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Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1539134
This Is a short story I had originally written as a intro to my novel but didnt use
The sun was low in the horizon, giving its last stand and grudgingly releasing the city from the heat of the day. Though, everyone who’s spent any amount of time living in San Antonio could and would tell you that the heat never really went away ,the temperature just dropped a few degrees along with the sun. Still that did not hinder the people crowding the downtown streets in celebration of Fiesta, it just gave them more reason to drink beer, something the San Antonians needed no encouragement to do, in fact it was something they excelled at.

Alyca watched the throngs of people celebrating from the window of her room on the top floor of the Marriott in the heart of the city. From way up there all the humans looked like little ants scurrying around a kicked ant pile. Ant ready to be crushed under heel at her whim. The thought made her laugh , that thought always made her laugh. To her the whole human race was a disgusting thing good only as cattle to feed her dark hunger. As much as she hated and despised these vile creatures and their fragile mortal lives, she knew she could not live with out them. Their fresh hot blood kept her alive without it she would be nothing more than a husk, unable move but still alive. That fact is what fueled her dark hatred of humans, but there was nothing she could do about that.

With a little smile she moved away from the window and glided around the room to stop in front of her vanity. The image looking back at her in the mirror would be called beautiful by any human standards. With luscious black hair falling to her petite waist. Her slim face was perfectly carved with violate eyes and long lashes, with a small nose and a pouting mouth that men would sell their soul for just a kiss. She had a perfect toned body that never Gained a single pound.

Despite her appearance Alyca was not a human, and she would have killed any one who dared even imply that she was. Oh , she had started out as one but her mortal life had ended thousands and thousands of years ago. Born in a tiny village along the Mesopotamian river in a time before history was recorded she lived to the age of sixteen, before she was reborn to the Blood by a scared God . Using her beauty to her advantage she seduced her creator into giving her all his secrets, than sucked his body dry of blood and gaining a significant boost in power from his ancient blood. After drinking her village dry she burned the corpses and set out to conquer the world. She spent her the countless centuries building empires and rulers then bringing them crashing to their knees. From Alexander and Hannibal to Ivan and Hitler she had a hand in all their rises and caused their falls. She had no wants for political gain it was all a game to her, a game she had perfected. This cruel game keep the blood flowing and it kept her occupied. These games kept her from taking those long naps that so many of her kind ended up taking some never returning.

No Alyca loved living, never once in the many thousands of years she lived did she ever think of giving up her life, nor would she ever. The millenniums had made her vampyric powers grow to a level that few would or could challenge. Over the years many had tried to take her life and drink her powerful blood but all had failed and it was she who drank Their blood and gained even more power. Alyca felt truly immortal, there simply was no way to kill her many had tried all had failed. She felt she could even take on a Lykien, if there were any left, that race had not been seen in over a thousand years. She had no real fear of them.

Alyca preened in the mirror checking over the outfit she had picked for tonight.

The tight stylish White t shirt bought from River Center Mall really brought out her curves and the short jean skirt rode dangerously high on her thighs showing her perfectly tanned legs in all their glory. She loved it completely sexy and just a hint slutty just what she needed for tonight’s hunt. After giving her hair a quick brush she slipped on her flip flops and headed out.

Leaving out the door and taking the elevator to the floor was something she did to keep a charade of normality about her. She could have just as easily of misted out or even just jumped out the window and floated down to the street below with little to no effort. Those were things vampyres new to the blood did while they were still drunk on there new abilities. She knew that was stupid though, humans may be dumb pests but it wasn’t smart to give them reason to get suspicious of you. They tended to catch on to the smallest hints you gave them and before you knew it you had an angry mob at your door. Alyca had seen many a young vampyre perish for being foolish. Not her though she didn’t mind standing in the little box to go to the ground floor and strolling threw the crowded lobby full of humans to hit the streets .

Heat and crowds of people seemed to crash down on her as soon as she walked out the automatic door. The sun had not quit gone down and the air seemed to simmer on the streets had she been human sweat would have long since damped her forehead but she had none of those downfalls. With a felling of anticipation Alyca melted in to the flowing crowd and let it pull her along in any direction it pleased.

A lot of the vampyres she had met had standards when they hunted some only hunted the rich or powerful, some liked the beautiful or famous , others would only hunt the sinners . Those kind were almost as bad as humans in her opinion. Vampyres who felt sorry for humans were disgusting and a waste of the blood, she took it upon herself to destroy any she found. For Alyca the hunt led her, she would flow about, mingle and watch till the kill came to her. The willing sacrifice would come to her ready to die even if they didn’t know they were ready to die. Tonight she felt lucky.

Walking down Commerce street Alyca breathed in all the life around her, stopping in front of the Friendship Tower to purchase a beer . Not that she would drink it but she liked to feel part of the festivities. She could feel the eyes on her as she headed for time square, her beauty always left a sea of angry girlfriend in her path . Throngs of people jousted her around as the crowd fought to move in five different directions at one time. All around sweaty bodies rubbed against her smelling of sweat beer and hot blood. The blood lust began to rise in her but she pushed it down, she was not a newborn prone to loosening control to her cravings . It was better to wait let the hunger build up and than when the kill came take it slowly.

At time square Alyca stopped to watch a mariachi band play while she scoped the scene. All around people were in throws of celebration. Bands were playing, and people drinking lights and streamers were every where, just off to the right the carnival could be seen lighting up the horizon. As her eyes wondered around she found one person who wasn’t joining in the festivities, instead he was leaning against the wall grinning at her . She grinned, luck was with her tonight, an eager kill.

The man was on the move strolling confidently towards her the grin never left his face. A real eager kill.

As he crossed the plaza Alyca took time to visually take him in. standing about 5’8” he had a very nice build muscular but not overly built, with a cute clean shaven face and shot cut hair. Not a bad one very cute she would enjoy this kill. Still grinning the man stopped in front of her and studied her with light hazel eyes. She gave him her best smile. “hello Alyca.” He said.

The shock threatened to knock the smile off her face but she had long since mastered her emotions. “Hello” She replied. “You have me at a disadvantage. You know my name but what is yours?”

“Call me Greg “He replied.“ how about we go for a stroll?”

She smiled “ Wow Greg you don’t waste much time do you?”

“No I don’t “ He replied. “ I like to get straight to the good stuff."

This guy seemed eager to die, Alyca liked that. How he knew her ancient name she didn’t know but no worries he’ll be dead in a little while any way. Offering her hand to him she gave him another winning smile “Lead on.” She said.

Greg took her proffered hand and led them off in the directon of the carnival. “I’ve been looking for you for a while now Alyca.” He said.

“Oh really?” She said .“why ever would you be doing that?”

“You have alot to atone for my dear.

Alyca began to feel a bit defensive what did this silly human think he knew? Not that she was afraid, no human could come close to harming her. Still he had identified her true name something she had only told a select few since her rebirth in to the blood, plus he seemed to think he knew something of her “crimes”. she decided she would take her time in killing him and glean as much info out of him as possible.

“Oh what ever do you mean my luv?” Alyca made her voice drip with innocence.

“Well lets see.” Greg’s voice was just as innocent. “You’ve been in town five days and in those days ten people have been killed, their bodies torn apart and spread across the city. Any of this ringing a bell?”

Oh a cop! Alyca threw back her head and laughed. This poor boy is just an intelligent cop, still she must be getting sloppy if a stupid pig could catch on to her. Oh well for all his research and snooping he was still going to die in a few minutes. With a quick scan around Alyca found a quiet dark ally a few blocks up where she could drain the life from him in peace. Now to get him in to it.

“So my dear cop what makes you think I had anything to do with these murders?” Alyca asked “ I mean look at me how am I suppose to kill any one”

“Oh I’m not a cop” Greg replied “ and we both know your more dangerous than you look so why don’t we cut the crap and get down to the nitty-gritty.

Smiling gently Alyca steeled her grip on Greg’s arm and jerked him in to the ally. With little effort she slammed him into the ally wall and wrapped her hand around his neck. Greg didn’t fight at all his grin never left his face. With a snarl Alyca slammed him harder into the wall, still Greg’s smile never wavered and his scent was not even giving off any fear just….humor.

“You must be even more stupid than I thought little man” Alyca snarled. “most men are shitting themselves with fear at this point.

Greg grinned down at her “ I see nothing to be afraid of.

“Then your really stupid little man.” Alyca said with a wolfish grin. “ Let me spell it out for you, your about to die.

Greg laughed out right, a long howling laugh that sent a chill running down Alyca’s spine. What is this fools problem? No one is stupid enough to laugh in her face the very thought brought her anger to a rolling boil. This insolent little shit doesn’t know who he is fucking with. She could tear him apart with her bare hands. Greg continued laughing, with a roar Alyca threw him down the ally and crashing into a dumpster . Like a shadow she wisped over to him ,almost before he hit the floor, grabbing him around the neck with both hands. Lifting him up above her head she made her eyes glow red and roared at him.

“You insolent fool how dare you ridicule me” She shouted at him “ Do you know what I’m capable of ?’

Greg finally stopped laughing but his grin remained “I know exactly what your capable of and what you are. I know quite a bit about you.

Before she could respond she found her self flying thru the air and slamming into a wall. Moving faster than even her eyes could follow Greg was on her with his hand pressing her head in to the wall, panic began to spread thru her turning her stomach in to a block of ice.

What is this guy, how is he so powerful?

Greg leaned in and studied her with cold eyes “ Your soul is blackened with the weight of the murdered, Alyca.” He said. “your judgment day has arrived, your own evil heart has condemned you.

Alyca’s fear was replaced with panic his iron grip was unbreakable, even with all her strength she could not loosen it. In a last ditch effort she began to rain down blows on his head and body . Punches that would have destroyed the most powerful of armors bounced off him like flies on a brick wall. Whatever this guy was he wasn’t human. To prove her unspoken point Greg’s face began to shiver and contort , his forehead sloped down and grew out as his ears rolled back and grew pointed. His nose sank into itself and turned black as his mouth extended outward and formed a snout. Jet black fur began to sprout all over him as his body began bulge with muscle, the hand that held her head grew larger and jet black nails grew long and sprang into her skull. After what seemed like hours, even though it took less than a minute, Alyca had no problem identifying the half man half wolf being standing before her, and a gurgled scream escaped her throat . It was in possible Lykiens were extinct.

Greg grinned down at her with rows of razor sharp teeth, terrifying in it self but what was going on behind the lyklien chilled Alyca to the bone. The air behind his head began to quiver and shake in a smoke haze, growing thicker and denser as it spread out to engulf the ally. A sinister black form began to take shape in the center of the mist, as it grew the blackness seemed to suck in all light and heat and dispense an icy chill. Alyca could do nothing but gurgle and roll her wide eyes as the form took the shape of a thin figure wraped in a shifting cloak and sitting on a sickly horse with eyes like fire. The figure was unmistakable, the incarnation of death, the keeper of souls, the fourth horseman of the apocalypse, Death himself.

Deaths boney hand reached out towards her as Greg brought his head down to whisper in her ear. “ Don’t worry Alyca.” He whispered.. “ I’ll make it fast.” With that Alycas desperate struggles grew more frantic, she flailed around and gurgled ,but to no avail. Striking With lightning quickness Greg’s teeth crushed her throat, snapping her spine and severing head from body. Like the wind from a hurricane force Death ripped Alyca’s soul from what remained of her body, Struggling franticly Alyca tried to free her immortal soul from deaths icy grip, but her fight was in vain. As he pulled her closer his quivering cloak began to break in to single whisping forms reaching out to garb her. With one last desperate scream Alyca gave one final surge for freedom ,but it was to late. The souls of the damned had reeled her in with there icy grip, melding her in to Deaths cloak.

© Copyright 2009 anthonycook (anthonycook at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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