Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/153915-The-Fifth-Episode-Then-There-Were-Two
Rated: ASR · Serial · Comedy · #153915
The Fifth Episode
The sun dazzles the camera lens with flare as the logo vanishes from the screen. Hovering near the island, the crystal blue-green waters flow onto the beautiful beaches. Looking inwards, the emerald canopy of the jungles shines with the brilliant sun rays beaming off of it. As the helicopter's camera zooms in towards the jungle, the screen fades to a camera already in the jungle. Looking upwards, and slowly spinning clockwise, the sun flares a brilliant star through the jungle's canopy. Changing views once more, the meeting place appears on the screen. Panning left, the camera encounters B. Wolf, a dashing smile adorning his face, and a strange bump on his head.
"Welcome back, once more, to Survivor: The Inflatable Adventure. I am, as always, your host, B. Wolf," he says, his teeth shining.
From behind the camera, a sarcastically monotone 'yay' is heard. B. Wolf's smiling face turns to a frown, and with a cough, he continues.
"Now, some of you may have noticed some... technical difficulties with our production crew... slight communication errors between the crew and myself. Well," he starts with a laugh, "those days are over."
Walking over to his left, he continues.
"The crew and I have reached an understanding, and now," he says, coming to stop ten feet in front of many crew members, including the obese rabbit from last week, all of whom are lounging around, "they know who the boss is."
Hearing this, the crew behind him bursts out laughing. Waiting a few seconds, and becoming increasingly red, B. Wolf exhales. Calmly, he turns to them. Removing sheets of paper from his pocket, he waves them at the laughing crew.
Upon sighting these pieces of paper, the laughter ends, and the crew bows down. With a nod from B. Wolf, the crew hustles off to do their work.
Turning back to the cameraman, B. Wolf runs his thumb along the edges of the pieces of paper. Looking, they are, in fact, the crew's pay checks.
"See? We understand each other perfectly," he says smugly.
"Especially when I'm the only one who can sign off on their pay checks, the bums!" he whispers, still smiling.
"But, let us get to what has brought us here tonight, the events of this past week, and the outcome of tonight's vote."
Moving again, B. Wolf stands next to two unlit torches.
"Last week, we bid adieu to our two love birds, Doac and Juke," he says, as the screen changes to vignettes of their romantic dinner, and their subsequent inflations.
"With this week, we will have our final two contestants. However, before that, we must say good-bye to two more."
Walking once more, B. Wolf flips his remote out of his pocket. The old remote is showing signs of serious wear and tear, as it appears to be held together by electrical tape. Stopping next to his TV monitor, B. Wolf continues.
"Let us now take a look back at this past week. Once more, we decided to challenge our contestants, though in a slightly different manner then we have previously," he says, rubbing the bump on his head.
"Following this, we shall reconvene to learn the identities of our two finalists."
Clicking a button on his remote, the screen goes dark.

Fading in, the sounds of the waves is heard. The camera looks up from the beach, towards the makeshift homes of Tribe In'Flatus. With only four contestants left, each has his own home. However, the day has approached noon, and all are out and about.
Panning to the right, we see the four remaining contestants. Buster and Mitchell appeared to be lying down in the sand. Meanwhile, Alagar was attempting to lift a makeshift set of weights, with little success. And Joseph seemed barely able to do a split. All in all, it is a pretty sad scene.
"Food..." Buster whimpered, rubbing his tubby gut.
"Who knew that Doac and Juke were our best gatherers and hunters?" Mitchell chimed in.
Dropping the weights with an 'ungh', Alagar joined the two near-corpses.
"This is intolerable!" the silver fox exclaimed, trying to stretch.
"I'm so hungry that I can barely move," he says, standing over the three.
The four's stomachs groan collectively, rattling the camera lens.
Suddenly, a paper airplane soars down into their midst. Looking quizically at it, and then each other, Alagar picks it up and unfolds it.
"It's a message from B. Wolf!" the alligator says.
"What's he say?" Mitchell asks, propping himself up on his arms and his rotund gut.
"-Ahem- 'Hey all, I'm willing to bet that you are all pretty hungry right about now. So, get yourselves over to where the North beach meets the jungle, and I'll treat you all to a enormous meal. -B. Wolf'"
"Food?" Buster asked, looking up.
"Free food, my man," Joseph answers with a wink.
"Well, we'd better get go... ing?" Alagar says, turning around to see the three already off at a run northwards.
Folding up the letter, and shruging his shoulders, the muscular alligator began to chase after them.

The scene fades to the North beach, with B. Wolf standingg in front of a large table, with a white cloth draped over it. Turning to face the seated contestants, he is wearing a chef's hat.
"Contestants, I am glad that you could make... Buster! Stop eating the tablecloth!" he barked at the hungry wolf.
With a whimper, he lets go of the corner he had been gnawing.
"Anyways, I realized that you all must be pretty hungry, so I whipped you all up a little something special. A true island delicacy!" he says, rubbing his fingers together as if he were a chef (or as if he had actually cooked it himself).
Looking to see that all were suitably drooling, the red wolf smiled.
"And all you have to do to get this wonderful meal, is... impress me..." he began, but was interrupted by the sounds of scurrying.
Opening his eyes and looking around, a sweat drop appeared on the back of his head as he beheld the four contestants.
Alagar was currently lifting an entire palm tree over his head, with Joseph apparently standing on one toe atop it. Mitchell had launched into a mad drum solo using some nearby coconuts, and his stomach. And Buster... Buster was chasing his tail very quickly.
"Uh, I didn't mean it like that guys..." B. Wolf says.
With an exchanged look, the four reconvened at the table.
Clearing his throat, B. Wolf continues.
"Now, you must impress me BY... each of you constructing a boat using the materials on this beach, and sailing out to that buoy," he says, pointing to the buoy with the Survivor flag out in the cove.
"Won't that be hard?" Buster asks.
"Most of our challenges have been physical so far, now you all have to use your brains. I've brought along rope and some other miscellaneous tools and materials. You all have one hour, good luck!"
With that, the four scattered to the beach, gathering their materials.
The audio track is now replaced with music, as vignettes highlight the boat construction.
We see Mitchell attempting to tie together three small logs, with success. He proudly plops down on his raft, and gives a thumbs-up to the camera, a second before his girth snaps the logs in two.
We next see Joseph, who looks to be trying to chop two makeshift planks in half. Though he struggles, he just cannot get enough force to cut through them with the ax. Finally frustrated, he throws his right leg up in the air, catching it. With a loud -HEEYA- he sends it down in an axe kick, perfectly splitting the wood.
The camera now turns to Buster. Gnawing on a piece of palm, he looks back and forth between some wood he's gathered, and a hammer next to him. He repeats this procedure several times before the camera gets bored and looks to another contestant.
Alagar comes on screen next, and the strong alligator appears to be trying to bend a thick branch into a ring. Seeing the camera is on him, he smiles and tries even harder to bend the branch. Unfortunately, the branch snaps back and goes flying from his hand.
B. Wolf sipped his espresso, waiting for the hour to be up. Suddenly, hearing shouts from the beach, he turns to see what is going on. Looking to the beach, he is in time to see the branch fly straight at him, smacking him on the head. With this, the screen fades out to commercial.

Returning from commercial, B. Wolf steps on screen with an ice pack on his head.
"Contestants, your boats look... good."
Looking, the camera sees each contestant's entry. Joseph and Mitchell have fashioned small kayaks using a hollowed out trunks and some makeshift oars. Alagar has made a small log raft, with a thin trunk for a pole. And Buster... stands there with a chunk of wood under his arm... apparently, he made a boogey-board.
Moving to the water, the contestants prepared to get underway.
"Contestants, get ready... get set... and GO!" B. Wolf says, shooting off a starting pistol.
Leaping into their boats, each moves out towards the buoy. Alagar's muscles strain as he quickly propels his makeshift gondola along. Joseph moves ahead of him, paddling in a steady rhythm. Buster trails the both of them, paddling on his piece of wood. Meanwhile, back at shore, Mitchell has sank and now sits in the water, on top of his broken kayak.
Rounding the buoy, Joseph is still slightly ahead of Alagar, with Buster having yet to round the buoy. Coming through the finish line, the both of them tie!
A short while later.
"Congratulations, you two! You both won, which means that you may each dine, and invite a guest along with you." B. Wolf says.
With that, all four of them gather around the table, exchanging smiles and thanks for including all in this meal.
"A victory leading to a united celebration. I know you're all hungry, and this meal is sooo good..." B. Wolf says, while the others start to drool once more.
"Voila!" B. Wolf says, pulling the table cloth off dramatically.
The camera pans out to take in the spread. There, glittering in the sunlight, are piles of insect larva, dried out fish, and live insects.
"There, an island delicacy!" B. Wolf says proudly.
With that, all four collapse, their feet sticking up in the air.
With this, the screen fades to black.

Panning back from the black screen, B. Wolf stands their chuckling.
"Mmmmmm, quite a meal... too bad that no one wanted any," he says, moving away from the monitor.
"But, that brings us up to today, and the vote."
With that, the four remaining contestants enter the meeting place, lit torches in hand. Sitting in a line, they await the results of the vote.
Removing the envelope from his pocket, B. Wolf reads off the first name.
"Joseph, you're up."
With a slight huff of disappointment, the silver fox moves over to B. Wolf.
"Now, you're our first muscle inflation we've had... let's see... muscle... muscle..." B. Wolf says, sifting through the tanks.
"Ah! Here it is! All natural muscle enhancer... steak flavored," he says, producing a large pill-shaped object, with a picture of a flexed muscular arm on it.
"There you go, just swallow that there," B. Wolf says, handing the pill to Joseph.
With a few blinks, Joseph chomps into the mass, and finishes it in a few bites.
Everyone watches him, as he burps a few times.
Suddenly, his body quivers. Looking around, he sees his arms begin to beef up, his biceps and triceps finally developing. Lifting up his shirt, he sees a six-pack quickly form, and he sees the musculature effect spread.
As his chest grows, his leg muscles leap out. Flexing, he now has the body of a large bodybuilder fox... but he's not stopping. Continuing to grow, his developed muscles inflate even more.
Finally stopping a minute later, awe is on the faces of all in attendance. Not only has Joseph's muscles grown, but he also grew three feet in height! Joseph's once bird-chest is now nearly six feet around. His enormous arms are thicker then oak tree trunks.
Flexing his impressive muscles, the silver fox looks down at B. Wolf.
"Well, I pity the ballerina that you have to toss in your next show, Joseph. Congratulations!" B. Wolf says, motioning for him to step over towards the exit, and to wait for the second person.
As he walks away, the ground shakes from his stomps.
Settling himself, B. Wolf looks to the second name.
"Buster, you too."
The tubby wolf rushes over to B. Wolf, apparently eager to be inflated.
"Down boy!" B. Wolf says, whapping him on the head with a rolled up newspaper.
"Now, your didn't exactly specify what type of inflation you preferred... so we improvised." B Wolf says, holding out a turkey shaped object.
"In the previous weeks, we used a lot of air and fattening agent, and were starting to run low on two of the tanks, so we emptied the contents into here. Here you go!" he says, handing him the strange 'turkey.'
Sniffing it, Buster quickly gobbles it down, nearly taking two of B. Wolf's fingers with it.
Licking his lips, Buster rubbed his stomach. Apparently, the 'turkey' tasted good.
Suddenly, the contents of the turkey escaped their confinement, and set about their work quickly.
In a nearly instantaneous explosion, Buster inflated in a few seconds.
His stomach had bounced outwards, becoming a little bit bigger then Juke's had been last week. His legs and arms were round and bloated, but still defined. His neck had been consumed by his torso, and his cheeks were like volleyballs.
Buster shook his head, a little dizzy from such a rapid inflation. Standing, he bent his thick hands inwards, poking and rubbing his enormous brown stomach. The wolf looked like he had swallowed a weather balloon.
"Buster, you look good... but we're not done yet," B. Wolf says, producing a 'hamburger' from behind him.
"Like I said, we emptied the two tanks, and there was enough left to make this. And since you are number 8 to leave, you do get blown up bigger!"
Buster tried to reach down to grab the 'burger,' but was unable.
"Here let me help you," B. Wolf says, grabbing a hold of Buster's stomach.
Climbing up the wolf-mountain, B. Wolf shoved the 'burger' into Buster's mouth, and then leapt down before the expansion happened.
With a few chews, Buster swallowed the 'burger', and felt it settle in his stomach.
A few seconds later, Buster began to quiver as well. Looking down, his stomach began to leap out once more. In another, though smaller, explosion, Buster's girth increased.
After he had stopped growing, the camera zoomed out to take his new body in.
Buster was now little more then an enormous sphere with stubby arms and legs and a head poking out of it. All definition had left his body. His waist line was like a hot-air balloon. Looking at his face, the gargantuan wolf was in rapture.
Poking the enormous wolf, B. Wolf was impressed.
"Buster, did you like the food this time?"
"Yeah!" Buster burped.
Having now been rolling on his round back after the second expansion, Buster was unable to move.
"Joseph? Would you mind?" B. Wolf asked the god-like fox.
Stomping over to the beached balloon-wolf, Joseph began to roll him out of the meeting place. Even with his new strength, he found it difficult to push that much wolf around.
Turning back to Alagar and Mitchell, B. Wolf addressed them.
"Well, well, well. The final two contestants. Congratulations, gentlemen. I wish you both luck, and remind you that the levels to which they were inflated," he says, pointing behind himself to Joseph and Buster," are not nearly the level to which the winner will be blown up to."
With that, the alligator and the black wolf exchanged awe filled glances.
"Good luck gentlemen."
With that, the two filed out, still looking at the herculean Joseph, and the living ball Buster.
After the two have left, B. Wolf turns back to the camera.
"And I hope that all you out there will also join us next week for the season finale of Survivor: The Inflatable Adventure! I'm B. Wolf, good night."
With that, the scene fades out to a shot of the island as the sun melts into the sea. As the logo comes on the screen, the weird music begins to play, and the credits start to roll by once more.
© Copyright 2001 Blimp Wolf (blimpwolf at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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