Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1539730-Full-Moon-Nights-pt2
by M.D.D
Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1539730
August finds out what a Full Moon Night actually is...
I entered the living room; I had just checked on Olivia...I was drawn in by her beauty. I was now sitting on a wooden chair with a comfy purple cushion. I dozed off in the chair, eager to learn about the things she called 'Full Moon Nights'.

I dreamt...of full moon lit areas...a forest...a beach...even a mountain. In each, would explore...only to be attacked by something...everytime I was attacked, I woke. I easily dozed off more and more often. The last one I can remember, I was exploring some woods like this one...but before I could reach the cottage at the center of the woods...I was dragged away...what by...why am I dreaming this...or am I foreseeing my own death?!
"August!" Olivia's voice woke me. I looked out of one of the windows...it was nightime. I looked over to Olivias glittering face in the glowing of her 'lunar-glasses'. She was holding her blanket around her body...covering herself. Only her arms and head were visible but it acted like a drooping dress, too long for her. "You were having a nightmare..." I just noticed she had her hand on my shoulder. I felt tiny surges through my arm...they didn't hurt, but they were emitting from her hand. "Sorry!" She jerked her hand quickly off my shoulder, before walking into her bedroom, stumbling over her blanket a few times.
"What was that?" I asked, concerned. "That little surge I felt!"
"Remember I said that I let off an aura which can burn the skin of those beasts if they get too close?" Olivia called from her room. "Well...that was it...but with humans, it only happens when physical contact is made...and instead of burning your skin...it can actually heal you."
"Is that how-"
"Yes...I healed your ankle last night." Olivia stumbled out of her room, still wrapped by the blanket.
"Why don't you just wear clothes?" I asked.
"Erm...about that, you see..."
"You don't...have clothes?" I sighed. "Ok...stumble about your house."
"How would you feel if you were in this position?!" Olivia teased. "I may not be human, but I do feel the same emotions you do...and embarassment is one of them!"
"Ok, ok...you don't have to bite my head off." I stood up off the chair, walking over to the curtain to her bedroom, ripping the note from the pin. "About this..."
"I thought that might come up." Olivia sighed, sitting on a different chair in the living room.
"What is a Full Moon Night, exactly?" I asked.
"When there is a long streak of nights...only filled by a full moon...in other words...the moon starts orbitting Earth so that it always faces the sun to make a full moon." Olivia explained. "During this period of time, creatures like what you saw will start to appear in forests and woods everywhere. To meet face to face with one without me or Lunar-glasses...can only bring death. However, there is one time through the period that there's the chance of the Earth covering the moon from the sun's rays. Therefore...the only time it would be safe to move through these woods without me or a lunar-glass."
"When?!" I asked.
"A week from now...until then...you must stay by my side at all times...ok?" Olivia warned.
"What about these lunar-glasses?"
"They only last for a random ammount of time...not even I could even estimate the ammount of time they can last. If you're with me, and the one I take goes out...I have the ability to give you the sight I have...you'd be able to see in the dark for a limited ammount of time."
"Ok..." I looked around the room...it was empty except for the two chairs and the doorways. "What about food? I don't know about you, but I actually have to eat!"
"I eat too...less frequently than humans...but I do!" Olivia laughed.
"Well?" I wandered.
"I got some fruit..."
"The fruit trees right outside...where else?!" Olivia pointed to the window. I looked out and I saw apple trees, orange trees and a grape bush. Olivia had stacked a pile of the fruit inside for me. I reached over to the pile, picking up an apple and biting deep into it.
"So what else do I need to know?" I mummbled, gulping down the apple, and part of its core.
"Nope...that's all." Olivia smiled.
"Why can't you just take me straight back to the edge of the forest, while I stand right behind you?" I asked.
"I said the aura burns thier skin...if they get a big fright...the beasts run away...but if they're strong enough, they will do anything to kill you. They will burn they're hair off...they're willing to almost lose an arm...but they will kill you." Olivia stated.
"Why do you even care whether or not I die?" I asked.
"Because for the past three years I've watched and listened to you and you alone...you're like a friend I've never met before. Besides, I was eager to meet you, so I created the flashes. What I hadn't realized was the moon was full..." I hesitated.
"You were the one who brought me into this danger?" I started to boil with little frustration.
"I didn't mean to. I only lured you in on the wrong day." Olivia sounded like she was lying. "I will take you to the woods edge at the end of the week...when the moon is shaded."
"I want to leave now...I can't stay away from civilization this long...and not notify anyone." I stated, getting up to open the door.
"NO!" Olivia had jumped up and slammed the door shut, preventing me from opening it.
"What do you want from me?!" I yelled.
"Nothing...I just want you to live...ok...is that so hard to understand?!" Olivia yelled back.
"Don't you care at all about your life?!" Olivia teared up in her eyes.
"Then why do you care?" I finished, before shoving her aside, and leaving the cottage. I made sure I grabbed one of the lunar-glasses to take with me. In the very far distance, I could see the moonlight, hitting the ground. "Hmm..." I checked all directions, but only that one showed moonlight.

I had been walking for probably two hours, and the light didn't even seem closer than before. I was tired, and I wanted to get back home immediately. I had heard several growls, and guessed there were many beasts crowded around me, waiting for the light to go out. I was pushed so far to my limits, that at some times, I, too, wished it would go out. It never did, and the edge was heaps far away. Eventually, the lunar-glass began to grow dim. I was losing time. It was either run the the edge or back to the cottage. I just sat by a tree and stared at the light, knowing that I would be ambushed by monsters once it goes out. Soon...it happened. The light disappeared and hungry snarls echoed through the woods. Fear trembled through my bones, and I began to shake wildly. I felt the breath of some of the monsters, closer and closer and closer to my face. Suddenly, another huge flash scared them off.
"August? Are you ok?!" Olivia's voice called. I saw the dim glow of her lunar-light. I lifted my arms to hug her.
"Thank you..." I started to notice how much more I could do with my life...anyone could wait one week...but to die...and not live for a possible sixty years...it's an aweful thought. "Why'd you come after me?!" I got a short tear in my eye, again realising how much I would've lost if I'd been killed.
"I never left you...I was following you." Olivia giggled. "I already told you. I consider you a friend I've never met."
"I'm glad you decided to follow me." I sighed, fear leaving my body. "But why? Usually when someone acts like that toward a human, the other person would hate the one who did it."
"I'm not human..." Olivia teased.

Olivia had led me back to her cottage. It was nearlly sunrise, and I was still very tired. As soon as she helped me down on the couch, I fell straight to sleep. I was so tired I started to sleep walk as she helped me toward her cottage. I had no memory of getting inside, and lying down. But when I woke, I was there. It was probably five pm, and Olivia was asleep in her bed, wrapped in her blankets again. I stared fixed to her sparkling face again. I couldn't help it, but her image was just so beautiful. I finally snapped out of my trance and walked into the living room. I was sitting there, hoping to doze off...but I didn't fall asleep for a while. I finally woke to Olivia sitting on the other chair, which was dragged up right in front of the one I sat in. I got a bit of a fright when I first saw here, but she had her chair turned around so she could lean her chin on the back of it. She just sat there staring at me.
"Good evening..." I yawned.
"It's better now that you're awake." Olivia replied.
"How so?" I asked.
"Well...I can talk to you more."
"Did I mention your skin features are beautiful?" I snickered.
"You did when you first saw me...and you've been staring at me while I sleep...like humans I can wake up several times while sleeping...it's not hard to fake sleeping." Olivia giggled.

To be Continued...
© Copyright 2009 M.D.D (maxdrakonius at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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