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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1536912
Multi-point of View story, look for the next chapter Home of the Circus- Jake
“You are aware that because of your special circumstances you will have rules while you are here.” I explained while walking through the second to last row of books in my library. He was trailing two steps behind me and looking over my shoulder at what I was grabbing. That is a good distance. He’s good at judging where he should be, I wonder if he’ll really stay. I am sure that even if he didn’t stay, he will no longer want someone to take his life. That is a bit extreme even for someone in his situation.

         “I don’t want to hurt anyone here sir.” Jake sounded very apologetic. Of course he is, I am glad he shows concern for others. That is a redeeming quality. Ziek will not be pleased. Ally is the only one who can physically make him do anything. He should give her one chance. She remained calm when he carried Ellie in unconscious.

         “There is no need to worry about hurting people in this house. This is meant to be a safe place for people when they need the help the most.” More explanations… This was the easier part for me. All I had to do was tell who ever came into the house the rules. They were according to person who came into this house. Jake’s rules would be about as interesting as Ally’s. She has a ‘no eating Ellie’ rule. I’m fairly certain that Jake won’t need that rule.

         “With all due respect sir, you have seen what I become.” He held his hand out to carry the books I had grabbed. This should be enough for a decent explanation. He has manners. That is… unexpected. Well at least I will not have to worry about him following his rules. In all honesty he should be scared of us. Well at least what we are capable of doing.

         “With all due respect… you haven’t seen what this family can do.” I tried to be calm about it, but there was only so much a big dog could do. I know this is very narrow minded of me, and I am sure he will surprise me. I am most curious to see what he is capable of. “I can assure you that if you are willing to work on it we are willing to help. Safety is an issue I agree, which is why we will have to set up rules specifically for you.” I replied.

         “Like what?” he asked. I could not tell if he was curious or concerned.

         “Well obviously we will need to make you, for lack of a better word a crate. One designed to hold you in that state.” That was technically what it is, so I guess he should have no problem with how I worded it.

         “Makes sense?” he shrugged. There was no sign of any hostility toward the thought. “Would it be like in case I change at all, or if I’m gonna hurt someone?” he asked. Can he control it? That would be very a useful survival technique. It might also make his rules change. I was going to say something to the extent of no dogs in the house. Well at least he was thinking and not just bending to what this house is. That was good. Maybe he will stay. Maybe.

         “Can you control it?” I asked. He had hinted at it, or at least I hoped so, because I really hated having to tell people they couldn’t be half of who they are in the house. It was very much like telling them this wasn’t home yet. Well it was technically true, but I know if I was to ever tell ZoĆ« that she wouldn’t forgive me for at least a week. Everyone can have a home. That is her argument. Every time she’s angry at me she’ll go down and stay in the kitchen. I hate the kitchen, food doesn’t taste good. Food is like eating ten different brands of toothpaste. I really don’t like toothpaste.

         “I have been able to, just not easily.” He admitted.

         “Ally can help you work on that.” I knew it! That would be very interesting to see.

         “Can I ask why she is able to uhh…” he faded off. Yeah kid she’s a Vampire. You… lose. She will always win and that is that.

         “She’s already dead.” I answered. He looked like he was going to cry. “Don’t worry you didn’t kill her. She’s a Vampire.” That look was priceless. These are the moments I wouldn’t mind having a camera.

         “Like fangs and blood drinking Vampire?” Jake looked like I was trying to tell him Sasquatch was my neighbor.

         “Yep. But the sun doesn’t bother her, and she doesn’t hunt humans.” I looked over my shoulder as I walked away. If this kid faints in my library, I’m going to leave him here.

         “So it’s just you three here?” Jake followed. I think he was trying to ask question to keep blood flowing to his head.

         “No there are five of us, and you’ll meet Ziek pretty soon.” I had heard him and Ally leave ten minutes ago. They would have whatever problems worked out very quickly. As long as Ally could be articulate, and Ziek could listen instead of assuming, then they would be home soon. Jake was figuring something in his head. There was a moment before I saw his mouth open, and another few seconds before he talked.

         “What is he?” It sounded like he was trying to find a more polite way to ask the question.

         “He’s a demon.” I answered. The color fell from Jakes face again. Seriously I would leave him wherever he fell and deal with him later.

         “Can I have more information?” Jake was very quiet. This was a lot to process, but he has to know if he wants to stay here.

         “He can control Emotions.” I answered. “Just stay out of his way and he’ll stay out of yours.” I explained.

         “I want to know if I’m a danger to anyone in the house.” Jake was too confused to be dancing around the subject.

         “The only other person in the house is Ellie, you’ll rarely see her, she’s not sociable, she could kill you, and don’t go in her room.” I knew he would have to know that in order to even last long in this house.

         “What is she?” he asked. There was no sound of fear in his voice, just curiosity.

         “She’s part human, and part lancer.” I answered. I don’t think he needs to know that she could technically be called a contract killer. In all actuality she was just a hand for hire. Any contract on anything involving money then she was the best to go to. She wasn’t greedy, but she kept her reputation, and she kept her mouth shut.

         “Right… So I could kill her?” Jake pointed over his shoulder. I was tiring of the twenty questions. I also had to talk to ZoĆ«. If he was staying in this house then he would need a room, and his rules would have to be ironed out.

         “Highly unlikely.” I paused. “Why don’t you grab a desk and read a little while I talk to my wife.” I pointed toward the back of the library. There was a loft and some sectioned off areas where I use for combination training, and a small magical lock up should we really need it.

         “Okay,” Jake looked toward the back of my room. This was where I was most comfortable. I know this seems odd, seeing as everyone in the house runs in here and asks for all kinds of strange help. I headed toward the cherry stained door with privacy glass. You see shapes of people walk across the glass. I could sit at my desk near the door for the entire day with a book, a glass of single malt scotch and watch people go by. Unfortunately I don’t get to spend most of my days where I would like to: under the loft. That area is for me only, my wood shop.

         “ZoĆ«?” I asked at the door to the kitchen. I refuse to go in and see if she is in there. There is no point to the kitchen, and I will not support it.

         “In here Hun.” Her sing song voice called from the dining room. That was never good. She had her heart set on medaling, always in the dining room, something about reflective qualities. Sure enough I turned the corner and the table was cleared off, candles were burning and lights were dim blues.

         “What are you doing?” I figured she would explain if it was something that wouldn’t upset anyone.

         “You know what I’m doing.” She opened those creamy chocolate eyes.

         “What do we know?” I sighed. There was no point in telling her that she was breaking trust if she was checking in on Ellie.

          “Jake will fit in well here.” ZoĆ« loved making me believe one thing when she was doing another.

         “Why waist all of your energy looking into the future when you can see it as it comes?” I hate it when she does this. She won’t be herself for days now. The amount of energy this takes from her is scary.

         “Jake will be good for Ellie.” She answered. I knew it! She only has to work this hard if she is looking for Ellie.

         “Right… I think that is yet to be determined. She hasn’t even met him.” I don’t normally question ZoĆ«, but Ellie doesn’t take to anyone really. It took her Years to even talk to me. ZoĆ«’s eye’s closed again and she was still looking and watching. “He’s nothing like her.” I continued thinking about it. Ellie was Strong, knowledgeable and kept to herself. Jake seemed to be young, inexperienced and out of control. Things that she seemed to shy away from.

         “I think they will be great friends.” ZoĆ« was quiet. It sounded like she was falling asleep. I wouldn’t be surprised… The only problem with this is I always put her candles away wrong, and I don’t know how to do it right. I should take notes next time she is awake.

         “ZoĆ«, You’re falling asleep.” I stood next to the table where she was sitting. I know she said not to grab her while she was focusing, but she was like falling over too. I really don’t like that she does this. “Hun,” I nudged her as she fell onto my chest. Not a noise, she was out cold. “Hey,” I pulled her into my arms. I’m always worried that I might hut her, she is so much smaller than I am, and she fits so well against my chest when I carry her that I have to check that I’m not holding her to tight. With a sigh I brought her upstairs and through the library.

         “Is she okay?!” Jake jumped up from behind the desk near the door.

         “Yeah, she’s fine.” I paused. Shit, I hadn’t thought this through. I should have taken the other stairs so he didn’t see her.

         “What’s wrong with her?” He stayed where he was, but I could tell he wanted a closer look.

         “If she’s exercising her power and pushing herself to strengthen it, she gets tired and doesn’t wake up for a while that’s all kid.” I am really getting tired of twenty questions.

         “So she’s just sleeping?” He looked her over. I nodded. “But her heartbeat is so slow, and she’s not thinking anything.” He watched her intensely.

         “How can you tell that?” Was there more to the giant dog?

         “I can hear her heart beat, and normally, if the room is quiet enough I can hear vague whispering which, I think is thoughts. I dunno though.” Jake made eye contact with me. Apparently giving him a few minutes to himself made him feel better, and more forthcoming.

         “What else can you do?” I asked.

         “I’m stronger than most people…. And uh…. Well I’m hot.” He smiled a crooked smile. He didn’t seem to be the type to cater to his ego.

         “I dunno about the last one.” I said and continued walking.

         “No, like… look.” He walked up to me and put his hand on my bare arm. He was hot to the touch.

         “Well that makes sense.” I sighed. Good, I can’t deal with more ego in the house. Ziek was enough. “Can, I put her in the room, and we’ll get you set up in a bedroom.” I readjusted ZoĆ« in my arms, I couldn’t feel her breath on my neck anymore. Jake got out of the way and I continued toward our room. Our bedroom was in between the library and her space. Against the far wall I walked up another staircase and our room was still dark, and the bed was still unmade.

         “You gotta ease up on this,” I laid her on my side and pulled the covers over her. She didn’t move and I would panic but her cool breath moved the edge of the pillow case in the light of the doorway. She seemed even smaller under the comforter. With a sigh I closed the door behind me and walked back into the library. Jake was still standing there, looking around. I’m guessing he is figuring the layout of the house, or something that would require a lot of concentration.

         “So I can stay?” He asked as I got with in twenty feet, he snapped back into reality.

         “Yeah,” I said. He could stay the second ZoĆ« touched him, but I wasn’t going to tell him that. His eye’s lit up. ZoĆ« loves seeing that look, but she was sleeping. “You gotta give everyone time to adjust of course.” I added. Jake nodded. “There are going to be rules that are non-negotiable.” I continued.

         “I just want to control it. I think you guys can help.” Jake paused. The smile faded and his eyes stopped being as happy. “I just don’t wanna hurt anyone.” he looked down.

         “Listen kid,” I paused. He didn’t look up. I grabbed the letter opener on my desk and waited for him to look up. “Here hold this.” I put the letter opener in his hand and stabbed myself in the chest, and all six inches of the letter opener went in. Jake jumped backward with letter opener in hand. My shirt was ripped, I held my hands over my chest and fell to the ground. This was the part I loved when it came to new people.

         “Uh! I didn’t- But-” He had the blood covered letter opener in his hand and was scrambling back and forth. His lips were still moving in shock I know I am fine. I already healed myself; I just liked watching people’s reactions. Jake panicked a little further as Ziek walked in. Ziek stopped above my head and looked from Jake to me.

         “What did you do!” He yelled angrily.

         “I didn’t- he- but- and then…” Jake was almost crying. Ally stood on her toes and looked over Ziek’s shoulder.

         “Marcus I hope he bites your ass.” She looked at Jake. “It’s okay, he’s fine.” Ally sighed.

         “He’s. Not. Fine. He – and I didn’t-” Jake took a step closer to me. Close enough for me to grab his foot. I couldn’t help but laugh, and I was holding it in so it looked kinda like a seizure. “Oh my god- help him- help him- help him!” Jake moved a little closer. Ziek hunched over me in laughter.

         “Okay,” he coughed and continued laughing. Ally Shoved Ziek on top of me and I burst into laughter. That poor kid.

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