Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1536777-My-story-part-2
Rated: E · Short Story · Biographical · #1536777
Soemtimes you have to write things down to figure them out.
It was the first day of my freshman year of Highschool. Sporting Hollister jeans and a shirt so pink Barbie would be jealous, I fixed my at-the-time-natural platinum blonde hair and headed through the double doors of the school’s main entrance and stepped into my new life. I waved hello to some of my friends I hadn’t seen since graduation and made my way over to my newly assigned locker.

“Excuse me, what’s the difference between a pot and a kettle?”. The question came from an extremely attractive boy standing next me. Ripped jeans, layered Abercrombie polos, and Nike’s, he smiled and waited for an answer. “Um..well...why do..er.. I don’t know.” I said then turned away in embarrassment.

I should probably mention that so far my experience with the opposite sex was, well, little to none. I had yet to have my first boyfriend, date, or even kiss. The closest I had gotten to a boy so far was when I slow danced with Jake Giles at our 8th grade graduation dance. And it was only because someone asked him for me, and I’m assuming he just felt bad.

Well, anyway, the boy at my locker laughed a little to fill the awkward silence then turned back to his friends who were still arguing over the difference between a pot and kettle.

“Hey Danny!”, I recognized that squeaky high pitched voice anywhere. Kim.

“Hey babe” the cute boy next to me said, giving Kim a hug as she kissed him on the cheek. The two talked for a bit then Danny left to find some other friends.

“Since when has this been going on?” I asked still looking inside my locker.

“He asked me out yesterday! Oh my God Jazz it was so cute! Isn’t he the cutest”

“Hm, I haven’t noticed. I didn’t even know you guys were talking”

“Well, we’ve been texting for like three weeks and yesterday we finally hung out and, well, yeah!” She was called over by someone across the hall and walked away.

Texting then dating. A typical Kim relationship. I’d give this one a month.Tops.

I went to homeroom then first, second, and third period with Abby who was in all of my classes so far. However next I had concert choir and she had Photo. We said goodbye and luckily on my way there I found Mimi, a girl on the field hockey team, who turned out to have concert choir too.

It wasn't until I took my seat in the soprano section when a noticed a boy sitting a step below me in the tenor section. He had a mop of brown spiral curls down to his shoulders with gauged ears and jeans that could probably fit me. Peculiar wasn't the right word, but it’s the first that comes to mind. Coming from a school where all the boys wore polos, kept their hair short enough so you could see their ears, and talked about sports for hours, I couldn't help but to be intrigued by this mystery man.

Before I had the chance to ask someone who he was a tall guy with an almost unnatural deep voice stepped in front of me blocking my oh-so-interesting view. He held out his hand and said, "Hey, I'm Kyle. You must be a frosh right?”

“Uh yeah” I said moving around to try to get a better look at this boy who was unknowingly holding my attention.

“Okay everyone take your seats! Now I’m going to have the freshman stand up and introduce themselves” The teacher said in the front of the room. Mimi shot me a nervous look but public speaking came naturally to me. When the two other freshman had gone I stood up.

“Hi, I’m Jazzie, or Jazz, doesn’t really matter. I like music and play field hockey” I was about to sit down when the teacher spoke up and said, “ Are you Bridget Giles’ little sister?” Not to sound cliche, but if I had a penny for anytime anyone asked me that question Bill Gates would be jealous. “No I’m not” Bridget Giles didn’t even have a little sister. Just three brothers, Mike who was friends with my little brother Landon, Tommy, who was the middle boy, and Jake who was in my grade. Unfortunately I happened to look exactly like their sister and that question followed me everywhere. As I sat back down I couldn’t help but look at the spiral curls boy who happened to still be looking at me. Insert awkward eye contact here. Luckily he smiled a little and turned a back around.

We sang till the bell rang and I walked out of the classroom with Kyle who, like me, had lunch next period.

The day went on as planned until I walked into my 8th period class, biology. There he was.

Justin Clover. The boy who owned my heart since first grade. He brushed his brown wavy hair out of this sky blue eyes and gave a brilliant smile towards no one in particular. To me, the whole scene happened in slow motion. I took a seat next to Kim who was sitting next to Danny who was sitting next to Justin. “Hi Justin! I um, I like your jeans!”

“Hey Jazz, thanks, I like them too”. The only downfall to Justin was the fact that he was semi-obsessed with himself. But if you looked like that you’d be too. I swear, if Abercrombie made people they’d look just like him. I was ecstatic that he was talking to me but, for some reason, I couldn’t get the picture of the boy from choir out of my head.

The bell rang as we all headed to study where I met Krysta. She was acquaintances with Abby and Katie, but was closest with Demi. I got a bad feeling in my gut, but she seemed nice enough so I ignored it and talked a bit with her. She was from Hillvalley and at 5'2 95 pounds with blonde hair and an enormous chest, she was basically every guys dream. She seemed to know a lot of information on everyone so, when no one was really paying attention, I took a chance and asked her if she knew who the boy in my choir was.

“Oh you must be talking about Travis” She started, “Travis Lynn. He’s a senior. Loves music, nasty at the violin, and I think he’s in a band. Um let’s see what else....Ooh, he’s a heavy smoker and last I heard sells mad weed, and only dates blondes...yup, that about covers it. Why?”

A little taken back by his absolutely-opposite-of-me description I just said, “Oh no reason he just looked interesting”

“Yeah I’d stay away form him. A skinny blonde who sings? You’re definitely his type, and he’s really not the kind of person you want to associate yourself”


The last and final bell rang and everyone went home or to practice. I absent mindedly walked to my locker, Travis Lynn’s picture still imprinted on my brain.
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