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Rated: E · Poetry · Other · #1538403
Where, really, lis the blame?

School yard bullies backing
The undersized, the nerd, the outsider
Into a corner
Where the victim eats dirt for lunch—
Nothing new.

Held in low esteem
Holder of low self esteem
The insecure bully acts out; seeking
Mimicking behaviors usually parental,
Solving by violence or
Intimidating by size
Any threat to their superiority.

Workplace bullies corner
The new kid in the cubicle
Undermining, stabbing them in the back
With paper trails of dirt—
Nothing new.

Computer bullies
Text—putting in words the taunts
Of yesteryear. Giving them a different voice.
Rumors spread by fingertip
Linger in a network
Of deceit and lies.
Nothing new—really.

Just an evolved version of the same
Old game. Remember Operator
Where whispered words changed
By the end of the line? Now deranged
Statement from simple beginning.

What has changed
Are parents less involved
Relationships scattered among steps and halves.
Somewhere the talking was drowned out by the clatter
Of keyboards.

What has changed
Is society more vocal on the fringes
Of sexuality raising its voice
From a whisper
To taunts from the unknowing
Aimed at the confused.

Bullying and gossip have conjoined:
The rumor mill has more grist to grind
Insecure children of orbital families
Into the dust and dirt of a societal failing,
While invisible yet tangible words
Fly through space as communication methods
Hasten the flight.

It isn’t right.
But if you don’t like the program—change the channel.
The playground has expanded and one can avoid the fray.
Change is just a click away.


An article entitled "Students hear lesson on cyberbullying" by Allison Pries of the Record in Hackensack, NJ appeared in the Lawrence Journal World. Following are excerpts from the article:

Student leaders shed tears in a Ramsey, NJ school one day Friday last month as the father of a Vermont teen recounted his son's suicide and put a face to the problem of cyberbullying.

The powerful presentation by John Halligan was the cornerstone of a daylong summit on cyberbullying head at Eric S. Smith Middle School in Ramsey, NJ.

"Mr. Halligan's story brought out the emotional side of bullying," said Nick Schifano, a Ramsey student counsel officer. "It shows it doesn't hurt one person. It hurts family and friends."

As young people spend more time instant messaging, texting, emailing and using social networking sites, the peer harrassment that once occurred in hallways and schoolyards has them into cyberspace, experts say.

"It's so much a part of their life," said Richard Wiener, the Smith School principal. "So we have to equip them to use the technology in a way that's going to be productive, and not destructive."

"I don't think it ever goies away," said Dave Pfeiffer, a guidance counselor from Ridgewood, NJ. "Kids will always have that battle in life."

Increasing awareness, many say, is the best way to diminish it.

Write a poem about anything you have read in the excerpts or anything that was stirred within you as you read.

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