Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1539808-Loves-Luck-2
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Teen · #1539808
The sequel!


Lexi and Brett exited the movie theatre. They had just seen a romantic yet depressing story. Lexi dragged Brett over to the closest bench. She sat down, and began to shiver from the cold winter wind. After Brett sits next to her, she turns and grabs his hands, "My hands are cold," she whispers.

He pulls his hands away, "I'll get you some mittens."

She frowns, "I wanted you to warm them up."

He gives her a puzzled look, "Ok?"

Anger covers her face, "Brett, we have been going out for over a month and you barely hold my hand, what is wrong with you? You haven't even tried to kiss me! Do you even want to kiss me?!"

He looks down at his hands as he twidles his thumbs, "Not really..."

"T-t-then why the hell is this still happening?" Lexi quietly stammers. Standing up she says "Goodbye Brett," and walks away.



Amar was sitting at a table inside the library with all his books spread out. He pushed up his glasses to see what he had written in his spiral. He heard a sound of the library door opening, he looked up to see Lilly looking around for him. Amar pushed all but one book onto the floor, leaving his spiral and a pencil. "Over here Lilly!" He called. She looked to him, gave him a warm smile and started to walk toward him. "Oh shit..I don't know what to say to her!" He whispered to himself.

"Hey Amar!" She said, for a moment putting a hand on his shoulder, but removed it instantly to sit down next to him. "So where should we start?"

Amar didn't look at her, for fear she'd realize that she's too good for him. "Well-uh what are you having trouble on again?" He asked while flipping through his spiral. "You mentioned something about subscripts Tuesday?"

"Yeah, I looked at what you wrote but I still didn't get it," She sighed, "I fail so bad."

He finally looked up at her, "You don't fail at all. Your smart, and pretty, and very outgoing." Once she heard this, Lilly's face completely light up.

"Well thank you," She had a smile from ear to ear. Amar turned tomato red, 'I can't believe I just said that...' He thought. "So how does this subscript thingy work again?" He explained, in dept, of how the subscript is multiplied. After three books, 5 pieces of paper and hours of library time, Lilly finally understood how to make formula's equivalent. "Thank you so much Amar! I would totally fail this unit if you didn't help me!" She stated gratefully.

"It's no problem, Lilly. Anything for a friend," He smiled back.

"Well I better go then," She said as she picked up her stuff, "I'll see you in class." She opened her arms up for a hug.

Amar showed on his face how freaked out he was. Quickly he just grabbed her hand and began to shake it, "Er-No problem. See you later!" He sputtered while picking up his books that were on the floor from earlier. She had a puzzled look placed on her face, but she left the library silently smiling to herself.


"Hey bitches," Miles held out the word bitches, making him sound more gay than usual as he walked into the Starbucks.

"Miles!" Ever screamed, jumping up and running into his arms. "I missed you! When did you get here?!"

"Just not obviously, silly little girl!" He laughed lightly hugging her. "I missed you too honey."

Ever pulled away from Miles, leaving one arm around his waist, "Hey everyone, this is Miles!"

The girls sitting at the table, only Lilly and Lexi, said, "Hi Miles," in unison.

"Sit down guys! We need to her about Lilly's date!" Lexi poked Lilly's side.

Lilly began her story of her study date with Amar, her story was short and brief. Lexi laughed the entire time, while Miles and Ever listened intently. Near the end Lexi was crying from her laughter, and Lilly began to hit her on her arms and head to stop her laughter. Eventually, Lilly left, excusing herself for some homework.

"She is such a nerd," Lexi giggled.

"Lex, I gotta tell you something! Calm down, Jesus!"


"Yeah girl, spill!" Miles said.

"Well," Ever started, "I kinda have a date this friday!" Before Miles and Lexi could freak out, Ever explained. "It's completely casual, and me and him are both bringing friends! So do you two want to come? It's tomorrow obviously, and we are seeing some movie. Please guys!"

"Who the hell is this guy?!" Lexi asked.

"Eh...Err...Connor..." Ever admitted.

Lexi blinked her eyes multiple times, "Are you kidding me? The one Bala is obsessive over? She'll murder you!"

"Yeah, I know.." Ever frowned.

"Well, I won't be here tomorrow because my flight is tonight, but I say go for it girl. If you like him, do it!" Miles encouraged.


Lexi slowly walked back to her dorm, slightly worried if she'll let herself go like last night. She was fighting within herself to either let it all go and finally do what she's been needing to do since she was a young teen, or to control herself like she has been all her life. Her head throbbed as she unlocked her dorm door. It was almost 8pm, and Kyle would be arriving anytime now. 'I just met him, but I like him already. A lot. And I can somehow trust him...I don't understand this.' Just as she thought this, there was a knock at her door. 'Oh shit..' She looked into the mirror to make sure her hair was fixed right, then hurried to the door. She took a deep breath before she opened the door.

"Hello Lexi, how are you?" Kyle asked.

"Very good now your here," She smiled, letting him in. She led him into her room, and she sat on the bed. He followed her and sat down next to her. Lexi's expression looked hungry for him. She laid down on the bed, and motioned for him to follow her again. He got on his knees and came to her like a tiger. He lowered himself and touched his mouth to her's. Their motions were completely in sync, like they were made for each other. He laid on top of her, putting all his body weight on her. She moaned, aching for him. He pulled away from her lips and kissed her neck. She moaned louder, then whispered, "I want you."

Lexi pushed him up, and pulled off his shirt. He did the same with her's. He was hesitant to do anything else, but Lexi encouraged him. He got back on her and unclasped her bra easily as they made one at their mouth. She ripped it from her and threw in on the floor. Next, was getting her jeans off. Lexi pushed him up and she got on her knees too. She slowly unzipped her pants, and trew them off quickly. He touched her stomach as he viewed her hot pink underwear. She grabbed his hand and moved it to her plump ass. He felt her as they began to kiss again. This time she put her tongue in his mouth to explore, he did the same.

All of a sudden Kyle got up off her. "Wait." He said. "I don't feel comfortable doing this. I just met you, I don't want you to feel pressured to do this."

Lexi smiled, "Your a sweet guy, Kyle." She got up and began to put her clothes back on. "I didn't feel pressured. I just couldn't control myself. I'm sorry."

Kyle laughed lightly. "Don't be sorry at all. Do you just want to talk?"

Lexi had just pulled her shirt back ok, "Yes, I'd really like that." She smiled. Grabbing his hand, they walked to the couch in her living room area. They began to talk to each other, about their past, what they want in the future, and the present. Soon the tv was turned on, and they watched The Notebook, until Lexi fell asleep on his chest.

Kyle looked at her and smiled. He slowly and carefully picked her up and carried her to her bed. She lightly set her down under her covers. He grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and wrote down his cell phone number and left it on her bedside table. He looked at the brunette, and couldn't help but want her. He leaned over and kissed her forehead. "Goodnight Lexi."

© Copyright 2009 A Friend. (goodbyefornow at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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