Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1539217-Shift-in-the-Woods
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Sci-fi · #1539217
A man is caught up in an event that swaps many people's bodies worldwide while hiking.
While hiking with a group of friends one day, I felt a wave of blackness overcome me as I passed out. When I came to, I seemed to be at a point further back on the trail than I remembered. I thought that perhaps my friends had carried me back in search of help. Getting to my feet, I felt a weight shifting on my chest. Looking down, I found my vision obstructed by an incredible pair of breasts.

Looking around, my group seemed to be nowhere in sight. It seemed if I was going to find anyone, I would need to get moving and head down to the start of the path. Setting off, slightly perturbed by the movement of the ample new additions to my chest and the general oddness of my new form, I set off on my search for someone who might know what was happening.

A short way down the path, I found myself coming up behind a woman about my age. Behind her and from a distance I couldn’t really make out her appearance. Feeling my now long hair brush my bare shoulders and the top of my new breasts, I drew closer. As I approached, I became more certain that it was my girlfriend, who had been with our group. Could I speak to her like this? There was no doubt whatsoever that she wouldn’t recognise me. How could she? Busty brunettes don’t generally make for great boyfriend material. Yet there was a familiar face, well a familiar backside at least, I couldn’t turn that down. I had to take my chance and hope that I could convince her of my identity. Someone I could speak to, someone who might be able to help, while I tried to figure out what had happened. Touching her arm, I spoke her name. Turning to face me, she asked what she could do for me. Of course, she didn’t know this face, but I was hoping there might be some other way of proving our familiarity to each other. Smiling, I told her that she knew me better than she imagined, and while what I was about to say and do might seem strange, I needed her to trust me, and hear me out.

Placing my hands on her chest I said, “Remember how I’d reach around you neck, crossing your heart, and take your breast in hand. How I’d gently nibble on your ear, then whisper all the incredible things we would do in our life together, things like…”, and then the switch of recognition went off in her head, her eyes fluttered open, and she looked me over again.

“I can’t believe it,” she said. “But yet, I believe you. The way you spoke just now, the way you held me. The look in your eyes. I can feel it. It really shouldn’t be possible, but that really is you in there. And…” taking one of the breasts that hung from my chest in hand, “There really is a lot of you! It’s not enough that you’re still taller than me, you’ve got bigger boobs now as well.”

Shaking my head, I smiled softly at her. A situation like this, and she was making jokes. Still, it helped to calm me down, and knowing that I had somebody believed who I was and knew of my predicament was enough to help me feel at ease. I guess “many hands make light work” is true for all burdens.

Sitting down together, I recounted my story to her. She explained that I, along with a good portion of the rest of our group, had suddenly passed out almost all at once. There had been no warning, we just stopped walking and fell to the floor. Really, it was lucky nobody cracked their skull on the way down. Given that the unconscious:conscious ratio was strongly in favour of those that were zonked out, it was decided that one person should head off for help while the others watched over us. She was still on her way when I found her.

Moving behind me, she pushed my top down and pulled one of my breasts free. “This is actually really interesting though,” she said. “Imagine, my man with boobs. It’s not every day something like that happens. And really, these are spectacular. I’m jealous! I bet you could suck on them.” A mischievous grin came over her face, and she lifted it up. Obliging, I leaned my head forward and took it in my mouth. Gently sucking it, I found the sensation pleasant but odd. I was still getting used to having the things on my chest, let along having it sucked on. Giving the nipple an experimental nibble, I felt my breath catch in my throat. It was then that I noticed that she had taken my other breast in her mouth, and we were now both sucking and licking on my tits, stimulating me together. The warmth spread through my body and I found myself getting turned on, a tingle running from my chest to my crotch.

I pulled her top down and began to massage her breasts. This woman that I loved, I felt incredible, and I wanted to share it with her. She insisted on focusing on my body, however. She wanted to show me the pleasure of womanhood, to show me how things felt for her. To share this act would surely draw us even closer together. My crotch tingled as she ran her hand over it through my shorts. As she squeezed and teased my right breast with her hand, teeth and tongue, it was the best I could do to return a gentle caress to her own breast. Closing my eyes, I soaked in the sensations that this body that I had inhabited for less than a couple of hours were sending to me. My breast, being fondled and sucked. The long hair, running down my back, tickling my neck. The warmth building in my crotch, as it began to grow moist. Many things were only subtly different from my original body, while others were completely alien. As the pleasure ran through my body, thoughts of the surrealism of my situation ran through my mind. The trees lining the hiking path filtered the light that ran through their leaves, giving the area a classic forest clearing vibe. We stood, bound in ecstasy, a nymph simultaneously initiating and worshiping a new goddess. It seemed so unreal, yet more real than any other moment of my existence. I felt as alive and aware as I ever had before.

Pulling her close to me, I wrapped an arm around her. Looking deeply into her eyes, feeling her breasts push against my own, I knew that I loved her and she loved me and that, regardless of what had happened to me, whatever had happened to the world, whether it was permanent or not, we would always have each other.
© Copyright 2009 ChanceXero (chancexero at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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