Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1536284-Ryan-the-hero
Rated: 13+ · Other · Fanfiction · #1536284
Ryan realizes his dream to become a hero when he saves the love of his young life.
Ryan the Hero


Chapter 1 – Ryan's Average life

Ryan was like many other boys at the age of 14: smart, full of energy, and he loved playing video games. He was usually described as a active, black-haired, tanned, Caucasian kid who got along well with others and liked to help people. He had many friends and played with them at school during recess. Sometimes having a bunch of friends was very tough on him. He would always listen to them when they were upset and would protect them when they were being bullied. Even though he had a lot of friends, he had way more friends who were guys because he was shy and timid around most girls.

He was different then the other kids though, in that he couldn't remember any part of his life before the age of 10. Ryan had been adopted since before he could remember and he didn't know who his real parents were. In fact, everything about his past was covered in mystery. Even Ryan's adopted parents, Melanie and Johnathan Raibell knew nothing about them! Ryan had a feeling they were alive, though, and he wanted to find them somehow.

He and his foster family lived in the suburbs of Gregorsville city. They had a fairly new house that had been finished being built only a year ago. It had 2 floors, a first floor and a second floor, without a basement. There were three bedrooms, one of which wasn't being used. It also came with a swimming pool, and a shed that used to be used for storing garden tools and such. Ryan turned the storage shed into his personal hideout. Ryan only used his bedroom for two things, one of which was to sleep and the other was to write comics about super-heroes he makes up on the weekend.

Ryan's best friend Benjiman, whom Ryan always calls Benji, called Ryan's cellphone shortly after school and Ryan answered him by saying hello.

“Hey Ryan, Sarah asked if I wanted to go to the movies with her and a bunch of friends. I asked her if I could bring a friend and she said sure. Do you want to go?” Benji asked, trying to get Ryan to talk to Sarah. Ryan liked Sarah a lot, but he got really nervous around her. Often he couldn't even speak to her, though he tried as often as he could.

“Sure Benji, but no promises. It'd just hard for me to talk to her...Oh, are your parent's going to pick me up, or am I supposed to bike the whole way?” Ryan said, being sarcastic.

“Yes Ryan, they are taking us there, hurry up and get permission from your parents!” Benji said, excitement showing in his voice.

“OK, call me back in a little bit” Ryan said as he hung up. He ran to ask his adopted mom if he could go. Ryan found her in the laundry room putting in the dirty clothes.

“Hey Mom, can I go with Benjiman to the movies?” He asked her casually, trying not to let it sound too important to him. He didn't really want her to know that he liked someone, after all.

“Yes dear, but try to be home for lunch! You make sure you take your jacket, too!” She called out as he was about to run out the door.

“Alright mom, but it's just a show. I don't plan to be gone for too long.” Ryan said as he got his favorite black jacket, went out the door, and sat on the knee high stone wall that surrounded most of their yard like a fence. He didn't have to wait long for Benji to get there, Benji lived close by to Ryan's house, and soon Ryan got into Benji's parent's car.

Benji had curly brown hair, tan skin, bright green eyes and always wore glasses, but he was an odd fellow to say the least about him. The only reason Benji had tan skin was because he would often read comic books while sitting down on a bench in his favorite park. He would often tell stories to Ryan that he made up as he was telling them, but when Ryan asked if he wanted to be a writer when he grew up his reply was that he'd rather do something more important and unique with my life.

Benji had been friends with Ryan since Ryan was eleven and he was eleven and a half. What started their friendship was when, in school, Ryan asked Benji what a comic book he was reading was about. Benji's eyes lit up and he told Ryan about how the main character in the book was a super-hero, someone with special powers that saves ordinary people from danger. He told Ryan how the hero had to fight evil villains to save beautiful girls from disasters and soon Ryan was hooked. That was when Ryan started making his own comics about super-heroes. At first they weren't so great, but in three years he improved a lot.

In Benji's parent's car, Ryan was showing Benji the new comic he made. Benji was really interested.

“It's about a kid about our age who has no special super-hero powers at all, but he uses his environment and what he knows to save people. Later on he falls in love with a very pretty girl and has to decide between saving innocent lives, or being with the girl he loves.” Ryan said, explaining the outline of the story to him.

Benji's mom looked back at Ryan and smiled, while his Dad was too busy driving. “You know Ryan if you keep this up, you may have a really good future writing comics for the newspaper.” She said, complimenting him on his comics. Ryan just smiled and looked out the window. He watched the houses and shops pass them by as they headed to the theater.

“I wonder what's happening out there... right now I could be anywhere, but where I am happens to be here, in this car. Sarah, it's hard for me to even talk to her.” He said as his thoughts drifted. Sarah, to Ryan, was plain gorgeous. Of course he never said that to her, but it was still true. Her eyes were oddly interesting to look into. She had one darkish green eye with a little blue around the center and her other eye was dark greenish/dark blueish, though it changed with the lighting. Her hair is long, wavy, and golden blond. She had girly pinkish-red lips, because she never wore makeup. Some girls her age did, but she didn't really need makeup. She also loved to smile a lot, and she had a brilliant white smile. Her smile always made Ryan happy to be alive, even if it didn't help him be less timid and shy around her.

"We're here!" Benji said happily. Ryan sighed. Oh great, another chance to make a fool out of myself in front of Sarah, he thought. Benji and Ryan got out of the car. Benji's mom rooled down one of the front windows and called out to Benji.

"Call me to let me know when to pick you up, ok? You did bring your phone right?" Benji smiled, pulled out his cellphone and replied "Of course! I wouldn't leave home without it!" She nodded and drove back home.

"Sarah said when she called me that her friends are going to meet her inside, we better hurry I don't remember when the movie starts. This time you're going in first though!" Benji said, smiling michievously. Ryan reluctantly went in.

Like most movie theaters, the new one that was built a month ago in Gregorsville was fairly flashy. Not as flashy as the casinos in Los Vegas, but still pretty flashy. So it should have taken a little time to find Sarah among all the movie goers. However, as soon as Ryan entered, his eyes met Sarah's for a brief moment and he felt like he suddenly had butterflies in his stomach. Ryan couldn't move until Benji grabbed his arm and pulled him along to meet up with Sarah and her friends.

"Benji, I can't do this..she looked at me! I'm too nervous, can't we call your mom and have her pick me up?" Ryan mumbled so that only Benji could hear. He knew that Benji wasn't going to let him walk away at this point, but he had to say something.

"Too late now, she has already seen both of us. It's best just to keep going and say hi to her." Benji said as they got to Sarah.

"Hey Sarah! What show are we watching?" Benji asked, there were a few new releases that he wanted to watch, so he was wondering if they were going to watch one.

"Well my friends want to watch that one about the mall cop. So I guess we are watching that. We already got the tickets for you guys, the show starts in about 15 minutes so we have some time to talk and wander around." She said then looking at Ryan, "Hey! You're in trouble mister! You hardly ever talk to me since we first met. Benji tells me you're shy by nature but you're a friend of Benji, one of my best guy friends, you should at least try to talk to his friends every so often." Sarah said, acting falsely mad.

"I-I...Are you mad at me?" Ryan asked timidly and Sarah burst out laughing.

"I'm not really mad at you, silly. Though I really wish you would talk to me more." She said and Ryan looked relieved, but he still didn't look Sarah in the eyes. He was looking at the ground, luckily Benji started talking so Ryan could try and regain his composure.

"Hey Ryan, let's hurry and get some snacks at the snack stand before the movie starts. I brought some money just in case we needed to buy our own tickets. I thought that we might as well do something with it." Benji said as he once again dragged Ryan along with him.

"Benji, I nearly fainted back there!" Ryan said exaggerating his problem. "Ryan, you've never fainted in your life. I don't think you are about to start now. Tell me, did your heart start beating really fast like in those romantic comics and stories?" Benji asked him as they got to the line for snacks. The reason Benji was so supportive of Ryan's crush on Sarah was that Benji hasn't found a girl that he loved.

"Yeah, it felt like it was going to explode! Please tell me the movie is going to start soon!" He said exaggerating again as they got to the front of the line. Benji ask the person at the snack stand for some popcorn and two medium drinks. Ryan got Sprite in his and Benji got Coke.

"We still have about 8 minutes, but you don't need to exaggerate so much!" Benji said as they walked over and joined Sarah who was talking with her friends again.

"One of my friends said she really saw a ghost in this other theater that I went to once, it made me so nervous! I nearly jumped everytime I saw a shadow of someone on the screen!" said Autumn, Sarah's little sister.

Autumn was about the age of 11, and about average height for her age. Her hair was more curly then wavy, and was almost true blonde. She was way more shy then her sister was, and secretly had a crush on Ryan just as Ryan loved Sarah. Though, Autumn knew that Ryan wouldn't like her, she was just too young for him. Autumn looked up to her older sister and Sarah lets Autumn come with her occasionally when she goes to places with her friends.

"Oh, I didn't know Autumn came. I haven't seen her since she first came with us ice skating, weren't you there too Ryan?" Benji said as he noticed her. Ryan nodded and tried to avoid eye contact with Sarah. Sarah and Benji noticed, and Benji quickly nudged him.

"Wh-what?" Ryan said startled then quickly recovered though not very well. "Oh...sorry my mind was elsewhere...excited for the movie?"

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