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by Tyneil
Rated: · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1537339
this is going to be a fun night hunting a few giant worms and killing them all

“Hey Cyrus I found my knife” Nikolai said into his cell phone
“Really, where was it?”
“I had forgotten I had put it in the dish washer because it needed cleaning”
“Did your mom see it?”
“Did she ask any questions?”
“No, she thought it was just another steak knife”
“Well that’s good”
“Yep, you got the duct tape and other materials I asked for?”
“Sure do, when are we meeting to prepare?”
“My mom goes to bed around nine-thirty, so meet me at the base by ten”
“Ok cool”
“Well I’m going to start packing my gear and you should do the same; bye” Nikolai closed his phone and began tending to his hunting gear. He changed the batteries of the flashlights on his crossbow, checked his arrow supply, polished his black boots, checked over his trench coat for tears in the magical werewolf armor, and packed his night vision goggles. He refilled his memory potion bottle and packed some flares, along with his five largest and sharpest hunting knives.
“Alrighty, lets go hunt us some worms” Nikolai said while punching his palm
When Nikolai arrived at the base, Cyrus was waiting on him leaning against his van with four duffle bags sitting on the ground.
“You think we should give this place a better name than the base?” Cyrus asked
“Why, it’s just a rundown old gas station we meet at before we start”
“True, but still, I think we should call it ABGS”
“Which stands for?”
“Alpha Base Gas Station”
“Dude that is so lame”
“No it’s not!”
“Uh, yeah it is, well we’ll worry about that later, hand me some duct tape and those knives”
“Is that all you need?”
“Yeah for now; I’ll work on my knives in the van on the way to the area”
Cyrus packed the duffle bags into the back of the van and walked around and got in the driver’s seat. Nikolai jumped in the back part of the van and began combining his materials as Cyrus drove off.
“So what’s with that Janet girl always following you?” Cyrus asked
“I don’t know, maybe she’s just trying to find a way to fit in”
“But what if she becomes like super clingy and starts to stalk us or something?”
“Well if that happens we’ll deal with it but right now I’m not worrying about it, I mean she’s completely harmless”
“Hey all I’m saying is that we need to watch out for her”
“I get that but I seriously don’t think she will be a problem”
“What ever dude”
Nikolai and Cyrus sat in silence for a while.
“Hey do you want me to set up a diagnostics exam on any portal openings?” said Cyrus hopefully trying to start another conversation
“To see if we can find out how they can get through and back safely”
“Don’t bother; I don’t plan on sending a single one back tonight” Nikolai replied harshly
“Are you serious?”
“That’s it, no explanation why; just a strait up answer?”
“That’s not like you Nick”
“Well sometimes I don’t feel like myself”
“You sure you don’t want to send them back?” Cyrus looked back at Nikolai and he stared right back at him and as he began to speak his blue eyes turned crimson. ”If we send anything back tonight it’ll be what’s left of those things after I’m through with them”
The hatred in Nikolai’s crimson eyes sent chills down Cyrus’ spine.
Cyrus pulled up to the edge of the woods and began unpacking their equipment.
“Hey where do you want me to put these things?” Cyrus said holding up a handful of military grade C4 grenades
“Toss them here”
“What are you going to do with those?”
“I’m gonna attach them to my arrows and maybe experiment with some other stuff too”
“Just don’t do something that might get you killed?”
“I won’t I promise”
“If you say so buddy”
Nikolai packed his knives and explosives and his crossbow.
“Hand me those motion sensors too” Nikolai said
“How many do you want?”
“How many do you have?”
“About twenty”
“Give me ten and take the other half and set a up a perimeter around all exits and entrances to the woods with them”
“Yes sir!”
Cyrus ran off to start his task as Nikolai turned on his com-link headset and took a step into the woods.
“Let the games begin”
Nikolai took twenty steps forward and set up a motion sensor beside him he then took ten more steps diagonally and planted another one. When he got to his last one a loud roar was heard in the distance and then Nikolai herd the beeping of the first motion sensor then the second and then the third and so on. He quickly grabbed a tree branch and hoisted himself as high as he could go. He reached the top of the tree as a prowler worm came slithering by. Nikolai began to spray him self with a perfume bottle that would make him smell like the trees.
The worm momentarily looked up at where Nikolai was hiding, it relies on scent to see where it’s going and it’s venom to catch it’s pray, it’s body is well rounded and long while covered in slime and dirt.
“I found one; I’m attaching motion tracker number one now” he said into his headset
“Roger, ready when you are” replied Cyrus
Nikolai put an arrow into the notch on his crossbow and attached the locator. He aimed carefully at the center of the beast and fired. The arrow zipped down and dug its point into the worm’s skin.
“First target marked, continuing to hold position until targets two and three are also marked”
“Roger, oh and all exits and entrances have been marked”
After an hour the second worm showed up and began what looked like smelling the air. Nikolai quickly marked it with the second tracker and ducked down as it yelped in pain from the puncture.
“Motion tracker number two attached and activated”
“Good job nick, only one more to go”
“Yep then we can start the real stuff”
Almost as soon as worm number two left, number three appeared in the exact same spot. Nikolai aimed and fired the third tracker, when it punctured the worm’s skin it let out a loud cry of pain and turned and looked up at Nikolai with four gleaming red eyes. This surprised Nikolai and almost made him fall out of the tree.
“Hey Cyrus do we have anything in the database about prowler worms having eyes?”
“No. Why what’s wrong?”
“Oh nothing it’s just that after I shot the tracker on number three it turned around and is now looking at me very angrily; any suggestions?”
“Um run!”
“No time for that!” Nikolai pulled out an arrow and attached a C4 to it and shot it at the red eyed worm. It impacted perfectly into the worm’s side. Nikolai flipped the switch and the C4 exploded on the worm’s underbelly. The worm flew off into the air and landed with a crash into some trees.
“Nick what was that?”
“What did it sound like Cyrus?”
“It sounded like an explosion from a C4”
“Ding, ding we have a winner”
“Now you said that thing looked at you?”
“Yeah, it had large red eyes”
“That’s different”
“You think?” Nikolai said sarcastically
Nikolai puts another C4 arrow on his crossbow and fires it at the wounded prowler worm. The worm rights itself and starts to charge the tree Nikolai was sitting in. Again, Nikolai activated the C4 and blasted the worm into the air. This time it didn’t get back up but began shaking uncontrollably.
“Um, Cyrus, this thing looks like it’s having a seizure or something”
“Why are you worrying, I thought you wanted them all dead?”
“I still do, it’s just strange that’s all”
Suddenly the prowler worm’s body began to peal and it began to change shape. After it shed it’s old damaged skin it stood up at eight feet tall, two massive legs, one arm had a long stinger as a hand, the other arm had a three fingered hand. Its whole body dripped with slime while its new head formed up to a point and its two red eyes glowed more than ever.
“Cyrus this thing just shape changed in front of me”
“What! Are you serious?”
“I sound serious don’t I?”
“I don’t know what to tell you buddy”
“Well I’ve got a theory”
“Yeah; what is it?”
“Keep on blowing this thing up until the only remains are its charred ashes”
“You’re the boss Nick”
“I know, hey keep an eye on those other two worms; I don’t want them leaving these woods alive”
Nikolai put another explosive arrow on his crossbow and fired. The arrow struck its mark perfectly; but when he tried to activate the C4, nothing happened; he looked at the C4 and figured out why it wouldn’t explode, the worm’s slime was so thick it blocked out the remote signal from the device making it useless. Nikolai put away the C4’s and pulled out his hunting knives. He pulled out a bottle of glowing red liquid and poured a small amount over the tip of his arrow; he poured more on his two biggest knives and then attached one each to a special coupling around each wrist. He aimed the glowing red arrow at the C4 lodged in the worm’s side.
“Nick what’s the plan?”
“I brought some incendiary potion with me; these things don’t like fire so this ought to be a blast”
“Just be careful”
“Ok mom I will”
“No need to get smart man”
“No need to tell me to be careful, you know I wont be”
Nikolai aimed and shot the C4 with the red arrow. Trees began to catch fire as the arrow whizzed by charging forward for its target. The prowler worm noticed the arrow flying at it and barely moved out of the way in time to dodge it. The arrow flew past the worm and hit the ground catching the surrounding area on fire trapping the creature in a cage like inferno.
Nikolai saw the ground explode into flames and started packing his supplies. ”Ah crap!”
“I missed”
“So what”
“I was using an incendiary arrow”
“Oh, well use a dowser arrow”
“I didn’t bring any of it”
“Why didn’t you bring any?”
“Because I didn’t see a need in bringing them”
“Smooth move Nick”
“Cyrus I really don’t need your criticism right now so unless you can help me, shut up!”
Nikolai jumps out of the tree towards the prowler worm with his two hunting knives glowing dark red. With every second Nikolai gained momentum while falling. He began thinking about how and when to strike his large foe. When he was but mere feet away he thrusts forward his arms and stabs into the beast. As the blades enter its body its flesh begins to turn red then black and then to disintegrate.
“Cyrus you find out how to get rid of this fire yet?”
“Maybe, I‘m not fully positive though”
“Let me here it!”
“Ok; a prowler worm’s poison is really damp, thick, and wet right”
“Well theoretically, if you can get it to shoot its venom at you and make it miss, that stuff could put out the fires”
“I guess I don’t have a choice do I”
Nikolai quickly removes his two knives from the creature’s chest and starts to run near the fire. The prowler worm aims its stinger at Nikolai and starts to shoot its venom all over the area. He quickly ducks as it flies over his head into the flames. As he stands back up he hears a sizzling sound and turns around.
“Cyrus the fire is out”
“Now I can get back to business”
Nikolai turns around and drops to the ground as the creature rushes past him.
“Cyrus it’s on the move, keep track of it”
“I’m on that right now”
Nikolai runs forward after the large hulking monster watching his motion tracker sensors. He almost caught up to the figure when out of the blue the other two prowler worms appeared from each side and began slithering towards him. While running forward he stuck both blades out on each side and ran right on through, leaving the two worms cut wide open and severely burned. He jumped into the air and stabbed the walking worm in its left calf, crippling the creature.
“Cyrus, why didn’t I see those two coming on my motion sensor?”
“Beats me man I still see the two on my screen, there both on the edges of the woods right now”
“Wait a minute; did you say they are near the exits?”
“Yeah, I can see them perfectly on the radar”
“Well I just killed two others”
“Well that can’t be good”
“Ya think”
The crippled worm tried to reach Nikolai with its giant stinger. He then stabbed into the upper back of the monster. It howled in pain as the blades burned through its tuff hide making the creature almost fall to the ground. Nikolai was about to lunge for the head when he was tackled to the ground by a mysterious shadow.
“What the heck!” “Who is this!?” he yelled trying to fight the figure off of him
“My name is of no concern to you; I’ll handle these things, go home and forget this night ever happened”
“No!! This is my prey, I deserve to kill this thing, look at all the damage it’s done!”
“The only damage I see is scorch marks from the fire you started”
Nikolai pushes the figure off of him and stands up. “What about the damage it’s going to cause?”
“You stupid kid, just because these creatures have the potential to cause harm doesn’t mean that they will”
“I’ve seen what these things do to people, have you!”
“Yes I have and personally I think they do it out of self defense”
“Are you some kind of a nut job; self defense yeah right, these things hunt and kill that’s all they do”
“Regardless of what you think I’m not gonna let you kill that innocent creature!”
“Who are you anyways?”
“I already told you once my name is of no importance, but I guess I’ll let you see my face” The figure steps into the light of the moon showing the face of a werewolf. Out of instinct Nikolai pulls out his crossbow and aims at the werewolf.
“Now is there really a need for that little toy?”
“I’ve get silver tipped arrows so you better watch yourself werewolf”
“Uh actually I prefer to be called a Lycan or by my name which I am not giving, and also you can put your toy down, if I was gonna hurt you I would have by now”
Nikolai looks toward the crippled prowler worm trying to get away. “I don’t have time for this so if we’re done here I’ve got a worm to kill”
Nikolai starts walking towards the crippled creature with his glowing knives ready.
“Don’t be foolish boy, let it live and walk away”
“Shut up!”
Nikolai runs for the creature with knives ready to stab but is cut short as the werewolf tackles him to the ground again.
“Get off me!”
“You want me to act like a werewolf from the movies and eat you, is that what you think we all are, just heartless killing machines?”
“Exactly, one of your kind took my brother away from me, now get off!”
Nikolai kicks the man-wolf in the stomach making him yelp in pain. He pushes the werewolf off of him once again and runs full speed for the defenseless worm.
“You won’t stop me this time!”
Nikolai raises his knives in the air and slashes down toward the worm but is once again blindsided and knocked to the ground.
”You just don’t stay down do you?” he said looking at the spot he was hit from but no one was there; he looked at the spot where he had immobilized the werewolf and he was just getting up.
”What was that?”
The werewolf sniffed the air and turned toward him. “That thing’s two babies are here”
“Good I’ll kill them first”
“Do what you want human; I’m tired of trying to convince you”
“So now you’re going to let me kill them?”
“Nope, I’m taking them back with me even the one that would be left for dead in our world, my friend Sarah can heal it and set it free”
“Wait a minute, is this Sarah a which?”
“Yeah, what is it to you?”
“She’s the one that took my brother, take me to her”
“Sorry no can do”
“I don’t think you understand, I’m not letting you leave here alive unless you take me to her”
“Oh please don’t make me half to kill you”
“Try me”
Nikolai pulled out his crossbow while searching for a silver tipped arrow. The werewolf charged forward at full speed. Just as Nikolai found the arrow he was suddenly gasping for breath as he saw the werewolf withdraw his balled up fist from Nikolai’s stomach. Nikolai tried to stand up straight but ended up collapsing to the ground on his knees dropping his crossbow beside him.
“This is a cute toy” the werewolf picks up his crossbow and breaks it in half sending wooden splinters flying into the air.
“Why?” gasped Nikolai “Why are you doing this to me”
“You know why, my name is Hollow Fang, now have a good rest hunter, I sense things will be getting a whole lot more interesting for you”
And with that said Nikolai blacked out and fell to the ground.
© Copyright 2009 Tyneil (tyber at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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