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Rated: · Novel · Emotional · #1535747
Its only the beginning of it...im still writing and have just started writing it...

She was about four when things started getting bad. It was her step-dad; he was the one who brought on all these problems for them. She never met her real dad, only this terror that she was now forced to call “dad”. She was just glad that this man wasn’t the father that had helped her mother give birth to her. “She” was a lonely girl named Arianna. Arianna, Ari for short, lived in a very cramped trailer, in Indiana. It was just her, her mom Sheila, her “dad” Kevin, and her sister Jaslene. Another sister was on the way, and she hoped and prayed that she would not have to face this misery.
“Arianna Jane, where is my beer?” Oh jeez, it was only five in the morning and already he was moping and groaning for a beer. She fumbled with the covers trying to get to her bedroom door as fast as she could. She pulled on the handle. It wouldn’t budge. How could he expect her to bring him a beer if he continually locked the door?
“Sir?” she yelled. “The door is locked.” She was yelling all the while trying not to wake Jaslene, who needed every bit of sleep. Jas was worked so hard by Kevin, that she hardly had time to sleep.
“That’s not an excuse. You rats always expect me or your mom to do everything, don’t you?” He yelled so loud that Ari was sure Jas would wake up, but thank god she just turned over in her sleep. She heard the lock click, and she opened the door. Bad mistake. Kevin grabbed her by the hair and dragged her to the fridge.
“Do you see this big white door?” He asked her, still grabbing her hair. She nodded as best as she could, she was afraid to speak for fear she would cry. “This is where the beers are. Do you think you can manage to be able to get them every morning? ‘Cause I expect one waiting every morning when I get up, you hear?” She nodded again.
“Yes, sir. But…”
“But what? Is that too hard of a task for you?” She shook her head, which made him let go of her hair. She jumped out of reach and finished her sentence.
“If you expect a beer in your place every morning, then don’t lock our door.” He just glared at her and went back to the couch. She opened the fridge and grabbed a beer and took it to Kevin. “You’re welcome,” she murmured as she walked back to her room. By then, Jas was awake and so was Sheila.
“G’morning, Ari.” At least her mom had the decency to regard her as a human being, but not always. She could sometimes be just as bad as Kevin.
“Sleeping wasn’t the problem, it was the getting up part.” She admitted to her mom, expecting to be slapped. Surprisingly, she just chuckled. “Jas, did you sleep well? I’m sorry if Kevin’s and my dispute woke you. I was yelling as quietly as I could.” Jas just nodded without even looking up from massaging cocoa cream on her belly. Something definitely happened while Kevin was dragging her around by the hair. She was sure Jas would tell her when they were alone. Shrugging her shoulders, Ari just wandered away, trying to find her cat, Simba. She finally found him, but then the problem was finding Nala, her female pregnant cat. She followed Simba and he led her right to Nala, who was cowering under the trailer.
“Nala? Would you like some food?” She dug around in her pockets and pulled out a little bag of milk. She opened it and offered it to Nala. She wasn’t supposed to be feeding them, but she had had these cats since she could remember and if she didn’t have them, she wouldn’t have anything. “There you go, you and your kittens can grow big and strong.” She was right, cause the very next day, when she went to look under the trailer, sure enough, Nala had 3 little kittens sucking on her.
“Aww, Nala, you have the cutest kittens. You know that this means that in a while, after they get older, I’ll have to be sneaking even more food to you. Eventually, I’m going to get caught.” She hoped she wouldn’t, but maybe if Jas helped, it would be less noticeable. Ari planned on telling Jas that very night. She made herself suffer through the impossible things Kevin made her do, like shaving his underarms, which stank like years and years of not washing under there. Finally she had finished the tasks he made her to do and she was majorly tired. She stumbled to her room and waited to hear the door lock, but it never did, but she did hear Kevin start to snore.
“Hey Jas. Wanna know something cool?” she asked, shaking her awake. “Jas, wake up.”
“Huh? Oh, yeah sure. What is it?” Jas mumbled, half awake. Instead of telling her, she just grabbed her hand and pulled her out of our bedroom. “Where are we going? We’re going to get in trouble.”
“Just follow me.” Ari continued pulling her out of the trailer. “Now look underneath.” As she bended down, Ari heard her gasp.
“Are they yours, Ari? They are so cute.” Ari didn’t even answer her question; she just let her ooh and aah over Simba, Nala, and her little kittens. “Can I have one of the kittens? Please?”
“Sure.” Ari was glad that she wasn’t mad. Jas picked out the tiniest one. He was black with one solid white stripe going down his back, he also had white paws. She decided to name him Zazu, keeping with my Lion King theme. The other two were twin orange tiger-striped kittens, their names were Moufasa and Scar. They cuddled them for a little while longer and then they went inside. As soon as they stepped in the door, Kevin was waiting for them.
“What the hell were you two doing outside?” He asked, not even waiting for the answer. He pushed the girls out of the way and went outside. “So, Ari, what’s out here that was so important? Huh? Are you gonna tell me? Or Jas? Are you going to tell me?” All the while he was talking, he was looking around trying to find one little clue that would let him know what we were doing. “Ok, I guess I’ll find it myself. Go inside, I’ll call you when I find it.” With that he laughed his evil laugh. Jas went to bed, but Ari just sat down on the edge of the step. She had almost dozed off, when she heard mewing and hissing.
“Well, lookie here. Cats. Damn cats. This is what was keeping you up? Well, I’ll just have to take care of this little “rodent” infestation.” He stormed into his room and Ari heard him drag something out from under the bed. As soon as Ari saw what it was, she started screaming at him.
“No, please don’t. Have pity, sir. Please. I’ll take care of them. Please.” She was begging him. He kicked her out of the way. “No! Don’t. Please!” It was no use. He already had the box out from under the trailer and had his rifle cocked and aimed right for them. Ari dashed and grabbed out the kittens. It startled Kevin, but not enough. He knocked Ari down and grabbed the kittens. Zazu, Moufasa, and Scar were so scared they just lay there trembling.
“You’re gonna watch this show, Ari. You’re gonna learn not to keep secrets from dear old dad, now aren’t you?” And with that he began shooting them one by one. She closed her eyes and plugged her ears, but nothing would take away the picture that she would always have of her poor kitties meowing for mercy and she not being able to do anything about it.
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