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by lb54
Rated: 18+ · Other · Adult · #1536731
8th Chapter of the series
Chapter 8: A New Friend...

She was taking a shower, wiping the grime of the day off of her.

"Oh this feels so good..." She said as the warm water slid down her lithe body

'Maybe I should visit Danny and his friends' she thought as she washed up.

"I wonder what they are up to, especially Tucker..." she said, she remembered Tucker being funny, and for some reason she couldn't explain she was attracted to him.

She turned off the water and left the bath and picked up a towel.

"I should get going" she said and she dried off, feeling tingly as she passed over her breasts...

"Man, they've been growing, maybe my hormones are finally catching up with me" she said and cupped her breasts, which were A cup, but now they were definitely bigger, a B or a little under C cup...

'This feels kinda good' she said and gave them a squeeze...

"oh! wow" she said as she rubbed her now perky breasts, and her hands passed over her nipples

She gasped as she felt sparks travel from those two nubs to her brain, and another surge of feeling between her legs

She opened her eyes and looked down, and spread her legs a bit, she then looked in a mirror. She saw her lips below were a bit red and starting to get swollen, and she knew it felt too good to be a rash...

She took her chances and stroked herself....

-Half Hour or so later-

"*huff* Wow...*huff* that was *huff* great..." she said sitting down for a second on the floor...her privates now absently tingling from the aftermath of her orgasm.

She tried to get up and get dressed, though she got rid of the panties and put on some loose shorts and her shirt.

"I need to go to the store now" She was growing and she needed a new wardrobe...


Tucker was amazed at what an invitation laced with a growth spurt could do. He didn't do all that much really. But he was excited and couldn't wait to be close to her and able to see in the flesh what he was doing to her.

"Well I guess I'll go to sleep then, I've messed around enough for one day." he said as she locked his PC and went to bed.


The next morning was...different for a few females...

Sam woke up, and smiled, she felt great, and had a tingle of energy as she got up. She got out of bed and stretched, then gasped and cupped her breasts...

"whoa" she said, her nipples hard already...

She tried to walk again, but the fabric of her nightie grazing over her pert breasts were too much. She was already hard as diamond and smelled a bit musky...

'I've got to be careful..' she thought as she slowly put on her bra, and after a few long minutes she had it on. It helped a bit, but she needed to be careful not to let anything touch her chest. Also her nipples weree still faintly denting the bra...

She then continued to get dressed, nothing out of the ordinary


Paulina was worse for wear, she was tired and sweaty, and her privates were still aching to be touched, despite how painful it was getting...

"oooh...this is horrible..." she moaned, fingers going to work again against her will


Tucker woke up feeling fine, and checked on his two "subjects".

"Well I see Sam is adjusting well. Oh...now Paulina. Can't have her going to school like that" he said, and turned off all modifications on her


"Oh--huff..." she said, exhaustion took her. She was free..


Tucker went to school smiling. Another fun day.

Sam and Danny met each other and walked to school together. Both for some reason couldn't stop imagining doing sexy things to each other, and staring at the other one caused twinges downstairs...

Danny with new boldness felt that he had to sort things out.

"So...Sam, any plans after school?"

"...Not really."

"How about you come over my place, I need some help with Lancers work..." he said, making an excuse for her to come over

"Sure, its a date....I mean, uh...sounds great!" she said, nervously laughing.

"Cool, well I guess its time to go." he said, they were standing outside the school for about 5 minutes.


As they both walked in they bumped into each other.

"Whoops, sorry" they said to each other.

"its okay" Sam said

"Yeah, guess two people don't fit in one door" he said, cracking a lame joke

"Yeah" she said smiling, though it was more of the flash within her body from contact then the joke...

"Alright, sit down you two." Lancer said

Danny sat down, and immediately went into stare-into-space mode.

Sam sat down, and as she slouched over she felt a familiar feeling as she sat her bum down. Not only was her smooth, newly rounded ass feeling the chair, but her pussy was also pressed against the seat of the chair...

Usually she didn't feel it, but now, she felt like she was being lightly carressed, the chair pressing her pussy, and each move caused her bits to rub against the fabric of her panties.

As she squirmed in her seat it only got her heated up more, and crossing and uncrossing her legs didn't relieve it either, for it just intensified the feeling, and she involuntarily twitched, her stocking clad legs unable to stand still.


The bell rang and Danny snapped out if it, ready for lunch. Sam got up and was a bit shaky, but forced her legs to cooperate.

"Hey Sam" Danny said, walking beside her

'Oh great' she though, just what she needed was Danny around while she was horny as hell...

"Hey Danny." she said, not thinking much to say right now.

"Hey guys! Sorry I was late!" Tucker said.

"Yeah, we were wondering if you were sick or something" Danny said, but Tucker knew they both didn't notice, in their own little worlds.

"Nah, I just slept in."

"Playing Doomed again?" Danny asked

"Yeah. Didn't get anywhere, I guess I was distracted." he said

"Well we'll see you Tucker." Danny said

"Plans?" he said, looking at Sam and Danny with a smile

"Yeah, its only studying. No big deal"

"Right, you two love birds have fun." Tucker said, as they blushed

"We're not love--" they started to yell, but stopped

Tucker, in mid-yell, upped their arousal and gave them both a sudden desire to go home and have some fun...

"We'll see you Tucker." Danny said, trying to keep his cool as he took Sam's hand and they left..

"I wonder when my guest will arrive..." Tucker said with a sigh, peering with his powers to see..

"This looks good, this will get Tuckers attention for sure..." she said smiling.

'I should get going soon' a sudden though said invading her mind.

"Okay, I'll just pay for them and go..." by 'pay' she meant possess the cashier to get some money and then pay with that without him knowing...

'I'll get a job someday and pay them back...' she thought guiltily...

"Well, I'm on my way now..."
© Copyright 2009 lb54 (lb54 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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