Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1539683-Full-Moon-Nights-pt1
by M.D.D
Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1539683
A boy of sixteen wanders out into the woods, coming close to death several times.
I was awakened by the hooting of an owl deep in the woods beside my house. I rolled over, trying to get back to sleep over the loud hoots. After a while of trying, I looked at the clock...it was midnight. I pulled my blanket off of me and scrambled out of my small bed. I was frightened by a swift flash that came from the woods, which I saw in the corner of my eye through my bedroom window. I turned to sight the dark area. Most of outside was horrifyingly bright. I crouched down to look further up. When my eyes hit the brightness of a huge full moon. It was almost like looking into the sun, but of course, much less brighter. I saw another quick flash...like lightning, it was gone again.

I pulled my jeans over my boxers, and shuffled a black t-shirt over my body. Quietly, I crept past my parents' bedroom, trying to sneak out. I was heading for the front door. When I reached it, I looked through the peephole. Another flash emitted from the woods. I wandered what was going on. I slowly opened the door, hoping the creeking wouldn't wake my mum and dad.

I was now walking towards the forest, trying not to turn my head towards the brightness of the moon. I walked through the dense bushes at the wall of the woods. It felt like the air turned cold all of a sudden. I squinted to try and see what was in the distance. It was pitch black, the moonlight had no entry at all. But...I could see a slight glow probably a mile into the distant forest-land. I walked quietly ahead, making sure that I only followed the glow and not get distracted by leaves rustling, or critters scratching the trees and ground. I should've brought a flash light. What is that? I thought to myself. Probably only meters ahead of me, I saw a dim red glow...eyes? Or maybe was it the same glow I saw earlier, just different colour? I heard a slight snarl and I knew, it wasn't the glow. I felt my way to a tree, hiding behind it. It sounded like something big was moving, because the ground made loud thumps, loud enough to be a wolves footsteps. It couldn't have been...eyes don't glow unless there's some sort of light around. I peeked aroung the tree...I think. The glow was now two seperate lights...they were eyes. They were looking right at me. The wind blew recklessly, parting a few branches in the trees, letting the slightest glint of moonlight through. It flashed in front of me. It was a giant wolf standing on it's hind legs. Bearing it's teeth at me. The moonlight flickered through several parts of the forest, making several hundred flashes. I ran as it howled. It's snarling sounding hungry. I was certain I wouldn't run into trees, because I could see where I had entered the forest and there wasn't anything in the way of the view. I ran through flashes of moonlight and then--OW! I had tripped, still ages away from the woods entrance. I heard the growling noise, creeping closer. I turned to shuffle at my feet...I was snagged in a tree root. I saw the red eyes bouncing closer to me, slowly creeping to stare at my own, right in front of my face. I could feel the cold breath of the hungry monster...it sounded as if it opened it's jaws to bite me and then...

The forest lit up. The flash was bright...almost blinding. I saw the monster as if it was daytime. It began to snarl, before yelping and running away. I was safe...for now. The previouse glow was close...in front of me. "Are you alright?!" A voice called. It sounded like a girl probably my age.
"I think so..." I answered, not curious about the voice, or the glow.
"Your ankle is broken...!" The voice gasped.
"No it is--OW!" She was right...it felt broken. Something unsnagged my foot from the root, and I crawled away slowly.
"Don't be alarmed! I'm not going to hurt you." She assured me.
"Are you human?" I asked, grasping my ankle.
"Close enough..." Was the reply. I felt a jolt of electricity surge through my body. For a long second, I felt pain. But when it stopped...my ankle was no longer sore.
"Ahhh..." I sighed from the relief of a fixed ankle.
"I'm not human..." The stranger whom I couldn't see stated. "I don't know what I am...but no-one excepts me for who or what I am in any place in particular."
"Show me..." I got to my feet, careful not to trip on any more roots. The glow was lifted from the ground by something. It sparkled brighter for a moment. In the light I saw what she was. Her skin was pale white...probably a light bluish colour. I jumped at the sight...but really...she was beautiful. Her face had a small hint of sparkles...as if a tiny sprinkle of glitter was spread over her face. Her hair was the same. It sparkled slightly, and it was like a sea blue colour. Her eyes were yet again also blue, but her pupils were white, and slit like a snake's. I was astonished by her look. I could only see her face in the small glow. "Whoa..." I accidently spilled. "I mean..........whoa!"
"Yeah...I'm hideous...aren't I?" She held the glow at her face still.
"No, that's the thing...you...you're gorgeous!" I gulped. "Where were you born, Neptune?!"
"Here..." She placed the glow down so it was on the ground. "But I don't know if I'm like a visually disabled human...or the daughter of an alien." She sighed.
"Wait...you don't want to see what I am?" I asked.
"I can see what you are...you're human, your hair is black, shoulder length. Your eyes are blue, your skin is pale as if you haven't gotten enough sun. You're wearing a black shirt, and torn jeans." She giggled.
"How'd you know?!" I asked.
"To you, this dim glowing may only be able to light up around three centimeters of space here...but to me, it lights up within ten meters from here." She sighed again. "I told you, I'm not human."
"You're amazing...can you turn it up for me?!" I asked.
"You won't want that." She picked up the glow and started to move with it.
"Um...fine, I can't put it into words so here." The glow grew brighter. She had her back turned to me, so I could only see what was in front of her. I saw many creatures staring at us. I saw the same thing that chased me before, a lion looking monstr which stood like the wolf, and several others. "They see like me...the glowing of thier eyes emits the light for them. But this glow here, when it touches them it hurts. They also dislike my presance...if they get too close to me, some sort of aura I emit burns thier skin."
"Thank god..." I sighed.
"Just stay close, and you won't be attacked." She let the glow dim.
"Who are you anyway?" I asked.
"My name is Oliviasha...a name I was left with at an orphanage that dumped me here. Just call me Olivia...a human name that's close enough to my own."
"Ok...Olivia...I'm August..." I introduced.
"I know who you are..." Olivia sneered.
"Exactly, how?!" I asked.
"Your house is the closest house to the woods. I can see small but greater distances than you can. I usually sit at the edge of the forest and listen to conversations you have in your house."
"You spy on me?!" I yelled.
"I'm fascinated by humans..." She stated. "...oh don't worry...I can't see your bathroom." She added.
"That's not the point."
"Just stay close and you won't get attacked." Olivia repeated. "Drop it for the moment...follow me back to my cottage."
"Ok..." I walked forward, staying close to the dim glow. "Can you please make it brighter at least so I can see where I'm stepping."
"Anything you say." Olivia soon answered, whilst the glow illuminated more of the woods. I could only see what was at her feet, so I knew if I followed her that's what I'd be stepping on top of.

We walked for a long while without trouble. I was tired. "Are we there yet?" I asked.
"We're here." Olivia answered immediatly. She had moved out of the way. I looked at a small area covered in the weird glows. The entire area was illuminated by what looked like moonlight. The glows were little bottles that seemed to look like lantrns without candlelight. I was walking towards a cottage in the middle of the small area. It looked hand made but was very sturdy and there was no gaps in the roof or walls. I turned around, realizing Olivia was still in the dark.
"Aren't you coming?" I asked.
"No...just go inside...I will be there soon enough." She answered.
"Ok..." I opened the wooden door, walking into a brightly lit room. The room had a doorway which led into one more room and that was it. It was a two room house. One a bedroom, one a living room.

I had fallen asleep on a tattered old couch in the bedroom. It must've been morning, because when I woke, there was some daylight throughout the entire forest. I shrugged off my still tired body and lunged myself off the couch. I saw Olivia, asleep in her bed, covered tightly by here blanket. Her face was still as pretty as it was when she showed me with the glowing bottle. I noticed a note pinned to the curtain which hung in the doorway to the living room. It read:


If you're reading this, I'm asleep, or I forgot to take it down. This note is to fill you in on some things. I have adjusted my sleeping hours, so I am in fact nocturnal and probably won't wake until nine pm. Until then, stay in the cottage. Some of those creatures don't sleep and are worse in the daytime. You're in my hands...possibly for days. The Full Moon Nights sequence has started again. You should know yourself...just by looking at the sky, the Full Moon Nights have lasted a little over a year before. You will not be safe until it is over. My luna-bottles can only last so long...soon, the time will come that you have to stand within a meter from my body, just to protect you from those beasts.

Don't go outside...

To be Continued...
© Copyright 2009 M.D.D (maxdrakonius at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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