Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1537180-Wadding-Lake
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1537180
A zombie-obessed, lonely teen creates his own imaginary zombie friend.
Wadding Lake-

In the winter of 1968 in the annexed town of Wadding Lake, there was a slightly odd boy named George. George was 13 years old and had no friends because of his strange obsession with zombies.

George could never go one conversation without bringing zombies up. For this the kids at school shunned him away, even the teachers found him strange and slightly creepy. All day he would write stories about what would happen if zombies attacked right at whatever moment in time he was writing. Thus society forced George to create his own friends, who just happened to be zombies.

George is now 16 and has a fully realistic, in his mind of course, zombie friend named, Tom. George and Tom hang out everyday, in school and out of school discussing zombies. George would tell Tom what he would do in case of a zombie invasion and then Tom would tell George of all the times he was part of a zombie invasion and what he did, down to the gruesome details. He spoke of eating so much brains once that his stomach exploded. Just the thought of that caused George to throw up all over his desk in the middle of class.

George was never happier until one day Tom started talking about leaving to go be in another apocalypse. At this George became very depressed and start writing less. Tom noticed and he would try to cheer him up by telling stories of consuming flesh and brains. Nothing worked, George just became more sad at the thought of Tom wanting to leave.

One day George was no where to be found, so Tom set out to go look for him. Tom being a zombie wasn't able to ask people if they saw George so he just had to keep looking around.

After a full day of searching for George it became foggy and useless to keep searching. Tom was exhausted, his legs felt like ancient pillars that would crumble before him. Tom walked back to George's house to wait for him there. When Tom got to the driveway of George's house he saw that the front door was open. Tom, now very worried, dragged his feet through the front door and into George's house which was black as his eye socket's. Tom took three more labored steps and then felt someone grip his frayed, decaying hair.

Tom saw his body fall before him, but his head was still in the air. The grip on Tom's hair turned his head facing the shadow silhouette. It turned on the light switch with the top of a meat cleaver.

It was George.

Tom began a long moan in horror of what his creator had just done. George spat as he yelled, "SHUT UP!", so his neighbors wouldn't hear him. All Tom could think of was, "Why? Why would George do this to me?".

George began to laugh in a very maniacal way and told Tom how he can never leave him. Tom's head was placed on a plack that said "Best Friend Ever" and his body was buried in his backyard. So George began to bring Tom everywhere again, to school in his backpack, to the park in his arms. At night Tom's head was placed on George's dresser until morning.

One month after Tom's beheading George woke up and found that Tom's head gone. George began to look everywhere for Tom's head. When he reached the backyard he was baffled at what he saw. Tom's body was unearthed and gone as well.

George slowly walked back into his house which was black as his pupils. George took three steps into the darkness and then felt a decomposed hand grip his hair.

Note: Wadding Lake is an anagram for "Walking Dead".
© Copyright 2009 JoshVoorhees (joshvoorhees at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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