Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1538614-The-worst-and-the-best-day-ever
Rated: E · Short Story · Contest Entry · #1538614
Chris gets sucked into a painting
      Chris shuffled along behind his classmates. It was obvious he really didn’t want to be there. He had been in a grouchy mood all day. It started when he woke up, and no he did not get up on the wrong side of the bed! Chris did, however, make the mistake of looking into the hallway mirror as he ran downstairs. There right on the tip of his nose was a huge pimple.  Chris did the worst thing he could possibly do, he popped it. That only made it red and angry. It was bleeding for goodness sake. Now he tried to brush his hair down into his eyes so people wouldn’t see the superman Band-Aid on his nose. Unfortunately his mom didn’t let him stay home and now everyone who noticed it laughed at him.
        Normally his secret crush, who is unaware he exists by the way, would never have noticed. They do not have the same classes. But today was field trip day. They were going to the local art museum, to “get some culture.” Which meant Tracy not only saw but pointed it out to everybody with a very loud giggle and an “oh my gawd, look at Chris’s nose!”
Chris wished he could disappear. Right then and there. He scurried over close to a painting and brushed his eyes furiously. Why was he crying like an idiot? Suddenly something whacked him. He cried out and his classmates turned around to stare.

        An oar was pushing at him. But wait that was impossible, wasn‘t it? It seemed to be coming from a painting. The oar dragged him along and he fell headfirst towards the painting. He closed his eyes expecting a huge bonk to his head but instead heard a loud splash! Chris was soaking wet, doggy paddling among the thrushes. An oar kept whacking him in the water.
“Oh,” said a young girlish voice. “I’m sorry, let me help you.” She held out her slim white hands to the young spluttering teen.
Chris heaved himself into her small wooden boat. He was thoroughly soaked, and his teeth chattered as he tried to rub his hands together for warmth. The young lady arose and offered him the blanket she’d been sitting on.
“T-t-thank you.” chattered Chris.
        He wrapped himself like a cocoon and wondered at his predicament. This was impossible. How could he be inside a painting? He must have hit his head harder than he thought. Whatever whacked him the first time must have been heavy. Maybe he was comatose. He snuck peaks at the young lady. She was pretty. No, she was more than that, she was beautiful. Her brown curls glimmered golden in the sunlight, and the white dress gleamed and fluttered in the breeze. What with the sun sparkling on the water it was quite an effect. Poor Chris was dazed.

      Suddenly he was attacked by a small pug. “Yip, yip, yip!”
“Kingly, you get down this instant,” demanded the girl. The dog whimpered as he sat at her feet. “Sir, are you alright?” she asked tipping her head.
“Did she just bat her eyelashes?” It was definite. He was dreaming. As soon as he woke up he’d probably be in the nurses office with a huge bump on his forehead to match the one on his nose. Well it wasn’t everyday a beautiful lady stared at him in concern. He refused to wake up!
She lowered her head onto her palm and watched him. Chris stared into the deep depths of her eyes.

He felt his body shaking. “What was that awful smell?”“NO!” his mind screamed. “I refuse to wake up!”
Cold gray eyes stared at him from a wrinkly face. He lay on the floor surrounded by broken glass. A painting by James Tissot had fallen upon his head and knocked him out!

643 words

Painting was Young Lady in a Boat by James Tissot
© Copyright 2009 Maylene (maylene1852 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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