Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1536927-Untitled
by Ally
Rated: 18+ · Other · Romance/Love · #1536927
This is a paranormal romance novel I've started and will be adding to as I write more.
Chapter One

    Miranda Lambert lay in the inky solitude of the night, her eyes focused on the stars above her. The only sound in the dark matching the rise and fall f her chest. Her gaze was locked on the midnight sky but in the darkest recesses of her mind, thoughts and voices were twisting around one another. Physically she seemed nearly comatose but if her brain activity were measured it would be off the charts. The ones that measured human

activity anyway. Miranda wasn't exactly human.

    Her mind was working overtime, remembering as if she were there all over again. Like she'd gone back in time over a hundred years, she could see the horror that had taken place. Even if she could have erased it from her memory, her senses, she wouldn't have. After all, it had made her what she was today. She closed her eyes, letting the pictured and voices play through her entire body.    The sun was warm on her cheeks as she and Eliza walked through the tall grass. It was her father's land and the hill was where her mother had been buried just two years prior. The event of her mother's passing still made her sad, but in springtime the hill was covered in shades of blues and purples, with specks of white dotting the landscape. The wildflowers took over the hillside, making it one of her favorite places to go. As her best friend, Eliza often found herself admiring the beauty as she walked alongside. They planned their lives on that hill, even as children. What boy, and then man as they grew, they would marry. What their houses would look like built on neighboring hills. Miranda's on this one and Eliza's to the north, so they would be close. How many children they would have, what they would look like and how they would grow up together, just as their mothers had. Perhaps even a boy and a girl from each brood marrying, making them true family. Then, the day had turned dark. The sun was still shining of course, but as they watched the group of men walk up the hill towards them, Miranda could remember it had seemed grey.

    She shivered on the rooftop, just as she had done then. Hearing the shouts of the men as they had been surrounded. Eliza was charged with being a witch, sentenced to be burned until dead! Both girls had screamed, trying to convince the male mob that a mistake had been made. It was no use, Eliza had been dragged away, struggling as tears poured from her velvety brown eyes. The men had said vile things to her, pulling her by the hair and ripping her pale pink dress as they took her away. Miranda was sure more than that had been done once the men had Eliza away from prying eyes. Eliza had been very attractive, even as a young child. Long blond hair framed a heart shaped face in soft, honeyed waves. Her big brown eyes were welcoming and warm. As she had grown her body had matured until she was slim waisted with high cheek bones, long legs and a firm bosom. Men even today couldn't resist women who looked like Eliza had.

    Miranda had run to her father, for surely he could do something. Her family was well off financially and her father was well liked by all, highly respected even. To no avail. No matter what was said, to whom or by whom, the charges stuck. The town officials were convinced that Eliza was guilty of being a witch. The charges had been brought by a young man saying that Eliza had used witchcraft to seduce and toy with him. The truth was that Micheal was a married man that had gone after Eliza with all his charm. When that didn't work he turned violent and threatening. Miranda's own father had gone to speak with the young man since Eliza's father had passed when Eliza was a mere babe. Eliza thought the talk had gone well when she heard nothing else from Micheal. Apparently her had found a way to get even with her. A way that no one could dispute, especially in these times when fear of such evil ran rampant. Miranda wasn't even allowed to speak with Eliza, the towns officials proclaiming that it was too dangerous.

    Two days after her imprisonment Eliza was fastened to a wooden pole with thick horse hair ropes, in the center of town. Miranda had been there at dawn, others gathering around her as the site was prepared. Many of them threw rotten fruits and vegetables at the accused witch. Miranda was helpless, she couldn't stop them, couldn't set free her friend. She could do nothing as the rough cords of wood were piled around Eliza. Watch as the the pile was lit, the flames coaxed and nurtured.

    Her eyes filled with tears as people around her cheered. She could hear the agonized screams ripping from her friend's throat, could see as the soft, woven cotton of that same pink dress caught and held the flames, disintegrating. She could see the blisters as they formed and popped and formed again, Eliza's skin seeming to boil. The smell of burned flesh rising in the air, carrying to Miranda's mouth and nose as it threatened to smother her. Growing endlessly stronger as the meat of her cooked all the way through and then charred until it was crisp. The scent an unimaginable combination of pine, cedar and human skin. Putrid as the hair was singed from her scalp. All those long, beautiful waves crinkling and contracting upwards until there was nothing left. The nails turning black and curling backwards, separating from the flesh that began dripping from the bone underneath. The flames crackling and the wood hissing and groaning as what once was human, was obliterated. The screams had quickly died in her throat and the corpse dangled from the still burning pole, held only by the wet ropes that bound it. The bones were blackened and the skull stared blankly into the crowd, the mouth frozen open as if still shrieking. The ropes dried and began to burn until the skeletal remains sunk into the sea of fire beneath.

    Miranda hadn't blinked through the whole thing. Her eyes had locked with Eliza's and stayed there, sharing her best friend's dying moments. She knew Eliza's thoughts, she always had. Eliza couldn't help how she died, but it was more horrible than the human mind could endure. She hadn't wanted Miranda there, remembering this, remembering her that way. Miranda could understand, she would have agreed but that life stealing moment had changed her in unfathomable ways. She decided then and there that she would live her life for Eliza, she vowed to find a way....she vowed she would never die.

      Miranda's father hadn't gone with her, unable to bear watching the girl die that way. He thought of Eliza as one of his own. Instead he had stayed home, keeping Eliza's mother with him. No mother should witness a site so vulgar. He did his best to do the impossible task of consoling the woman, knowing he would have to do the same for his daughter when she returned. Miranda did return home, but she wasn't herself. She didn't want to be consoled, in fact, she didn't even speak. She didn't cry, she did nothing. Even when her father and Eliza's mother cradled her, she stood stock still. Already she was a ghost of her former self, never would she be the same.

For weeks Miranda refused to speak to anyone. Neighbors called bearing food and even offering condolences but she seemed oblivious. She would sit, inside or outside and just stare off into space. She did her normal chores almost mechanically, putting no effort or thought into any of them.

      One night she was sitting outside, watching the sky, picturing her last good moments with the friend she had lost when she thought she heard a voice on the wind. She became alert, looking around and listening for the whispered voice. After a few moments she heard it again. More shocking than a disembodied voice was that it was Eliza's voice! Miranda gasped. She made out the words "Find Seth". Her mind whirled, remembering the rumors about the man. People in town whispered behind closed doors that Seth was a vampire, a member of the undead. Her mind stopped, her mouth falling open. That was it! Perhaps she had just found a way to keep the vow she had made. If the rumors were true, she would never have to die! For the first time since Eliza's death Miranda smiled.

        She finally slept through the night, rising early and making her way through her chores quickly. Ally the while she was planning her first encounter with Seth. All the rumors said he slept only during the day, unable to venture out in daylight because sunlight would kill him. People also said he drank human blood to sustain his own life. Miranda was curious and scared at the same time, but she was determined to follow though on her one chance. She took a nap late in the afternoon, pleading fatigue to her concerned father. At dusk she rose and dressed, preparing herself both mentally and physically to meet the supposed vampire. She fixed her long black hair, taming the spiral curls until they fell around her face, waiting for her father to fall asleep. As soon as he did she quietly snuck from the house. She wasn't used to walking alone at night and almost every noise made her jump out of her olive toned skin. There was nothing to be done about it though, if the man only woke at night, then that was the only time to see him.

    As she neared his home she found herself glad that it was springtime, though still a bit chilly after the sun set, if it had been any colder she would have frozen along the way. She could see light still burning though the windows and sighed in relief as she rapped on the door. At least she hadn't come all this way for nothing. When the door opened her breath caught in her throat, her heart began beating faster and harder. She hadn't expected Seth to be so handsome. When he asked if he could help her her spoke eloquently, his voice smooth and flowing. She took a deep breath, her breasts suddenly tight against the deep blue bodice of the peasant gown she wore. Apologizing for being so forward, Miranda asked if she might come in out of the eerily silent dark. He opened the door wider and stepped back to allow her entrance. Once she was inside he shut it behind them with a soft click. She almost lost her nerve then, not knowing how she would explain why she had come.

    He offered her a seat in the parlor and some brandy to chase away the chill. She gladly accepted both, hoping as she waited that the brandy would serve as liquid courage for what lie ahead. While she wanted to ask the man straight out, she knew that no sane person would just admit to being a vampire and feeding on human blood. Then again, if he was a vampire, perhaps it stood to reason that his sanity had fled long ago. Still, she had to find a way to get him to open up to her, no small feat since she was a perfect stranger to this man.

Seth returned with the brandy, handing it off and taking a seat across from her. His gaze was steady as he met her eyes. His reminded her of emeralds, shining just as brightly and suiting his blond ponytail perfectly. His complexion was smooth and topped off by high cheekbones. His skin was well tanned, making her wonder. Since he supposedly couldn't be in the sun, wouldn't that make him pale?

      He asked what he name was, speaking softly as if he was afraid of spooking her. The gleam in his eyes causing her to think perhaps he already knew the reason for her being there. She looked away, staring into the crackling fire, for once pushing back the images of Eliza even as she as she took strength from them. She gulped the brandy down in one swallow, ignoring the warmth that began spreading through her quickly. She noted that he arched a brow at her actions as he watched her intently. "Miranda", she told him, clearing her throat. She held out the glass, her hand trembling slightly. "Would you mind terribly if I asked for another?" He rose and complied without comment before finding his seat again. He waited until she drank it down before he asked, "And why have you come, Miranda?" As he looked into her eyes she couldn't help but answer truthfully, the brandy taking hold of her. "To see if the rumors are true." She said the words without sensor, watching closely for any reaction from him.

In truth he was impressed, giving her a smile. He'd had many women over the last few months stop by for the same reason. What impressed him was that this woman was gorgeous, yet she had answered him with complete honesty. Never once had she tried to get close to him, to manipulate him, to use her feminine wiles to extract the information from him. "Which rumor is that?" he asked. "The one about me being burned by the sunlight? Or the one about my late night hours? Or the one about my drinking blood?" He waited for her answer and Miranda laughed. Clearly the man had heard all the gossip more than once.

  "All that you're willing to answer", she replied. She liked seeing him smile at her, and very much wanting the answer. She also enjoyed the sound of his voice, no matter that he hadn't said all that much. She didn't blink but she couldn't deny that the man made her stomach flutter.

He stood up then, walking around the low table and sitting next to her. She watched him curiously, every move he made was fluid and warmed her more than the brandy. He leaned in close to her, his nearness making her lips suddenly dry. His voice was almost a whisper as her finally answered her. "What if I told you all of it is true, what would you do then pretty Miranda?"

She licked her lips as his breath skimmed her cheek. She blushed as she spoke, her voice steady though her heart hammered in her chest. "Then I would ask you to tell me more."

He admired her, she never flinched. He saw her lick her lips and with his heightened senses he could hear her heart racing. He also knew it wasn't because she was scared. He could feel her attraction, her arousal. For once he knew it wasn't the rumors that made her want him. With most women it was the exact opposite. That and the combination of her looks, her honesty and her determination made him want her in return. For the first time in his long life he wanted to share his secret with someone. More than that, for the first time ever, he wanted to share his time with someone. Then and there, silently of course, Seth made a vow of his own.
    He slid closer to her on the settee, gently brushing his fingertips down her blushing cheek, turning them crimson. Her eyes sparkled as they met his. He wanted very much to kiss her right then, instead be moved back, the better for both of them. He cleared his throat before he spoke again, swirling the brandy in his snifter. "You seem very interested in all of this, why?"
    She looked away for the second time, staring once again into the popping flames, but she told the truth. The whole of it. Seth sat back down, leaning back with drink in hand, silent for a moment. "Then there are some things you should know." He spoke steadily, honestly, all the while wondering why it was this woman he wanted above all others. Her strength, her honesty, her beauty inside and out.
      They spent the whole of the night talking, him informing her on which rumors were truth and which were myths. Yes, he was a vampire, but no he wasn't restricted to the night, the sunlight wouldn't kill him as the whispers said. Yes, he drank blood, but it didn't have to be human either. He had antibodies that made him heal faster than a normal person. He was essentially immortal, though there were a few way he could be killed. A stake through the heart for example, decapitating him for another, or being burned as Eliza had, those things would be the end of him for good.
      He understood her vow, that she wanted it now and was desperate, but he wanted more. He wanted her, plain and simple, as he had wanted no other. He wanted to know everything about her, share time with her, experience life with her, romance her. He wanted her to love him. He didn't want to just have meaningless sex with her, turn her and walk away, never seeing her again. Just sitting there looking at her, talking openly with her, laughing with her made him want that bond with her that would never be broken. For that reason he offered to guide her, take things slow, teach her and then turn her. In truth he wanted time to court her properly, make sure this was something she really wanted, make sure HE was what she really wanted. As he looked into her pretty face, it was a hard choice to make, not taking her right then as his body urged him to do.
    Before the talking was done the sun was rising slowly into the sky, painting it in slow oranges, pinks and reds. Seth leaned in and brushed her soft pink lips with his own, hers plump and smooth, shimmering with moisture as she ran her tongue over where his lips had whispered. "Stay with me, we both need sleep."He saw panic flair in those incredibly light blue eyes, just for a moment and then it was gone. He chuckled then, "I sleep in a normal bed, Miranda, and all I mean to do is rest...this time." He refused to lie about his intentions, and his intentions were to love her for eternity.
      Miranda agreed to stay with him and in her own blue peasant gown she curled up in his bed and his arms. Feeling and listening to his heartbeat against her back, reveling in it and drifting off to sleep. She stayed asleep all night for the second night in a row, almost as if he were an anchor for the nightmares she usually had. She woke late in the morning, scrawling a note to him that she would be back that night, and leaving it next to his still sleeping form. Taking once last glance at his handsome face and smiling.
      After all she had heard, and seen, she knew people could be cruel and she was prepared for that as she left Seth's house, quietly, in the same blue gown she'd worn the night before. She didn't care a bit about the whispers that went among the early rises that took note of her comings and goings. It might be cliche to say she had stars in her eyes, but all she could think of was seeing Seth again that night. Well, that and her father's reaction when she arrived home.
      When she did get home, her father was furious and concerned that she had been out all night and late into the morning. Miranda refused to lie to him, well she did leave out the vampire part,of course. She told him she was courting Seth, which wasn't uncommon for her age and the times. Her father was upset, however, that she had spent time in the man's bed. Miranda assured him that her clothing and Seth's had both remained on and that Seth had only given her a chaste kiss before they slept.
        Her father seemed reassured by this, after all, his daughter was of marrying age. This Seth person was the first man she had shown any interest in over the years, excluding girlhood crushes. Though, he was her father, he chose to give her her lead, it hurt him in a parental way obviously. His child was maturing beyond the reins of fatherly control. Then again, maybe this meant that she was finally healing after Eliza's death. Yes, it was time he let her make her own choices. He only hoped they were the right ones, befitting the good head she had on her shoulders, as all parents do with their children. He did wonder though, just why she had to leave at night to see this elusive gentleman.
      Miranda floated through the rest of the day, completing her chores in record time. She even hummed as she cooked dinner for her father, though she didn't partake of her own mixture of chicken and vegetables. Seth had offered to make her dinner for their visit tonight. She had told him that he didn't have to, considering that he didn't even eat normal food, but because he was a true gentleman, Seth had insisted. After settling her father with his meal she headed into her room to get ready.
    She sang softly to herself as butterflies danced in her stomach. This was nothing like how she had felt the night before, she had been scared then and a little excited. Now all she could do was picture the handsome man she was going to meet in just two short hours. As she watched herself in the mirror her reflection changed until it was his face she saw. His golden hair pulled back, the strong line of his jaw, she could picture it with just the barest bit of stubble, giving him a rugged look. His eyes were deep green, heavy lidded, his gaze smoldering. As the phantom stared at her in silence, his lips full but firm quirked into a tempting, daring smile. Oh Lord, she was actually starting to drool! She cleared her head with a shake, quickly deciding she needed no blusher. She did add a smokey grey tint, just a hint, to her eyes and then a pale pink gloss to her pouty lips. Taking another deep breath she couldn't hide the smile bubbling up inside her as she brushed her hair. She separated it into sections, smoothing the sides as she pulled them back. She fastened the dark mass behind her head with pins, then secured it with a violet ribbon and finger combed the spirals that cascaded down to rest atop the rest of her hair. The heavy mane drifting down to the middle of her back.
    She dressed in a muted pink dress, a tribute to Eliza, and for a moment her heart thudded in her breast as the scent of Eliza's honeysuckle perfume enveloped her. It was almost as if she were being hugged by her lost best friend. She took it as a good omen and smiled brightly, then turned to leave the house. The smells from dinner made her realize how hungry she was...for the food, and the man.
      Miranda's father wanted to object, but he hadn't seen his daughter so happy in such a long time. He loved her more than life, he'd never stand in the way of that, but if Seth ever hurt her, Gods and Goddesses alike have mercy on him because he sure as hell wouldn't. In fact, her made up his mind to do a little investigating, he would find out exactly who this Seth was and what he wanted with his baby girl.
      Her pulse pounding in her ears, Miranda took the path from her house quickly. The dark still scared her, but worse was who or what could be lurking in the trees that lined her way. Her eyes darkened as the pupils dilated to let in as much light as possible. The moon was the merest sliver of silver and shadows danced around her. Her eyes darted back and forth as she walked faster, the unique ice blue all but swallowed up by the blackness. Just as she'd managed to scare herself into holding her breath, she emerged safe and sound with Seth's house in her line of sight. She concentrated on her destination and the blood warmed in her veins as she hurried towards it.
        Seth sensed her approach and opened the door just as she stopped outside it. Her hand was raised to knock but as she looked at him, she froze. Her eyes were wide, those dark lashes making them seem huge. Seth remained still in the doorway, just staring at her beautiful face. Her lips were pink and shinier than last time and seemed to be begging for his kiss. He started the two steps towards her before sense took over. He couldn't even speak, he just stepped back and allowed her to come in.
        Miranda's breath caught as he met her at the door. Her lips parted as she tried to greet him, but no sound emerged. Her heart tripled it's rhythm in her chest as he stepped towards her and her tongue slide out to glide over her lips. Then he stopped, stepping away from her. Though he showed her into the house, his actions left her confused and her heart sank. Still not speaking, she walked inside, unbuttoning her light coat and placing it into his outstretched hand. She shivered as his eyes darkened to a deep forest green, travelling down her body in a slow tour of each ripe curve. The attention made her body throb, aching with some unknown need.
        He was thinking much the same thing as his eyes drank her in. She'd fixed those riotous curls, pulling them back and giving him a clear look at her face. Her forehead was high and smooth, her cheekbones slashed with a healthy pink glow. Her eyes has deepened to a rich azure, sparkling as they remained on him. The dress she wore didn't suit her in color but hugged her curves to perfection before flaring at her tiny waist and falling to mid calf. Even that part of her body was alluring. He was so fixated on her that he almost forgot to close the door and finally did so clumsily. Still, neither of them spoke. The heat rising between them tangible. Seth had almost changed his mind about claiming her for his own, but looking at her now, standing in his entry way like some glorious apparition, he knew. There was no going back for him. If he'd had a working heart, it would be exploding from his chest.
          She wondered if something was wrong, his gaze was so intense, his face so utterly blank. She wasn't sure what to say, or if she should say anything at all. She cleared her throat and gathered her nerve. "Seth?" Her voice was a bare whisper and she was totally unaware of the need infused in her tone. It came out as a question and his face changed before her eyes. His blond hair fell in loose sun kissed waves to caress his shoulders. His black pants hugged his strong thighs like a glove and his white shirt was unlaced to offer a glimpse of crisp blond curls that spread over the hard muscles of his chest. At the sound of her voice he moved so quickly it was a blur. His arms wrapped around her slender waist, pulling her softness against his sinewy form. One hand slid up her side until his fingertips were tickling the side of her neck. He tipped her chin up and looked into her eyes as they lightened back to that mystical, almost clear, blue. He moved his other hand from her waist until he cupped her face in his large hands. His thumbs followed the pink in her cheeks left from the caress of the cool wind outside. His head dipped down and his lips found hers. Far from the chaste kiss of the night before, he tasted her for the first time. The honeysuckle scent of her clouding his mind as his tongue traced the curve of her lips. She didn't pull away, she leaned closer, parting those soft lips as his tongue delved inside and twined with hers. He explored every crevice of her mouth, reveling in the intoxicating taste and feel of her. Miranda gave as good as he was giving, the tip of her tongue tracing over his fangs as they grew longer, plunging deeper into his mouth. She nipped at his bottom lip and suckled his tongue as her hands gripped his hips, tugging him tighter against her. Then her hands began to travel, roaming up his back, then his neck until her hands found his face. Her eyes had long since fluttered closed and the pads of her fingers became her sight as they traced his jaw, his cheeks, his forehead, then dove into his silky hair. The kiss grew more urgent as she flexed her fingers in those soft waves. Then she released his hair and her palms came to rest on his chest, it was too fast and she felt like she would burn to cinders from the heat of their passion. She pushed him back gently, reluctantly, and the kiss ended with both of them gasping for air and trembling. All she could smell was the scent of him, a manly and powerful musk that was making her drunk. Her lips still tingled from the pressure of his kiss and she nearly whimpered, it was all she could do not to pull him back to her.
      With a deep shuddering breath Seth stepped back. He was moving to fast and he knew it. He didn't want to scare her. He'd had brief doubts, but now he knew he was making the right choice. He'd do whatever it took to make her his, even if it meant taking things agonizingly slow. "Let me go see about our meal", he said. His voice was husky with desire and he cleared his throat as he slipped out of the room. He wanted to give her time to compose herself.
        Miranda took a shaky breath of her own as he disappeared. Her body craved his return, she felt suddenly cold without him next to her. She'd thought this would be simple...find out if he was a vampire, convince him to turn her and walk away. Now she realized that wasn't going to happen, she couldn't just walk away. She was falling for him, hard. Now that scared her. She forced herself to stop shaking, slow her breathing and her heart, though she couldn't help pacing. As she moved around the small room she finally smelled the food. She couldn't name the spices but the aroma of the mutton made her nose twitch. She guessed Seth had learned to cook throughout his long life. She also noticed the furniture in the entryway. Though sparse, the pieces were beautiful. Obviously handmade, the small table by the door and the coat rack were both a dark red. If she had to guess she'd say they were cherry and she went to get a closer look. Both pieces were smooth and intricate carving adorned them. Softly her fingers followed the deep grooves almost lovingly. Pictures of the sun, in various stages of rising and setting, graced the table. So detailed was the work that Miranda could almost see the faux sun move across the flat surface in it's natural path. The coat rack had spirals from the top to the bottom and along each of the four branches. The perfectly round ball at the end of each branch sported a moon. One full, one half, one showing the left quarter and the last showing the right quarter. Of course she had to move her coat to see the last and her lips curled into as smile as she hung it back up. Turning around she saw the staircase, on a hunch she checked the banister and found that although the wood was different, the same talents were displayed there as well. It was decorated as far up as she could see. Just as she went to investigate his handiwork, Seth came back into the room. She smiled softly at him. "How's dinner coming?" she asked. He seemed tense, bothered by something, and she wondered if perhaps he didn't want her there after all. Then he smiled and she knew that whatever weighed on his mind, it wasn't that he wanted her gone.
      "It's finished actually, shall we eat?" He offered her his arm, turning to escort her into the dining room. He had already prepared the table and it took her breath away. She stopped and blinked. The table was set with snow white linens, ruby red silk napkins and a sparkling silver candelabra. There were even rose petals scattered around the ivory and gold china. The pink and red petals set off the entire ensemble. Miranda's eyes teared. He'd gone to so much trouble for her, for a meal he wouldn't even eat! Overcome with emotion she turned to face him, her hands going to the back of his neck and pulling him down until her lips met his. She kissed him deeply as teardrops clung to her sooty lashes.
        Seth wasn't sure what to expect, maybe he'd gone overboard with the dinner. What if she didn't like it? When he saw her blink he swallowed hard. She hated it, he knew it. As he mentally cursed himself for moving too fast again, she turned and kissed him. He nearly choked with shock and relief as he wrapped his arms around her. Her body fit so perfectly with his, and in his opinion, the kiss was entirely too short. As she drew back he saw the crystal drops on her lashes. He couldn't help himself, he bent and kissed them away tenderly, tasting the salt on his tongue.
© Copyright 2009 Ally (rzaczek at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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