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by Matt
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Community · #1535500
Based on the Femenist Manifesto by Mira Loy and Planet of the Apes
Matt Travis



(3,180 words)

“The Post-Apocalyptic Sterilization of Chromosome Y”

Part I

Jay slowly started to wake up.  She felt sluggish in her mind and she was confused about where she was.  Her thoughts were scrambled yet not in any type of a sporadic way.  She didn’t have the strength to get up.  She felt weak.  On the side of her were fresh flowers in a vase with a card attached to it.  She was in a hospital bed.  She heard people rummaging outside of the room, but the door was closed.  Her mind was slowly coming back together.  She had felt like something good had happened.  She wasn’t sure what it was but it felt like it was a big deal.  She heard more rummaging in the halls; a voice.  The voice was very familiar.  Her mother; the voice had to be her mother’s.

         “Mother?” she called.

         “Oh, shut up you.  I hear her in the room calling me now, she must be coming too.”  The door opened.  Her mother walked through.  “Hi Jay,” her voice dragged out and she sounded as if she was interrupting something or as if Jay was a victim of some sort.  Jay recognized her mother immediately after she saw her short brown hair.

         “What’s going on?”  Jay knew something was up but she just couldn’t quite remember.

         “Oh you’ll be fine dear; the anesthesia will wear off soon.”  She reached over and stroked Jay’s also short brown hair.  “You’re a mommy now dear, congratulations.”

         “I am?” Jay asked.  It made sense now.  She was a mother, she could remember now.  The doctor had said that there were birthing complications and she had to have a cesarean section.  Everything was beginning to make sense again.  Her brain was piecing together faster and faster now.

         “Yes dear, the surgery was a pretty good success.” Her mother seemed fake.  Her smile was thin and her eyes spelled that something wasn’t quite right.  Jay could tell that her smile was turning into a frown.

         “What’s wrong?” Jay asked, “Is there something wrong with my baby?”

         “Well,” her mother’s tone of voice was changing.  “There’s been a problem with the sterilization process.”

         “What do you mean?”  Jay didn’t understand.

         “Jay,” there was a short pause. “Your baby’s been born with a penis.”

         “A penis?  It’s a male?” Jay began to sit up higher and she began trembling. 

         “I don’t know much more,” she said, “you’ll have to talk to the doctor and I recommend you do exactly what she says.  There hasn’t been a male child born for hundreds of years since the sterilization process has taken place.”

         “What does this all mean?” Jay was very taken back and confused. 

The doctor walked into the room.  Her long white shirt she wore resembled that of a mad scientist.  But she wore pants that revealed her hairy legs.  The look on her face was displeasing.

         “Hello Doctor Gerard,” said her mother.

         “Hello David,” The doctor sat on an examination stool.  “I have good news and I have bad news.”  Jay and her mother sat and listened intently.  “Jay, your child has been pronounced a male.  Now, there is good news. I have convinced the board to let it live.  At first I thought that since the sterilization process had not worked that we would be forced to dispose of it immediately.  But apparently, they have agreed to let it live if we perform a castration.”

         “What is a castration exactly?” asked Jay.

         “A castration is when we removed the penis and reproductive organs surgically.”  The doctor explained.  “The problem is that, we as a human race have not seen or tampered with a male in quite a few centuries and,”

         “What’s wrong with it the way it already is?” The shock of it all was too much for Jay to handle.  “Why can’t we just let it live with the penis?”

         “Males represent a danger to our society dear,” Jay’s mother began butting in, “When they were on the planet hundreds of years ago, they would rape and spread diseases with their nasty little penis’s.  Not only that, but they would dominate and control us.  They were disgusting things who only brought the decline of our society.”  Jay’s mother looked over at Doctor Gerard, and then Doctor Gerard continued.

         “So in turn of the oppressing nature of chromosome Y we rose up and sterilized the world by developing a chemical to sterilize the planet.  Our great ancestors who performed the miracle act were thought of as terrorists of some kind back when they did this; no doubt a male derived oppressive conspiracy in itself.  But since then the world has been free of the evils of chromosome Y.”

         “But my child isn’t like them,” Jay argued. “It doesn’t have to know anything of the past.  I will leave with it, and nobody will have to know.”

         “The board of directors has already been informed and has spoken,” Doctor Gerard seemed to be getting leery about the situation.  “It must be castrated or else re-sterilized which will ultimately result in its death.”


         “Listen dear,” her mother started again, “a long time ago when men were still alive there were great scientists.  One of them, we all undoubtedly learned about in school, her name was Darwin.”

         “What of her?”

         “Darwin was a fascinating woman who came up with the idea of survival of the fittest.  If males were still fit to be around, would they have been sterilized?  Or would we have been the ones who would have been sterilized?”

         “I don’t care; just let me see my child.”

         “The board has ordered me to restrict all access to the man-child due to the risk of contamination.” Doctor Gerard said.  “We must discuss what course of action you would like to take. Would you like your child castrated, or would you like it to be sterilized?”

         “I would not like either one of those to happen.”  Jay ripped out her IV and removed a few sticky patches connecting her vitals to the computer.  The medication she was on eliminated her from feeling any significant pain.  She began to get off the bed.  Doctor Gerard began moving towards her.

         “Stop Jason, you aren’t enough fit to walk after such a procedure, you must rest.”

         “Jason, lay back down,” her mother yelped.  “Stop panicking, everything will be okay.”

         “I’m not going to let them touch my child!” Jay began to move faster.  Doctor Gerard hit a button on the wall and began to load a syringe.

         “Jay, I’m going to have to ask you to calm down or I’m going to have to sedate you myself.”

         “You’ll bust your stitches dear, sit down.  Please Jason.” Her mother grabbed her arms.  Jason knew that this was not the time to take action.  By that time, Doctor Gerard and her mother both had their arms on hers and were ready to keep her down.  Jay relaxed slowly.  Her muscles stopped contracting and after a second she began to lie back on the bed.  She began sobbing into her hands.

*          *          *

         After a few hours, Doctor Gerard came back into the room.  She had the child in her arms.  Jay could hardly see the child as it was wrapped in cloth.  She still had not seen her newborn.  Doctor Gerard spoke.

         “The board has said, by law, you may be present during the castration.  But only under the following conditions.”

         “What are the conditions?” 

“You will have to be dressed in the proper sterile garments.  You must remain calm and not interfere with the procedure, and I’m asking you above all, to accept what must be done.”

“I will try.”

“You must promise to fulfill all that is asked of you.”  Doctor Gerard seemed firm with her words. “This is a matter of world security.”

“I do” Jay said with a sigh.

  Doctor Gerard laid the baby on the bed next to Jason.  She put a mask on over her mouth and removed the cloth from around the child.  Doctor Gerard pointed to the penis.  A gast came out of Jays mouth.  Her hands covered her mouth.

“That’s it!  I’ve seen enough.” Jay began trembling again. “I know what must be done.”

“Would you like me to tell you how we will go about doing this?” Doctor Gerard asked, “So that you can decide if you want to be in the O.R. or not?”

“Just get it over with,” Jay began sobbing.  “Please.”

“Will you be attending the castration?”

“Yes, of course.” Jays head was down and to the side facing the opposite direction of the child.  “Will you have my mother come here please?”

“Certainly,” Doctor Gerard wrapped the baby back up and scooped it up with her arms. “The procedure will begin immediately, in about 20 minutes.  Your mother will not be able accompany you into the O.R.”

Doctor Gerard walked out of the room.  Jay could hear her calling “David” through the hall.  Her mother would be there momentarily.  To her left she saw the vase full of flowers.  She paused; then she pushed the vase onto the floor.  The vase shattered into shards of glass all over the floor.  She could hear her mother’s voice coming nearer to her room.  Jay sat up in bed and threw her legs off the side.  She pushed with her legs standing up.  After she stood up she bent down and grabbed a large glass fragment that had shattered from the vase.  She got back on the bed and hid the glass fragment under her armpit.  Her mother walked into the room.

“What on earth happened?” asked her mother

“I was reaching over to try to support myself to sit up and the vase fell.”

“I’ll call a nurse to get a custodian to clean this up.”  Her mother sounded concerned.  “Are you sure you want to be in the O.R. for the procedure?  I think you’ve been through enough and should just trust the good Doctor.”

“I need to be there mother.  I have learned to accept what must be done.”  Jay looked down to avoid eye contact.  “I just feel so guilty about the whole thing.  Why must I give birth to a man-child?  Why hasn’t the sterilization effect pasted on to it?  Why my child?  Why us?”

“Listen dear, sometimes things just don’t make sense.”  Her mother seemed more nervous than her.  “Biology has its flaws sometimes.  I don’t know why such a thing would happen to such a good person.  But after the castration is complete, it will no longer be a threat to us, and you and your child will be able to live with a clean conscious because you are doing what is right.”

“Then why does it feel so wrong mother?”

Doctor Gerard walked back into the room with two nurses.  They were both bald and they were dressed in full rubber suits that were all one piece except for their heads.  “We will bring you to get changed into your sterile O.R. suit.  Jacob and Toby here are going to help you get into a wheelchair.  After you are all suited up and ready they will bring you into the O.R.”  Doctor Gerard was motioning to the two nurses and to the doorway.

“I can change myself thanks.”

“Jason, you have to let them help you.  Otherwise you’re likely to burst your stitches” her mother said.

“I said I can put the damn suit on myself.” Jay was getting frustrated.

“Remember,” Doctor Gerard said, “in order for me to allow you into the O.R., you must be compliant with what I say and be of a sane mind.”

“I am, but I don’t need these two… people to help me get dressed is all.  Thanks but no thanks.”

“Alright then.” said Doctor Gerard.  She began turning around.  “Jake, come help me get prepared in the O.R. Toby, will you begin cleaning this broken glass off the floor? We can’t let the rubber suit get a whole in it; otherwise the whole suit may become contaminated with some kind of male driven disease.”

“Mother I need you to close the curtain so I can change alone.”

*          *          *

Toby was pushing Jay in the wheelchair heading towards the O.R.  Jay had the rubber suit on as did Toby.  The long corridors were pure white, as was everything else in the rest of the hospital.  The suits they were wearing were also completely white.  Toby began to speak.

“So you’re the one who gave birth to the man-child, eh?” There was a pause.  Jay said nothing.  “You’re doing the right thing Miss.  Males have no place in this world anyhow.  All the great scientists and philosophers were all female throughout time.  Its better off we don’t let the thing grow up to be one of those diseased barbarians.  It would be better off being castrated anyhow even if they didn’t threaten to sterilize it.  Can you imagine a male on this earth?  It would be as devastating as if a T-Rex were brought back.”  Jay said nothing with an expressionless face. “It’s just not morally right.” 

They arrived at the O.R.  Toby handed Jay a head-piece that looked like a gasmask and connected it to the suit making the whole outfit become one airtight piece.  Toby put one on as well covering her bald head.  They entered into the room where in the middle was the child lying on an operating bench.  Doctor Gerard was there, and so was Nurse Jacob.  All of them had a rubber suit on as well.  On the wall in front of the operation table was a large glass mirror.

“Are there people behind that mirror?” Jay asked Toby as she was pushing the wheelchair.

“The board is behind that mirror,” Toby replied “to ensure that the castration occurs without question.  They will watch the whole thing.”

The child was crying.  Nurse Jacob pulled over a silver tray with sharp blades that were to be used during the procedure.  The door behind Jay was now closed and Doctor Gerard spoke.

“Are we ready?” she said.  Both Nurses complied.  “Jason, are you ready?”


“If at any moment you feel you need to leave the room, you must let Toby know.  She won’t be able to let you out of the room until the surgery is over, but she will be able to help calm you down.”

“Okay, Doctor Gerard.  I am ready”

Doctor Gerard turned and faced the mirror.  “Okay, before I begin, I would like to note that the presence of the Y chromosome within this creature is an oddity of science.  This gender was eliminated long ago through the process of sterilization by biological and genetic superiority.  The presence of man threatens our very existence and is denounced by the board as fit to assimilate into our society without consequences.  I, Aldor Ivan Gerard, will now put an end, once again, to the expendable Y chromosome.”  Doctor Gerard picked up a scalpel. 

“Isn’t she going to put the baby to sleep?”

“No,” said Toby.

“She’s just going to cut into it as if it can’t feel anything?”

“It’s dangerous to knock a newborn out this close to birth.  Besides, babies can’t feel anything that young anyhow.”

The baby’s cry grew louder.  Jay began to panic, but she knew what she must do.  She unzipped the front of her rubber suit quietly.  Doctor Gerard was getting closer with the scalpel to make the first cut.  Jay reached into the opening of her suit and grabbed the razor sharp edge of glass.  She gripped it as a knife before pulling it out of the hole and jumped out of the wheelchair towards Doctor Gerard.  Doctor Gerard wasn’t watching and Toby had no idea what Jay’s intentions were before Jay slid the glass edge straight through Doctor Gerard’s rubber suit and into the side of her neck.  The glass went upwards through the neck and slightly into the head.  Jay could see blood flowing out of her mouth and filling the protective mask.  Jacob rushed over to try and contain Jason but she was flailing wildly pounding on Doctor Gerard’s body.  Before Jacob could get his hand on her to stop she reached for the silver tray containing the surgical tools.  Jacob backed off.  Jay stood between them and her child with the sharp tool in both hands.

“If either one of you come any closer I swear to fucking God I will stab you in the fucking face and kill you.”  Jay was shaking with fear and rage.  She could feel the pressure of her body and blood stretch at her stitches.  It hurt like hell but she couldn’t let it stop her now.  She grabbed the newborn with one arm as it wailed loudly.  “Don’t be fucking stupid, I will kill you if you try to stop me.”

Toby was glancing over at the mirror as if he could see the board panicking as he was.  Jay began moving slowly, sideways in a circular motion around the room towards the door.  Toby and Jacob both did the same, moving closer towards the other side of the room where Doctor Gerard lay bleeding to death.  When Jay got to the door she ran out of it as fast as her body would allow.  She could tell she was doing irreversible damage to her stitches as they felt like they were ripping.  She could feel wetness inside the rubber suit begin to press up against her skin.  This didn’t matter to her, she just knew she needed to get herself out of the hospital and get her child to safety.  She hobbled out of the O.R. department and into a stairwell where she began to make her way down.  Stealth and sneaking around was not an option for her at the moment because of the baby’s loud wails. A bell that sounded like a fire alarm was going off, but she knew that it was some type of alarm system warning security of trouble. 

Jay made it down five floors and was as the base floor that exited out into the garage.  She could hear several footsteps and Jacob’s voice screaming “She ran down there!”  Security was onto her for sure by then and no doubt those footsteps were theirs.  Jay ran out into the garage.  Security downstairs began to notice her and began chasing her as well.  She jumped into an oval shaped vehicle, laid the baby in the passenger seat, and put a seatbelt over it’s body.  Jay pressed the ignition button and sped out of the garage.  As she was driving out, she saw her mother come out of another stairwell further towards the exit.  She was screaming and flailing her arms as well trying to get Jay to stop the vehicle.

“Jason, Jason!” she screamed.  Jay and her mother made eye contact as she drove by.  Jay and her mother both knew that life was about to take a drastic change for the both of them.

*            *          *

© Copyright 2009 Matt (thaymez at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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