Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1539661-Loves-Luck
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Teen · #1539661
A teen drama, about relationships!


He ran his hand up her thigh while his tongue searched her mouth. She moaned into his mouth. He straddled her and began to unbutton her shirt. Bam! The door swung open.

"Connor! What the fuck are you doing with that hoe!" Chloe screamed.

The two on the bed instantly parted. Jade reclasped her bra and buttoned her shirt frantically, as Connor scurried to the other end of the bed away from her. "It's not what it looks like!" He put his hands up with a scared look. Finally Jade looks up at the fake blonde in the doorway, 'At least my blonde hair is real...' She thought.

"Bitch, what the fuck are you doing with my boyfriend?" Chloe screeched again, her face turning purple with anger.

Jade stood up, "Your boyfriend? Connor is MY boyfriend!" She looks over at Connor, "Right Connor?"

Connor struggles with the words he tries to speak, and instead rushes past Chloe and out the door.

Jade runs after him, while pushing Chloe onto the floor, while screaming, "CONNOR! IT'S OVER!"



Leaving the classroom, Lilly rushes up to Amar, who was far ahead of her and the smartest in the class. "Amar! Amar!" She yells.

He turns around, "Lilly?" His face was questionable, Lilly was by far the prettiest in his class, 'Why would she talk to me?' He thought.

"Amar! I'm having trouble understanding this unit, what does the subscript mean?" She asked, holding out her unfinished classwork.

In his mind, he frowned a little bit, 'School, I should have guessed.' He looks at the work she had already completeled, which was all wrong. "Well the subscript multiplies the element," He pulls out a pencil from his backpack and scribbles down the formula for photosynthesis, the first thing that came to his mind. "See there are actually 12 Hydrogens." He looks up at her smiling.

Lilly looked puzzled, "I still don't get it...Maybe we can meet up at the library or something later so you can explain it to me. I've made plans with Ever and Cassie and I'm running late," She grabbed his pencil and wrote down 10 digits on the side of her paper. Ripping the edge, she handed him the number, "Call me anytime your free." She smiled and scampered away.

He looked down at the tiny piece of paper in amazement. 'Score.' He smiled and walked back to his dorm.


Ever and Cassie sat in the Starbucks right outside of Baylor campus.

"I really like him Ever! But he is sending me mixed messages! One day he waits from my after karate, and the next he doesn't even look at me! What do I do?!" Cassie whines, putting her head into her hands.

Lilly barged into the coffee shop, "Sorry guys, needed some help on my chemisty homework."

They nodded simultaneously, and Ever took a sip of her strawberry frapichino. "Cassie is freaking out about her karate man again."

Lilly groaned, "Again?! Girl you need to whip him into shape or find someone else!" Ever agreed.

"But he is so sweet! And he always is there to help me if I don't get a kick or block." Cassie said through her hands.

Ever pulled Cassies head up, "It sounds like your just friends honey."

Cassie sighed, "I don't want us to be just friends!"

"Well...Maybe he is confused. Maybe he's not sure if he wants to be more than friends and he doesn't want to lead you on. And he doesn't want to hurt you. If you want him, then tell him. But if you don't, you could just be friends for a long, long, loooong time."

Cassie nodded, "Your right, tomorrow I'll tell him."

Ever smiled and then turned to Lilly, "So who was helping you with your 'homework' Lilly? We all know chemistry is your best subject!"

"Ohh well this new unit is confusing me, and Amar," Lilly admited. Cassie and Ever began to giggle. "What?!"

"AMAR?" Cassie laughed, "Yeah he may be super smart but aren't there super hot guys in your class?"

"So? I just want a good grade.." Lilly mumbled.

Ever giggled, "Amar...Thats funny."

Lilly stood up, "Well I said I'd call my mom after class, so I'll see you guys later.." She exited the Starbucks leaving the carmel mocha frapachino her friends bought her.


Charline and Jacob were sitting next to each other in the lunch room. Chatting about something random. Charline twirled her hair, obviously flirting with the boy. He was flirting back, but he was such a natural flirt he didn't notice. They talked for over ten minutes, until Chloe walked up to them, sitting right inbetween them. Holly was following her, and just stood next to them. Chloe began to flirt and Jacob flirted back not knowing what he was doing. Charline and Holly just watched. Eventually they both walked away, Charline angry and holding back tears, Holly without interest. Holly pranced to the table seating Bala and Ever. Bala was obsessing over a boy named Connor who was sitting around the lunchroom.

"Who the hell is this Connor person? I want to meet this boy who is apparently worthy of obsession!" Ever said.

Bala giggled and pointed at a curly headed boy sitting with some other kids, "Connor! Come over here!"

Connor looked up with a puzzled expression, and began to walk over to them.

Ever leaned over to Holly, "He looks kinda ugly..."

"Thanks, your beautiful too," Connor smiled.

Ever looked up, her face bright red. "Uh-uh I'm sorry I was ju-just," she studdered.

"I'm just messin' with you," He smiled and winked.

Ever, if it's possible, turned a brighter shade red. She thought to herself, 'He has a cute smile.'

Bala stood up and talked to Connor without hesitation, placing a hand on his shoulder. He replied, but every once in a while he would glance at Ever with the same smile she found to be cute. And she would smile back, wishing she could talk to him instead of Bala.


The next day...

"Call her!" Holly insisted. "Call her! She wants you to!"

"I don't know Holly...She just wanted help on chemistry." Amar bowed his head.

They had know each other since they were kids, and right now they were watching Holly's little brother at the playground.

"She could have asked anyone in that class, there are over 100 kids in that class! And she could have asked any of her friends! Almost everyone is taking a chemistry class. But she asked YOU. Amar, she likes you."

"But look at me! I'm not attractive at all... She'll realize that I'm just a nerd..." Amar frowned.

Holly smacked the side of his head, "Your attractive! Well, obviously she thinks so! Call her!"

"I dunno..."

"CALL HER!" She screamed, smacking his head once again.

"FINE!" He yelled back, pulling out his cell phone and the little piece of paper.


Lexi hurried down the hall, carrying a tremendous amount of books. She wasn't paying attention, just thinking about how she can't be late again, when she ran straight into someone. She dropped every single book as she wailed. "Oh no! I'm going to be so late! My professor won't even let me in!" She fell to her knees, picking up her books, when she first noticed who she had run into. "Thank alot man, now I'm screwed." She sighed heavily.

"Your welcome?" He replied questionably. He was helping picking her books, but didn't look at her.

They both stood up at the same time, and when he handed her her books, their eyes connected. He had green eyes with a blue tint, and Lexi lost all thought and just stared into his eyes. The bell rung.

She shook her head a little, "Shit," she said under her breath.

"I'm sorry I made you late to class," He smiled at her.

She looked back at him, melting into his eyes, "Don't be sorry," She smiled back, while getting an idea, "Hey will you help me carry my books back to my dorm? I'm not going to bother trying to get into my class."

"Sure naughty girl," He smiled, taking back her books.

"I am not!" She protested, yet smiling.

"Uh huh," He laughed. "I'm Kyle."

"I'm Lexi."

She led him back to her dorm and opened the door. "Where do you want these books?" He asked.

"Oh just put them on the floor, like it matters," She laughed. "I haven't seen you around, where are you from?"

"Just moved down from Kansas, I got a full scholorship here somehow."

She was amazed, "That's so cool!"

They talked for hours, about anything that came to mind. Eventually they were on the bed, making out. Soon, Lexi's phone started to vibrate in her back pocket. At first she couldn't tell her phone was ringing, but then her senses came back to her. She pulled away from him.

"Shit," she pulled out her phone. "Hello? Ever?" A muffled voice was on the phone, begging Lexi to meet her at the Starbucks. "Ok I'll be right there." Lexi turned back to Kyle, "I have to go," She frowned.

"I understand," He smiled, putting a piece of her hair behind her ear. He got off of her and put his shirt back on, and she squired back into her's. "But when will I see you again?"

She looked into his eyes, and couldn't help but smiling. She had to resist the temtation to just tell Ever she was busy and just claim Kyle as her's.
"Come back tomorrow night," She smiled a devilish smile.


Lexi pushed open the door of the Starbucks, surprised it was still open at 10pm. She walked over to her usually table to see Ever and Lilly.
"This better be good guys, I was in the middle of something!" Lexi said, grabbing the hot chocolate they had already bought for her.

"Oh Lexi, in the middle of what?" Ever asked.

"Er-nothing, but seriously, why did you call me here?" Lexi avoided the question.

"SOMEONE here has a crush and didn't tell us! Lilly!"

Lilly smiled, "Sorry..." She giggled a little, "I like Amar."

Lexi had been taking a sip of her hot chocolate when she said this, and she snorted it all over the table. "WHAT?"

"I know right!" Ever exclaimed. "And he called her! They have a 'study' date tomorrow!" She put air quotes around study.

"It IS a study date!" Lilly retorted. "I can't wait," She giggled.

"I'm sure!" Lexi laughed.

For about an hour they laughed and talked about Lilly and Amar until Lexi and Lilly got tired and went back to their dorms. Ever wasn't ready to go home just yet, so she pulled out her new book. She expected to read until closing but someone came up to her.

"Hello there," a deep voice stated.

She looked up and saw a familar face, "Hey Connor, why are you here?"

"Just didn't want to be on campus, Bala keeps stalking me," He chuckled, "It's a little creepy."

"Well that's Bala for you," Ever said.

They talked and laughed for another 30 minutes, until the lady working at the counter said it was closing time.

"I guess we have to say goodbye now..." Connor sighed.

"Don't be sad we can see each other tomorrow," Ever smiled.

"Yeah, we can," Connor smiled, sending butterflies to Ever's stomach, "So Ever, are you free Friday?"

"Why yes I am, why do you ask?" Ever smiled.

"Would you like to see a movie? We can both bring a friend so it's not official, but you know, I just want to spend time with you." Connor smooth talked.

Ever was spazzing out inside, but she wouldn't let him see it, "Sure, sounds fun."

They spoke details as they left the coffee house. He walked her back to her dorm.

"See you tomorrow," and Connor leaned in and kissed Ever on the cheek. Still smiling, he turned and left. Ever touched her cheek where his lips touched, and watched him leave, butterflies bouncing against the side of her stomach.

© Copyright 2009 A Friend. (goodbyefornow at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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