Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1539288-SpaceJunk
by Empty
Rated: ASR · Chapter · Sci-fi · #1539288
Inspired by old cheesy Startrek misxed with the world of Terry Pratchette.
A carrot is a carrot because all the molecules are mixed in a jar and microwaved at just the right temperature. The orangeness of the carrot is created by nano bots messing with the god atom. The carrot and gravity are both the same thing. It's just the state they are in and according to the universal society of inventions gravity consist of carrots with radiation.

Rox always doubted the inventions from the Universal society of inventions and always said their discoveries are all mad fuelled by stupidity. Honestly how many carrots can go into something as invisible as gravity. It will explode and he believes it's just the planet's emotions telling everyone to bugger off from it's domain. After all we are just visitors to the planet and never donate any money to WWE.

Rox is not a small man and people pretend to like him a lot just because he wears his overalls inward out and he can handle a stupid joke. Maybe it's the smile that is more enticing than a Britney Spears 'don't do drugs' campaign add. His potent red eyes with a oversized nose that comes straight from a noddy cartoon and a weener never stopped the ladies from having fantasies about him. Maybe it's the fingers that could spell his whole name to the x.

When Rox enters a room there would be a hiss of voices admiring his grandeur and charming smile that looks more like it was copied from a lions roar. Rox happens to be the new captain for the starship Enterprise. His previous starship called Escort was taken out of service at a rather young age. The reason for the early retirement was the awkward incident with the donkey hole in the 18th sector of Vertus. Donkey hole had a different name a couple of years ago and the Space travels convention created a law where the use of body part in the naming of anomalies should be banned. It just so occurred that the name given was in fact the other name given for donkey called ass.

The name was given to this anomaly which is the negative side of a wormhole and it reminded the namer of a donkey colon, since he worked with his father on a donkey farm. Donkeys became a big money business when people discovered that poo was used for fuel in the replicator. Many thought that having donkey poo inside of a replicator that is the largest producer of food was too fattening. The invention can replicate anything except cats with pink eyes. It's for this reason they had to employ a chef to wash the food once it has been replicated.

The Donkey hole is a dangerous place and instead of sucking you through a endless array of psychedelic circles the Donkey hole expands everything that goes through it. The Escort grew to such a large size that no man could return it to the starbase. The option to reverse the size did not help as for some strange reason the end of the Donkey hole is smaller than the beginning part. Now it floats around Nipples as space junk and scavengers can mine it for many years and make a good living from it.

Lucky Rox's crew survived the ordeal of the donkey hole but all died back to hospital through the transport beam. The schematics were all wrong and no one realized that space was limited on the other side of the transport beam. The crew of 15 people soon realized on their way to their destination that limited space can kill you. Janitors and rescue services had to use chainsaws and vacuum cleaners to remove the 15 crew members and the 2 operators who were both reading out of the Atkins new weight loss revolution recipe books. Eye witnesses say they heard a wet crush and then a ripping sound and a horrible smell before seeing blood flowing from under the door.

Rox approached his ship with the crew of the starbase saluting him as he walked down the red carpet with a proud smile. At the end of the long corridor he looked back at the line of saluting officers all dressed in red uniforms.

'Today is a proud day. Let us remember those who have died for us to achieve the next best thing in space travel. The Enterprise was built for speed and efficiency. I would also like to thank Mandela corp for their excellent escape pods that released me from certain danger. I have informed them that they should maybe tell the new owners that 15 people can escape with it. Storks speed to everyone.'

With this he turned around and opened the door and walked into a room with a transporter in it. The two operators rose up and saluted. Rox waved at them and then looked at them with a curious look.

“ Why a transporter....is the Enterprise not suppose to be docked to the space station.'
'Yes sir it's still docked to the space station...as you can see.' Added the operator and gestured to the window. ' There is however a small problem...' he added as Rox walked to the window. His mouth fell open when he saw the Enterprise in al it's …....small.....glory..
The operator stood next to Rox.
' We have to shrink you to fit into the Enterprise'
“What.....What happened?'
“ Well there was an incident with the previous crew of the Enterprise. Their last mission was a failure. They were on the opposite side of the Donkey hole when your crew got sucked in.'
Rox frowned and stared at the small man.
' Fear not sir, your whole crew is on board. We lack the knowledge of enlarging humans so we kept them small until your arrival.'
Rox frowned at them.
'Well then, nothing that viagra cannot fix......away we go' with this he ran to the transporter.
© Copyright 2009 Empty (ai777 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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