Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1534941-Character-Development
Rated: E · Novel · Young Adult · #1534941
Working On My Character Development:
I was working on my Charterer Development Skills and I came up with this. I'm not sure if it is worth pursuing as a novel. I ask that you please comments on:

How You Like/Dislike My Writing and
Should I Make This Into A Novel and Why/Why Not?


         Have you ever had a dream? When you close you eyes do you go to a place where all of your fantasies come true, or do you dream of the mundane world. Are you in a magical land where the laws of physics don’t apply or do you worry you won’t have enough money to fill your gas tank. No matter what images swirl in your mind one thing is for sure; we all dream. Dreams are the place where we can escape this world or find solutions to old problems. But have you ever wondered what lies beyond dreams.

         Have you ever wondered where all the fantastic people and places in your dreams come from. Could it be possible that we share our dreams, not just with this world, but with everyone on it. Could it be that we share our dream world with a flexible timeline of our planet. Could there be another world sharing the same dream world. What would happen if we could see that world? Wonderment? 

Chapter 1:  Dank

         The room was dark and messy. An odor of spoiled milk and mountain-top air freshener hung in the air. A pile of discarded blankets and a single pillow laid slightly to the left of the bottom of the bed in the center of the room. Alex looked on her possessions and shook her head. Her clothes were scattered around the room which made picking out an outfit all that much easier. She grabbed the jeans hanging on her broken T.V and plucked a plain black T-shirt off the top of her dresser.

         Alex dressed quickly, as she always did, there was nothing she felt like dwelling on this morning. The sound of a bus driver announcing the next stop penetrated the walls of her room. Light pierced the darkness of the room light a sword though a pumpkin as its owner pulled back the curtain. A silver laptop gleamed in the light as the unfinshed rubix cube beside just made a crease in the bed. Besides the sea of clothes and discarded dining ware the room was bare besides these to items.

         Once again a bus informed those nearby of it’s next destination, drawing Alex’s attention to the window. She rested her chin on the windowsill of the now open window and looked down at the bus station just outside. “Just three stories down is the beginning of another wonderful day” she thought. “A lot has changed since I was little. There’s to many people now.”

         After a few minutes of just letting the breeze hit her face Alex shut the window and scooped up her backpack. Unfortunately a small mirror fell out. Hesitating Alex picked up the mirror and looked into it. She stared at her lack of hair and rough skin. She looked at the beard that was starting to grow on her face and her light blue eyes. Her eyes were the only reason she could ever stand to look at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were the only thing feminine about her; the rest was what she could only describe as a hideous abomination of nature and worst of all, MALE. 

         She tucked the mirror as quickly as she could back into her bag, disgusted of what she just saw. There were very few things that she wanted but on the top of her list was to be seen as what she really is. A girl. A theran. An elf. These were just parts of her true self. But she didn’t want to kid herself. Although she had moved out of her fathers home over two-years ago she wasn’t any closer to her goals. Not that anyone would recognize her as an elf in this lifetime anyways. Not that anyone even knows what theran is.

         With a sigh she rose to her feet, threw the backpack on and scoped her laptop; the rubix cube mocking her. Trying on a false smile as to not be questioned why she was so sad she headed for the door.  Before leaving she put another X on the calendar. “Only seven more months. Maybe he’ll buy me a card this year…But then again it’s my dad.” She slammed the door. The fairy calendar marking her 17th birth day with a big smiley and about seven months of X’s to go. 

         “I’m sorry! I’m sorry, the bus. Waiting. Then.”
         “Shut up Mr. Gey, your rambling! Detention! Now take a seat.”
         Alex resigned herself. There was no point arguing with good old Mr. Dontai. Even if you tried all you would get is a speech about how god will condemn you to Hell and an overly dramatic leaning back in the most rusted chair on the face of the planet. “One day I’m bringing in a can of WD40” she smiled at the thought.

         “Hey!” Just ignore them. “Hey!”  Don’t pay attention to them “Hey!!” O look, it can get progressively louder “Hey!!!” I’m not listening! “Hey!!!”

         “Mr. Gey I suggest you refrain from causing anymore ruckus before you wind up suspended.”
         “Yes Sir

         I hate those kids so much!  One of these days I swear that I am going to make them pay. “Ahh!” My chest, o no please don’t! A faint crunching sound filled the room slowly growing in volume and taking the attention of the boy that has detention. Please don’t do this. The bible fell off Mr. Dontai’s desk. Please. The room went silent. “What was that” someone asked. “I don’t …” The sound returned louder than ever and the teachers desk broke in two. A girl screamed and Alex lost consciousness.

Chapter 2: When Dreams Becomes Reality

         What exactly is a dream? Is it a construct of the mind to allow one to run and to fight their own thoughts. Is it a evolutionary defect? Even in today’s world no one understands. The greatest minds on the planet can’t come up with a reasonable explanation to why we dream. Maybe there are things that we aren’t meant to understand. But can a person understand that they can’t understand. And what happens if they can?

         Alex’s head was throbbing. “What’s going on” she thought. “I  can’t move.  Why can’t I move…And why can’t I see?” She tried to open her eyes but she didn’t have the strength. “This isn’t good” She tried again to no avail. “Am I…Am I…Dead?” She tried to get up but she was to weak. “I don’t think I’m dead. If I was there would be candy canes and bunnies” She burst out laughing at her childish thoughts.

         “Elaine! Hey, it’s Elaine! Hurry up men, come help me, Elaine is back!”

         “What? No, I’m Alex”

         Elaine! Come on wake up!” Alex could sense herself being surrounded. “Elaine! Elaine, can you hear me” More voices joined in. “Elaine! Elaine! Elaine! Elaine”

         What are you talking about? Who’s Elaine?”

         “I’m not Elaine!” Alex screamed with all her might. “I am not Elaine! I’m not…not” She was starting drift back to sleep. “Who the Hell is this lady anyways” With her last reserves of energy Alex lifted her body up, fighting an unusual pressure on her chest, and opened her eyes. It was dark outside and it certainly wasn’t the city.  She was inside of what looked like a tent made out of some unknown material. Though the small gap leading to the outside she saw huge trees and the dieing embers of a campfire. All of a sudden she was forced back down to the ground. A dark figure rose above her. “What, No…Wait!…how interesting”


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