his mind would begin to play tricks on him, and his imagination would run wild. Every shadow appeared as a wild animal, ready to pounce on the unsuspecting and already injured prey. With his eyesight already waning with the sun, Jonathan finally fell against the nearest tree and finally fell into a troubled and uncomfortable sleep.

He awoke abruptly early the next morning just as the sun had begun to rise above the treetops, but it hadn’t been the sun that had triggered his reaction. The all too familiar sound of a snapping brush and faint footsteps had grabbed his dormant brain’s attention. His immediate reaction was to reach for his musket but to his surprise it no longer stood propped against the tree, as he had left it. Jonathan flinched badly as his wound flooded his mind with the happenings of the previous day. Suddenly, from the small clearing just ahead of him, an old blanket covered Indian woman appeared.

“Young soldier, you will have no need for your weapon on this long journey you are about to face,” spoke the woman. The words seemed to flow like a hypnotic tune and her voice was like velvet to his ears. Though he did not know this woman, he trusted her. The old woman slowly approached Jonathan, and within ten minutes, his wound was completely restored! The very spot where the bullet had entered now looked the same as the day he was born. “I work many miracles,” began the woman. “If you shall join me and complete the tasks I place before you, then I shall grant you whatever your heart desires.” Jonathan’s eyes swelled to the size of full moons and a devilish grin crept upon his face.

The woman led Jonathan many miles until they arrived at a massive and majestic waterfall. The woman turned to Jonathan and spoke.

“This is where you must enter the city. I cannot join you, for many years ago I was exiled from this kingdom, but if you can prove yourself worthy, I can make you rich beyond your human mind’s dreams.” The very thought of gold and riches was enough to get Jonathan committed to the task the old woman now placed ahead of him. All he was to do was sneak into the hidden city and steal a single piece of gold. “With the single piece of gold you provide me with, I can create an infinite wealth to keep you deadly rich till the day you die.”

“And how much will you take for yourself?” asked Jonathan. The woman slowly turned away from him and gazed at the loud waterfall. A flash of red light burned through her eyes so quickly though that Jonathan wasn’t sure if he’d really seen it.

“I have no need for riches in this world,” replied the woman. “It is people like you, Jonathan, that keep me around. Now no more talk, it is time to administer the test.”

Jonathan turned to the waterfall as well, greedy thoughts of wealth and power clouding his brain.

In a single moment, Jonathan was through the crushing waterfall and standing firmly on the path before him. The path was dark and grim, but a ray of hope lay at the end of the path. He slowly began his way down the trail, cautious of every move. It seemed to take him hours to reach the end and when he finally stepped into the light, he found his body ravaged, starving, and exhausted. However, as his eyes adjusted to the light he could not believe what lay before him. An entire city assembled from what looked to be pure gold shimmered in front of his eyes. But just as the beautiful vision had entered his mind, suddenly his world went dark.

Jonathan awoke from his nightmarish vision of flames and screams to find his hands tied tightly above his head and his body atop a giant pile of wood. The back of his head was pounding and with the force of his body pulling down upon his arms, he thought for sure he would pass out from the pain in his shoulder. Then he remembered. Had not the old woman healed his battle wound and cleared his body of any scars? The pain was finally overwhelming and he let out a cry of pain for only the darkness to hear.

Then, slowly, a man appeared from the darkness. “The devil’s tricks do no work in my kingdom. Here you are seen just as you truly appear. I know as well of the intentions you entered my shining city for. You intended to steal fro me Jonathan, is that not true?”

“No, of course not! I was lost in the woods when I stumbled upon your city. I seek food and shelter, nothing more.”

The man lowered his head and gave a disapproving nod. As the man looked back up at the place where Jonathan stretched helplessly, a group of warriors with spears suddenly encircled Jonathan.

“I am sorry my young believer, but lying is something that is not tolerated in my city. And though you were in fact lost, no one finds our city until their times comes or they are led here.”

“Yes, yes, that old lady found me and healed my wound and showed me to your kingdom’s hidden entrance! But I assure you I never intended to steal from you!”

The circle of men began to move in closer, spear tips ready to strike the vulnerable European. “Your tongue is divided and speaks both lies and truths. I know you have met the ancient beast and like millions before you have failed to resist!” howled the man. “I see all, I know all, I hear all.” The circle of spears closed in ever tighter as Jonathan attempted to break free.

“The ropes of fate are tight around you now. There was once a time when you may have freed yourself but that time has passed.”

The spears struck and human flesh was severed.

“Though love and joy have brought you into this world, greed and a clouded heart have brought you to me far too early," said the man, looking up into the fading eyes of his failed soul. "And now justice and vindication shall haunt you.”

© Copyright 2009 Kristofer A (kalvarez83 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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