Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1534875-Boyfriend-Possessed
Rated: E · Short Story · Dark · #1534875
Another attempt at spooky story! :)
Boyfriend Possessed

Sherry and Dino were the most popular kids in school. She was a cheerleader and he was a jock; and both were voted the school’s Prom King and Queen. I have known them since kindergarten, she is not only beautiful on the outside but she also has a heart of gold, and is humble, smart and the whole package. Sherry told me about this spooky incident 10 year s ago and each time I think about spooks, this story flashes back to my mind and it never failed to send shivers up my spine each time.

It happened on 18 Jan 1999, it was Dino’s birthday. His friends threw him a big birthday bash in a club. After the party Sherry and Dino decided to go for a spin in her new convertible. Dino sat on the passenger seat. They decided to go for a ride and get a breath of fresh air before heading home. (They lived just a block away from each other). They decided to go somewhere quiet and both agreed on going to the big graveyard located not far from their homes.

“Aaahh..this is sooo refreshing” (Sherry had the cover of her convertible down) There is something romantic about going for a drive at 2am, having the cool,night wind blowing her long, blonde, silky hair.. what a breathtaking sight indeed. She looks an absolute angel!. Two people so very much in love, so perfect for each other in everyway; cruising in moonlit night. They parked their car (in the middle of the graveyard), leaning against one another, gazing at the stars above, contemplating about their future, and basically just snuggling and taking in the whole serene, calm and peaceful surrounding.

Sighhh..Sherry felt so comfortable cuddling up to Dino, she knows she has found her soul-mate. There will never be another man for her. She drifted off in her thoughts, just enjoying the moment.

(After a looong moment of silence), she nudged Dino.

“Wake up, Sleepy head!” she said. There was no response from Dino. She nudged a bit hard, and suddenly Dino slowwwwwly turned around to face her.

I still recalled word by word what Sherry told me, “You should see his eyes. They were wide open, and he had this sinister look on his face. He just looked straight into my eye and smile widely and then he started laughing, like a sneering laughter, and his voice…his voice.. .its soo different…its not his voice at all… It was deeper, huskier and something very evil about it.. I just cant put a finger on it!”

“Stop it Dino! You are scaring me!” Sherry started to feel really frightened.

“W- h- o i s D iii- n oooo?” he asked very, very, slowly (Again, it was not Dino speaking…well, he was speaking, but its not him! I can feel it is not Dino at all! It was as though his body had been possessed!)

“Cut it out Dino!! That’s it! We are getting out of here! You are creeping me out!” Sherry revved up the engine and sped off , chanting prayers loudly as she drove off. By then, she was perspiring and panting all over with fear and her hands are shaking hard.

As she almost reached Dino’s house; suddenly Dino’s body was lifted up! It looks as though someone or something is in front of him and pulling him by his collar, and then release him abruptly and he came thumping back to the car seat, in an unconscious state.

Upon reaching his house, she gave him a good shaking and slapping. “Wake up, Dino! Wake up!”

Dino yawned and rubbed his eyes opened. “We are home already?”, he asked “Ouch, I have a splitting headache and I feel really exhausted” He opened the car door, kissed Sherry on her cheek and said “Goodnight, honey. See you tomorrow"

“Why the f@#* did you do that just now?!!!” You scared the shit out of me!” Sherry screamed at him.

“ What are u talking about? , what did I do?” Dino looked very confused and asked in a very tired voice.

“You! You!... You had this evil look on you and you asked me “Who is Dino?”, and you keep laughing, and your voice..it changes…you really spook me out!!”, Sherry was almost in tears by then.

“Look, I swear to you, Sherry, I have NO idea what you are talking about. All I remembered was that I was deep in my sleep and then you shook me to wake me up!”

Sherry and Dino are now married. And she knew Dino would never play such a cruel trick on her. Till today, they had no answer what came over Dino on that day. Was he possessed? We think so.

But there is one thing for sure, they never go visiting graveyards at night time ever again.

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